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What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE?

The meaning of AD is Anno Domini or Year of our Lord referring to the year of Christ’s birth. The meaning of BC is Before Christ. CE is a recent term.  It refers to Common Era and is used in place of A.D. the dates are the same i.e., 2009 AD is 2009 CE. BCE means Before Common Era.  For example 400 BC is 400 BCE.

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These Articles are Written by the Publishers of The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History

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When did we start using AD and BC?  Why?

Many different calendars have been used since man began tracking time.  Most start with some epoch event or person. The use of BC and AD for numbering calendar years was invented by Dionysius Exiguus in 525 AD.  His purpose was to determine the correct date for Easter under the direction of Pope St. John I.

Prior to this time, one method for determining Easter was based on a 532 year calendar cycle stemming from the Alexandrian era.  Other methods were also used which led to the confusion.  Dionysius was asked to determine a method for calculating Easter that would then be used by the entire church. Dionysius did not want to perpetuate the name of Alexander, the Great Persecutor.  He decided to start his 532-year cycle from 753 years after the Founding of Rome.

Today, based on historical evidence relating to Herod and astronomical data from the study of eclipses and star novas, most historians believe Christ was born a few years earlier. Dionysius named the years relating to his cycle, BC meaning Before Christ, which starts with year 1 and AD meaning Anno Domini, the year of Our Lord referring to the year of Christ’s birth. This is also a year 1.  There is no year 0.  That’s the reason purists insists the 21st century began January 1, 2001.   For example, the first year began in 1 AD and ended the beginning of  2 AD. So the first year of the 21st century begins in 2001 AD and ends with the beginning of 2002 AD. It took about 400 years for the dating system devised by Dionysius to reach common usage. In combination with the Julian Calendar system that determines the beginning of months and years, this continued until 1582 AD.  The number of each year is based on the Dionysius numbering system.

'Today, based on historical evidence relating to Herod and astronomical data from the study of eclipses and star novas, most historians believe Christ was born a few years earlier.'

For more information on how it spread read our article What Did We Use Before BC and AD. The need for the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar came about because a year is not exactly 365 days long.  It is 365 and a quarter days long.  Every four years, March 1st moved behind a day until after centuries instead of being early spring March 1st was now the beginning of winter.  Something had to be done. The Gregorian Calendar was introduced in the Catholic parts of Europe in 1582 A.D.  by Pope Gregory XIII (then the religious leader of the Roman Catholic faith). It was an improvement upon the Julian Calendar to keep the average length of the calendar year better in line with the seasons.

Now here's a rule that will drive you crazy.  The rules, months, and days of the Gregorian calendar are the same as those of the Julian Calendar, except for the leap year rules. In the Gregorian calendar, a year is a leap year if the year number is evenly divisible by 4.  However century years follow a different rule. The number must be divisible by both 100 and 400 to be a leap year; otherwise it is not a leap year. For example, 1600 and 2000 are leap years, but 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not.

"The legal code of the United States does not specify an official national calendar. Use of the Gregorian calendar in the United States is a result of an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1751, which specified use of the Gregorian calendar in England and its colonies. However, its adoption in the United Kingdom and other countries was fraught with confusion, controversy, and even violence. It also had a deeper cultural impact through the disruption of traditional festivals and calendrical practices." (Seidelmann, P. Kenneth, Explanatory Supplement, United States Naval Observatory. Nautical Almanac, pg. 578)

The widespread use of the Gregorian calendar and the use of BC and AD throughout the world came about thanks to the colonization practices of Europe. And economic pressures of a worldwide economy led by Europe and the United States. This is gradually changing as more and more academic writers prefer the use of CE  rather than AD.

Related Articles:

What Did We Use Before BC and AD


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Signs of the Times of the Last Days

The Second Coming of Christ

"And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"  Matthew 24:3

Many of you sent emails after the recent horrendous weather events and world uproars asking if Revelation is happening now. You wanted to know the Signs of the Times. The answer is that yes the events predicted in the book of Revelation are happening now and have been for decades.

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These Articles are Written by the Publishers of The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History

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Revelation, Daniel and Isaiah all predict great and terrible events for these the last days.  A terrible apostasy.  A great restoration of the fullness of the gospel.  The terrible commotion of all the elements.  The great opportunity to preach the Gospel throughout the whole earth.   Wars and rumors of wars spreading fear.  And Christ promising peace in the hearts of his followers.

