Hebrew Names of God
- Ezra 7:23, Genesis 24:3. God of heaven
- Ezra 5:11. God of heaven and earth
- Psalm 88:1. God the Saviour
- Genesis 1:1. God, the creator of heaven and earth
- Genesis 1:1. Despotes, Kurios
- Genesis 2:4. Jehovah God or the Lord God
- Genesis 2:5. Jehovah Elohim or the Lord God
- Genesis 9:26. The God of Shem
- Genesis 14:18. The God Most High
- Genesis 17:1. The God Almighty
- Genesis 21:33. The Eternal God
- Genesis 22:14. Yahweh-Yireh or the Lord will provide
[This article continues after a message from the authors]
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- Genesis 24:3. The God of Earth
- Genesis 24:12. The God of Abraham
- Genesis 28:13. The God of Isaac
- Genesis 31:13. The God of Bethel
- Genesis 31:53. The God of Nahor
- Genesis 33:20. El-Elohe-Israel which means God, the God of Israel
- Genesis 49:24. Mighty One of Jacob
- Deuteronomy 32:4. The faithful God
- Joshua 3:11. Adonay
- Exodus 3:6. The God of Jacob
- Exodus 3:14. “I AM WHO I AM.” and “I AM.”
- Exodus 5:1. The God of Israel
- Exodus 5:3. The God of the Hebrews
- Exodus 6:3. El-Shaddai or the God Almighty
- Exodus 6:3. JEHOVAH or ADONAI
- Exodus 15:2. God of Salvation
- Exodus 17:15. Yahweh-Nissi /Jehovah-Nissi or the Lord is My Banner
- Exodus 31:3. The Spirit of God
- Exodus 34:14. The Jealous God
- Exodus 34:23. The Sovereign Lord
- Leviticus 19:2. The Holy God
- Joshua 22:22. The Mighty One
- Judges 6:24. Yahweh-Shalom or the Lord is Peace
- 1 Samuel 12:12. God, the King
- 2 Samuel 7:26. The Lord Almighty
- 1 Kings 2:26. Adonai Jehovah or the Lord God
- 1 Kings 19:11. Jehovah
- Nehemiah 9:17. Eloah
- Ezra 7:19. The God of Jerusalem
- Psalm 7:10. The Most High
- Isaiah 9:6. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
- Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
- Isaiah 43:3. The Holy One of Israel
- Jeremiah 11:20. Jehovah of Sabaoth or the Lord of Armies
- Jeremiah 32:27. The God of all mankind
- Daniel 2:47. God of gods and the Lord of kings
- Daniel 3:28. The God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
- Daniel 5:23. Mare
New Testament Names of God
- Mark 10:51. Rabboni or My Great Master [referring to Jesus]
- Matthew 1:1. Jesus the Messiah
- Matthew 1:23. Emmanuel or God with us
- Matthew 2:23. Nazarene
- Luke 22:70. The Son of God
- Luke 23:35. The Messiah and the Chosen One
- Luke 24:19. Jesus of Nazareth
- Hebrews 13:20. The Great Shepherd
- John 1:1. The Word
- John 1:29. The Lamb of God
- Acts 7:56. Son of Man
- Acts 8:2. The Great Power of God
- Romans 1:7. God, the Father
- 1 Corinthians 15:57. The Lord Jesus Christ
- Ephesians 4:32. Christ God
- 1 John 5:20. The true God
Related Articles Why is Lord sometimes spelled Lord and other times LORD in the Bible?
Thank you for this list Margaret. Do you know of any good resources for Hebrew names in general? I’ve been assigned a task to expand our Hebrew names section and can use a reliable source.
I really like reading through and I believe this website got some really useful stuff on it!
-Is Romans 1:7. God, the Father also the Acts 7:56. Son of Man ?
I’ve been browsing this site & I really enjoy all the stuff you guys have here, very helpful.
Just some questions for Margaret & anyone who would like to share their point of view.
-If he is Romans 1:7. God, the Father how can he be the Luke 22:70. The Son of God ?
-If God is Luke 23:35. The Messiah and the Chosen One , who choose him?
-How should Ephesians 4:32 be translated:
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” ?
more power!
Those are good questions. The commitment of the team members of this site is to focus on history rather than doctrine. But I am going to suggest writing an article presenting the viewpoints of the trinity as one being versus separate individuals including the history of same. This would be similar to the way we present both sides of “Are Shem and Melchizedek the same?” (https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/melchizedek-and-shem/) and “Did it rain before the flood?” https://amazingbibletimeline.com/bible_questions/rain-before-the-biblical-flood/.
