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Teotihuacan in Mexico

The Teotihuacan in Mexico is renowned for its MesoAmerican pyramids, which were constructed during the pre-Columbian period. This can be found on the Bible Timeline with World History around 650 AD. It is located in the Valley of Mexico, specifically in the sub-valley. In the present era, it is found in the northeastern portion of Mexico City. There are also other structures found in this historical city including residential compounds that were once inhabited by families with some murals and the “Avenue of the Dead.” Teotihuacan is also regarded for its pottery style referred to as the “Thin Orange” as well as the people’s obsidian tools that earned them popularity in MesoAmerica.

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Facts about the City

Based on historians, it was in about 100 BC when Teotihuacan was formed. However, it took several years before the city was completed since it was only by 250 AD that significant monuments were constructed entirely. Although there were threats in the city during the 550 AD, the site was said to have lasted until 7 or 8 AD. Prior to those years, monuments in the city were sacked while others were burned to the ground.

During the second quarter of the first millennium AD, the city flourished tremendously. In fact, it was considered as the premier city during that era in the pre-Columbian Americas. By this time, there were about 125,000 people living in Teotihuacan. Hence, it became one of the largest cities in the world during this period.

“The Teotihuacan in Mexico is renowned for its MesoAmerican pyramids, which were constructed during the pre-Columbian period.”

The city started as a center of religion during the first century AD in the Mexican Highland. For years, it became known as the most populated and the largest city in that era. To provide more homes for the people, multi-level residential compounds were constructed, which are similar to modern-day apartments.

Background and Origin

There are still debates in terms of the earliest history and origin of the city’s founders. However, some archeologists consider the Toltec as the ones who built the city because of the Florentine Codex that included texts during the colonial period. The civilization of the Toltec only began flourishing several years after the Teotihuacan’s zenith. Which means that it can be disproved that the Toltec established Teotihuacan.

Several urban centers were established in the central parts of Mexico during the Late Formative period. The Cuicuilco was among these prominent areas that were located on Lake Texcoco’s southern shore. However, when the Xitle volcano erupted the people living in the central valley had to flee and settle in the Teotihuacan. These new inhabitants of the city were believed to have established Teotihuacan and allowed it to flourish.

Teotihuacan collapsed when invaders sacked the city and destroyed a huge part of it. This period in the history of Teotihuacan was during the 7th or the 8th century. Scientists claim that the entire city was completely burned, and its important structures were destroyed by observation of the multiple fragments and pieces scattered throughout the city. However, the decline in the city’s population started as early as the 6th century due to severe droughts caused by climate changes, which were around 535 to 536 AD.

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Wari in Peru

Considered as a civilization in the south-central portion of Andes, the Wari (Huari) in Peru lasted from 500 to 1000 AD and can be located on the Bible Timeline Chart with World History around 700 AD. Wari was the capital city situated on the northeastern part of Ayacucho, in Peru. It was the center of the civilization in modern-day Peru’s coast and highlands. Evidence of this civilization included the Wari Ruins, as well as the remnants of the Northern Wari, which was found in Cerro Baul and Chiclayo. The ruins of Pikillaqta are also other concrete proofs of the civilization’s existence, and these were found on the road going to Lake Titicaca.

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During the earlier parts of the Wari culture and civilization, the people decided to expand their territory. In fact, Pachacamac, which was popular as the ancient oracle center, was included in the territory, although it maintained it’s status as autonomous. As for the reasons for the widening of the territory some of the possible factors that contributed to this include military conquest, religion and terrace agriculture, among other techniques.


According to scholars, the absence of written records in this civilization has led to insufficient details about the government of the Wari. It’s studies prove that the Wari followed a rather intricate social-political hierarchy considering the homogeneous administrative structure followed by the people. The El Castillo de Huarmey (a royal tomb) was discovered on the site of this civilization. Archeological findings were made in 2013 that revealed the Wari’s influences in terms of politics and the society. Burial items were found in the tomb, and these depicted material wealth that revealed how the Wari dominated much of the northern coastal Peru for many years.

“Location of Huari Culture”

The Wari decided to form administrative centers in several provinces, although these were nothing like the Tiwanaku’s architecture. Neighboring areas were influenced by the Wari as administrative centers were used extensively. The people also improved their road network and incorporated the terraced field technology as they created more fields to boost their agriculture. When the civilization reached its end, the Inca implemented these innovations by the Wari to broaden their empire.