The Bible gives us specific prayers to pray and actions to take to help us through these times.  These are at the end of this article.

The policy of the Bible Timeline site and the Question-of-the-week email is to present information using the actual words of the Bible but not the interpretation of it as that varies sect by sect.  This is especially true when it comes to the interpretation of the revelations concerning the last days.

Wars and Rumors or Wars

For example, the word "Rapture" is not used in the English Bible although it is in Greek.  Each sect has different expectations of the "Rapture".  Some expect it to be one event, others suggest two raptures and another defines it as ongoing.   Many say this is an actual event of lifting of people to meet Christ, others say this is an ongoing spiritual event of those turning to Christ.  Others do not use the word at all. For that reason, this issue gives a short one line description of each event in the order it is expected to occur.  Many events are simultaneous and ongoing. Each line is followed by the scriptures where the revelations are found.  All sects seem to be in agreement on this much. This is enough to know how to prepare for these calamitous events.  For the interpretation of each event, please see your local minister or Christian author.  The prayer for understanding is always answered.


The revelations concerning the last days are found throughout the Bible but primarily in the following books of the Bible: Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Micah Nahum Zechariah Malachi Revelation chapters 4-20. Christ gives the best summary of these events and how to prepare for them. These are found in Matthew chapters 24-25, Mark chapter 13, Luke 12: 37-48, Luke 17: 20-37 and Luke 21: 5-38


  • Spirit to be poured out on all flesh (Joel 2:28)
  • Universal apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)
  • The watering down of the gospel, teaching the doctrines of man rather than those of God.  Even priests will be led astray.  (2 Tim 3:5, Matt 15:9)
  • False prophets and false Christs (Matthew 24:24)
  • Good will be called evil and evil good. (Isaiah 5:20)
  • Restoration of all things (Acts 3:19-21)
  • Gospel to be preached to all the world (Matthew 24:14, Revelation 14:6-7)
  • Worldly knowledge to increase (Daniel 12:4)
  • Israel to be restored as a political state (Deuteronomy 28:64, 30:3 Jeremiah 29:14, 30:3 Isaiah 43:5-6, Ezekiel 36:24, Amos 9:14-15
  • Earthquakes, floods, famines, plagues and diseases such as the world has never seen. (Matthew 24 and Luke 21)
  • Peace taken from the earth.  Wars increase throughout the earth until war is on every land (Matthew 24 and Luke 21)
  • The increase in the wickedness, murder, and crime among men.  The increase in belief in the occult. (Matthew 24, Luke 21, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 4:3-4)
  • People will not believe the signs (2 Peter 3:3-4, Matthew 16:1-4)
  • Increase in persecution of the Christians (Matthew 24:9, Mark 13:9)
  • Christ will come suddenly to His temple. (Malachi 3:1)
  • Signs and Wonders in heaven (Mark 13:25)
  • Mountains made low, valleys made high (Isaiah 40, Ezekiel 38)
  • Christ to receive his dominion from the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:9-14)
  • Two prophets preach in Jerusalem for 1260 days. They have the power to bring famines and plagues.  They are killed and lie dead in the streets for three and a half days while the wicked of the earth rejoice in the streets and exchange gifts in celebration of their deaths.  On the third day, they arise striking fear in the hearts of the wicked. (Revelation 11)
  • Armageddon.  The nations of the earth gather to fight Israel at Jerusalem,  at Armageddon in the valley of Jehoshaphat. (Revelation 16:16)
  • Sun darkened, the moon becomes as blood (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12)
  • Jerusalem is taken captive, the houses riled, the women ravished. (Zechariah 14:2)
  • The Lord appears at Mount Olivet leading his people to victory (Ezekiel 38, 39, Daniel 11, 12, Joel 2,3)
  • Christ appears to all the earth. Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. (Philippians 2:11)
  • The righteous caught up to Christ, the wicked burned as stubble.   (Malachi chapters 3-4)
  • The judgment and first resurrection (Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation 20:5-6)
  • The thousand years of peace ushered in, Christ to reign personally on the earth (Revelation chapters 20-21)

If you know of more, such as Israel sacrificing a red bullock without spot, please let me know. Be sure to include the scripture reference.  I will add them to this post.


