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Amenhotep III and the Bible

The Pharaohs of Egypt in the Ancient Times

Pharaohs are the Kings of Egypt, the most powerful people in the land. The Pharaoh is not only a ruler but a religious leader. Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt are subdivided into three kingdoms in the Bible timeline with World History, the old kingdom, the middle kingdom and the new kingdom.

Pharaoh as a word originated from Egyptian word ‘per-aa’ that means the ‘great house’ or the royal palace. Only in the new kingdom was it used to refer to the King. The Pharaoh was the commander-in-chief of his army, and the leader to maintain “Maat” or divine order. Without the Pharaoh, the ancient Egyptians believed there would be chaos in the land.

The history of Ancient Egypt has recorded several Pharaohs although only a few have achieved significance across the timeline. One of these great Pharaohs was Amenhotep III who ruled a peaceful Egypt for 40 years and left a legacy of beautiful monuments to imagine the splendour of Egypt in his time.

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Amenhotep III

Statue of Amenhotep III

Amenhotep III is a Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of the new kingdom around 1382 to 1344 BC. He was the 9th pharaoh, the grandson of Thutmosis III. He was also called Amenophis and his name Amenhotep means Amun, one of the gods in Egypt.

Throughout his 40 years of reign, he had built incredible statues. As a benevolent leader to his people at a time when Egypt was at its finest, Amenhotep the III was a magnificent ruler.

Amenhotep III was the son of Thutmose IV and Queen Mutmewiya who was a minor wife. Amenhotep III was made Pharaoh at a young age of 12. He had about 317 wives, but his favourite was Tiye. She was Yuya’s daughter, a high official of his father. Queen Tiye was of Nubian descent. They were married when Amenhotep III was just around 11 to 12 years of age. Queen Tiye was the first Pharaohs wife who had official acts giving an impression of her intelligence. Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye had a son named Akhenaten who later inherited the throne after the death of Amenhotep III.

Amenhotep III leadership was a peaceful reign. He was a prosperous king who spent most of his time supervising the construction of great monuments that, up to this time, still stand to commemorate his rule over Egypt in the Ancient times. His most famous structure was Luxor or the Temple of Amun. Today, this is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt. After 40 years of reign as a Pharaoh in Egypt, Amenhotep III died from an unexplainable illness. He left his wife Tiye to live with their son Akhenaten.

Amenhotep III in the Bible

There are many speculations as to who Amenhotep III was in the Bible. The Pharaohs of Egypt are mentioned in the Biblical passages from the time of Abram and fair Sarai, his wife (Genesis 12), the time of Joseph the Dreamer (Genesis 39-50; Acts 7:13) to the famed story of Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 2-18; Deuteronomy 29:2; Hebrews 11:24) and even in the time of Solomon, the wise son of David (I Kings 3-11; II Chronicles 18:11), Pharaohs intersected with the lives of the Israel people. However, names were not mentioned. One can only speculate the names of the Pharaohs in the Bible according to the timeline of the history. Amenhotep III might be one of the Pharaohs of these Biblical passages as the timeline suggests, but the question remains unanswered: Which one of the Pharaohs mentioned in the Bible was Amenhotep III?

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How Long Did Job Suffer

The Bible doesn't say exactly how long Job suffered.

Job 7:3 says, "So I have been allotted months of futility, and wearisome nights have been appointed to me." and Job 29:2says, "Oh, that I were as in months past, as in the days when God watched over me." Also Job 30:16 and Job 30:27 talks of the days of his affliction.

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According to Job 2:13  his friends sat with him 7 days and 7 nights without speaking, but we don't know how long he suffered before they came or how long after they left.
He doesn't mention years, only days and months when he speaks of his afflictions so probably less than a year and more than a couple of months.

When Is Job On The Bible Timeline
'As portrayed by Bonnat.'
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Best Study Bible

Which is the best study Bible? Or Which study Bible is best according to college and seminary?

Best Bible Study Translations

Among the numerous Bible translations to choose from, the five mentioned below are the most popular in the USA.   Each has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. The King James Authorized is the standard translation. All others are compared to the King James.  It’s weakness is the use of old English words that are either not commonly used today or when used have a different meaning than in the 1600’s. 