The Wari civilization started its decline in 800 AD due to long periods of drought. Based on scientists, the city’s population slowly decreased, and it was significantly depopulated during 1000 AD. There were small groups of people that continued to remain in the city as the civilization came to an end. As for the city’s major buildings and important administrative centers, the doors were blocked intentionally which provided scientists a notion as though these people would return soon once it starts to rain again.

Unfortunately, the Wari culture had already ended even before the time came for the people to head back to the city after the drought. Also, the remaining residents of the city stopped all significant constructions. This gave rise to the possible reasons that aside from drought, other factors contributed to the collapse of the civilization such as invasions, violence among rival groups and warfare that continued throughout the city.

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Mississippian Mound Builders 700 AD, Rise of

Prior to the rise of Missippian Mound Builders is found on the Bible Timeline Poster with World History around 700 AD. This culture started in North America hundreds of years before the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. According to historians, these people created some earthen mounds of varied styles that were used in elite residences, burials, and religious ceremonies. There were different cultures included in the Mound Builders such as the Pre-Columbian during the Archaic, Mississippian and the Woodland period that covers the Hopewell and Adena cultures. All of these were within the years 3500 BC and until 16 AD. These cultures started and flourished in various areas including regions in the Ohio River Valley, Mississippi River Valley, and the Great Lakes.

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Scholars agreed that indigenous people living in America built these mounds. In fact, there were Spanish explorers who visited several Mississippi cities during the 16th century that dealt with the natives and learned more about their cultures. These explorers also discovered several artifacts that formed the concept that the natives were indeed responsible for these mounds built within certain regions in the Americas. The study of these cultures was mainly done through anthropology and archeology.

Interesting Facts about Mound Builders

“The Kincaid Site, a Mississippian settlement in southern Illinois.”

Originally, “mound builder” was a term that pertained to the people who made various earthworks during the 16th to the 19th centuries. These people excelled in constructing mounds and structures used in burial and other ceremonies. Among these masterpieces included platform mounds and structures with elongated ridges or flat/rounded tops. They were also designed as a part of their intricate villages presenting the specialized knowledge and skill of the builders. In Louisiana, for instance, there were some earthworks believed to have been built as early as 3500 BC. A type of culture called hunter-gatherer built these earthworks.

One of the finest creations by mound builders was a pyramidal structure that comes with a flat top called the Monks Mounds. This was the largest earthwork in the pre-Columbian period with an estimated height of 100 feet. They are situated around Collinsville, Illinois. There were inhabited by about 20,000 people until the Europeans came after the year 1800. Other structures included effigy mounds; these come in the shape of animals there were considered significant by the people. For example, the Serpent Mound which was a popular effigy mound and it is located in southern Ohio. The structure, as the name implies, appears as an undulating serpent, and it reaches more than 1330 feet in length.

Some tribal groups have their own cultures and beliefs, and they all built mounds based on their culture. Also, their creations had some relevance with cosmology revealing the in-depth knowledge of these builders. In 3500 BC, which was the Middle Archaic period, the Watson Brake was built. It was regarded as North America’s oldest mound complexes. It served as a marker of the culture’s social and political complexity.

When the Civil War started, the zenith of the Mound Builders reached its end. Nevertheless, there were discoveries made including the shell middens and coastal mounds, in 1861. There were also other mounds studied by scientists including the ones found in the Newark Complex, among a few others.

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Heraclius, Jews Persecuted by

The period in history that involved Jews persecuted by Heraclius eventually resulted in a revolt around 625 AD where it can be found on the Biblical Timeline with World History. It was also a part of the long war between the Byzantine and Sasanian. According to scholars, the war hurt the population of Christians in Jerusalem and other areas such as the places near the east. The number of Christian deaths enabled the Arabs to invade the land. There were, however, some claims that no manuscripts or records in the past recorded the destruction of Christian communities situated in Jerusalem.

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The Byzantines frequently persecuted the Samaritans and Jews. The religious propaganda initiated by Byzantines featured information and images that were against the Jews. This caused the Jews to support the mission of Sasanians in their invasions. Several revolts were held such as the ones in Acre and Tyre, which were both in 610 AD. Unfortunately, some of the Jews were injured while others were massacred.

