Who is Javan?
Javan, from the Hebrew word which means deceiver or one who makes sad, descended from Noah through Japheth. He is listed as the fourth son of Japheth. He is found on the Bible Timeline after the great flood. He had four sons, namely; Elishah associated with the Aegean nations, Tarshish with the Tarsus in Anatolia, Kittim with the Kition in modern Cyprus, and Dodanim with the island of Rhodes. Javan was said to be the forefather of the Greeks, most particularly of the Ionians, one of the first Greek nations. The Ionians dwelt in the land of Iona. Javan was the term used in the Bible referring to Greece. Using the name Javan, the oracle of the life of the great Macedonian king, Alexander the Great, can be found written in the Bible.
Iona and the Ionians
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Iona was the term pointing to the group of Greek nations who settled along the shores of Asia Minor and Isles nearby. It was originally inhabited by the Ionians. Later on, these nations moved to other cities including to the Carian provinces in Miletus, the main province of the Ionians. It was thought that Javan represented the Ionians in the Bible. Ionians were initially natives of Greece most particularly Attica where they stayed in the ancient times. They were the heart of the Greek culture in Greece prior to the entrance of Classic Age. The Ionians were the ones who introduced the Greek culture to the nations of Assyria, Persia, and Egypt. Ionians also prospered in the trade industry. They were invaded by Lydia and Persia. Athens supported them to win their freedom back, one of the actions that sparked the Persian Wars.
Iona Today
Ancient prosperous trade industry of the nation is now gone. The native inhabitants have migrated to other places to find better opportunities and to offer human labor. Presently, tourism dominates the economic industry especially in Kerkyra because of it’s rich and beautiful coastal scenery and historical remnants. Iona is especially busy during the summer season. There are souvenir and specialty shops, cottages, hotels and resorts, bars, restaurants, and even transportation and tour services scattered around the city today.
Javan in the Bible
Genesis 10:1-2. Javan as one of the grandsons of Noah born after the flood. Genesis 10:2. Javan listed as the fourth son of Japheth. Genesis 10:4 1 Chronicles 1:7. The four sons of Javan, namely; Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Rodanim. Daniel 8:21. The king of Greece being signified by a “shaggy” goat. Daniel 8:22. The Greek Empire will be divided into four nations. Daniel 11:2. A powerful king will rise and convince the other nations to fight together against the Greek Empire. Zechariah 9:13. The nations who will battle against Greece; Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. Joel 3:6. The people of Judah and Jerusalem being sold to the Greeks. Isaiah 66:19. Greece as one of the nations who failed to hear about the Lord and had not witnessed His glory. Galatians 3:28. Greek was associated with the Jews. 1 Corinthians 12:13. Greeks and Jews should be treated equally. Romans 10:12. The Jews and the Greeks are the same in the eyes of the Lord.
Javan means mud man ? https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Javan.html
Javan is the father of the Greeks as well as LATIN PEOPLE. The Spaniards and Portuguese are Javanim. In west Africa was a Portuguese colony they called Judah it was populated by the exiled Jews of Portugal who descended from King Solomon. It was a major slave port but today it’s called whydah. The children of Javan started the transatlantic slave trade. West African is actually called west Sudan or SoUdan = so yudan = sojudan = foreign Judeans
Look at the word
Whaquin = Joaquin = yehowakim
Whyda = Judah = YEhudah
The Pin it map attached to this article shows Iona within Argyll which is one of the western highland islands of Scotland not Greece!
Hi Susan – Yes looks like this is currently the modern location of Iona. We will look to get that image switched out, thank you!
Done and thank you again.
The Ionian Islands are a group of islands in the Ionian Sea, west of mainland Greece and are traditionally called the Heptanese. Iona is a tiny island off the southwest coast of Mull in the Inner Hebrides also known as Isle of Iona and lies off the west coast of Scotland in the area of Argyll and Bute. That had to be in error don’t you agree?
According to some Jewish archeologist that. the tribe of Dan that left with Moses in the Exodus from Egypt were Greek Mercenaries some went back to Greece and others settled in what today is Israel. and others travelled fro Greece north to Denmark Ireland – Scotland