God‘s covenant with Abraham with regards to the law of circumcision was a command given to Abraham by God instructing him to be circumcised. This event is listed on the Bible Timeline Chart around 1879 BC. God told Abraham that he and his descendants after him had to circumcise the flesh of their foreskins. This covenant between God and Abraham applied to all males of his generation and future generations. All had to be circumcised on the eighth day after birth. The circumcision was seen as a covenant between the participant and God. This was significant because it was a reminder of the covenant embedded into their flesh.
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People who weren’t circumcised were viewed as sinfully stubborn people. God viewed males who refused to be circumcised as people who have walked contrary to God and are unfaithful to him. The refusal of circumcision was also seen as a confession of inequity, not only of said person but also of his forefathers. Even though God was very critical of the uncircumcised, in the covenant he also stated that if a person is circumcised and does not keep with the righteous requirements of the law while an uncircumcised person does, the latter shall be more favorably viewed upon.
This covenant was only limited to Jews and did not extend to Christians. For Christians, it was optional, but God did emphasize that following his commandments were more important.
Picture By Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld – Der Literarische Satanist, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5469755