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Diaspora of the Jews

After the third Jewish revolt occurred in 135 A.D. the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world by Emperor Hadrian. Since the time Rome had controlled Judea starting in 40 B.C., the Jews had been revolting and trying to gain their freedom. Rome had to suffer and put up with the Jews for almost 150 years before they finally decided to wipe them out and take their homeland from them. This is known as the Diaspora of the Jews and appears on the Biblical Timeline Poster in 135 AD.

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A History of Jewish Exile

Roman Triumphal arch panel copy from Beth Hatefutsoth, showing spoils of Jerusalem temple.

Jewish people were constantly deported from their homeland starting first with the Babylonians, then the Persians, the Greeks and finally the Romans. They enjoyed a brief period of autonomous rule that lasted during the Hasmonean Dynasty. This ended in 40 B.C. when King Herod used the Roman Empire to gain control of Judea. Since that point, the Jews had been fighting hard against Roman domination.

Revolts and Rebellions

The next 150 years of Jewish history was marked by rebellion and revolts against Rome. The Jews were tired of the Romans and their lack of respect for Jewish life. They formed militant resistance groups that came and went over the years. The Zealots were probably the most famous resistance group during this era. Many of the people might not have liked the things that the Zealots had done, but most of them were allied to their cause. Eventually, the Zealots rebellion culminated in the first Jewish-Roman war where Jerusalem was taken and the Temple of Solomon was destroyed by the Romans once and for all. Many Jewish people were sold into slavery or resettled into other cities. These events happened in 70 A.D. About 45 years later in 115 A.D. a second Jewish revolt happened and shortly after this event (in 132 A.D.) the Jews revolted a third time under the rule of Hadrian. This was the final straw and after they were defeated Hadrian deported the Jews, sold them into slavery and renamed Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina and the kingdom of Judea was now called Palestine, Syria. This event would mark a significant changing point in the history of the Jewish people.

The Jews in Other Territories

Many of the Jews were scattered across the empire and they never were able to regain their homeland. So they developed their own communities in the cultures where they lived. Jews were now living in various parts of Africa, Rome, Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt and some had gone to India and even as far as China. In time, Jews migrated to Russia, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and the United States.

They concentrated on keeping their way of life and did not assimilate into the dominant cultures that surrounded them. They became powerful members of their society and many Jewish people were involved in banking and commerce. The Jews learned how to gain leadership positions and they pretty much kept to themselves in order to avoid as much conflict as possible. They were hard workers and a respectable people who did their best not to be a burden on the societies where they lived.

The events of World War II forced the Jews to once again back into their homeland. In 1949, the British took Palestine and gave it back to the Jewish people and all the Jews in the world now had a place to call home once again.

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Hadrian Rome and the Jews, Emperor

Around 118 A.D., the Jewish people were tired of their living conditions under the Roman rule. Many of them were driven out of their homeland and relocated to various areas within the Roman Empire. There were other Jews who became slaves and had to serve masters all over the world. The biggest blow to the Jewish people came in the form of religious persecution and not being able to worship God according to their belief system. Eventually, they rebelled against Rome from 132 to 135 AD that is where it appears on the Bible Timeline Poster with World history.

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Emporer Hadrian

Emperor Hadrian and the Jews
Emperor Hadrian took power in 118 A.D. and when he came to power, he promised the Jews that they could rebuild their temple and return to their homeland in Jerusalem. Most of the Jews were previously dispelled from their home land in 70 A.D. So when Hadrian made this promise they got excited about the thought of returning home. However, Hadrian tricked the Jews and never had any intention of fulfilling his promise. He outraged them to the point of rebellion when he created a law that forbade them from performing circumcisions.

The Jews Prepare for War
The Jews could no longer take being treated inhumanely, so they started to secretly prepare for war. They started to build, and stock hideouts in caves and they started to amass weapons in secrecy. This went on for five years. Word of this rebellion spread to different Jewish communities around the empire, and many Jews started to prepare in the same manner. They had a leader named Joshua ben Hananiah, who kept them from rebelling until the time was right. Another leader named Shimon Bar Kokhba then became the most important leader of the movement. He then started to send his forces around the empire to terrorize Roman forces. Hadrian stayed in Jerusalem for a short while because he wanted to turn the city into a new metropolis called Aelia. The Jews did not revolt while he was there but when he left they decided to start the war.

