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Gad and Asher

Gad and Asher were the two sons of Zilpah and Jacob. They can be found on the Bible Timeline between 1754-1704 B.C. Zilpah was the maidservant of Leah, Jacob’s first wife. When Leah ceased to bear children, at least temporarily, she gave her maidservant Zilpah to Jacob to have children for her.

This was part of an ongoing competition between Leah and her sister Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife. As Rachel was Jacob’s first choice of the two sisters (Genesis 29:18), Rachel and Leah were continually vying for Jacob’s affection. Bearing children was the way that wives won the favor of their husband in those times.

Though these two are considered minor characters in the Bible, each eventually became a leader of one of the tribes of Israel.

Gad, according to the Hebrew translation, means luck or fortune. Leah named him this because she considered it such good fortune that though she had stopped producing children, her maidservant had been able to bare one for her. Gad’s mother Zilpah acted as a surrogate for Leah (Genesis 30:11). Gad was Jacob’s seventh son and the founder of the tribe of Gad. According to Genesis 46:16, Gad had the following sons: Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Iri, Arodi, and Areli.
When Jacob, also known as Israel, was near the end of his life he pronounced a blessing over each of his sons. The words that he spoke over Gad were, “Gad will be attacked by a band of raiders, but he will attack them at their heels.” (Genesis 49:19)
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Asher was Jacob’s eighth son, whose name is believed to mean happiness. The first appearance of Asher in the Bible is found in Genesis 30:13 when Leah was very pleased to have had her maidservant bare yet another son for her to her husband, Jacob. “Then Leah said, ‘How happy I am! The women will call me happy.’ According to Genesis 46:17 Asher was the father of four sons: Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah. It also mentions that these boys had a sister Serah.

When Israel was pronouncing his final blessing over his sons, his blessing over Asher went like this: “Asher’s food will be rich; he will provide delicacies fit for a king.” (Genesis 49:20)

Gad and Asher along with their brothers traveled to Egypt during a severe famine to find food and were eventually reunited with their long lost brother Joseph. The brothers had played an important role in causing Joseph, Jacob’s favorite son, to be separated from the rest of the family. The result of this journey was that Jacob and all of the tribes of Israel eventually settled in Egypt as can be seen in detail in chapter 47 of the Book of Genesis.

Elsewhere in the World

During this period of the Bible World History time, the following events at various locations around the world are recorded:


  • Middle Kingdom of Egypt reestablished prosperity and stability. This brought about art, literature, and building projects reappearing on the Egyptian scene. Military and political security, agricultural and mineral wealth, and religion all flourished during this time period.
  • Hittites take over the area now covered by Turkey. The Hittites were considered members of the Bronze Age, but forerunners of the Iron Age.
  • Bronze to Iron Age – During this time period making items of bronze seemed to be migrating into the Iron Age. The manufacture of artifacts from iron was noted. Iron became a very valuable commodity and was used to produce goods.
  • In Greece – In Greece, the Middle Helladic Period was in full swing. During this time, settlements drew closer together and gravitated toward hilltops. During this time period, rectilinear pottery was being influenced into curvilinear by the Minoans.
  • China – The first Chinese dynasty known as the Xia migrated into the Shang dynasty around the 18th century.
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Bilhah and Zilpah, women in the Bible

Zilpah, whose name is believed to mean “drooping”, was given to Leah as a handmaiden by Laban, Leah’s father, when Leah was given to Jacob as a bride. Zilpah is first introduced in the Bible in Genesis 29:24. She is on the Biblical Timeline Poster between 1754-1704 BC.

Bilhah, whose name is believed to mean “bashful or faltering”, was given to Rachel as her handmaiden by Laban, Rachel’s father, when Rachel was given to Jacob as a bride. Bilhah was first introduced in the Bible in Genesis 29:29.

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Jacob had four wives

Who is Zilpah?

After Leah had already bore Jacob four sons and then stopped having babies, she presented Zilpah to Jacob to act as a type of surrogate mother and have more children for Jacob. This was done as part of an ongoing rivalry between Leah and her sister Rachel, Jacob’s second and favorite wife. Zilpah bore two sons to Jacob, which would have been Gad and Asher. These were Jacob’s sons number seven and eight respectively. The account of Zilpah’s role as Leah’s surrogate mother can be found in Genesis 30:9-13.