When Christ told of the signs of the times, he also gave three parables.  Two of them are referred to in this section. The parable of the ten virgins. Matthew 25:1-13. The believers of Christ are likened to ten virgins.  Five were wise and kept their lamps filled.  Five were foolish.  Like the wise and the foolish builders, this refers to faith.  Five were strong in the faith, having a personal relationship with God and letting their lights shine forth.  Five were foolish or hypocritical.  They slumbered and let their lamps of faith go out.  To endure to the end, we must practice our faith daily.  This includes daily prayer and scripture study. Specific things to pray for: During these tumultuous times many of us will need to flee either due to war or natural disaster.  Christ tells us specifically to pray that our flight will not be in winter.  Mark 13:18 We are told that the time will be shortened, or else even the very elect might be deceived. Luke tells us to watch and pray that we enter not into temptation (Luke 22:40,46)

Pray and Endure to the End

Pray to endure to the end (Luke 21:34-36)

We know that before the end times and tribulations are finished that the Gospel must be preached to all the earth.  Therefore, we should pray that those countries that refuse to have Christian ministers preach in their borders will do so.  Russia has opened her borders to Christian ministries and so will all of the nations eventually.

Prepare for the day of judgment.  Christ says he will judge all of his followers during the first resurrection.  These are they who called him Lord.  He tells us in Matthew 25:31-36 how he will judge us.  Verse 40 summarizes the criteria: "For as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Always remember Christ's promises to us during these times:  “Peace I give unto you. My peace I leave with you.”

Just as the early Christians were miraculously saved from the destruction of Jerusalem by paying attention to the signs, so can we be protected as we learn the signs and keep our spiritual houses in order. The Jewish people knew that the "abomination of desolation" prophesied by Daniel had already occurred in 170 BC.  Christ told them to watch for the same signs we are to watch for and to flee to the mountains when they saw those signs.   The early Christians fled to Pella, a nearby city, upon seeing the city was encompassed by soldiers under Gallus.  Four years later came the fall of Jerusalem.  Over a million citizens of Jersusalem were killed and 100,000 led away captive.  The temple, as prophesied by Christ, was laid waste with not one stone left upon another.  The Christians who fled were safe.


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Who Wrote the Bible?

The word Bible comes from a Latin form of the Greek word Biblia which means "little books." The Bible refers to the collection of 66 books from different authors compiled to make up what we refer to today as "The Holy Bible". Thirty-nine of the original books kept by ancient Israel in Hebrews are the ones we know today as The Old Testament.

The last section of the Bible known familiarly as The New Testament is comprised of 27 books or letters written in Greek. The Greek used was not formal Greek, but the conversational Greek used at the time of the Apostles.

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Forty men shared in the writing of the Bible over a span of about 1,600 years from the time of Moses to the last book written by John. The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, was written about 443 B.C. The first book of the New Testament, Matthew, was written about 40 A.D. leaving a 500-year gap between the Old and New Testament books.


Below is a table showing when each book was written, where, by whom and the time frame covered. This is in the order of when each book was written. [The symbol “a.” means after, “b.” means before and “c.” means circa or about.]



Date Completed

Time Covered

Place Written




"In the Wilderness beginning" to 1657 B.C.










1 month [1512]




c. 1473

Over 140 years between 1657 and 1473






Wilderness / Plains of Moab




2 months [1473]

Plains of Moab



c. 1450

1473– c. 1450




c. 1100

c. 1450– c. 1120




c. 1090

11 years of Judges' rule


1 Samuel

Samuel; Gad; Nathan

c. 1078

c. 1180-1078


2 Samuel

Gad; Nathan

c. 1040

1077–c. 1040


Song of Solomon


c. 1020





b. 1000





c. 844





c. 820 (?)





c. 804





a. 745

b. 804– a. 745

Samaria (District)



a. 732

c. 778– a. 732




b. 717

c. 777-717



Solomon; Agur; Lemuel

c. 717




b. 648





b. 632





c. 628 (?)