Persecutions of the Jews

During the year 622 BC Heraclius, a Roman Emperor, gathered his army to reclaim his territory that was taken by the Sasanians. Six years after, King Kavadh II of the Susanians intended to reconcile with Heraclius; however Kavadh II died after a short lived reign. In March 629, Heraclius entered Jerusalem (although there were some scholars who believed this was not the accurate date of his arrival because of some conflicts in the events that occured in history). There were claims that after Kavadh II died, there were six other people who ruled the empire including Shahrbaraz, Azarmidokht, Farrukh Hormizd, Ardashir II, Shapur-i Shahrvaraz and Borandukht.

Some scholars argue that it would have been impossible for Heraclius to reach Jerusalem during that time because the Persian troops were there. It would have been more likely for Heraclius to have waited till after Ardashir III was assassinated and Shahrbaraz ruled the Persian Empire in 630.

Heraclius and the Jews

The Jews decided to side with the Persians in the hopes of achieving better results than with the Byantines. By 611 AD, Judea and Syria were conquered by the Persians, and the army penetrated Jerusalem (much to the delight of the Jews). At this time, over 60,000 Christians were killed by the Persians and even the Holy Sepulcher was destroyed.

“At this time, over 60,000 Christians were killed by the Persians and even the Holy Sepulcher was destroyed.”

Unfortunately, it was too late when the Jews learned about the cruelty of the Persians. So, the Jews had a deal with Emperor Heraclius, which was intended to give him a better chance at reclaiming the Holy Land. When the bloody war between the Sasanians and Byzantines ended, Heraclius successfully reclaimed Judea. When the Jews tried to remind him of the promises he made to them, the emperor resisted and said that his victory was the result of his week of fasting and the will of God. Soon, he had all the Jews killed while those who were able to escape fled to Egypt for safety. This signaled the decline of Judaism in the land of Judea.

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Caedmon, Portions of Bible Translated by

According to scholars portions of Bible were translated by Caedmon; a poet who was once mentioned in a text by Bede. This event can be found on the Biblical Timeline Chart around 680 AD. Caedmon was believed to have sung some poems in the Old English language which were based on stories from the Bible. However, he was not solely responsible for the translation of some Biblical texts.

Who was Caedmon?

A Northumbrian English poet, Caedmon was an Anglo-Saxon and noted for his love for animals when he settled at the Whitby Abbey’s double monastery. He remained at the monastery during the time of St. Hilda. He was able to compose a poem while in a dream, as told by Bede who was a historian during the 8th century. Caedmon soon became a monk, as well as a Christian poet who composed numerous original works.

Based in medieval texts, Caedmon was among the 12 Anglo-Saxon poets whose biographical information was rather incomplete. However, Bede wrote about him and described Caedmon as a gifted man who was brilliant in creating religious verses under God‘s inspiration. The texts from the scripture that was interpreted by him gave him the inspiration to easily compose a poem in the Old English language. His poetic verses were quite extraordinary and inspirational.

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Bible Translated by Caedmon, Portions of
“Caedmon was an Anglo-Saxon and noted for his love for animals when he settled at the Whitby Abbey’s double monastery.”

Works and Accomplishments

The Caedmon’s Hymn was regarded as the poet’s surviving work. This was a praise poem composed of nine lines with alliterations. It was intended to give honor to God. He was believed to have sung these lines during the time he was in a dream state. This poem was among the finest examples of poetry set in the Old English language, as well as in the Germanic language.

By the 17th century, a few poems were discovered and believed to have been written by Caedmon. In fact, Archbishop Ussher showed an anthology of Anglo-Saxon poems to Francis Junius, a Dutch scholar. These poems were written in 1000 AD and Junius was a specialist in Anglo-Saxon studies. He analyzed these poems and discovered that these were a perfect match to the description of Caedmon according to Bede. Moreover, these verses included poetic paraphrases of the Book of Genesis, Daniel, and Exodus. There were also poems that dealt with the Ascension, Resurrection, the descent of Christ into Hell and the Fall of Angels.

When Junius went back to Holland, he decided to publish an edition of the said manuscript with all the poems attributed to Caedmon. Thus, it was referred to as “Caedmon Manuscript”, and it is currently found in the Bodleian Library.

