The Chilam Balam, a book by Jaguar priests in the Yucatan, speaks of the coming of a white bearded man who is believed to bear the sign of the Almighty God. This is marked on the Biblical Timeline with History during 300 AD. Based on the books, Quetzalcoatl is bound to return someday. The writings of the Native Americans refer to the Quetzalcoatl God-man and the historic Quetzalcoatl, with the latter performing a duty as a Toltec ruler who gave messages of peace to mankind. This man eventually suffered at the hands of the religious high priests, who made plots against him that cost him his life. In addition, there was God Quetzalcoatl, who was present during the creation of the world. In fact, he was also one of the four directional Gods, associated with the wind, rain, and four cardinal directions. Moreover, he was known as the “White God of the West”, just like his father. He is known as the God of civilization, and was the one who gave the world the arts, calendar, science, and corn.
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Reportedly the native Americans believed that Hernan Cortes, an invader, was indeed the Quetzalcoatl, who came back to the world. There are insufficient proofs that this belief has a factual basis, yet Cortes claimed it as true. The MesoAmericans were not bearded people, and Cortes appeared to have some resemblance to the white bearded man. Some scholars suggest that the missionaries made up this story, and that the prophecies of the pre-conquest Chilam Balam were generated during the time that the Spanish people colonized the Caribbean. Some scholars also believe that there was an alteration with the dates in which the Chilam Balam books were written. They suggest that these changes were made by the Spanish with the hopes of making the people believe that Cortes was indeed the white-bearded man who was anticipated to return one day.

Michael John Wells Finley wrote a text pointing out that the references in the Katun 13 Ahau with the Cabal-chen coincide with the time the Spanish came to the Yucatan. On the other hand, there were records that the coming of the Kulkulcanis was associated with Katun 4 Ahau. There is a possibility that the authors replaced Kulkulcan with the Christian God, as well as other relevant facts about the Katun.
Also the Hopi’s also believed that a lost white brother will return in the future when the world ends. The tribe anticipates the return of Pahana or the lost white brother, just like the Aztecs expected the coming of Quetzalcoatl, which is similar to the belief of the Mayans that Kukulcan or the white bearded god will come once again.
Francisco Pizarro
Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who traveled to South America to take control of the Incas to gain their riches and gold. It is recorded that the Incas treated him like the God ‘Viracochas’ due to his white skin, armor, and their guns that emitted loud thunderings and sparks that looked like lightning. The damage that followed was also very intimidating.