While Zilpah is a considered a minor Bible character, she was a vessel used to usher in two of the tribes of Israel. You can read about Jacob, also known as Israel, blessing Gad and Asher as tribes of Israel in Genesis 49:19-20.

Who is Bilhah?
When Rachel was barren for many years and became overwhelmed with jealousy of her sister Leah, Jacob’s first wife that had already bore four sons, she gave her servant Bilhah to Jacob to become her surrogate mother. As such, Bilhah gave birth to Dan and Naphtali as detailed in Genesis 30:1-8.

Bilhah was later briefly mentioned in Genesis 35:22 when Jacob’s firstborn son Rueben reportedly slept with her after Rachel had died. This act caused Reuben to lose his birthright inheritance as pointed out in Genesis 49:3-4.

Bilhah is also considered a minor Bible character but was also used to bring two of the twelve leaders of the tribes of Israel onto the earth. The blessings of Dan and Naphtali as tribes of Israel can be found in Genesis 49:16-17, and 21.

Some Bible scholars believe that Zilpah was younger than Bilhah and was given as the maidservant of Leah to contribute to the deception that surrounded the two brides. Jacob had worked for seven years as part of an agreement to earn Rachel’s hand in marriage from her father, Laban. However, Laban gave Leah as the veiled bride to Jacob instead. Jacob did not become aware of the substitution until after the marriage acts had been committed. Laban excused his actions as part of his people’s tradition to always marry the oldest daughter first. This caused Jacob to commit to another seven years of labor to pay for Rachel’s hand in marriage though he took her as his wife only a week after he took Leah.

Elsewhere in the World
During this time on the Bible Timeline with World History, the following events at various locations around the world are recorded:

  • The Middle Kingdom of Egypt reestablished prosperity and stability. This brought about art, literature, and building projects reappearing on the Egyptian scene. Military and political security, agricultural and mineral wealth, and religion all flourished during this period.
  • Hittites take over the area now covered by Turkey. The Hittites were considered members of the Bronze Age, but forerunners of the Iron Age.
  • Bronze to Iron Age – During this period making items of bronze seemed to be migrating into the Iron Age. The manufacture of artifacts from iron was noted. Iron became a very valuable commodity and was used to produce goods.
  • In Greece – In Greece, the Middle Helladic Period was in full swing. During this time, settlements drew closer together and gravitated toward hilltops. During this period, rectilinear pottery was being influenced into curvilinear by the Minoans.
  • China – The first Chinese dynasty known as the Xia migrated into the Shang Dynasty around the 18th century.
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Leah, Biblical Figure

Leah was the oldest daughter of Laban, Rebekah’s brother. She was also the sister of Rachel and the wife of Jacob. The name Leah means weary. Leah was not noted for her beauty as her sister Rachel was, but for her weak, or delicate, eyes. She can be found in the Bible Timeline between 1754-1704 BC.

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Dante’s Vision of Rachel and Leah

Rebekah’s son Jacob was sent to Laban to escape the wrath of his brother Esau whom he had deceived. While staying with and working for Laban, Jacob fell in love with Rachel, who was the younger sister of Leah. When Laban asked what payment Jacob would like for the work he was performing for Laban, Jacob requested to take Rachel as his wife in exchange for seven years of labor. Laban agreed. The majority of the details are recorded about Leah’s life events can be found in the 29th and 30th chapters of the Book of Genesis.

Leah Married Jacob through Deception

However, when the seven years of labor were finished, and Jacob claimed his payment, there was an unexpected twist of events. After he had spent his wedding night with his new bride, he awoke in the morning to discover that his bride was Leah and not Rachel. Having been deceived, Jacob was upset and questioned Laban about the identity of his bride. Jacob was informed that the custom of Laban’s people is to marry off the oldest daughter first. Therefore, Laban graciously agreed to give Jacob Rachel’s hand in marriage after his marriage week with Leah in exchange for another seven years of labor. Jacob agreed.

While Leah’s was Jacob’s first wife, she was not loved by her husband as her sister Rachel was. Because the Lord God seen that Leah was not loved, he graciously opened Leah’s womb. Leah bore Jacob his first four sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. Later she bore Jacob two more sons Issachar and Zebulun. Leah also later gave birth to a daughter named Dinah. With each child, Leah hoped to win the affections of her husband.

