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What Does Christ Mean When He Says We Have To Give All Up?

What is the meaning of the original Greek of Luke 14:33 – “So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” On the surface, it seems too extreme. If everything means everything, then we are left with nothing (For example, we would be naked). Is that the literal translation of the verse? How did the early church view this verse; any way of knowing? Any and all information would be much appreciated. Thank you. Mike Schimmel

Here’s our answer

Here’s a link to an online source for Bible commentaries, linked specifically to Luke 14:33. By reading the different commentaries and study guides listed on the right, you can get an idea of the intention of that verse in context with the entire chapter. And not just by pulling the one sentence out by itself.

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What Does Christ Mean When He Says We Have To Give All Up?
What Does Christ Mean When He Says We Have To Give All Up?

Reading the verse that way, we understand that Christ is telling us that we must be willing to sacrifice all that we have, if need be, to follow him.  Not that we must give it up but that if asked we would give it up. E.g.  to walk the extra mile, to give our coat to one in need, to stop playing video games or posting on myspace/facebook and help our family members or neighbors, to share our food with the hungry.

It begins by pointing out that before embarking on any undertaking we start by looking at the cost.  Then Christ tells us what the cost is.

The cost of being a disciple of Christ is to be willing to submit our will to his and to share all that we have as needed.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and help Mike!

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Teaching Idea: The Whole Armour of God

Using activities and role-playing get people excited and talking. Here’s one for a lesson on the whole armour of God found in Ephesians 6:10-18.

Have class members make paper darts and write temptations on it.. discouragement, being too busy, jealousy and more.

Dress a volunteer up in the “whole armour” made of materials found around the house. A black rubber trash can lid makes a great shield!

Class members start throwing darts at the person in armor. (Caution: Very active boys might get too excited. Tell them in advance to stay in their seats! I learned this from sad experience.)

One unexpected insight: Even when the person wearing the armor doesn’t notice darts coming from behind or beside him/her the darts still bounce off the armor. Application idea?

What are other insights from you or your class? Other good examples of teaching you’ve used or seen? Leave a comment below!

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Girls, Women In the Bible

Are girls/women ever named in the Bible?

Yes. 165 are named in the Bible.

The only births mentioned by name are key to the purpose of the Bible. These include the line of oldest sons (Patriarchs) or the children who have a special role to play in the Biblical story. You’ll notice that afterwards, it will just say “and more children were born” or words that mean that, and that’s it.

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‘Women’s Rights Statue Madison Wisconsin Bronze USA’

Jacob and Esau, for example, are both mentioned by name because they both become the head of large nations. Abel, Cain, and Seth are all mentioned by name while the other children are not.

Dinah is mentioned by name as she plays a key role in the problems Jacob and his family have with the Canaanites.

A List of the 165 Women In the Bible
You can see a list of the 165 women named in the Bible at our site here (it’s in sections by alphabetical order)

Or download the Free Bible Tables book including the list of 165 women named in the Bible


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Babel, Tower Of

Biblical Description: Following the Great Flood, a group of people of a particular speech and migrating from the east, arrived at the land of Shinar, where they decided to construct a capital with a tower “with its top reaching up the heavens”. According to the Amazing Biblical Timeline with World History, this occurred around 2200 BC

Other Structures Association. The Tower of Babel has frequently been connected with well-known structures, particularly the Etemenanki, a ziggurat devoted to Marduk by Nabopolassar (c. 610 BC). The Great Ziggurat of Babylon pedestal was square (not round), 91 meters (300 ft) in height, but destroyed by Alexander the Great before his bereavement in an effort to reconstruct it. A Sumerian tale with some comparable elements is preserved in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.

Biblical Etymology. “Tower of Babel” does not in fact show in the Bible; generally it only mentions, “the city and its tower” or just “the City.” According to the biblical etymology, the city obtained the name “Babel”, from the Hebrew remark “balal”, meaning to jumble.

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The name Babylon is from the inhabitant Akkadian Bab-ilim, which means “Gate of the god,” abridges the spiritual reason of the great shrine towers (the ziggurats) of earliest Sumer (Biblical Shinar).In Genesis Babel is believed to have created a division of Nimrod’s realm. It is not directly stated in the Bible that he prepared the tower to be built, but Nimrod is frequently connected with its structure in other resources. Hebrew description of the name of the city as well as the tower, Babel, is attributed in the book of Genesis to the verb balal, which means to perplex or puzzle in Hebrew. Ruins of the city of Babylon are near Hillah, Babil Governorate, Iraq.