The Jews Rebel
Around 132 A.D., the Jews attacked the Romans after the emperor decided to harass the Jews even further. The Jews spread the word to rebel to other cities and the Jews all over the empire began to revolt. Cyrene Libya was one of the most active places where the Jews were attacking the Greeks and Romans. They were killing and massacring many people, and Hadrian had no choice but to send his forces to this area and in Alexandria, Egypt to stop them.

The Jews initially defeated the Romans in Syria and other key areas. They primarily took over fortresses and cities that would be their undoing in the end. The Romans were losing a lot of ground and could not contain the fury of the Jewish rebels so they decided to capture as many fortresses and cities as they could from the Jews. When they did, they ended up cutting off important supplies and food from the Jewish rebels.

The Jews slowly starved, and they could no longer continue to fight without food and supplies. They staged a final battle in Bethar near the headquarters of Bar Kokhba. The Romans surrounded the Jews in this area, and the final showdown began. Every Jew who was present at Bar Kokhba lost their life during this battle. The Romans suffered heavy casualties and were extremely angry about the situation. The remaining Jewish people could not bury their country men for at least 6 days after the conflict ended.

When the war was finished, Hadrian immediately set out to finish off any last resistance. He then exiled and deported Jews to different parts of the empire. He passed many anti-Jewish laws and changed the name of Judea to Syria-Palestine. Though Jerusalem is still remembered by its primary name, Hadrian changed its name to Aelia Capitolina. The few Jews that remained in the city were fortunate enough to still call this place home even though they could no longer worship or live as they pleased.

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Flavius Josephus Biography

Josephus was an ancient historian who recorded a great deal of Jewish and Roman history. His works primarily explain Jewish history during the first century. Titus Flavius Josephus was the birth name of Josephus, and he came from a wealthy family. His father was a priest named Matthias, and his mother descended from royalty. Josephus was born around 37 A.D., which is where he appears on the Biblical Timeline Chart with World History.


Early Life, Since his father was a priest, Josephus was trained to become a priest as well. Eventually, he turned toward military action. Apparently, Josephus had become an exceptional priest who was trusted and respected enough to conduct political affairs for the Jewish people. Around 60 A.D., he was given the responsibility of negotiating the release of some Jewish prisoners with Rome. He managed to free the priests and when he returned the Jews decided to make him a commander of the Galilean forces.

Military Life Shortly after becoming a military commander, the Jews revolted against Rome. General Vespasian showed up with his son Titus and began to retake Judea. Josephus led one of the first forces that Vespasian would encounter in Galilee. Josephus knew he was not a match for the Roman army, and he had to hide out with his soldiers. While they were in hiding, they decided to kill themselves through a process that Josephus was the only surviving member. He surrendered to the Romans and became a negotiator for them to ensure peace. His military life was over, but his life as a member of Vespasian’s court had just begun.

Negotiator and Historian Titus had used him as a negotiator to get the people to surrender peacefully, but the Jews did not listen to him. Jews were ultimately defeated, but he remained in the care of the Jews. He eventually married a Greek woman and had children while in the service of Vespasian and then Titus. He changed his name to Flavius and served these emperors in Rome. Many Jewish people consider him a traitorous individual, and they did not respect his works. Josephus’ works survive to this day. His works primarily focus on the First Jewish War, Masada and various Roman emperors who lived in the first century. Josephus mentions Jesus and the start of Christianity and the early church. Josephus’ works were used to record Jewish theory and philosophy to the world. He compared Jewish thought with classical Greek wisdom and he also outlines the importance of Hebrew culture and why the Jews were so rebellious against the Romans.