Because Leah was able to bear children and her sister Rachel was not, Rachel became very jealous of Leah because a childless woman was looked upon with despite in those days. The Lord did, however, eventually allow Rachel to bare two sons to Jacob.

The End of Leah’s Life

Leah, along with Jacob, Rachel, their maidservants and their livestock, left her native land of Haran and went to settle in Canaan. Leah lived there until she died and was buried in the cave in the field of Machpelah as mentioned in Genesis 49:29 – 31.

Though Leah was not a highly visible character in the Bible, she gave birth to six sons who would later become half of the tribes of Israel. This included the line of Judah, from which was born Jesus Christ. Therefore, this seemingly insignificant Bible character was used to begin ushering in the ultimate salvation of the world.

Though the beginning of her family relationships appeared to entail deception, jealousy, rejection and family strife. The Lord God used these obviously imperfect beginnings as the catalyst to foster what most consider the single most important event in Biblical history. Through the descendants of Leah, the Lord Jesus Christ was born into this world many generations later.

What Was Happening in the Rest of the World?

During the period that Leah was alive, the rest of the world had continued to function. In China, Emperor YU ruled. The Intermediate Kingdoms existed in Egypt. Ramman lead in Assyria and the Hittites took over the area now covered by Turkey. This was also the time of Hammurabi, who was considered to be responsible for establishing the greatness of Babylon. Babylon was considered the world’s first metropolis.

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Levi son of Jacob

The name Levi means ‘attached’ or ‘joined’. The Bible records him as the third son of Jacob coming after Reuben and Simeon. According to Jewish tradition, he was given this name because Leah wanted Jacob to be attached to her. Levi was born while his father was still working for Laban, his father-in-law as part of their 20-year agreement. According to the Biblical Timeline Poster, his dates are 1749 BC to 1612 BC.

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The family was living at the time in Paddan Aram, but later Levi left with his family and with the blessing of his grandfather Laban, father of Rachel. He was one of 13 children, 12 boys and one daughter. Levi was one of those who plotted against Joseph and sold him into slavery and in Genesis 46 there is recorded how Levi and his family moved to Goshen in Egypt at the time of famine. His first born brother Reuben lost his rights as the eldest, and so the duty of priesthood passed on to Levi and his descendants. The family travelled as nomads through Mahanaim, Peniel, Succoth, and finally arrived in Shechem where, together with his older brother Simeon, deceived the local people. One of them had raped Levi’s sister Dinah, but still wanted to marry her.
Levi takes revenge for his sister

The brothers claimed that they would become people with the Shecamites if they allowed themselves to be circumcised. Three days after the circumcision ceremonies, when the men concerned would have been at their most vulnerable, Simeon and Levi murdered them all. Genesis 34 v 31,32 records how, when Jacob was angry with this, Levi replied that they had treated his sister like a prostitute, and this could not be allowed.

Levi became the ancestor of the Jewish tribe of Levi, the Levites, the members of which were concerned with religious duties alongside the priests. Through the descendants of his son Kohath, the various levels of religious service were allocated. In the Jewish Apocryphal text the Levi Document; Levi is ordained to the priesthood by angelic beings. In another apocryphal document, The Book of Jubilees, Jacob, on his deathbed, passes on to Levi special secrets known to the ancients.

When the group reached Canaan, the country was divided among the twelve tribes, but the Levites received cities rather than land according to Joshua 13 v 33 ‘Because the Lord God of Israel is their inheritance.’ The other tribes paid them tithes of their own crops and herds. Included in this tribe are Moses, Aaron and Miriam through Levi’s grandson Amram. In the book of Numbers, (chapter 18) the Levites are given responsibility for serving the priests. All priests are Levites as Aaron was, but not all Levites were priests. Before the Exodus the eldest son of each family would play the priestly role, but after the Exodus priests were only made from the descendants of Aaron. The duties of the Levites included singing during Temple services, carrying out any construction and maintenance needed for the Temple. They also served as guards around the tabernacle and Levites also worked as both teachers and judges. The prophet Ezra reported that the Levites were in charge of building work on the Second Temple. They also would both translate and explain the Torah when it was read in public.

Both Jeremiah and Malachi speak of a special covenant God had with the Levites.