‘Some scholars believe that the destruction of the Tower of Babel marks the time in history when God divided the earth into separate continents that were during the time of Peleg.’

Views to Consider:
Analogy. People used “man-made” materials, instead of more durable “God-made” materials in building the tower. The people were building a monument to themselves, to call attention to their own abilities and achievements, instead of giving glory to God.

Bible & Geology. Some scholars believe that the destruction of the Tower of Babel marks the time in history when God divided the earth into separate continents that were during the time of Peleg.

Implications. We may be tempted to think we no longer need to trust and obey God. We may believe our learning, sophistication and technology are all we need to be self-sufficient and guarantee our security. The lesson of the Tower of Babel is that such self-sufficiency is a delusion. History has shown that many nations and their leaders have fallen into the trap of arrogance and self-sufficiency. Like Babel, those nations have eventually ended up in ruins.

Genesis 11:6. God realizes that when people are unified in purpose they can accomplish impossible deeds, both noble and dishonorable. This is why unity in the body of Christ is so important.

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Melchizedek and Shem

Are Melchizedek and Shem the same person?

This question is frequently asked and has caught the interest of many scholars. Let us examine first these two names and then the arguments for and against the two being the same person.

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Melchizedek means "King of righteousness" (Heb. 7:1-2). He was known as the great high priest, priest of the most high God (Gen. 14:18) ordained as priest after the order of the Son of God (Heb 7:3). He’s also known as Abram/ Abraham’s ecclesiastical leader (Gen. 14:19) (Gen. 14:20) (Heb. 7:4) and King of Salem (Gen. 14:18.)

Abraham and Melchizedek

Shem is the Son of Noah (Gen. 5:32), the progenitor of Abraham. (1 Chronicles 1:24-27.) It was assumed that he held the keys to the priesthood and was the great high priest of his day where he stands next to Noah during this time when patriarchs passed on the priesthood in the family.

Shem and Melchizedek are the same person:

  • The Great High Priest: There can’t be two high priests presiding at the same time. Shem was the great high priest of his day. Abraham honored the high priest Melchizedek by seeking a blessing at his hands and paying him tithes.
  • Order of Priesthood: Abraham stands next to Shem in the patriarchal order of the priesthood and would surely have received the priesthood from Shem, but Hebrews Teaching says Abraham received the priesthood from Melchizedek.
  • Reign over Salem: Shem inherited the land of Salem and Melchizedek is the king of Salem.
  • King of Righteousness: Shem reigned in righteousness (Melchizedek’s name means King of Righteousness), and the priesthood came through him. (Ginsberg, Legends of the Jews, p. 233.)
  • Name as Title: If Shem is indeed Melchizedek, the name is then used as a title, not an actual name. This title would seem to fit the biblical account of the Godliness and righteousness ascribed to Shem.
  • Hebrew Tradition: Shem, Noah’s Son that was still alive at the time of Abraham and that would make him the oldest man alive qualifying him as a candidate for the order of Melchizedek.

Shem and Melchizedek are two different people:

  • An account of Identity: Shem was born in 2448 B.C. and lived for 602 years. He was 100 years old at the time of the great flood. Abraham was born in 1948 B.C., and was 140 years old when Shem died. But the coincidence in Shem and Melchizedek living at the same time only makes their identity a possibility, not a reality.
  • Genealogy: We know Shem’s line and descendants. Abraham’s father was Terah, who was in the line of Shem. We do not know Melchizedek’s genealogy.
  • Melchizedek in the Bible: Genesis 14:18-20
    The Bible doesn't tell us much about Melchizedek beyond that he was a priest of God, and that his line of priesthood is an important one. Some Christians see Melchizedek as an early foreshadowing of Jesus himself.
  • Canaanite Priest: Jebusites were idolaters who worshiped Canaanite gods. Melchizedek could not have worshiped a heathen god because of the titles he used for the true God. Archaeological records reveal that the Jebusites were preceded by that of a Shemite group. Noah predicted that Canaan would serve under Shem (Gen.9:26).
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Was Noah’s Flood Universal or Local?