According to Bede, several English writers who composed sacred verses imitated the style of Caedmon, yet their works were nothing compared to his. In fact, the literary value of poems by Caedmon was of the highest value. The biblical stories were not simply paraphrased but were all created into a clear image that allowed readers to have a better understanding of these texts. These were referred to as one of the finest English sacred poems that continue to inspire the readers.

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Justinian and Catholicism

Justinian came from a renowned family in Illyricum, and he ruled the empire with great courage and determination. He can be found on the Biblical Timeline around 538 A.D. with World History. His 38 years of reign were regarded as one of the finest periods of the empire. He achieved much success as a ruler. However, there was a conflict that between Justinian and Catholicism during the latter parts of his reign; which had a negative impact on the empire. Nevertheless, Justinian was still considered among the Roman Empire’s best rulers because of his achievements as a military leader and a brilliant emperor.

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Justinian ruled for 38 years, and there had numerous accomplishments that elevated the empire’s economy and military forces. He possessed exceptional military skills, and he became engaged in legal and architectural activities that improved the infrastructure of the empire. His vision was to revive the power and glory of the Roman Empire, and he succeeded in doing so. There were some failures and challenges that he encountered along the way.

Catholicism and Justinian

As a responsible ruler, Justinian was dedicated to promoting peace and order among his people. He set himself as both king and priest of the empire, and he wanted to deal with matters involving the State and the Church. Justinian wanted to reconcile various believers in his empire, specifically the Catholic and Monophysites. In fact, he was married to a Monophysite, but her influence to Justinian created some conflicts over the last few years of his rule. Soon, Justinian earned a reputation for being a persecutor of the Catholic Church, which was noted as one of his negative images as a ruler.

“Soon, Justinian earned a reputation for being a persecutor of the Catholic Church.”

Theodora, his wife, was a secret Monophysite, and she encouraged him to give more freedom to Monophysites that lived in Egypt and Syria. Along the way, this would steer him farther from his duties to the Catholic Church. Theodora believed that by doing what she recommended, this would strengthen the empire’s alliance with the people in Egypt and Syria. Furthermore, this helped Justinian create an even stronger empire once he entered the East, and also after his successful attempts to conquer both Babylonia and Persia.

Theodora continued to influence and affect Justinian’s decisions until it came to a point that he began to show more favor to the monophysitism. Also, this heretic mentality reached the West and encouraged Severus (a heretic) to influence Theodora in having the sect called Miaphysitism formally recognized in the Empire. At this time, Justinian was involved in establishing his campaign to conquer Europe again. It did not take too long before Pope Silverius was deposed to be replaced by an anti-pope. This decision of Justinian put an end to his ties with the Catholic Church.

Meanwhile, Justinian was determined to extend his empire over to Asia. However, he was not successful in doing so, and he had to withdraw his army from Europe only to deal with difficulties he was experiencing in Asia. The attack by Barbarians in the Balkans led to more problems that deeply concerned the emperor.

Overall, Justinian remains as the empire’s greatest rulers after the reign of Constantine. His early years as a ruler were impressive, and he possessed remarkable qualities that allowed him to garner numerous accomplishments as the empire’s courageous leader.

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Tiahuano/Tiwanaku In Bolivia

The Tiahuano/Tiwanaku in Bolivia is referred to as an archeological site during the Pre-Columbian era. It was situated in the western portion of that country. The empire can be found on the Biblical Timeline Chart with World History around 600 AD and existed from the years 300 to 1000 AD.  Andean Scholars consider Tiwanaku as a great civilization before the Inca Empire started. This area maintained its status as an administrative and ritual capital; its glory lasted for about 500 years. At present, this ancient city state still has some ruins on the shores of Lake Titicaca; which is in the Ingavi Province.

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Overview of the Tiwanaku

Pedro Cieza de Leon, a Spanish Conquistador, came up with a written history of this site in Bolivia. In 1549, he first discovered ruins of Tiwanaku while he was looking for Qullasuyu, an Inca capital. The original name of Tiwanaku was believed to have been lost since the inhabitants of this land were not able to develop their written language. Historians believe that the ancient people of Tiwanaku spoke the Puquina language.