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Each Bible is based on different primary texts and has a different method of translation – either word by word or phrase by phrase.  For example an English translator might not want to translate a popular phrase like “it takes one to know one” into another language word by word but rather to translate the meaning of the phrase.

Actually none of the translations are rigidly one way or another.  The King James and New King James are closer to the original words with some phrases translated while the NIV and NLT are more of a phrase by phrase translation. 

Here’s a history of each translation as well as it’s popularity.

New International Version [NIV]. The New International Version topped the most popular Bible version for the Christian Booksellers Association during the years 2007 and 2011. It is also included in the top ten top selling Bible versions in the USA during the year 2009 according to Amazon. 


NIV is an English Christian Bible translated by the New York Bible Society which is presently known as Biblica. The translation was initiated by Howard Long. It took ten years for the group of 100 scholars led by the 15 Biblical scholars to finish the translation project. The Zondervan published it in the US while in the UK it was published by Hodder and Stoughton. The New Testament was first released to the public in 1973 and released the entire Bible five years later. It underwent some revisions in 1983.

The Today’s New International Version, a revised NIV released its New Testament in 2002 and its entire Bible in 2005. Additional changes brought a  new edition in 2011.

New King James Version [NKJV]. The New King James Version is a Bible translation published by Thomas Nelson, Inc. It was the second most popular Bible version of 2007 according to the Christian Booksellers Association and the third in 2011.

The translation project started from the ideas of Arthur Farstad. Originally called the Revised Authorized Version, the translation took seven years to finish. It intended to keep the original thoughts of the 1611 King James Version in contemporary English.

With the cooperation of 130 translators, it released its New Testament in 1979, its Psalms in 1980, and its entire Bible in 1982. It is the translation used by the Gideons International, the ones who supply Bibles in hotels and hospitals. It also released an Audiobook entitled The Word of Promise Audio Bible.

King James Version [KJV]. More popularly known as the King James Version, the Authorized Version started its English translation in 1604. The project that finished in 1611 was commissioned by the Church of England and was first published by the King’s Printer Robert Barker.

The 47 scholars that finished the translation project aimed to pattern the translation to the teachings of the Church of England. It was the Bible version used by the Anglicans and Protestants during the earlier 18th century.

It was the third most popular Bible translation of 2007 and the second in 2011 for the Christian Booksellers Association. It was also among the top ten most saleable Bible in the USA in 2009 according to Amazon.

English Standard Version [ESV]. English Standard Version is an English Bible revision of the Revised Standard Version or RSV 1971 edition. Translated by a team of more than a hundred scholars, it was first released to the public by the Crossway Bibles in 2001 with an updated version released in 2007.

New Living Translation [NLT]. New Living Translation is a contemporary English translation of the Bible which started out with the aim of revising the Living Bible.

It was a translation project of 90 translators from different groups. It was translated to reflect complete thoughts rather than a word by word translation. It was first released in 1996 and underwent some revisions in 2004 and 2007.

It was the top-selling Bible version in 2008, was one of the top ten most popular Bible versions of Amazon in 2009, and the third best-selling Bible as of July 2011 in the US.

How to decide which to use?

A recommended way of making your personal choice is to compare several translations of your favorite verses side by side.

Go to and choose your favorite verse or chapter.  Search for it and then click on the “compare translations” link below the verses.

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Enter to Win Copy of The Amazing Bible Timeline

This Sweepstakes is over!  Thank you to all who entered and congratulations to winner Albert.

The winner will receive one copy of the printed Amazing Bible Timeline Chart along with the digital timeline and Holy Land Maps!

How to enter: Just leave a comment below telling us how you will use the Timeline if you win.

Be sure to fill out the email field  on the comment post because that’s how we’ll contact you!  (We promise that’s all we’ll use it for.)