Nr. Jerusalem



c. 607





c. 591

613–c. 591


1 and 2 Kings



c. 1040-580









c. 536

618–c. 536





112 days (520)









c. 475

493–c. 475

Shushan, Elam

1 and 2 Chronicles


c. 460

After 1 Chronicles 9:44, 1077-537

Jerusalem (?)



c. 460

537–c. 467



David and others

c. 1000 to 460





a. 443

456–a. 443




a. 443





c. 41

2 B.C.– 33 A.D.


1 Thessalonians


c. 51



2 Thessalonians


c. 52





c. 50-52


Corinth or Syr. Antioch

1 Corinthians


c. 57



2 Corinthians


c. 58





c. 58





c. 56-58

3 B.C.– 34 AD.




c. 60-61





c. 60-61





c. 60-61





c. 60-61




Paul (see article below)

c. 61





c. 61

34–c. 62 AD.



James (Jesus' brother)

b. 62





c. 60-65



1 Timothy


c. 61-65





c. 61-65


Macedonia (?)

1 Peter


c. 62-64



2 Peter


c. 64



2 Timothy


c. 67




Jude (Jesus' brother)

c. 65


Palestine (?)


Apostle John

c. 96




Apostle John

c. 98

After prologue, 30-34 AD.

Ephesus, or near

1 John

Apostle John

c. 98


Ephesus, or near

2 John

Apostle John

c. 98


Ephesus, or near

3 John

Apostle John

c. 98


Ephesus, or near

 Who Wrote the Book of Hebrews?

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Bible Timeline As a Gift

The darling Ashley (we don’t know her but we think she’s adorable) is not showing our Bible World History Timeline but we still like her video.

This is a great gift for Father’s Day and birthdays as well as Christmas – and for dads, husbands and good friends not just grandfathers.

The advantages of the Bible Timeline Chart over a book:

  • You can see it all in one view – without opening page after page
  • It’s compact – you don’t need a 20 foot wall to see it all
  • It has world history too – Find out what’s happening all over the world (China, Europe, The Americas) during any Biblical time period on up to 2000 AD
  • You can frame it and hang it on a wall – makes a great conversation piece.

Order the Amazing Bible World History Timeline Today- and get Interactive Maps of the Holy Land FREE! (limited time offer)

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What is the date of the Exodus?

Usshers chronology places the date of Exodus in April of 1491 BC.  His dates were published in the King James Authorized Bible as early as 1701 AD and are the ones used on the Bible History Timeline above.

Thiele, a modern Biblical chronologist,  calculates it to 1446 BC – a date often used by modern Evangelicals.

Josephus relates it to the expulsion of the Hyskos from Egypt circa 1552 BC

The Septuagint, on which the Catholic Bible is based, makes it 1512 BC

That gives a hundred year range of dates.  That’s not bad when you consider how hard it is to date ancient history.  For instance Egyptologists suggest a 2300 year range of dates (from 2450 BC to 5004 BC) when trying to date the first Egyptian King, Menes.

The original inspired Bible text does not include dates – these have been added by man- although it does include the number of years between events.  However, not all events are linked so that dates have to be calculated using historical events mentioned in the Bible that have secular dates associated with them.  How the dates of Bible events are calculated is another question.

Related article:
The Three Bible Timelines:  Why and How They Differ

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Apocrypha, Bible Timeline and the

Many scholars and historians regard the Bible as the greatest literary masterpiece of all time. This religious book has a history that goes back over 5,000 years and it reveals the nature of God to each generation of people that exists on the Earth. When the Bible was being formed into one book only certain types of manuscripts were considered sacred and authentic.

The 66 books that are contained within the Bible are believed to be inspired books and authentic writings from God-inspired authors. The books were written by individuals who wrote them from first-hand experience. Many biblical authors also had scribes who transcribed the stories for people who were directly involved in a biblical account. Other qualifications for the books included original manuscripts being written in Hebrew for the Old Testament and in Greek for the New Testament. The books also had to be considered sacred to the Jews, inspired by the Holy Spirit and they had to contain doctrine that was identical to the rest of the Bible. These requirements were necessary for preserving and keeping the authenticity of the Bible.

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‘Early church fathers and rabbis had decided that only 66 manuscripts that were preserved throughout the years met the standards of authentic Biblical doctrine and they now make up the books of a standard Bible. ‘

Early church fathers and rabbis had decided that only 66 manuscripts that were preserved throughout the years met the standards of authentic Biblical doctrine and they now make up the books of a standard Bible. Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant believers all agree that the canonized 66 books are God inspired manuscripts. Orthodox and Catholic believers have also added the Apocrypha to their versions.