His accounts of the conflicts and struggles of the Jewish people during the first century are also notable because he personally experienced most of the historical events that he wrote about. His position as an adviser to Vespasian and Titus allowed him to witness the inner workings of Roman life from the highest level of its society. Many Roman citizens could not view the Rome from this perspective. Though many Jews believe that Josephus was a traitor to his people, his works continue to be used as a critical historical source that tells the tale of his people and their struggles during the first century.

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John Exiled to Patmos

John, the Disciple of Jesus, was banished to Patmos during the latter years of his life. When Rome had exiled John to Patmos, he was the last remaining member of the Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ. John was born 6 A.D. His life appears on the Bible Timeline Chart between then and 100 AD.  He was a close follower of Christ who was also called the Disciple that Jesus loved.

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"John the Apostle on Patmos"

His Service to Christ
Jesus first encountered John and his brother James on the shores of Galilee. He invited them to become his followers, and they complied. John then joined Jesus as he went about his public ministry. John traveled with Jesus during his ministry and was chosen to be in his inner circle as one the Twelve Disciples. This was a special privilege because Jesus had many followers. John was the only disciple that was present when Christ was crucified, and he also was extremely loyal to Jesus during his ministry in Jerusalem. Christ told him to watch over Mary his mother who was also present at the crucifixion.

The Early Church
When Jesus came back to life after his crucifix, he met John and Peter while they were fishing. Christ referred to him as the Disciple whom Jesus loved. John and Peter told the others what had happened, and they went back to Jerusalem until the arrival of the Holy Spirit. John was present with the believers in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit had arrived. He received power and played a critical role in the expansion of the early church.

In the book of Acts John helped Peter to heal people, spread the Gospel and he was imprisoned for preaching the message of Christ. He also cared for Mary, Jesus' mother. Until the time she had died in 54 A.D.  King Herod Agrippa I attacked the Christians and caused them to scatter outside of Jerusalem (Acts 12: 1 -17). John ended up in Ephesus.

John Imprisoned
Some parts of John's life are not clear and historical sources claim that he was a leader of the church at Ephesus. Eventually, he was captured in a persecution campaign by the Roman Emperor Domitian. John was ultimately sentenced to Patmos (Revelation 1:9). Patmos was a small, rocky and barren area where many criminals of Rome were sent to serve out their prison terms in harsh conditions. There were mines on the island that the criminals were forced to work. John was sent to the island for the same reasons because the early Christians were considered a strange cult group who were known for causing trouble within the Empire. After John had arrived, he began to have visions that were written into the Book of Revelation of the Bible.

Some historians and scholars claim that John died while on Patmos and others say that he was freed from the island before his death. No one is certain when or where he died, but many people do agree that he was not executed like the other apostles.

Biblical References:
Revelation 1: 9 John speaks about his banishment to the island of Patmos
Acts 12: 1 -17 King Herod Agrippa I attacked the Christians and caused them to scatter outside of Jerusalem.

Picture By Jacopo Vignali - Giovanni Piccirillo (a cura di), La chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano, Becocci Editore, Firenze 2006., Public Domain,
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Titus Destroyed Jerusalem

 Unrest for the Jewish People and Rome
The empire of Rome did not want to be bothered with Judea because they believed it was a worthless province that was only good for creating problems. Judea did offer some benefits since it connected the various parts of the Middle East and Asia together but they still did not think much of the territory. The Jewish people had a strange religion which only worshiped one god and they produced many religious teachers who caused disturbances among the people. A religious teacher named Jesus Christ was executed in Judea by the Roman governor Pilate and the Jewish people.

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Jerusalem, Destroyed

After his death a new sect of Judaism known as Christianity emerged shortly after his death. Jesus prophesied that the Temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed and his words came true about forty years after his death. Since the time of Jesus’ death many Zealots were becoming bold with their attacks against Rome. In 66 A.D. they managed to stir up the people and lead them into revolt against Rome.

The Roman emperor of the time of this revolt was Nero and he had encountered the Christians since the time that Paul had arrived in Rome to plead his case before Caligula or Claudius. Nero did not like the Christians and he liked the Jews even less so he sent Nero sent Titus’ father Vespasian to quell the revolt. Nero died at the time the Romans were retaking Judea. Vespasian became embroiled in the intrigues of who was to be emperor – known as “The Year of the Four Emperors.” He would entrust the continuation of the Judean campaign to his son Titus.