Other Flood Theories:

Aside from the Biblical account of the flood written by Moses in the book of Genesis, there are over two hundred and fifty stories or versions of the flood scattered all over the world. These flood versions are considered “myths” or “legends” about a great flood and how the world repopulated.

Even though there are details of the myths that has distinct differences, all have similar ideas and key points – the ultimate creator wants to cleanse the whole earth through a great flood; a family or a certain person is chosen to warn other people about the coming end and are commanded to build an ark; a pair of each creature was taken in the ark; every creature and everything not boarded in the ark died; that single family who boarded the ark was responsible of repopulating the whole world. All the flood legends point to one single truth that can be traced in the holy Bible.

Was the flood universal? Or did the flood happen in a small area where Noah and the rest of mankind resided? The Bible doesn’t explicitly say whether it was either universal or local.

If we look at the original Hebrew, we can translate it either as “the land was covered with water or, as in King James, “the earth was covered with water”. Here are the arguments from each side.

Yes the Flood Covered the Whole Planet Earth
1. The omnipotence of our Creator
– God promised never to send another flood like Noah’s Flood (Genesis 9:11, 15), but there have been many local floods, even regional floods, since Noah’s time.

2. God destroyed all mankind because of their corrupt doings.
– People who did not live in the vicinity were also affected by the flood. They would have escaped God’s judgment on sin.

3. Mankind scattered all over the earth but can still be traced in one genealogy.

4. Global world-destroying flood is described in Genesis 6:13 & 17.
– Also Peter based his prophecy that the existing planet will ‘melt with fervent heat’ (II Peter 3:10) and an entire new heavens and new earth will be recreated (3:13).
– Waters rise to 15 cubits (8 meters) above the mountains (Genesis 7:20)

5. The Design of the Ark
Noah had up to 120 years’ warning (Genesis 6:3), long enough to walk to the other side of the mountains and avoid the flood yet he made an ark.
– The Ark was big enough to hold all kinds of land vertebrate animals that have ever existed. Ark could have been much smaller if only Mesopotamian animals were aboard.

6. The Gathering of Animals
– Animals were sent to the Ark to escape death. There would have been other animals to reproduce that kind if these particular ones had died.
– Birds could simply have flown across to nearby mountain range yet they were sent on board.

7. Today’s Science
– Vast fossil graveyards are found on every continent and large amounts of coal deposits that would require the rapid covering of vast quantities of vegetation.
– Oceanic fossils are found upon mountain tops around the world.

Although many accept Noah’s Flood as factual, there are also others who disclaim this and try to prove the Biblical account refers to a local flood. Listed are the common key points used to prove the Flood was local:

No The Flood Did NOT Cover the Whole Earth but DID Destroy All Mankind

1. The Design of the Ark
– the design of the ark having only one window will not support proper
ventilation of the ark
– the size of the ark can’t carry all the animals by pairs
– wood is not a strong material for arks, not unless it is supported by metal
– God commanded Noah to build an ark instead to just migrate away from flood
area. God gives obedient humans the privilege of participating in God’s plans. God had plans for Noah, for him and his sons to demonstrate their commitment

2. The Gathering of the Animals
– there are certain animals species that need special diets and need the correct
temperature to survive
– animals of every kind can’t be found in Noah’s area
– Some animals are indigenous only to the Mesopotamian area.
– Most birds (other than few migratory birds) have very localized territory. They
would have been killed in local flood, since they are not designed to fly long
distances and flying in heavy rain is not easy.
It would have taken hundreds of years longer to replace the fauna if
everything had been wiped out and had to migrate back in.

3. Today’s Science
– according to scientists, the rain of forty days would be impossible
– dryness of the earth is referring to the local land area and not the entire planet
earth (Genesis 8:14) else the entire earth became a desert after the flood.

4. Bible’s Other Creation Passages
– Psalm 104 is just one of several creation passages that indicate God prevented
seas from covering the entire earth.
– An integration of all flood and creation passages clearly indicates that the
Genesis flood was local in geographic extent.

5. English Translations
– Description of kol (“whole earth” or “all the earth”) erets (“all”) is modified by
the name of the land, indicating a local area from the context:
– Genesis 13: 9 (The “whole land” was only the land of Canaan)
– Genesis 41:57 (The people from the Americas did not go to Egypt)
– Exodus 34:10 (There would be no need to add “nor among any of the nations” if “all the earth” referred to the entire planet.)
– Judges 6:37 (“kol erets” could not refer to the entire earth, since it would not be possible for Gideon to check the entire earth)
– 2 Samuel 18:18 (No, battle did not take place over the entire earth.)
Term kol erets is nearly always used in the Old Testament to describe a local
area of land, instead of our entire planet.