Catholic and Orthodox Christian followers typically view the Apocrypha as inspired books that should be included in the Bible with the 66 original manuscripts. Most Protestant denominations do not consider the books to be inspired because they contain inconsistent doctrine and they do not seem to have been created from Hebrew sources. Also, the OT was established during a meeting of Rabbis at Jamnia in 90 A.D. With the exception of Nehemiah and Ezra, all writings that were created or found after this date were rejected. Since the Apocrypha appeared many years later they were not included with the canonized 66 books.

The Apocrypha consists of the books 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobit, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), Baruch, and 1 and 2, Rest of Esther, Song of the Three Children, The Prayer of Manasseh, The Idol Bel and the Dragon and Maccabaeus. Each of these books is included in many Orthodox and Catholic Bibles between the Testaments. The Apocrypha was placed between the Testaments to help explain the 400 years of silence that occurred between these two time periods. The Apocrypha is mentioned on the Biblical Timeline during this time period.

The Roman Catholic Council of Trent established their Bible in the 16th century in order to hold back Protestant heresy. They included the Apocrypha into the Catholic Bible during this time because the council agreed that the books held merit as authentically inspired manuscripts. Some early Protestant believers such as Martin Luther also included the Apocrypha in their biblical variations. However, many Protestant believers began to question the validity of these books and did not include them in later translations that were used by Protestant believers. Many priests and preachers within western society do not preach from Apocrypha books and they are not frequently quoted. The books might be used by some Christian followers, but they are not be held in the same esteem as the canonized 66 books.

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What is the significance of the oil and blood in the Thanksgiving sacrifice

Bible Question:
In the Thanksgiving offering in Leviticus 7:11-15—the unleavened cakes are to be mingled with oil. The wafers to be anointed with oil and in verses 13-14-the heave offering of bread is to be sprinkled with blood by the priest. What is the significance of the oil on the unleavened offering and the blood on the leaven offering?  (This sacrifice is part of the law of Moses given to the Israelites and found on the Biblical Timeline Poster around 1500 BC.)

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Answer:  We have to assume the blood represents the blood of Christ and the oil the anointing oil referred to by David in his Psalms as well.


Here’s an interesting response to that question posted on our site:
Through the years, we have been celebrating the American holiday for Thanksgiving. However, I have paused to reflect towards the significance of Thanksgiving as a Christian myself. As I usually do when I study a word or thought, I have looked up Thanksgiving within the contents of the Bible. According to Leviticus 7:11, the cakes that are unleavened are to be mingled up with oil and that the priest will sprinkle the blood upon the offering of the bread. I have always been wondering what the significance of the oil for the unleavened offering. Basically, this is the main law for the sacrificial phase of peace offerings. Since then, I have decided to figure exactly what this certain passage (verses 11-15) had been trying to tell us about Thanksgiving in Leviticus.
To start off, I have noticed that the “Thanksgiving Sacrifice” was not at all a separate type of offering, but rather a certain type of offering for peace. This peace offering portrays how Christ had satisfied the rage of God towards sins and have made been able to make true peace with God and each sinner who would be trusting only in Jesus. It also portrays that the peace we have through Jesus Christ who is described to passeth each and every single understanding (Philippians 4:7).
Secondly, the Thanksgiving offering is a multiple type of offering. It has to be made up of unleavened wafers, unleavened cakes and cakes from fine flour (verse 12). All of these various forms of such sacrifice are not given as choices but are demanded to be all offered together. Not one less was supposed to be left out. To say it, in other words, it is right to give God thanks and praise for everything (Ephesians 5:20). Choosing what our favorites are and ignoring the items that we find unpleasant is not something that can be possible. Aside from the cake, he will offer as a part of his offering the leavened bread that comes with the Thanksgiving sacrifice (verse 13). Leaven, which is yeast in the scripture, portrays that it is impure, sinful and false. Now, how can leaven even become a part of the said offering? Remember the part when it is quoted that everything must be given thanks for? Obviously, there is no exception to that. The good things in life are not the only ones that must be given appreciation, but the bad ones too. We do not have the right to judge what the purpose of God is for everything in this world. Because he will eventually work things out if we remain loving and faithful to him (Romans 8:28).
This leads us to why the mingling of the oil and sprinkling of the blood are both significant. This act shows that each Thanksgiving celebration is with accordance to the shedding of blood by Jesus Christ to clear our sins. That is how he was able to give successfully salvation towards humanity.

