Moabites were descendants of Moab, the son of Lot. They lived peacefully close to their ancestral home in the proximity of Zoar after they displaced the Emmi. The Moabites relations with Israelites can be confirmed by the linguistic proof of the Moabite or Mesha Stone. They are known to have close connections with the Canaanites, Alalekites, Edomites, Philistines and Sethites. Relations between Moabites and Israelites wavered after the invasion of Canaan. The Assassination of the Moabite King Eglon by a Benjamite prompted the Israelites to attack Moabites near the Jordan River, where thousands of them were killed. You will find them on the Biblical Timeline Chart from 1500 BC forward.
The Moabites were known for their rich possessions and peaceful nature. In addition to this, they are known for their refusal to allow Israelites to pass through their territory when they were coming up from Egypt. They, however, did not raise a finger against Israelites for the more than 300 years they lived as neighbors. The Bible records that their friendliness prompted them to send their daughters to develop marital relations with Israelites against the law of God, whereby they enticed them into idolatry. Moabites also had friendly relations with Egyptians and were in full support of Egyptian protection of the border citadel that gave Egypt absolute control over Sinai.
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The land of Moabites
Their territory of Moab was divided into three parts, one of them being the field of Moab. This portion was enclosed by natural fortification and was bounded by the gorge of Amon River by the North, the Dead Sea cliffs on the south and a semicircle of hills on the east and south. The next one was the Land Of Moab, which was a more open country that extended from the Amon north to the hills of Gilead. The third portion was the plains of Moab, a ‘sunken’ district in the tropical depths of the Jordan River.
Moabites were later driven south to river Amon by Amorites who had crossed over from the other side of Jordan River. The Bible records that the Amorites were being ruled by King Sihon at the time of attacking the Moabites.
What part of the Bible mentions the Moabites?
- Numbers 21:13. A separation between Moabites and Amorites occurs by the river Amon.
- Deuteronomy 2:9-11. The Moabites expelled the ancient Emims from their territory.
- Numbers 21:28-30. The Moabites managed to possess many great cities
- Jeremiah 48:11. Moab was regarded as prosperous and stable, devoid of any element of captivity.
- Numbers 21:26. Moabites were dispossessed of a vast part of their territories by the Amorites.
- Numbers 22:3. Moab was alarmed by the huge population of the children of Israel.
- Numbers 22:1-25. Moabites together with Midian sent for Balaam to curse Israel
- Deuteronomy 23:6. God forbade the children of Israel from seeking peace and prosperity with Moabites
- 1 Samuel 14:47. The Moabites were subdued and harassed by Saul
- 2 Kings 3:4. Mesha, the king of Moab, paid homage to the king of Israel with sheep and wool.
- 2 Kings 3:21-24. Moabites were astoundingly deceived by the color of water and were gravely attacked by the Israelites.
- Isaiah 16:13-14. God talked about the desolation of Moabites within three years
- Jeremiah 27:3. Jeremiah prophesied that Moabites will be taken into captivity in Babylon
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