Bible and World History
At the time of Levi Thebes in Egypt was the world’s largest city and the fabulous Lion Gate of Hattushash, in what is now Turkey, was constructed. Nearer to Levi, the Canaanite city of Ugarit was at its greatest size.

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Reuben and Simeon

Reuben and Simeon were the first two sons of Jacob and Leah, Jacob’s first wife.  They can be found on the Biblical Timeline Chart around 1704 B.C. Though Jacob’s favorite wife was Rachel, her sister Leah was the one that bore him half of his sons. The conceptions and births of Reuben and Simeon were detailed in the Book of Genesis, chapter 29, verses 31-33.

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Reuben, as the firstborn son, was supposed to be the leader of the brothers and carry the most responsibility. After Rachel had died, Reuben went in and slept with Jacob’s concubine Bilhah as noted in Genesis 35:22. Because of Reuben’s sexual sin in this event, he forever lost his firstborn inheritance as pointed out by Jacob’s final blessing on his deathbed in Genesis 49:3-4. Well after this, when the brothers were out tending the sheep, and the group turned on the younger brother Joseph out of jealousy, Reuben tried to rescue him. His attempt was unsuccessful, and Joseph was sold off as a slave. Jacob’s final blessing over Reuben was, “Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the first sign of my strength, excelling in honor, excelling in power. Turbulent as the waters, you will no longer excel, for you went up onto your father’s bed, onto my couch and defiled it.” (Genesis 49:3-4)

Dinhah and the Hittite
Dinhah and the Hittite


Simeon, the second born of Jacob’s sons, was named by Leah because “the Lord has seen my misery” according to verse 32 of Chapter 29 of the Book of Genesis. When Dinah, Simeon’s sister, was violated by a Hivite, Simeon and his brother Levi took it into their own hands and went against their father’s decision to live at peace with these people and attacked the unsuspecting city. This act resulted in Simeon and Levi losing the leadership of the city. When Jacob prophesied over his sons on his deathbed, this is what he spoke of Simeon, “Simeon and Levi are brothers – their swords are weapons of violence. Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased. Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their fury, so cruel! I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel.” (Genesis 49:5-7)

Israelites in Egypt

Reuben and Simeon went with their brothers to Egypt during a severe famine in search of food. There they were reunited with their long lost brother Joseph that the brothers had caused to be separated from the rest of the family. The journey resulted in Jacob and all of the tribes of Israel settling in Egypt as can be seen in detail in chapter 47 of the Book of Genesis.

Elsewhere in the World

During this time, the following events at various locations around the world are recorded:

  • Middle Kingdom of Egypt reestablished prosperity and stability. This brought about art, literature and building projects reappearing on the Egyptian scene. Military and political security, agricultural and mineral wealth, and religion all flourished during this period.
  • Hittites take over the area now covered by Turkey. The Hittites were considered members of the Bronze Age, but forerunners of the Iron Age.
  • Bronze to Iron Age – During this period making items of bronze seemed to be migrating into the Iron Age. The manufacture of artifacts from iron was noted. Iron became a very valuable commodity and was used to produce goods.
  • In Greece – In Greece, the Middle Helladic Period was in full swing. During this time, settlements drew closer together and gravitated toward hilltops. During this period, rectilinear pottery was being influenced into curvilinear by the Minoans.
  • China – The first Chinese dynasty known as the Xia migrated into the Shang Dynasty around the 18th century.
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Lot of the Bible

The name Lot in Hebrew means Hidden or Covered. The word was used to refer to a veil. Perhaps Lot was born in a caul i.e. his face was hidden at birth?

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Lot and his family Leaving Sodom and Gomorrah

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is believed to have taken place in about 1890 B.C. according to the Biblical Timeline at which time Lot was already a married man with grown daughters. Bishop Ussher in the 17th century dated Abraham’s call as taking place in 1921 BC. Lot was the son of Abraham’s brother Haran who had died while the family still lived in Ur according to Genesis 11 v 27,28. It was a family of close and complicated relationships as Abraham was married to his own half-sister. And his brother Nahor became Lot’s father –in –law when he married Milcah who may also have been the sister of Sarah. If she is identified with Iscah as in Jewish Talmudic stories (Genesis 11 v 29).Lot’s story is related in Genesis 11-14 and in chapter 19 he is also mentioned. Abraham was close to Lot, and he would have been his heir had Abraham not eventually had children. However, it cannot have been easy still not being in charge in middle life, because he was still under the patriarchy of Abraham.