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How Long Did Job Suffer

The Bible doesn't say exactly how long Job suffered.

Job 7:3 says, "So I have been allotted months of futility, and wearisome nights have been appointed to me." and Job 29:2says, "Oh, that I were as in months past, as in the days when God watched over me." Also Job 30:16 and Job 30:27 talks of the days of his affliction.

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These Articles are Written by the Publishers of The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History

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According to Job 2:13  his friends sat with him 7 days and 7 nights without speaking, but we don't know how long he suffered before they came or how long after they left.
He doesn't mention years, only days and months when he speaks of his afflictions so probably less than a year and more than a couple of months.

When Is Job On The Bible Timeline
'As portrayed by Bonnat.'
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Best Study Bible

Which is the best study Bible? Or Which study Bible is best according to college and seminary?

Best Bible Study Translations

Among the numerous Bible translations to choose from, the five mentioned below are the most popular in the USA.   Each has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. The King James Authorized is the standard translation. All others are compared to the King James.  It’s weakness is the use of old English words that are either not commonly used today or when used have a different meaning than in the 1600’s. 

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Each Bible is based on different primary texts and has a different method of translation – either word by word or phrase by phrase.  For example an English translator might not want to translate a popular phrase like “it takes one to know one” into another language word by word but rather to translate the meaning of the phrase.

Actually none of the translations are rigidly one way or another.  The King James and New King James are closer to the original words with some phrases translated while the NIV and NLT are more of a phrase by phrase translation. 

Here’s a history of each translation as well as it’s popularity.

New International Version [NIV]. The New International Version topped the most popular Bible version for the Christian Booksellers Association during the years 2007 and 2011. It is also included in the top ten top selling Bible versions in the USA during the year 2009 according to Amazon. 


NIV is an English Christian Bible translated by the New York Bible Society which is presently known as Biblica. The translation was initiated by Howard Long. It took ten years for the group of 100 scholars led by the 15 Biblical scholars to finish the translation project. The Zondervan published it in the US while in the UK it was published by Hodder and Stoughton. The New Testament was first released to the public in 1973 and released the entire Bible five years later. It underwent some revisions in 1983.

The Today’s New International Version, a revised NIV released its New Testament in 2002 and its entire Bible in 2005. Additional changes brought a  new edition in 2011.

New King James Version [NKJV]. The New King James Version is a Bible translation published by Thomas Nelson, Inc. It was the second most popular Bible version of 2007 according to the Christian Booksellers Association and the third in 2011.

The translation project started from the ideas of Arthur Farstad. Originally called the Revised Authorized Version, the translation took seven years to finish. It intended to keep the original thoughts of the 1611 King James Version in contemporary English.

With the cooperation of 130 translators, it released its New Testament in 1979, its Psalms in 1980, and its entire Bible in 1982. It is the translation used by the Gideons International, the ones who supply Bibles in hotels and hospitals. It also released an Audiobook entitled The Word of Promise Audio Bible.

King James Version [KJV]. More popularly known as the King James Version, the Authorized Version started its English translation in 1604. The project that finished in 1611 was commissioned by the Church of England and was first published by the King’s Printer Robert Barker.

The 47 scholars that finished the translation project aimed to pattern the translation to the teachings of the Church of England. It was the Bible version used by the Anglicans and Protestants during the earlier 18th century.

It was the third most popular Bible translation of 2007 and the second in 2011 for the Christian Booksellers Association. It was also among the top ten most saleable Bible in the USA in 2009 according to Amazon.

English Standard Version [ESV]. English Standard Version is an English Bible revision of the Revised Standard Version or RSV 1971 edition. Translated by a team of more than a hundred scholars, it was first released to the public by the Crossway Bibles in 2001 with an updated version released in 2007.

New Living Translation [NLT]. New Living Translation is a contemporary English translation of the Bible which started out with the aim of revising the Living Bible.

It was a translation project of 90 translators from different groups. It was translated to reflect complete thoughts rather than a word by word translation. It was first released in 1996 and underwent some revisions in 2004 and 2007.

It was the top-selling Bible version in 2008, was one of the top ten most popular Bible versions of Amazon in 2009, and the third best-selling Bible as of July 2011 in the US.

How to decide which to use?