Titus Starts to Gain Control

Titus arrived in Judea with his father Vespasian who was a leading general in the Roman Empire. Once he arrived in Jerusalem he began to make his way toward Jerusalem. He conquered many rebellious Jewish sects along the way. He managed to capture the northern half of Judea and forced many Jewish people to surrender without a fight. Vespasian had to return home to Rome after Nero committed suicide and left his son Titus in control.

Many Jewish people fled to Jerusalem and when they did they had started to fight among themselves. The Zealots and other notorious Jewish factions began to kill any Jewish person who wanted to surrender. They managed to take over the city and they fortified the area. They fought a Civil War against themselves. Titus waited for the outcome of this situation before he acted. Titus then moved his forces against Jerusalem and the defenders who were fighting a desperate battle. The rebel Jewish factions were forcing many people to fight even when it would have made more sense to surrender.

They ended up burning the city’s food supplies to force the people to fight on and they cut off all trade and commerce into the city. Many Jewish people were starving during the siege and many were also being killed from the Roman legions. Titus lay siege for  years until the city finally collapsed in 70 A.D. which is when this event is found on the Biblical Timeline Chart with World History. The temple at Jerusalem was destroyed during the siege and those who were able to escape fled to a Jewish fortress called Masada or they escaped the country.

Masada fell some time later in 73 A.D. and with its fall the Jewish rebellion came to an end. The remaining Jewish people were allowed to live in Judea but many of them were scattered across the world. Some were forced into slavery and others were forced to live in other parts of the Roman Empire. Titus had returned to Rome in 70 A.D. after he conquered Jerusalem. He was given a triumph or military celebration for his victory and was considered a great Roman general. Titus eventually became an emperor of Rome.

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Christ’s Birth


The Old Testament books of the Bible contain many prophecies that speak of the coming Messiah or savior of the world. Originally the Old Testament books were written for the Hebrew or Jewish people. They claimed that a Messiah would be born who would ultimately come into the world and save the Jewish people from their enemies while establishing a new era of greatness for the Jewish people.

At the time of Jesus’ birth, Judea was under the control of Rome and many people expected the Messiah to return to liberate them from their tyranny. There are some key Old Testament prophecies such Genesis and Isaiah. In Genesis, God says that the serpent will bruise the heel of a child and that the child would crush his head. The prophet Isaiah states “for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.” These are primary examples of the many Old Testament prophecies that foreshadowed the coming of Christ.

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Importance of Genealogies

At the beginning of the New Testament Books Matthew and Luke, there is a series of genealogies that outline the family line of Jesus. The genealogy lists show that Jesus‘ parents Joseph and Mary were descendants of Abraham and Adam and that he had a legitimate claim to the throne of Israel. The list also shows that he has a spiritual and legal claim as well. Jesus was able to lay claim to the throne of David by the adoption of Joseph as a son.

God had cursed a former Jewish king named Jeconiah and told him that none of his descendants would ever sit on the throne of Israel again but he also told King David that his royal line would forever rule on the throne of Israel. God remedied this problem through Christ. Jesus was not the biological son of Joseph which would mean that he would gain his legal right to the throne by being adopted and when he was adopted he could then legally claim to be king.

Romans states that for by one man sin has entered into the world but all are made righteous through Christ. The genealogies also point out how Christ birth has ushered in a new era of salvation that would break the power of sin. The hereditary lists also point out that Jesus was the expected Messiah.


The Virgin Birth An angel appears to a virgin woman named Mary who was engaged to married to a man named Joseph. The angel tells Mary that she was going to have a son that was to be born from the Holy Spirit. Her son would be the chosen Messiah of the world. Mary has a hard time accepting this message and she eventually finds out that cousin Elizabeth has a son named John who was also born under supernatural circumstances. After her visit with Elizabeth, she is convinced about what the angel is saying and returns home. Joseph was going to cancel his engagement to her, but an angel appeared to him and told him to follow through the wedding. Joseph listened to the angel and Christ became his legal son.