Lot and Abraham departing

They split up finally when the two reached Canaan as both had very large herds. Lot chose to travel on to the well-watered plains to the southwest – also where there were to be found the two notorious cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Jewish Midrash records rather more about Lot than is set down in the scriptures, claiming that Abraham had rescued him from a fire for instance.

In Genesis 19:8 there is rather a negative story about Lot when he offer’s his daughter’s to the mob rather than break the law of hospitality. 2nd Peter v 4-10 describes Lot as a righteous man disturbed by all the evil among which he lived.

Famously of course Lot and his family fled from the destruction that God poured out upon the cities of the plain and his wife stopped to look back and was turned into a pillar of salt. There is a rock formation on the shores of the Dead Sea known as ‘Lot’s wife’.

Lot and his Daughters

Genesis 19 tells the strange story of how Lot’s daughter’s, supposedly believing that they were the only people to escape the destruction. Deliberately got their father drunk so that they could have sex with him without his knowledge and so carry on the human race. The older girl’s daughter became the ancestor of the Moabite, and that of the younger one the Ammonites, both peoples who lived in proximity to the Israelites.

Bible and World History Together

In Egypt at this time the pyramids were being built. Was Lot a witness? China was in the stone age and North American hunters chased after large game animals. In Japan, the time covered is referred to as the Jamon period, which refers to the way in which ceramics of the time would have cord markings on them. In Sumaria, the cuneiform writing was being used for trade purposes and weights and measures were becoming fixed.

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Known as the western part of the Germanic tribe called the Goths, the Visigoths remained mainly on the west part of the Black Sea during the 3rd century AD. It is located on the Bible Timeline Chart between 400 and 500 AD. Because they frequently settled in the west, these people were referred to as the Western Goths while the Ostrogoths were the Eastern Goths. This distinction was made by Cassiodorus, a Roman writer who provided further information about these two Gothic tribes.

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‘Capital from the Visigothic church of San Pedro de la Nave.’

Historical Background

Upon the invasions of the Huns, the Visigoths sought for help to Emperor Valens, who was then the ruler of Rome. These people needed a place where they could settle and remain safe from the Hunnic invasions. Fortunately, Valens permitted them to stay in an area situated near the Danube much to the contentment of the Visigoths.

However, things took a turn for the worst for this tribe as provincial Roman governors began to mistreat their people. This resulted to open rebellion led by the Visigoths to defend themselves from the cruel treatment of these officials. The Visigoths sacked and looted various Roman towns, and they became more and more powerful after successfully getting what they wanted.

Valens took action by setting out for a battle against the Visigoths. The Gothic Wars, which took place in 376 to 382 AD, resulted in many wins by the Roman Empire. However, the Battle of Adrianople held in 378 AD served as the decisive victory for the Visigoths. It also signaled the Roman Empire’s slow decline and even the emperor was killed in this tough battle.

The Glory of the Visigoths

Theodosius I assumed the throne to take the place of Valens, and he ruled the Western Roman Empire. His main purpose was to prevent the Visigoths from further causing trouble and chaos to the Romans’ territories. In 382 AD, a peace treaty was created to end the battle between the Romans and Visigoths. The treaty was signed by the leaders of both parties – Athanaric and Theodosius.

Meanwhile, Theodosius decided to strengthen this peace treaty by establishing regional Visigoth governors. He also tried to unite the Romans and the Visigoths through the Christian religion. At that time, the Visigoths believed in Arianism while the Roman Empire followed the Nicene Creed that was instituted by the Emperor Constantine the Great. Although he did not attain this goal of encouraging more Visigoths to practice the Nicene Creed, the peaceful relations between the two lasted until Theodosius died in 395 AD.

With the death of Theodosius, the Visigoths who were assigned to various political roles started to reject the Roman rule. They chose Alaric I as their new king. Alaric I wanted to establish unity between the Romans and Visigoths, which he partly accomplished. However, he was much more competent as a warrior than as an administrator. So, he failed to promote long-term peace between the Visigoths and the Romans until it led to the conquest of Rome in 410 AD. Slowly, Rome lost its control over the Visigoths, and with greater challenges from its powerful opponents, the empire soon reached its decline.

