We recently asked our list, “What app/Bible/website would you recommend to a person new to Bible reading who wants to read it in a year?”
Here is the list in the order we received them – if more than one person mentioned it we moved it to the top and italicized the most mentioned. Our readers/list followers are all denominations united in one common belief – Christ as our Savior and the Bible as God’s word. So here’s the list. It’s quite a mix! You should be able to find one that works for you.
If you know of more, please add them in a comment below!
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- E-Sword http://www.e-sword.net/
- Logos https://www.logos.com/
- Bible Study Tools http://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-reading-plan/chronological.html
- Our Daily Bread https://odb.org/
- Nicky and Pippa Gumbel https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/3420
- Bible Wise http://www.biblewise.com/bible_study/read_through/read-events-chronological.php
- 90 Days http://www.mviewpc.org/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/90-Days-through-the-Bible-Reading-Schedule-MVPC-1.pdf
- In Touch Devotionals https://www.intouch.org/read/magazine/daily-devotions
- Into Thy Word http://www.intothyword.org/pages.asp?pageid=53493
- Daily Audiobible https://dailyaudiobible.com/
- Christadelphian http://dailybiblereadings.org.uk/
- Ligonier http://www.ligonier.org/blog/bible-reading-plans/
- Bible.org Study plans https://bible.org/
- Bible.com https://www.bible.com/
- Bible Gateway https://www.biblegateway.com/reading-plans/
- The Word http://www.theword.net/
- Bible Pathway http://biblepathway.org/us
- M’Cheynes Plan http://hippocampusextensions.com/mcheyneplan/
- Torah Portions http://ffoz.org/downloads/files/Torah%20Portions%205777_v2.pdf
- Bible Project Videos https://thebibleproject.com/
- The Bible In A Day http://www.easybible.net/
- KJV-Asia http://www.kjv-asia.com/how-to-read-the-bible/
- Rob https://sites.google.com/site/bibleinformation2/#TOC-365-day-Bible-reading-plans
- Bethel Church (Free) http://www.purebiblesearch.com/
- Christian Fellowship Church http://www.cfcindia.com/studies
- David Pawson Bible Study http://davidpawson.org/
- YouVersion
- Quick Bible
- Olive tree app chronological bible reading plan
- Bible.com apps
- Logos
- Touch Bible (can see Hebrew and Greek words with just a touch)
- My Sword
- Daily Bread
- Christian Fellowship Church http://www.cfcindia.com/apps
- NIV Chronological
- Thomas Nelson’s The NKJV Daily Bible: Read the Entire Bible in One Year
- Blue Letter Bible
- 90 Day Bible
- 365 Day Bible
- One Year Bible by Charles Stanley
- The Holy Bible Prophecy Study Edition NKJV
- Chronological Life Study Bible (Tyndale House Publishers)
- The Catholic One Year Bible
- Catholic New American version Study Bible
And here are words of wisdom for those new to Bible study from those same generous souls
I carry an iPad with me everywhere so I can read my bible whenever I want or when I need to look something up. Robert
The very best tool for reading the bible in one year is the bible itself and a whole lot of self-discipline! Willie
I don’t recommend reading the bible like that. We are told to savor the scriptures. I simply didn’t get anything out of reading the bible in 365 days. Harry
Only the Holy Spirit would be capable of compelling an individual to read His Word. #2 in my opinion would be partner accountability and small bible study groups. Jesse
I don’t think of it as “the whole Bible in one year”; rather, I think of it as “my daily Bible reading” — my God-provided “manna” for the day. Fred
Reading the Bible in one year places a limit on what God wants to say. May He always guide you. Ray
Read the bible like a book in as short a time span as possible (a few weeks to a month) and the difference it makes is significant. Lisa
Read the one year Chronological Bible. You read the events in the order that they occurred. It makes more sense that way. Jim
What I will be doing is reading the bible using a DVD. The bible is read to me and I can follow along by watching on the TV with a bible in front of me. I can always have my bible and a note pad and when needed, stop the readings with the pause button, when I get a inspiration or revelation of something, to reference another passage manually. Steve
My recommendation: Make reading the Bible as important as eating each day and begin it with a prayer asking God to help you understand, retain and apply it as He wills. Don’t gorge yourself and don’t starve yourself. Soon, you will find that you desire to know it as much as you desire food. Jeff
That’s the way I prefer – Just go straight through – Not bouncing back and forth from Old testament to New Testament to Psalms – etc…
I have the Bible in audio format. This encourages me to listen and contemplate each night at bedtime and throughout my workday. I get through the Bible several time per year in this manner. Clarence
The chronological format made it very interesting to follow the flow of the story!
