Find out about each of the 16 grandsons of Noah and the nations they populated.
Open The Bible Timeline Online for the years after the flood
Click on each of the 16 grandsons of Noah to learn about him and his descendants.
Each link takes you to complete information on the grandson, his nations, the Biblical references and additional online resources.
Here’s a synopsis of what you’ll find
1. Sons of Ham
Phut is Lybia
Canaan or Palestine Israel and Palestine today
2. Sons of Shem (the Semites)
Arphaxad,Chaldeans, Hebrews and Arabians
Lud, Lydia (western Turkey)
Aram Syria
3. Japheth:
Gomer: Gauls who settled France, Spain, Wales, Armenia, northern Turkey
Magog: Goths, Finns, Sweden, Southern Russia
Madia: Medes India
Tubal: Throughout Europe, Turkey and Siberia
Meshech: Muscovites, Armenians, Caucasians
China, Japan and the eastern countries: by Kittim Grandson of Japheth.
However other Biblical scholars believe differently. For example this article suggests the Chinese are descended from Shem.
you do realise Ham and Shem married exclusively to one another,right? Afro-asiatics aka hamito-shem