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Coming from Jutland, which is modern-day Denmark, the Vandals were one of the strongest Germanic tribes that were a threat to the Roman Empire. After departing their homeland, they set forth to the Valley of Odra River, in the 5th century BC. By the 2nd century AD, the Vandals started settling along the coast of the Danube River. This was also the time when they began their attempts of invading Rome.

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‘Vandalic gold foil jewelry from the 3rd or 4th century.’

Conquest of Spain and Other Nations

In 409 AD where it is located on the Bible Timeline Chart, aggressive and powerful Vandals invaded a huge portion of Spain. They also looted various cities to obtain necessary resources for survival. They arrived in Spain after crossing the Rhine River in 406 AD. However, the Vandals faced great pressure from the Romans residing in that area and the Visigoths also caused them to flee eventually from Spain and head off to the African province. While in North Africa, the Vandals elected a leader to rule over them. Gaiseric, who was a crippled man and son of a slave, was noted as their new ruler. Despite his physical condition, he was a brilliant person who was a skilled conspirator. He also possessed an extraordinary ability in politics. For half a century, Gaiseric was able to foil the plans of various Germanic kings and Roman diplomats all because of his ingenious treaties that led to the success of the Vandals.

Under the Leadership of Gaiseric

During the year 429 AD, Gaiseric successfully brought his people to the African coast after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar. Slowly, the Roman cities soon fell into the hands of the aggressive Vandals as numerous places were looted and sacked by this powerful tribe. The locals are residing at Hippo, the city invaded by the Vandals, fled to obtain refuge and support from Augustine, their bishop. However, the bishop soon died in his beloved city during the Vandal’s invasion that lasted for 14 months. It did not take long before Hippo finally surrendered and succumbed to the barbarian conquerors.

While cleaning up of the city was still being undertaken, Gaiseric decided to start another project. He aimed to construct a fleet that would propel him to his great dream of sailing to the Mediterranean Sea and discovering more lands to invade. The Vandals decided to settle in Hippo and live among the locals of the city. Meanwhile, they assigned Roman bureaucrats to handle intricate administrative tasks. The relationship between the Arian Vandals and the Romans were hardly any better. Gaiseric was also unable to check for any animosity, and violence broke out because of his successors’ prejudicial acts. Thus, the Vandals persecuted a majority of the Romans. This resulted in scores of martyrs of the Catholic Church, who died because of their refusal to denounce their faith.

Cruelty and destruction were only one of the reasons for the degeneration of the Vandals after the reign of Gaiseric. The armies became more and more disorganized as they were lured by luxuries produced by their rich land. They have also become more corrupt, and they failed to lead the people in an organized manner. Hence, the Vandals quickly succumbed to the Eastern Roman Empire’s army during the battle in 533. After their defeat, the Vandals no longer became a distinct tribe, and they joined with a diverse local population and lived a common life. They did not leave any significant legacy to the world, and they remained bitter and hungry for justice.

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Vandals in France (425 AD)

One of the strongest groups of people that fought against the Romans in 425 AD was the Vandals. These people were of East Germanic descent, and they were ruled by King Genseric during that year. In 425 AD, the Vandals entered Africa, under the commands of Genseric. By about 439 AD, these people successfully established a kingdom, which was made up of African provinces aside from various islands including Sardinia, Balearics, Malta, Corsica and Sicily. By 455 AD, the Vandals sacked Rome, which made them among the most powerful opponents of the empire.

According to scholars in the Renaissance era, the Vandals were characterized as barbarians. These people were among those that looted and sacked Rome with much success. Because of their destructive ways, the term vandalism was eventually used to describe the senseless and extensive destruction. Also, the Vandals tend to deface artworks, which destroyed the beauty of these pieces.

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‘The Vandal Kingdom at its greatest extent in the 470s.’

Modern historians have a different viewpoint of Vandals as they consider these people as perpetrators of the Roman culture. This was evident of the Vandals during the early middle ages or the transitional period in Europe.

During the Vandalic War that took place in 533 to 544 where it is located on the Biblical Timeline Chart with World History. The kingdom of the Vandals soon collapsed; this allowed Justinian I to regain the Africa province, which was originally a portion of the Byzantine Empire.

