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Almodad, Biblical figure

Almodad was believed to be the founder of Arabian Tribes

Almodad is one of the son’s of Joktan (Genesis 10:26 and 1 Chronicles 1:20 KJV). It is believed the he was the founder of the Arabian tribe.

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According to Hebrew origin, the name Almodad means “immeasurable”. Almodad’s existence is sometime after the birth of Peleg, Joktan’s brother, which is at 2247 BC on the Biblical Timeline Chart.

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Methusael: biblical figure, descendant of Cain

From the Hebrew origin which means “man of God”, the name Methusael was given by his father, Mehujael. Methusael is Cain‘s fourth generation (Genesis 4:18 KJV).

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Methusael “Man of God.”

Methusael is the father of Lamech. Let us not confuse ourselves with Lamech, son of Methusael from Cain’s lineage and Lamech, son Methuselah from Seth‘s lineage. They are different individuals. There are no ages or lengths of life given for Cain or any of his descendants. Those named are placed on the Biblical Timeline chart in order between 4004 BC, which is Adam‘s creation, and the Great Flood (2350 BC).

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Mehujael: biblical figure, great grandson of Cain

Mehujael is the son of Irad or great grandson of Cain (Genesis 4:18 KJV).

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Mehujael came from Hebrew origin that may mean “smitten” or “destroy”. Some take this as “smitten by God” or “destroyed by God”.

The name Mehujael came from Hebrew origin that may mean “smitten” or “destroy”. Some take this as “smitten by God” or “destroyed by God”.

The Bible Timeline reads that the existence of Mehujael is years after his father, Irad, was born. There are no ages or lengths of life given for Cain or any of his descendants. Those named are placed in order between 4004 BC, which is Adam‘s creation, and the Great Flood (2350 BC).

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Irad: biblical figure, grandson of Cain

The name Irad came from two combined Hebrew words that suggest the meaning, “runner” or “fugitive”. Irad is the son of Enoch and grandson of Cain (Genesis 4:18 KJV).

Irad means fugitive or runner

Unlike Seth‘s descendants, the Bible does not specify when Cain’s descendants were born or died. However, we know and can place them on the Bible Timeline Chart after Adam‘s creation (4004 BC) and before the great flood (2350 BC.)

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Phoenicia: biblical place, ‘Land of Palms’

Phoenicia and it’s Historical – Biblical Significance

Where is Phoenicia?

Phoenicia, from the Greek word phoinix, “a palm”, the land of palm-trees, was an ancient civilization centered in the north of ancient Canaan. With its heartland along the coastal regions of modern day Lebanon, coastal Syria, and northern Israel. Date-palm abundantly grew in the region opposite Cyprus, from Gabala (city of Gebal) to Aradus and Marathus. And so the name Phoenicia was first applied to these areas that later expanded to further South as date-palm was also found growing there. It was from 1200 BC  (where is can be found on the Biblical Timeline with world history)that Phoenician cities emerged as sovereign bodies with apparent identity – Aradus, Byblos, Berytus, Sidon, Sarepta and Tyre, were situated along the coastal strip between sea and mountains of Lebanon. Moreover, there were two great cities of Phoenicia: Tyre, the center of the purple dye industry and Sidon, the center of the glass industry.

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The commercial network of Phoenicia

Biblical References to Phoenicia

* Acts 11:19; 15:3; 21:2 – the land being generally designated as the “coast” * Matthew 15:21; Mark 7:24, 31, Luke 6:17 – “borders of Tyre and Sidon” *Genesis 10:19; 49:13; Josh 11:8; 1 Kings 17:9 – the land belonging to the Canaanites or to Sidon

What was the role of Phoenicians in the Bible?

Alphabet (Psalm 119). Perhaps the most significant contribution of the Phoenicians was a syllabic writing, developed in about 1000 BC at Byblos. From this city’s name come the Greek word “biblia” (books) and the English word Bible. Hebrew alphabet known as “Ketav Ivri or Paleo-Hebrew” was nearly identical to the Phoenician alphabet. Biblical Hebrew contains 22 letters (all of which are consonants), as noted in Psalm 119. This form of writing was spread by the Phoenicians in their travels and influenced the Aramaic and Greek alphabets. (from

Phoenician trade connected with the Israelites (2 Samuel 5:11, 1 Kings 5:9, 1 Kings 17-18). From the time that David had conquered Edom, an opening for trade was afforded to the Israelites. Solomon continued this trade with its king, obtained timber from its territory and employed its sailors and workmen.