6. Rise of Water Level
Hebrew word ma‛al, translated “higher” really means “upward.” Hence, the
flood was 15 cubits (20 feet) deep, in total, not 15 cubits above the mountains.
Hebrew word har really refers most often to hills rather than mountains.

7. God’s Promise
Genesis 9:11 & 15 reflects a promise not to exercise universal judgment by
means of a flood, “all flesh shall never again be cut off by water of the flood.”
The flood, although local in extent, was global in judgment, since all
humanity lived in the same locale.

Related Articles
Did it rain on the earth before the Great Flood?
How long is a cubit?
Can God Forget? Or Why the rainbow “reminds” God

Reference Sites:

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Why Wave Palm Leaves?

Question sent in by Janie. Palm Sunday the people greeted Jesus back from the desert waving palm leaves. WHY?

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'Jesus enters Jerusalem, and the crowds welcomes him, by Pietro Lorenzetti, 1320.'

Why Wave Palm Leaves There are a couple of explanations. One is that it was common practice in the ancient world to welcome home a king or war hero by laying out a path of branches for him to ride/walk on - similar to rolling out the red carpet today in English-speaking countries. Others suggest that Romans honored champions of the games and the military with palm branches Another explanation is that it is a reminder of the Festival of the Booths commanded in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

For this festival the Israelites were commanded: “And you must take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, the fronds of palm trees and the boughs of branchy trees and poplars of the torrent valley, and you must rejoice before Jehovah your God seven days.” The palm branches were used as a mark of rejoicing. The temporary booths were a reminder that Jehovah had saved his people out of Egypt, to live in tents in the wilderness. “The alien resident and the fatherless boy and the widow” shared in this festival. All Israel was to “become nothing but joyful.”­Leviticus 23:40; Deuteronomy 16:13-15 However others believe there is no connection between this festival that occurred months after Passover and the triumphal entry into Jerusalem by Christ just before his death and resurrection. Another interesting fact: Why did Christ ride in on a donkey or ass? 

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Why Does The Date for Easter Change Every Year?

Why does Easter always fall on different days, and sometimes different months, when Christmas is ALWAYS 12/25, and Mother’s day and Father’s days are ALWAYS in May and June, and Thanksgiving and Halloween always in Nov, and Oct? Bible Question from a reader.

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Our Answer Each holiday is calculated differently. For example, some are always on a certain date, i.e., Christmas is December 25th, Halloween is October 31st, New Years is January 1st. Other holidays are on certain days – in the US, Mothers Day is always the second Sunday in May, Fathers Day is the third Sunday in June and Thanksgiving, by Federal law, is always the fourth Thursday in November.  (Other countries celebrate those holidays on different dates.)


Finally, some holidays are based when certain lunar and solar events occur. One of these is Easter. It is on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.  First, you find which day is the vernal equinox, then factor in the lunar cycle and then it’s the first Sunday after that. It’s a bit more complex than that. If you want to know the calculation of the full cycle, which by the way, only repeats itself every 5 million years or so go here By the way,  Happy Easter!


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Naamah Tubalcains Sister

Naamah, Tubal Cain’s sister, is Lamech’s daughter from his wife, Zillah (Genesis 4:22 KJV). The name Naamah came from Hebrew origin and meant “pleasant”.

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Naomi teaches reading; Jubal, father of music

There are 3 Naamahs found in the Bible. First is the sister of Tubalcain, second the wife of King Solomon (1 Kings 14:21 KJV), the third is the name of the town in Judah (Joshua 15:41 KJV). Naamah is officially the fourth woman mentioned in the Bible.

The Biblical Timeline charts Naamah’s existence between 4004 BC (Adam’s creation) and 2350 BC (Great Flood).

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Tubalcain, the brother of Naamah, is the one of the sons of Lamech from his second wife, Zillah.

Tubalcain in the forge

The Bible describes Tubalcain as “an instructer of every artificer of brass and iron”.

Chronologically, Tubalcain was mentioned in the Bible after Cain was banished from the land he was tilling. He is found between the creation and the great flood on the Bible Timeline Chart.

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