Anyone who wants to weigh in is welcome to do so as we do the research for that article.
Regarding Ephesians 4:32, the verse is saying that we should all forgive one another and be tenderhearted, just as in the way that God was so merciful in forgiving us that He was willing to sacrifice Christ, His only son. Through (the sacrifice/crucifixion of) Christ, we are forgiven (by God). And by God forgiving us, it allows Christ to fulfill his purpose of being/becoming the Messiah, so it was ultimately for Christ’s sake too.
Regarding your first question, I have two points. First of all, they listed all the names for God in both the Old and New Testament. Secondly, most Christians believe in a Trinity, God the Three in One: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, united as One God. Therefore they included names for “God” that were names for Jesus i.e. God the Son, and not just exclusively names for God the Father. So based on that, scripturally you can say that God’s names include both God, the Father AND the Son of God.
Your second question was the most interesting, if Jesus, God the Son, is the Messiah and the Chosen One, who chose/chooses Him? My answer: God originally Chose Him to be the Christ/Messiah. Now, we choose Him to be our Saviour and through Him we gain Salvation (being He is the Chosen One of God). Maybe I’m right, maybe not. But great questions.
God Bless. Be Easy.
Sound’s good, Margaret! I’ll look forward to that.
Thank you & more power to your team!
I understand that Jehova is the name of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament and Elohim is the name of the Father. Is that correct?
Jehovah is NOT the name of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, except in the sense that it is the Name of God. But in terms of the Trinity, Jehovah is closest to God the Father. Otherwise, Jehovah is derived from the original Hebrew four-consonant name for God/LORD, which was spelled YWHW. YWHW/Jehovah is the Name of God. Adonai/Lord simply means “my Lord” and could technically refer to either God/Jehovah or Jesus, depending on usage/context. Basically, where you see LORD (not Lord) in the Bible, you can substitute Jehovah if desired.For more info check out
the link below:
LORD and Lord: What’s the Difference? : Christian Courier
God Bless. Be Easy.
The four letters are YHWH which translates to Yahweh.
Later research was done in which Archealogist and hebrew scholar Nehemia Hall was 28 new manuscripts with the full vowels (dot system) which spell the four letters YHVH – Yehovah
The hebrew and aramaic was then translated to latin then greek then to english which resulted in the english name Jehovah.
Why was Gen 3:15 left off the name list. From my understanding, when
‘the LORD’ is written in OUR bibles… The Hebrew letters written were, YHWH. Is this correct? Also is Gen 3:15 saying that YHWH was ‘God’s’ proper name… 15God, furthermore, said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations…..
This is My name forever…. YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…
I am so sorry… I miss typed.. I meant verse EXODUS 3:15 instead of Genesis
Exact spelling should be YHUH : Hebrew letters : YOD HAY UAU HAY = YAHUAH pronounced “ya-HOO-ah”)) for EL SHADDAI (God the Father). That is HIS Name! The rest are HIS attributes or Titles if you wish, NOT HIS names). Jesus is a made up name derived from the greek but HIS actual name was derived from YAHUAH and was / is YAHUSHA (sometimes also pronounced YAHUSHUA) => YOD HAY UAU SHIN AYIN . Please be aware that the Hebrew letter intended to sound as “U” became the Greek UPSILON transformed with modern writing from “double-U” to VV in the mid-1400’s and the letter V stemmed from the Latin (mid to late 1300’s) and slowly permeated many languages of world. Likewise, the letter J only appeared in the 1600’s and was a transformation of the the Hebrew YOD , the Greek IOTA and then the Latin “I”. All these transformations resulted in many Biblical names being distorted and not meaning much in most European languages.
I have come a across this
two names ..YAHUSHA and YAHSHUA can plz tell me more about the name coz i don’t believe in the name Jesus… u can write on my gmail …Karistepanjoroge @gmail.com
In Hebrew, God only had two names. “YWHW” and “Adonai”. These became translated to/as LORD and Lord, respectively.
PS: In a 1901 version of the Bible, in place of LORD (and/or YWHW) the word Jehovah was substituted for God’s Name.
Great, well done with this chart. It can be a challenge to remember that the Bilbe at times has Parallels timelines and is written from various perspectives. Is there a plan to update when God’s name was removed from the Bible and when it was restored? Afterall,”All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16
The Tetragrammaton has been authenticated and continues to survive in it’s modern translations. Jehovah is the greatest author or all time.
Thank you for all your hard work.Acts 17: 10, 11
where is Jehovah Rophe?!