Biblical Description: Following the Great Flood, a group of people of a particular speech and migrating from the east, arrived at the land of Shinar, where they decided to construct a capital with a tower “with its top reaching up the heavens”. According to the Amazing Biblical Timeline with World History, this occurred around 2200 BC
Other Structures Association. The Tower of Babel has frequently been connected with well-known structures, particularly the Etemenanki, a ziggurat devoted to Marduk by Nabopolassar (c. 610 BC). The Great Ziggurat of Babylon pedestal was square (not round), 91 meters (300 ft) in height, but destroyed by Alexander the Great before his bereavement in an effort to reconstruct it. A Sumerian tale with some comparable elements is preserved in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.
Biblical Etymology. “Tower of Babel” does not in fact show in the Bible; generally it only mentions, “the city and its tower” or just “the City.” According to the biblical etymology, the city obtained the name “Babel”, from the Hebrew remark “balal”, meaning to jumble.
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The name Babylon is from the inhabitant Akkadian Bab-ilim, which means “Gate of the god,” abridges the spiritual reason of the great shrine towers (the ziggurats) of earliest Sumer (Biblical Shinar).In Genesis Babel is believed to have created a division of Nimrod’s realm. It is not directly stated in the Bible that he prepared the tower to be built, but Nimrod is frequently connected with its structure in other resources. Hebrew description of the name of the city as well as the tower, Babel, is attributed in the book of Genesis to the verb balal, which means to perplex or puzzle in Hebrew. Ruins of the city of Babylon are near Hillah, Babil Governorate, Iraq.

Views to Consider:
Analogy. People used “man-made” materials, instead of more durable “God-made” materials in building the tower. The people were building a monument to themselves, to call attention to their own abilities and achievements, instead of giving glory to God.
Bible & Geology. Some scholars believe that the destruction of the Tower of Babel marks the time in history when God divided the earth into separate continents that were during the time of Peleg.
Implications. We may be tempted to think we no longer need to trust and obey God. We may believe our learning, sophistication and technology are all we need to be self-sufficient and guarantee our security. The lesson of the Tower of Babel is that such self-sufficiency is a delusion. History has shown that many nations and their leaders have fallen into the trap of arrogance and self-sufficiency. Like Babel, those nations have eventually ended up in ruins.
Genesis 11:6. God realizes that when people are unified in purpose they can accomplish impossible deeds, both noble and dishonorable. This is why unity in the body of Christ is so important.
I like this
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25 NKJV
On line is Nice for learning and knowing but it is other story. Going to church meeting fellow followers of the bible, true believers in God is also other story.
Use KJV buddy
Church is not all about learning the Bible, you should be doing that at home in your devotional time. Church is about corporate worship and experiencing the presence of God.
Actually, the only Bible the disciples and Jesus had was the Old Testament. And we do find the disciples sitting at the feet of Jesus being taught. The again, we find Jesus as well as the apostles warning the churches to be wary of false teachers teaching false doctrine in the churches. So we might conclude that church members from the beginning were taught at church, since the average person never owned a bible until the printing press was invented and even then could not afford to buy one. So we might conclude that for at least the first sixteen hundred years of church history no person studied at home.
God divided those who were of one language and one mind. They became their own nations, with their own language and their own people. God made great nations, and it is stated so, throughout the scriptures.Therefore, God is NOT a globalist but a nation(alist). Remember that.
God also divided the races at that time as recorded in the Biblically endorsed book of Jasher. The translation by Ken Johnson is excellent.
Where did all these people come from if the entire Earth was flooded and only Noah and his family and animals he onboarded survived the Great Flood which covered the entire Earth?
You are asking questions of people who believe in magic spells, you are not going to get a cogent or even coherent answer.
Encourage anyone with these questions, go on YouTube and search for “Answers In Genesis”. Great information of biblical history, especially information explaining about the flood. Many videos that you can learn and understand the truths about the Bible and the flood.
This event was about 100 years after the flood, therefore Noah’s children had plenty of time to produce these people. Also, God who knows even the genetic makeup of every human being, gave people with the same genetic markers the same language thereby producing different nationalities.
Thank you.
Some people scorn the Bible, add on their own ‘versions’ (extra-biblical), put different definitions on Bible words (like ‘beasts of the field’) they claim are really ugly little people of another ‘race’ — and as much as to like to add to the Bible, claiming the snake in the garden had two legs and was able to inseminate Eve and produce Cain, even tho the Bible says in the usual way that parents are identified, “Adan knew Eve his wife and she bore Cain.”
But some people are so enraptured with their own race and so full of hate and contempt for all other races, that they have invented a whole new (fake) Bible. Even tho they add a lot of nonsense into the scriptures, they also delete out the account of Tower of Babel and the Great Flood account of Noah and his family and building the Ark.
Somehow they believe that they are direct descendents of Adam and Eve but the rest of us are something else, probably children of ‘beasts of the field.’ They are a dangerous hate cult, with no fear of God or respect for the Bible — adding and subtracting as their mood strikes them. These cultics are included in the cult known as British Israel among other names. Read here the history of this wicked religion of hate:
I didn’t realize the extent of this hate cult until I read this link:
I read this history of the hate cults, and didn’t realize the extent of it until I read this. Be aware that these teachings are not as rare as we might think, but are part of the underground teachings in Baptist and other religions, and at the forefront of the belief system in the British Israel cults (see link above).