Invasion of Gaul

By 406 AD, the Vandals travelled to the west coming from Pannonia. They passed the Danube with barely any difficulties. Upon reaching the Rhine, though, they had some challenges as they were faced with the Franks. The Franks were situated in Romanized regions that were established in northern Gaul.

According to studies, at least 20,000 Vandals died during the battle with the Franks. However, the Alans came to help the Vandals, and the Franks were finally defeated. This prompted the Vandals to proceed to the Rhine so that they could invade Gaul. The Vandals destroyed much of Gaul until they decided to head to the west and south under the leadership of Gunderic, who was the son of Godigisel.

Uniting with Other Tribes

In 405, Radagaisus united the Burgundians, Suevi and Vandals. With his commands, he and some of his army proceeded to Northern Italy from Pannonia where they destroyed many cities along the way. Honorius was the western emperor at that time, and he had no choice but to go to Florence to seek refuge from the war.

He sought for help to defeat the invaders, yet no military forces or volunteers came to his help. Fortunately, Stilicho came to his aid and rescued the emperor including what was left to the city of Florence. He also ordered the capture and murder of Radagaisus while his surviving troops were sold as slaves.

Stilicho conquered some areas that were once owned by Radagaisus’ army. He also did his best to establish an alliance and gain support from the Franks. He even obtained the neutrality of another tribe called the Alamanni. With his success in defeating the last of Radagaisus’ army (with the Franks’ help), he was coined as the Deliverer of Italy.

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The Suevi or Suebi are a Germanic tribe that Julius Caesar mentioned during the campaign of Ariovistus in Gaul. While Caesar considered the Suevi as merely a single Germanic tribe, other authors such as Pliny and Tacitus did not refer to them as a single nation unlike the Tencteri and Chatti. In fact, the Suevi settled in a large part Germany, and they were divided into various tribes with their own unique names.

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‘Roman bronze statuette representing a Germanic man kneeling, his arms outstretched and his hair in a “Suebian knot”‘

Origin of the Tribe

According to scholars, the Suevi were mobile people that barely relied on agriculture. They also moved to other places following the direction of the Elbe River and Baltic Sea. This made them a threat to the Danube and Rhine. During the latter part of their empire, the Suevi initially remained in the Agri Decumates before settling Alsace. A small area in this region still bears the name Swabia, which was derived from the Suevi. Other members of the tribe traveled to Gallaecia, and they formed a Gallacian kingdom that remained strong for 170 years before it was integrated by the Visigoths.

Caesar decided to position the Suevi to the eastern part of Ubii, and he distinguished this tribe from the Marcomanni, which were their allies. Some people believe that the Suevi referred by Caesar formed the Hermunduri or the Chatti. However, Strabo and Tacitus regarded these two were entirely different because the Suevi were not quite settled in one place, unlike the Chatti.

The terms given to large ethnic groups in Germania were hardly consistent with writers and scholars, such as in the case of the Suevi. For instance, Tacitus noted the presence of three primary types of Germanic people including the Ingvaeones, Istvaeones and Hermiones, another author prefers to add two other kinds such as the Vandals and Bastarnae.

The Vandals were Germanic tribes that originated in the eastern part of the Elbe River just like other groups such as the Goths, Burgundians, and Silingi. Moreover, Elbe Germanic, or a modern term that pertains to a large group of Germanic people tends to overlap with the classic terms Hermiones and Suevi.

Further Details about the Suevi

While there were insufficient records behind the Suevi’s migration in 406 AD, there is a theory that the situation was caused by the westward movement of the Huns in the latter part of the 4th century. The reason behind this was the threats given by the Huns, which caused the people to vacate and transfer to another location.

In 405 AD, the Suevi joined the Alans and Vandals in crossing the Rhine; where they located on the Bible Timeline Chart with World History. With the help of usurpers, the barbarians were able to enter Gaul without much difficulty. They took advantage of the city by causing many damages to Northern provinces of Belgica Prima and Belgica Secunda. Including Germania Inferior even before the Roman Empire viewed them as a threat. By 409 AD, the Suevi, Vandals and Alans already in the south, particularly towards Hispania. There they attempted to establish their position by overpowering any opponents that came their way and applied their military tactics to attain their goals of invading the area.