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Jared: biblical figure, first son of Mahalaleel

Jared, is the first son born of Mahalaleel at the age of sixty five (Genesis 5:15 KJV). The name Jared came from Hebrew origin which means “descent” or “descendant”.

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Enoch Ancestor_of_Noah Biblical_Figure
Enoch taken by God

Jared, Father of Enoch

When Jared was one hundred and sixty two years old, he begat Enoch (Genesis 5:18 KJV). Should we check our Biblical Timeline, Adam must be six hundred and twenty two years old when Enoch was born. Jared lived another eight hundred years and begat sons and daughters (Genesis 5:19 KJV). The sum total of Jared’s life is nine hundred and sixty two years (Genesis 5:20 KJV) – this is from 3544 BC to 2582 BC.

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Mahalaleel: biblical figure, great grandson of Seth

Mahalaleel was born when Cainan was seventy years old (Genesis 5:12 KJV). It is believed that the name Mahalaleel means “praise of God”. Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan, is the fourth generation from Adam in the line of Seth‘s descendants.

Mahalaleel, Father of Jared

When Mahalaleel was sixty-five years old, he begat Jared (Genesis 5:15 KJV). He lived another eight hundred and thirty years after Jared was born and within that span of time, Mahalaleel had other sons and daughters (Genesis 5:16 KJV).

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Methusael “Man of God.”

Mahalaleel lived a total of eight hundred and ninety-five years (Genesis 5:17 KJV). On the chart of the Biblical Timeline, Mahalaleel lived from 3609 BC to 2714 BC.

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Cainan: biblical figure, son of Enos

Cainan or Kenan (1Chronicle 1:2 KJV) is the eldest son of Enos. He was born when Enos was ninety years old (Genesis 5:9 KJV). Cainan came from the Hebrew word Kainan which means “their smith”.

Cainan, Father of Mahalaleel

Cainan was seventy when he begat Mahalaleel (Genesis 5:10 KJV). After Mahalaleel, Cainan begat other sons and daughters and lived for another eight hundred and forty years (Genesis5:13).

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Cainan “their smith”

Cainan was nine hundred and ten years old when he finally rested (Genesis 5:14 KJV). Cainan is found on the Biblical Timeline Chart beginning in 3679 BC to 2769 BC.

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Enos: biblical figure, eldest son of Seth; Adam & Eve’s Grandson

Enos or Enosh (1 Chronicles 1:1 KJV), which means “mortal man” in Hebrew, is the eldest son of Seth, and Adam and Eve’s grandson. He was born when Seth was one hundred and five years old (Genesis 5:6 KJV). It was mentioned in Genesis 4:26 KJV, that Seth had a son and named him Enos, then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.

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Seth, Father of Enos

Enos, Father of Cainan

Enos was ninety when he begat Cainan (Genesis 5:9 KJV). After Cainan, Enos had other sons and daughters and lived for another eight hundred and fifteen years (Genesis 5:10). Enos lived a total of nine hundred and five years before he finally rested (Genesis 5:11 KJV). The Bible Timeline charts his birth at 3769 BC and death at 2864 BC.

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Seth: biblical figure, third son of Adam & Eve

Seth or Sheth (1Chronicles 1:1 KJV) is the third son of Adam and Eve named in the Bible.

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He was born when Adam was a hundred and thirty years old. It is said that Seth was born to replace Abel, who Cain slew (Genesis 4:25 KJV).

In Hebrew, Seth is equated to “set” or appointed. Since Cain killed Abel, God gave Adam a third son whose descendants would bring the Lord’s name (Genesis 4:26 KJV).

Seth, Father of Enos

Seth was one hundred and five years old when he begat Enos in his own likeness and after his image (Genesis 5:3 KJVT). After Enos, Seth also begat other sons and daughters, and lived for nine hundred and twelve years (Genesis 5:7-9 KJV).

Seth lived a total of nine hundred and twelve years before he finally rested (Genesis 5:6-7 KJV)

Seth is born in 3874 BC on the Biblical Timeline Chart. He died in 2962 BC

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Abel: Biblical figure, second son of Adam & Eve

Abel, a keeper of sheep, is the second son of Adam and Eve (Genesis4:2 KJV). The name Abel is believed to mean “breath”. This could have been because of Abel’s shortness of life since he was killed by his brother, Cain (Genesis 4:8 KJV).