(Ezekiel 27:3 – 4). Trade routes from all Asia converged on the Phoenician coast, entry point to the sea, where Phoenicians were the greatest merchants of the entire Mediterranean world. Preparations for Building the Temple (1 Kings 5:6) and Temple’s Furnishings (1 Kings 7:21-23). King Hiram rendered important service to Solomon in connection with the planning and building of the temple. Massive Masonry (1 Kings 5:17 – 18). Huge carved stones, forming the sanctuary wall’s foundation, with Phoenician fragments of pottery. And Phoenician marks painted on the massive blocks found by the Royal Engineers suggest that the stones were prepared in the quarry by the cunning workmen of Hiram, the king of Tyre. (Eastons Bible Dictionary: Phenicia).

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Nahor: biblical figure, grandfather of Abraham

Name and Genealogy:

Hebrew Bible. Nahor means a Snort or a Snorting (Job 39:20, Jeremiah 8:6, Job 41:12) and Charred or Scorched (Psalm 69:3, Jeremiah 6:29 and Ezekiel 15:4 ) Book of Genesis. Nahor is the son of Serug.

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He was born and raised in the Sumerian capital-state of Ur on the Euphrates River of lower Mesopotamia. He had a son named Terah at the age of twenty-nine and lived for a total of 148 years. He was also the grandfather of Abraham, Nahor II as well as Haran, all offspring of Shem. He is placed on the Biblical Timeline at 2155 BC.

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Serug: biblical figure, great-grandfather of Abraham

Hebrew: S’rugh ; “branch” was the son of Reu, also the father of Nahor and great-grandfather of Abraham. He is called Saruch in the Greek version.

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According to the Bible Timeline Chart, Serug was born in 2185 BC at the City of Ur. His parent was Reu, and his son was named Nahor. When Serug had lived thirty years, he became the father of Nahor. He then lived another 200 years for a total of 230 years.

Serug in the Bible:
– Genesis 11:20-23; 1 Chronicles 1:26. An ancestor of Abraham
– Luke 3:35. Called Saruch

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Reu or Ragau: biblical figure

Reu or Ragau (Luke 3:35 KJV) is one of the sons of Peleg.

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He was born when Peleg was thirty years old (Genesis 11:18 KJV). The name Reu came from Hebrew origin and means “friend”.

At the age of thirty-two, Reu begat Serug and lived another two hundred and seven years and begat other sons and daughters (Genesis 11:20-21 KJV).

The Bible Timeline calculates that Reu lived from 2219 BC to 1980 BC.

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Peleg: biblical figure, ‘when the earth was divided’

Peleg or Phalec (Luke 3:35 KJV) is one of the sons of Eber. At the age of thirty-four, Eber begat Peleg, brother of Joktan. The name Peleg means “division”, as Genesis 10:25 KJV reads “…for in his (Peleg) days was the earth divided…” The phrase “was the earth divided” is a little bit vague.

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We can interpret this literally as the earth had this massive earthquake that resulted in the continental separation. Or it can refer to the separation of the people of the earth. Based on the chronological structure of the Bible Genesis 11: 1 – 9 speaks of how God baffled the language of the people resulting in their division. The following verses, Genesis 11:10-32 KJV, tells about the Generation of Shem including Peleg. So, another interpretation would be the earth was divided since people no longer shared the same language after the incident at the Tower of Babel. At the age of thirty, Peleg begat Reu. After two hundred and nine years, Peleg begat other sons and daughters (Genesis 11:18-19 KJV). He lived a total of two hundred thirty-nine years. Charting this on the Biblical Timeline, Peleg’s existence is from 2247 BC to 2008 BC.

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Eber: biblical figure


Eber or Heber (Luke 3:35 KJV) is one of the sons of Salah (Genesis 11:14-15). He was born when Salah was thirty years old. The name Eber in Hebrew means “to cross over” or “beyond”. At the age of thirty-four, Eber begat Peleg, brother of Joktan. Eber lived another four hundred and thirty years and begat other sons and daughters before he finally rested (Genesis 11:16-17 KJV). He lived a total of four hundred and sixty-four years. From the Biblical Timeline, Eber existed from 2283 BC to 1819 BC.

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