The Magi Journeying

Herod and the Magi

King Herod was in charge of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ birth. He had close ties to Rome and as long as he paid tribute to the empire they allowed him to govern as he pleased. Rome had also sent a governor to Judea at the time to ensure that the people would constantly be reminded of their presence.

During the reign of King Herod, there were Magi who came from the east after seeing the Star of David appear in the sky over Jerusalem. These men were ancient astronomers who knew of the ancient Jewish prophecies of the coming Messiah. After seeing the star, they gathered gifts and traveled to Jerusalem.

When they arrived they visited King Herod before finding Jesus. They told Herod that the Messiah would be born and that he was going to be a king. Herod pretended to like their good news, but he really wanted to know where the child was located so he could kill it. The Wise Men said that they would return, but they were warned by an angel not to go back to the palace of Herod. After they found Christ in Bethlehem they presented Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus with the gifts.


The Slaughtering of the Innocents

Herod was outraged that the Wise Men had left the country without telling him where the child was located. So he decided to kill all of the male children that were 2 years old and younger. Many historians claim that there was not any historical record to validate this act, but no one can prove with clarity that this act did not happen. Joseph was warned by an angel to take Jesus and Mary to Egypt and hide out there until King Herod had passed away.

After the king had died, Joseph and his family returned how to Jerusalem. These facts about Jesus’ birth are very fascinating and the early days of Christ’s life is an epic tale full of drama and adventure. Jesus’ impact on the world is so significant because each generation that is born into the world has to decide if he is the savior of all people or just a madman who made some pretty far-fetched claims during his lifetime.

Biblical References:

  • Genesis 3:15 God foretells the prophecy about Christ and how he is going to defeat the serpent (the Devil).
  • Isaiah 9:6 Isaiah prophesies about the birth of Jesus and his ministry in the world.
  • Matthew 1: 1 – 16 The genealogy of Christ from Mary’s side of the family.
  • Luke 3: 23 – 38 The genealogy of Christ from Joseph’s side of the family.
  • Luke 1: 39 – 45 Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth and her supernatural birth of Jesus is confirmed.
  • Matthew 1: 18 – 25 The Virgin Birth
  • Matthew 2: 1 – 12 The Magi and Jesus Christ
  • Matthew 2: 13 – 23 Joseph takes Mary and Jesus to Egypt after being warned by an angel to go there in order to avoid the slaughter of children enacted by King Herod.
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Roman Emperors Augustus

Julius Caesar was one of the greatest rulers of ancient Rome. He was born around 100 B.C. and he was assassinated in 44 B.C. during the Ides of March. Caesar lived a busy life when he was the consul of Rome and through his efforts he had had helped to shape Rome into an empire. After Caesar had passed away he did not have a legitimate heir to take his place. He adopted his sister’s grandson named Gaius Octavius who rose to the position of consul after he had died.

Gaius Octavius was given the name Emperor Augustus and he was the first of the Julian Emperors. Julian Emperors are the historical name of five Roman rulers who were the direct descendants of Julius Caesar. They included Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero. They appear on the Biblical Timeline with world history between 44 BC and AD 68.

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Emperor Augustus

When Caesar was alive he was a womanizer and he had many children. All of Caesar’s children were born through his many extramarital affairs and for this reason they were illegitimate. He had a daughter named Julia with his first wife Cornelia Cinnilla. Since she was a female she was not able to claim the throne. She had a grandchild that was born from his daughter Julia, but that child died shortly after being born.

Caesar had also married two other women named Pompeia and Calpurnia Pisonis, but they did not bear him any children. Caesar had an affair with the famous Cleopatra VII of Egypt and the child’s name was Caesarion (or little Caesar), but he would not allow this particular child to become a legitimate ruler of Rome. Octavius (later emperor Augustus) had Caesarion assassinated in his teenage years to keep him from trying to become the next ruler.