All that legal, rules and other stuff:

  • Starts Saturday November 19th, 2011 at 1 AM.  Ends Tuesday November 22nd, 2011 at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time
  • One entry/comment per person.  Duplicate entries/comments will be deleted.
  • Odds of winning based on number of entries (but a lot better than winning the grand prize on the MacDonald’s Monopoly game I can tell you)
  • Participant must be US citizen, age 18 or older (I’d love to open it to other countries but have no idea whose laws I might be violating.)
  • The prize is worth $29.97
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OK!  Now that that’s out of the way, how will you use the Amazing Bible Timeline if you win – and we hope you do!

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What do you (Christians) want (give) for Christmas?


Some of us are gift-challenged so we end up falling back on ties and gift cards.  Can you help us come up with some ideas?

What kinds of gifts that reflect your love of Christ do you want for Christmas?  What are you giving to others that reflect their love of Christ?

Is it music?  A book?  A subscription to a Christian magazine?  Our timeline (yes!)  Artwork? To attend a workshop by a favorite pastor/minister/teacher?

Any and all price ranges would be helpful.  Specific product names best of all.

To show our appreciation, we’ll put together a list of the suggestions you posted in our Thanksgiving Newsletter and on this blog to help all you other gift-challenged people too.

What gifts are you hoping to get/giving that reflect your love of Christ?

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Hebrew Names of God

Hebrew Names of God

    1. Ezra 7:23, Genesis 24:3. God of heaven
    2.  Ezra 5:11. God of heaven and earth
    3.  Psalm 88:1. God the Saviour
    4.  Genesis 1:1. God, the creator of heaven and earth
    5.  Genesis 1:1. Despotes, Kurios
    6.  Genesis 2:4. Jehovah God or the Lord God
    7.  Genesis 2:5. Jehovah Elohim or the Lord God
    8.  Genesis 9:26. The God of Shem
    9.  Genesis 14:18. The God Most High
    10.  Genesis 17:1. The God Almighty
    11.  Genesis 21:33. The Eternal God
    12.  Genesis 22:14. Yahweh-Yireh or the Lord will provide
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‘A diagram of the names of God in Athanasius Kircher’s Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1652–54). The style and form are typical of the mystical tradition, as early theologians began to fuse emerging pre-Enlightenment concepts of classification and organization with religion and alchemy, to shape an artful and perhaps more conceptual view of God.’
  1.  Genesis 24:3. The God of Earth
  2.  Genesis 24:12. The God of Abraham
  3.  Genesis 28:13. The God of Isaac
  4.  Genesis 31:13. The God of Bethel
  5.  Genesis 31:53. The God of Nahor
  6.  Genesis 33:20. El-Elohe-Israel which means God, the God of Israel
  7.  Genesis 49:24. Mighty One of Jacob
  8.  Deuteronomy 32:4. The faithful God
  9.  Joshua 3:11. Adonay
  10.  Exodus 3:6. The God of Jacob
  11.  Exodus 3:14. “I AM WHO I AM.” and “I AM.”
  12.  Exodus 5:1. The God of Israel
  13.  Exodus 5:3. The God of the Hebrews
  14.  Exodus 6:3. El-Shaddai or the God Almighty
  15.  Exodus 6:3. JEHOVAH or ADONAI
  16.  Exodus 15:2. God of Salvation
  17.  Exodus 17:15. Yahweh-Nissi /Jehovah-Nissi or the Lord is My Banner
  18.  Exodus 31:3. The Spirit of God
  19.  Exodus 34:14. The Jealous God
  20.  Exodus 34:23. The Sovereign Lord
  21.  Leviticus 19:2. The Holy God
  22.  Joshua 22:22. The Mighty One
  23.  Judges 6:24. Yahweh-Shalom or the Lord is Peace
  24.  1 Samuel 12:12. God, the King
  25.  2 Samuel 7:26. The Lord Almighty
  26.  1 Kings 2:26. Adonai Jehovah or the Lord God
  27.  1 Kings 19:11. Jehovah
  28.  Nehemiah 9:17. Eloah
  29.  Ezra 7:19. The God of Jerusalem
  30.  Psalm 7:10. The Most High
  31.  Isaiah 9:6. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
  32.  Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
  33.  Isaiah 43:3. The Holy One of Israel
  34.  Jeremiah 11:20. Jehovah of Sabaoth or the Lord of Armies
  35.  Jeremiah 32:27. The God of all mankind
  36.  Daniel 2:47. God of gods and the Lord of kings
  37.  Daniel 3:28. The God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
  38. Daniel 5:23. Mare