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Abel and his Righteous Offering

Cain and Abel are both sons of Adam and Eve. Though they are brothers, they are not the same. Abel is a keeper of sheep while Cain is a tiller of the ground.

Cain killing Abel 

The time came that they each brought offerings to the Lord. Cain brought fruits from the soil and offered them to God, while Abel offered selected fat firstlings of sheep. God respected Abel’s offering but not Cain’s and this angered Cain. Cain’s countenance fell. Eventually he slew his own brother, Abel. (Genesis 4:1-8 KJV)

The Bible does not give the age of Adam when Abel was born so he is placed on the Biblical Timeline chart between the creation of Adam (4004 BC) and the birth of Seth (3874 BC).

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Why God Accepted Abel’s Offering and Not Cain’s

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Cain: biblical figure, eldest son of Adam & Eve

Cain is the eldest son of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4:1 KJV)1. It is said that God gave Adam a son – Cain, In Hebrew, the name Cain means “something that is produced” or “spear”.

Cain Commits Crime because of Jealousy

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Cain and Abel’s offering

Time came when Cain and Abel presented their offerings before the Lord. Cain offered fruits from the ground, while Abel offered selected fat firstlings from his sheep. The Lord God respected Abel’s offering but did not accept Cain’s. This made Cain’s countenance fall and his jealousy grew as time passed. One day, Cain invited Abel over to his field and slew him there thinking that his crime would be concealed (Genesis 4:3-8 KJV).3

Due to his actions, Cain was banished and fled to the land of Nod, east of Eden. Though he was cast out from the land where he shed his brother’s blood, God’s mercy was still with Cain. God gave Cain a mark for protection saying that who ever slays him, vengeance will be sevenfold (Genesis 4:9-16 KJV).4

Cain, father of Enoch

It is written that Cain had a wife and begat Enoch. He then built a city naming it after his son, Enoch. Enoch begat Irad; who begat Mehujael; who begat Methusael; Lamech (Genesis 4:17 KJV) The Bible does not explicitly state when Cain was born so he is placed on the Biblical Timeline Chart between the creation of Adam (4004 BC) and the birth of Seth (3874 BC)

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Eve: biblical figure, first woman

Eve or Havva is a Hebrew word for “mother of living”. This will be clearly seen in Genesis 3:20 KJV, where Adam named his wife Eve. After they had eaten of the fruit and were being cast out of the garden, because she is to be the mother of all living. She is placed on the Biblical timeline next to Adam.

Eve was created by God from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:21-22 KJV). Thus, Adam called the new creation a “woman” since she was taken from a man.

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Eve and the Serpent

The 3rd chapter of Genesis tells us the story of how the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. Eve found the fruit good and shared this with Adam. This action was the first disobedience recorded in the Bible. (Genesis 3:1-24 KJV)

Eve, The First Wife and Mother

After disobeying God, Adam and Eve were cast out from the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve bear children – Cain, Abel, and Seth. (Genesis 4:1-26)

The Bible does not say how long Eve lived.

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Adam: biblical figure, the first man

The name Adam is considered to be a generic term for “man” and for red soil. The name was first mentioned in Genesis 2:19 KJV. However, the Bible already mentioned God creating “man” (Genesis 1:26 KJV ) “And God said , Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”, and God forming a man on (Genesis 2:7 KJV), “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground…”.

Throughout Genesis 2-3, Adam was often referred as “man”; (Genesis 2:22 ) “And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man”, (Genesis 3:12 KJV) “And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat”, (Genesis 3:24 KJV) “So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life”.

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Adam, the First Man

Adam is the first man created by God Himself. (Genesis 1:26 KJV) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” The Lord molded a man from the dust and gave him the breath of life, thus he became a living body with a soul (Genesis 2:7 KJV ). God then placed “man” in the Garden of Eden wherein he was commissioned to name and post authority to all living creatures. As for the Biblical timeline, this marks the beginning of mankind at 4004 BC according to Bishop Ussher’s chronology found in the King James Bible.