Julian Emperors
Emperor Augustus was the first ruler of the Julian Emperors and he governed Rome from 27 B.C. until his death in 14 A.D. Julius Caesar was his maternal great uncle and had named him his adopted son and heir. His reign contained the relative era of peace known as the Pax Romana. Both his adoptive surname, Caesar, and his title Augustus became the permanent titles of the rulers of the Roman Empire for fourteen centuries after his death.

Emperor Tiberius
Tiberius became emperor of Rome in 14 A.D. and he ruled the empire until the time of his death in 37 A.D. When Emperor Augustus had passed away he left a will with specific instructions about keeping the descendants of Julius Caesar on the throne as emperor. Many of the senators and other ruling governors agreed to this demand. Many of Caesar’s descendants died before Tiberius’ reign had ended. Shortly before it was over Caesar’s descendant Caligula was designated the next ruler.

Emperor Caligula
Emperor Caligula’s birth name was Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Caligula was a childhood nickname that was used by Germanicus once he became emperor. When he was chosen to become the ruler of Rome he was to share this power with his cousin Tiberus Gemellus. Caligula ended up assassinating him so he could become the sole ruler of Rome. Emperor Caligula and his family were assassinated in 41 B.C. He died after ruling the empire for only three years.

Emperor Claudius
Emperor Claudius became the next ruler and he was the uncle of Claudius. He was supported by the Praetorian Guard. He ended up marrying four women, but none of his children with these women succeeded him as emperor. During his marriage to Aggripina the Younger, he had adopted his nephew Nero so that he would become the next emperor.

Emperor Nero
Emperor Nero ruled Rome from 54 A.D. to 68 A.D. and he was not a well liked or respected ruler. He had committed suicide in 68 A.D. and he was the last Julian emperor.

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Julius Caesar, Facts On

Consul Julius Caesar was one of the greatest rulers of Rome. During his reign, he had set the stage for transferring the Roman Republic into a worldwide empire. Caesar was born in 100 B.C. and ruled Rome for 5 years starting in 49 B.C., which is where he appears on the Bible Timeline with world history.

Gaius Julius Caesar was born to into the Julius family that was one of the oldest, wealthiest and most well-known family lines in ancient Rome. This particular family group was supposed to have descended from a god named Iulus, who is supposed to have been a son of the goddess Venus. The name Caesar is derived from caesarian which means “to cut” in Latin. Historians are not clear about Caesar’s childhood but since he was a member of a wealthy patrician clan, it is safe to assume that he was educated in his youth.

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His father was also named Gaius Julius Caesar, and he was a governor of Asia. His mother was named Aurelia Cotta, and she was also a wealthy woman. Caesar had lived a good life during childhood and father died when he turned 16 years old. Caesar was also chosen to be the head priest of the temple of Jupiter.

Julius Caesar

He had to marry a woman to keep this position, and he married his first wife named Cornelia before he reached 18 years old. A Roman leader named Sulla had become a dictator and decided to eliminate all of his political enemies. Caesar was listed as one of his nemesis because he was the nephew of one of his enemies named Marius. He was stripped of his position as high priest, he lost his inheritance and was forced to divorce his wife. He had to go into hiding until conditions were favorable for his return.

Eventually, Caesar was able to go back to Rome but he turned toward a military career since he lost his priesthood. His early days in the military consisted of typical army related duties such as besieging enemy towns and making alliances with kings. Caesar was also captured by pirates whom he later located and had executed. He was elected military tribune and quaestor by 69 B.C. Some even compared him to Alexander the Great. He had served in Spain as a military commander and when he returned from his duties he became the Pontifex Maximus or Roman high priest.

Caesar had also become involved in the legal field and had helped to persecute corrupt Roman governors. Caesar had six legions under his control, and he used these forces to subdue the barbarian tribes all throughout Europe. Caesar had also managed to become a leading politician in Rome. He was popular with the people, and when he was not fighting against Germanic tribes in the north, he was forming political alliances and dealing with enemies in Rome. He formed an alliance known as the First Triumvirate, and it consisted of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus. The First Triumvirate was a secret alliance of wealthy and politically powerful men who ruled Rome despite the Senate.