New Testament Names of God

  1.  Mark 10:51. Rabboni or My Great Master [referring to Jesus]
  2.  Matthew 1:1. Jesus the Messiah
  3.  Matthew 1:23. Emmanuel or God with us
  4.  Matthew 2:23. Nazarene
  5.  Luke 22:70. The Son of God
  6.  Luke 23:35. The Messiah and the Chosen One
  7.  Luke 24:19. Jesus of Nazareth
  8.  Hebrews 13:20. The Great Shepherd
  9.  John 1:1. The Word
  10.  John 1:29. The Lamb of God
  11.  Acts 7:56. Son of Man
  12.  Acts 8:2. The Great Power of God
  13.  Romans 1:7. God, the Father
  14.  1 Corinthians 15:57. The Lord Jesus Christ
  15.  Ephesians 4:32. Christ God
  16.  1 John 5:20. The true God

Related Articles Why is Lord sometimes spelled Lord and other times LORD in the Bible?

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Why is Lord Capitalized Differently?

Why is the word Lord capitalized completely at one time then the next time it is just the letter “L” only? (LORD or Lord) Thank you, Doug T.

When the Hebrew word Adonai is used in the Hebrew Bible, it is written as Lord in the English Bible. When Yahweh is used it is translated as LORD to avoid over-using God’s name. Is it possible Egyptians knew of Yahweh as far back as 1400 BC?

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‘A diagram of the names of God in Athanasius Kircher’s Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1652–54). The style and form are typical of the mystical tradition, as early theologians began to fuse emerging pre-Enlightenment concepts of classification and organization with religion and alchemy, to shape an artful and perhaps more conceptual view of God.’

Gerard Gertoux, a Biblical archaeologist, believes that Egyptians knew of Yahweh. For more information, including more about the many names for God, visit

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Tracing the Sons of Noah

‘Noah dividing the world between his sons (a Russian picture from the 18th century).’

Find out about each of the 16 grandsons of Noah and the nations they populated.

Open The Bible Timeline Online for the years after the flood

Click on each of the 16 grandsons of Noah to learn about him and his descendants.

Each link takes you to complete information on the grandson, his nations, the Biblical references and additional online resources.


Here’s a synopsis of what you’ll find

1.  Sons of Ham

Cush is Ethiopia

Mizraim is Egypt

Phut is Lybia

Canaan or Palestine Israel and Palestine today

2.  Sons of Shem (the Semites)

Elam,Persia (Iran)

      Asshur, Assyria

     Arphaxad,Chaldeans, Hebrews and Arabians

     Lud, Lydia (western Turkey)

     Aram Syria

3.  Japheth:
Gomer:  Gauls who settled France, Spain, Wales, Armenia, northern Turkey

Magog: Goths, Finns, Sweden, Southern Russia

Madia:  Medes  India

Javan: Ionians of Greece

Tubal: Throughout Europe, Turkey and Siberia

Meshech: Muscovites, Armenians, Caucasians


China, Japan and the eastern countries:  by Kittim Grandson of Japheth.

However other Biblical scholars believe differently.  For example this article suggests the Chinese are descended from Shem.


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Did a Skin Cream Kill Ancient Egyptian Queen?

German scientists studying the contents of an ancient bottle may have found evidence of what killed Queen Hatshepsut, one of the most powerful women to ever rule over ancient Egypt.

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A stone statue of Hatshepsut

* When the scientists examined the contents of a 3,500-year-old bottle inscribed with the pharaoh’s name, they found traces of an ancient skincare ointment. Among the ingredients were creosote and asphalt, commonly found in creams used to treat chronic skin disease but known today to be cancer causing.  read more

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