A recommended way of making your personal choice is to compare several translations of your favorite verses side by side.

Go to and choose your favorite verse or chapter.  Search for it and then click on the “compare translations” link below the verses.

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Hebrew Names of God

Hebrew Names of God

    1. Ezra 7:23, Genesis 24:3. God of heaven
    2.  Ezra 5:11. God of heaven and earth
    3.  Psalm 88:1. God the Saviour
    4.  Genesis 1:1. God, the creator of heaven and earth
    5.  Genesis 1:1. Despotes, Kurios
    6.  Genesis 2:4. Jehovah God or the Lord God
    7.  Genesis 2:5. Jehovah Elohim or the Lord God
    8.  Genesis 9:26. The God of Shem
    9.  Genesis 14:18. The God Most High
    10.  Genesis 17:1. The God Almighty
    11.  Genesis 21:33. The Eternal God
    12.  Genesis 22:14. Yahweh-Yireh or the Lord will provide
[This article continues after a message from the authors]
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‘A diagram of the names of God in Athanasius Kircher’s Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1652–54). The style and form are typical of the mystical tradition, as early theologians began to fuse emerging pre-Enlightenment concepts of classification and organization with religion and alchemy, to shape an artful and perhaps more conceptual view of God.’
  1.  Genesis 24:3. The God of Earth
  2.  Genesis 24:12. The God of Abraham
  3.  Genesis 28:13. The God of Isaac
  4.  Genesis 31:13. The God of Bethel
  5.  Genesis 31:53. The God of Nahor
  6.  Genesis 33:20. El-Elohe-Israel which means God, the God of Israel
  7.  Genesis 49:24. Mighty One of Jacob
  8.  Deuteronomy 32:4. The faithful God
  9.  Joshua 3:11. Adonay
  10.  Exodus 3:6. The God of Jacob
  11.  Exodus 3:14. “I AM WHO I AM.” and “I AM.”
  12.  Exodus 5:1. The God of Israel
  13.  Exodus 5:3. The God of the Hebrews
  14.  Exodus 6:3. El-Shaddai or the God Almighty
  15.  Exodus 6:3. JEHOVAH or ADONAI
  16.  Exodus 15:2. God of Salvation
  17.  Exodus 17:15. Yahweh-Nissi /Jehovah-Nissi or the Lord is My Banner
  18.  Exodus 31:3. The Spirit of God
  19.  Exodus 34:14. The Jealous God
  20.  Exodus 34:23. The Sovereign Lord
  21.  Leviticus 19:2. The Holy God
  22.  Joshua 22:22. The Mighty One
  23.  Judges 6:24. Yahweh-Shalom or the Lord is Peace
  24.  1 Samuel 12:12. God, the King
  25.  2 Samuel 7:26. The Lord Almighty
  26.  1 Kings 2:26. Adonai Jehovah or the Lord God
  27.  1 Kings 19:11. Jehovah
  28.  Nehemiah 9:17. Eloah
  29.  Ezra 7:19. The God of Jerusalem
  30.  Psalm 7:10. The Most High
  31.  Isaiah 9:6. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
  32.  Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
  33.  Isaiah 43:3. The Holy One of Israel
  34.  Jeremiah 11:20. Jehovah of Sabaoth or the Lord of Armies
  35.  Jeremiah 32:27. The God of all mankind
  36.  Daniel 2:47. God of gods and the Lord of kings
  37.  Daniel 3:28. The God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
  38. Daniel 5:23. Mare

New Testament Names of God

  1.  Mark 10:51. Rabboni or My Great Master [referring to Jesus]
  2.  Matthew 1:1. Jesus the Messiah
  3.  Matthew 1:23. Emmanuel or God with us
  4.  Matthew 2:23. Nazarene
  5.  Luke 22:70. The Son of God
  6.  Luke 23:35. The Messiah and the Chosen One
  7.  Luke 24:19. Jesus of Nazareth
  8.  Hebrews 13:20. The Great Shepherd
  9.  John 1:1. The Word
  10.  John 1:29. The Lamb of God
  11.  Acts 7:56. Son of Man
  12.  Acts 8:2. The Great Power of God
  13.  Romans 1:7. God, the Father
  14.  1 Corinthians 15:57. The Lord Jesus Christ
  15.  Ephesians 4:32. Christ God
  16.  1 John 5:20. The true God

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