Their power ended in 53 B.C. with the death of Crassus and the alliance between Pompey and Caesar fell apart when Caesar’s daughter (who was married to Pompey) died in childbirth. Pompey was elected sole consul of Rome and married the daughter of one of Caesar’s enemies. This move clearly revealed that Pompey no longer desired to be aligned with Caesar. A civil war was about to break out in Rome. Pompey accused Caesar of treason and insubordination and told him to disband his army. Caesar did not comply with his demands. In 49 B.C. Caesar took one of his legions and marched on Rome. Pompey and the Senate, who supported him, fled Rome even though they had a standing army. Caesar left Mark Antony in charge of Rome and pursued Pompey until he defeated his forces in Greece.

Pompey had managed capture and ended up in Egypt where he was assassinated. Once he arrived in Egypt stopped the civil war between Cleopatra VII and her brother Ptolemy. He favored Cleopatra VII and had an affair with her. She gave him a son that he would not allow to become the heir of Rome.

Caesar had destroyed the last remnants of Pompey’s supporters, and he began to work on transforming the republic into an empire. He centralized a powerful government in Rome; he put down all resistance from conquered territories, and he then brought all of the provinces of Rome together under one central authority that stemmed from Rome. These three steps transformed the republic into an empire.

Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C. by people who opposed his reforms. Caesar’s life was full of adventure, intrigue, deception, murder, love, passion and politics. He is forever remembered as one of the greatest rulers of Rome and in the history of the world.

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John the Baptist in the Bible, Biography

John the Baptist was the last prophet in the Bible who spoke about the coming Messiah. He was also a preacher who baptized people and denounced their sins. Jesus Christ was John’s cousin, with John being about 6 months older than Jesus.

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Elizabeth and Zechariah, Parents of John the Baptist

According to the Bible, the birth of John the Baptist happened about six months before Jesus was born which is where it appears on the Bible Timeline online. He was born to a temple priest named Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth. Both of them were descendants from the priestly line of Aaron. Elizabeth had been barren for many years and one day while Zechariah was performing his temple duties the angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him that he was going to have a son named John. Gabriel also told Zechariah that John was going to be filled with the Holy Spirit and that he was going to turn many people from sin by pronouncing the coming Messiah.

Zechariah then questioned Gabriel about what he said because Elizabeth and he were old. Gabriel then took away his ability to speak and told him that he would be able to talk again after John was born. During Elizabeth’s pregnancy Mary (Elizabeth’s cousin) the mother of Jesus had visited her after Gabriel told her that she was going to give a supernatural birth to Jesus. She realized that she was going to birth Jesus sometime after John was born.

‘John the Baptist, by Andrea del Sarto, 1528.’

Background of John the Baptist 

Once John was born, he was raised under the teachings of his father Zechariah. He learned about the Torah, Talmud and other important Jewish Holy Books and scripture. John was probably being groomed for the priesthood like his father, but the Spirit of God had led John out into the wilderness to live as a wild man who learned how to eat off of the land. The Bible claims that he had eaten locust and wild honey as a part of his daily diet and that his clothing was manufactured from camel hair. John’s life is characterized as a life of a rugged individual who lived in the wilderness preaching the word of God.

Preaching in the Wilderness

John the Baptist earned his name by baptizing many people from their sins. He also preached the concept of repentance or turning away from their evil deeds. John’s fame went out far and wide, and many people came to hear his message and to be baptized. When a person is baptized, they are submerged underneath a body of water and then taken back out as part of a symbolic process that shows a person has received new life in Jesus Christ. John’s fame also caused some of the local people within Judea to follow him as disciples. Jesus made an appearance before John and was baptized by him though John had initially refused. John was telling the people about Jesus because he knew that he was the Son of God. John had also confronted many of the Jewish religious leaders who were Pharisees and Sadducees. King Herod (the ruling Judean monarch of the time) visited John one day and was denounced by him for marrying his brother’s wife. King Herod ultimately had John imprisoned for speaking out against him in public.