Reading the Bible and understanding what is written – big difference Linda
Reading the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation is in my opinion a great way to do a reading plan because one gets the overall history of the Bible which is very important for understanding the overall theme. It has helped me immensely in my personal life as well as in my preaching ministry. Will
My best tip is to read your Bible first thing in the morning, preferably before breakfast, or you will get too busy during the day or too tired at the end of the day. I know that personally I will grow cold or cool toward the Lord when I don’t get in His word daily. Bible reading sets everything right, even though things may go wrong during the day. I know my Lord is with me. Ina
I would say start with New Testament first. This would help getting used to language. Then go to Old Testament. Linda
Highlight as you go what speaks to you. This will make it easier to find it again. I highlight a different color each time I read my bible. I find it amazing how some parts have changed to me over the years. The important thing is not getting through the bible in 1 year, the important thing is to learn and remember what you read. Take time to look things up to understand what you read. Pray before you read each day for God to give you understand help you to remember. This is time spent with God sharing with him his word.
I decided to make an appointment to read the bible and spend time with God. If I could go to the doctor, see a movie, go to work and to bed on time then I could keep the most important appointment – spending time with God daily.
I set my time for 6:30 when dinner was over, kitchen cleaned and I could focus on His word. There were no other distractions. That decision set the habit for me. Colleen
I have found just reading the Bible is a waste of time, except for Revelation that promises a blessing to those who read it aloud. You have to study the Bible, dig in, to get something out of it. At least it is that way for me. Jane
The best way for me is to read it is either in a chronological Bible or with a chronological reading plan. Reading the Bible in chronological order adds depth, perception and context that you don’t get from reading it in book order or in other disjointed reading plans. David
I don’t worry about my reading volume or ‘coverage‘. I used to feel so guilty once I ‘fell behind’ my schedule. Gary
I always have my Bible on the kitchen table to remind me to read it every day as I prep and eat breakfast. Linda
As a minister and college instructor (bible) I do not often recommend reading through the bible in one year. The reason? The goal becomes reading through the bible instead of studying the bible, its connections with history, events on the news, and using our Holy Spirit given gift with a local body.
I also fear a person’s choice of translations. The easier to read ones often leave something to be desired per inclusiveness. The CEV is one of the easiest to read but it is very loose in its’ verbiage. The YLT is very literal but difficult to read as it translates verbatim without regard to how we speak or read.
I suggest if one plans to complete his or her goal of reading the bible, it will take a discipline more serious than New Year vows or resolutions. Since half our population is visual learners, I recommend one use the visuals and timelines you provide, then then dig into the applicable scripture. Take a book or character, study it, insert it into one of your timelines so the same person can recall by association; i.e. Dale Carnegie. James
While looking for a fresh approach to reading through the Bible each year, I decided to try the “One Year Chronological Bible” NIV. I then bought a book with biblical maps and charts which helped me define, in my own mind, who these people were. The names of peoples and the names of places they lived have changed down through the ages. I would keep going over to the computer to investigate to try and figure things out.
Then came the Bible time line! The timeline seems to me to tie all of these loose ends together. One can follow the timeline of not only the important places and people of the Bible but one can place them in historical context. One can see the migration of nations from earliest time to the present day. One can see who were the contemporaries of Bible peoples throughout the world. This has made Bible reading come alive for me. Carol