Adam, the First Husband

Adam needed help to rule over the creations as the Lord commissioned him, and God noticed that. In Genesis 2:21-23, God placed Adam into a deep sleep, took a rib from the “man’s” body, and from it, God created woman.

In Genesis chapter 3, after sinner before God – when the woman was tempted by the serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit, “Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20 KJV). After the incident, God drove Adam and Eve out from the Garden of Eden.

A painting of Adam

Adam, the First Biological Father

In Genesis chapter 4, Eve gave birth to Cain, Abel and Seth. Thus, making Adam the first biological father in the Bible. Adam and Eve only had two sons at the beginning – Cain and Abel, a tiller of the ground and a keeper of the sheep respectively. Due to jealousy, Cain slew Abel and was cast out.

Adam was one hundred and thirty years old when he had Eve conceive Seth. Seth was born to replace Abel, who Cain slew. (Genesis 4:25-26 KJV) “And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD”

Death of Adam

Adam was nine hundred and thirty years old when he finally rested (Genesis 5:3-4 KJV). He lived to see Lamech father of Noah and the 8th generation of his descendants born.

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Extermination of the Jews Not Just A German Idea

The Jewish people have been harassed, exterminated and put into slavery since 600 B.C. One of the great exterminations happened in 135 AD during the rule of the Roman Empire which is where it appears on the Bible Timeline.

Here are the events leading up to that. The Jewish people were sent into exile around 600 B.C. when the Babylonians had conquered Judea and forced a great deal of its citizens to relocate to various parts of their empire. The Babylonians were conquered by the Persians, and the Jewish people served under them as well. God used the Persians to allow the Jewish people to return home and to rebuild their temple.

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Star of David

These events took place during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah. When the Persian Empire fell to the Greeks, the Seleucid Empire dominated Judea. After the Seleucid’s were driven out of the land by the Maccabees, who established a dynasty that remained free for about 100 years. However, this all ended around 40 B.C. with the death of the last Hasmonean king of Judea. Herod the Great was backed by Rome and because of this Judea was considered a vassal state of the Roman Empire.

The First Rebellion

The Jewish people did not like this and wanted to be free from foreign rule. There were some anti-Jewish factions that formed throughout the land. They were hardliners who wanted to start an uprising against the pro-Roman Herod Dynasty and other Jewish sympathizers who were loyal to the Empire. They indiscriminately attacked Rome for many years and caused them problems. Eventually, all of this civil unrest came to boiling point around 70 B.C. when a group of Jewish people slaughtered Roman forces who witnessed the blasphemy committed against their religion. This event triggered the First Jewish-Roman War. General Titus of Rome ultimately defeated the Jewish people and deported many of them into other cities throughout the empire and sold much more into slavery. 66 – 73 A.D.

The Second Jewish War

Many Jews were deported to Cyrene, Libya, which is located in Africa. The Jews who were situated there rose up in rebellion against the Romans. Jews disliked the Romans and Greeks, and they eventually started to kill them. Meanwhile, trouble was occurring in Parthia and emperor Trajan had to get the situation under control. When Trajan forces were returning from their victory in Parthia, the Jewish rebels started to attack the garrisons that were placed in their territory. Many Jewish people all throughout the Empire got word of what had happened in Cyrene and decided to follow their lead. Soon many provinces had rebellious Jews attacking and killing Greek and Roman citizens. Cyrene, Libya was one of the worst places of the rebellion, so Trajan sent his forces to kill thousands upon thousands of people to get the situation under control. 115-117 A.D.

The Third and Final Jewish-Roman War

The Romans were sick of the Jews and by 132 A.D. they had passed a law forbidding the act of circumcision. Many fanatic Jews took this as an opportunity to rebel. Many Jews of the time believed that their Messiah had finally arrived, and his name was Bar Kokhba. They also believed that the end of the world was going to take place. So they decided to attack the Romans once again because this time around they believed they would overthrow them. At first the Jews were successful but they eventually started to lose many battles. The Romans were being defeated by the zealous Jews until they decided to enforce an annihilation campaign against the Jews. This strategy worked and hundreds of thousands of Jews all over the Roman Empire were slaughtered and killed during the process. Many Jews were forced to leave Palestine and sold into slavery. By 135 A.D., the Jews were scattered throughout the world and from this time up until 1949 they never had a country to call home.