‘Puvis de Chavannes, The Beheading of St John the Baptist, c. 1869’

Speaking out Against Herod John the Baptist eventually met his death while in prison. King Herod was having a birthday party and during this event his daughter had danced for the guests and it pleased everyone in attendance. King Herod told her that she could have anything that she desired because she danced so well. The young lady told the king that she wanted the head of John the Baptist on a platter after she listened to the advice of her mother. King Herod was upset because he liked to listen to John preach, and he knew that John’s death could cause serious problems with the people of Judea. However, he didn’t want to go back on his word in front of his guests and ended up killing John.

His Death

John’s disciples had taken away his body after he had died and Jesus was informed. During John’s incarceration he had his disciples go to Jesus to make sure that he was the chosen Messiah. John was only human and at times doubted, especially when he was imprisoned for his beliefs. Even though this was the case John ultimately knew that Jesus was the son of God and the chosen Messiah.

Biblical References:

Luke 1: 1 – 79 The story about how Zechariah and Elizabeth give birth to John the Baptist.

Matthew 4: 13 – 17 Jesus is baptized by John.

Mark 6: 14 – 29 John the Baptist confronts King Herod about his unlawful marriage and ends up dying in prison.

Matthew 14: 1 – 12 John the Baptist is killed in prison by King Herod.

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China, Wars in Ancient

The Han Dynasty ruled China between the years 220 B.C.  to A.D 220. The Han rulers had transformed Chinese culture and these changes still impact China and the rest of the world in modern times. Throughout the four hundred year time period that the Han ruled China, they had to constantly fight many wars. Around 50 B.C., the Han Emperor Xuan ruled China and during his reign he had to deal with the warring tribes which resided north of the Chinese Empire and the Xiongnu. It was a time of incessant war in China and is referred to as such on the Bible Timeline with World History during this time period.

Securing the Silk Road

The Silk Road was a series of overland and seaside trade routes that stretched from China to the Roman Empire. The Silk Road was an important part of the Chinese economy and various tribes such as the Hsiung Nu had made it a point to take control of this important route. Even though former Han rulers had managed to keep this tribe from overrunning the Silk Road, Emperor Xuan had to constantly make sure that the Silk Road was secure from outside forces.

Han Wars with Vietnam and Korea around 50 A.D.

The Han rulers had conquered the former Qin Dynasty, but some rebellious elements still remained in China. The rebellious Qin never regained power and many were eliminated or assimilated into China’s culture under the leadership of the Han. The Han also attacked Vietnam and Korea. During the reign of the Han, Dynasty armies were sent to annex Vietnam and make it a vassal state to the Chinese. The Vietnamese fought back against the Han, but they were not successful expect for a short time period when the Han leaders were driven out by a determined warrior. The Vietnamese remained under the control of China up until 938 A.D. The Koreans suffered the same fate as the Vietnamese and they too were kept under the authority of the Chinese for hundreds of years starting with the Han. Rebels and freedom fighters constantly fought for freedom from their Chinese rulers. Emperor Xuan had to contend with both of these regions.

[This article continues after a message from the authors]
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A battle in the war between Chu and Han

Xiongnu Civil Wars during the Rule of the Han

There was a group of people who lived north of China known as the Xiongnu and they constantly harassed the Han rulers in China. They were a tribal group that also caused the Chinese problems along the Silk Road. Emperor Xuan had to contend with them during his reign. Eventually the Xiongnu fought a series of civil wars during the rule of Emperor Xuan. Many of his generals wanted to eliminate Xiongnu, but the Emperor had prevented them from acting. He encouraged peace and most of the Xiongnu had weakened their kingdom. The Xiongnu ended up paying tribute to Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan Keeps China in Power

Even though the rulers of the Han Dynasty had ended up bringing many great changes to China, there were still many enemies who wanted to make sure that China would not remain in power forever. The Chinese constantly had to keep the outer fringes of their empire under control because so many invaders were trying to overrun their territory. The northern border was especially vulnerable to this type of activity and Han rulers had to constantly monitor the borders to ensure that their enemies would not disrupt their way of life. Emperor Xuan had to continue this effort during his time in power over the Haun Dynasty and he was successful of maintaining and exerting China’s power during his time in power.