“The location of Tiwanaku was quite vital to agriculture as it was between the dry highlands and the lake. “

According to researchers, Tiwanaku was first inhabited in about 1500 BC. It served as an agricultural village, and there were pilgrimages in the area. The location of Tiwanaku was quite vital to agriculture as it was between the dry highlands and the lake. Thus, the people had extensive resources of plants and fish and there were vast herding grounds for the llamas.

The Titicaca Basin helped the people grow their crops since it received a good amount of rainfall during the year. The people were dedicated to expanding their farming skills and helped the civilization flourish. Flood-raised fields were a significant farming technique developed by the Tiwanaku. This enabled them to grow rich produce in their lands. This type of field was also observed in regional agriculture along with their terraced fields, qochas, and pasture.

Tiwanaku’s elites lived in a sheltered area that was surround by a moat. According to some historians, the moat was intended to make the area appear as sacred. In fact, there were several images found on this site, yet the elites were the only ones who had access to these. It was considered as a holy shrine, and commoners were only given an opportunity to enter the site during important ceremonies.

The Tiwanaku developed numerous materials and technologies that improved the lives of the people. Materials were created to enhance the Tiwanaku’s architecture and economy. The people were highly skilled in pottery, basketmaking and textiles. In addition to this, there were monumental buildings that once stood in the empire’s capital that presented the site as the seat of religion and politics. Overall, Tiwanaku possessed a multiethnic character and remarkable skills with its natives working together to elevate its economic situation until the civilization’s decline.

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Mayan Civilization 500 AD, Pinnacle of

The pinnacle of Mayan civilization can be found on the Biblical Timeline with World History around 500 AD. It was a period of numerous accomplishments by the Maya people. One of their most notable legacies was the Maya hieroglyphic script; that was a writing system used by the Columbian Americans. The people also developed their mathematical, astronomical and architecture systems. The entire civilization expanded from the southeastern portion of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and western parts of El Salvador and Honduras.

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Beginning of the Mayan Civilization

It was during the Preclassic Era when sedentary communities were established in the region. Alongside this, there were different crops cultivated by the people including squashes, chili peppers, beans, and maize. These were all important to the typical diet of the Maya people, and they came up with ways to improve the quality and quantity of their crops.

According to researchers, the very first cities in the Maya region were developed as early as 750 BC. After centuries, the cities flourished as more and more monumental architectures were built. For instance, there were large temples constructed that featured ornate stucco facades that added to the grandeur of the structures.

In the Preclassic period, numerous cities were developed, specifically in the Peten Basin. By 250 AD (which is noted as the Classic Period) the Maya started to sculpt monuments. It was also the period in history when there were more city-states formed. This helped improve trade among other nations. There were two well-known rivals in the Maya lowlands, which were the Tikal and the Calakmul.

During the classic period, the people believed in the “divine king”, and he mediated between the mortals on earth and the different elements in the supernatural realm. As for kingship, it was traditionally passed to the eldest son. The one appointed as the king is expected to serve as an excellent war leader; which means he must possess essential qualities of a ruler. In the Late Classic era. However, there was an increase in an aristocracy. This reduced the divine king’s exclusive power. This period also presented more and more art forms by the people, which included fine materials such as ceramics, jade, wood, and obsidian (to name a few).

“Numerous architectures were found all throughout the city including pyramid-temples and palaces.”

The cities continued to expand greatly, and soon, a growing number of administrative and commercial complexes were built. These were all constructed along with residential districts in the city center. Causeways were also established, and these linked various parts of the city for a more efficient means of getting from one place to the next. Numerous architectures were found all throughout the city including pyramid-temples and palaces. Buildings aligned strategically for astronomical studies and ceremonial ball courts.

As hieroglyphic writing was developed in the Classic period, the Mayan people began to record their rituals and history. They created their screen fold books that featured these important pieces of information. Maya text was also discovered on ceramics and stelae. Unfortunately, only three of the screen fold books were spared while the others were destroyed by the Spanish.

Indeed, the Mayan civilization contributed so much to the world’s history. And showed the intellect and skill of the people in improving their way of life.

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Jerusalem Overview

Jerusalem is a land situated on a plateau between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Based on Islam, Christianity and Judaism, this nation was considered as holy. It is also claimed as both Palestine’s and Israel‘s capital. However, neither of these two countries’ claims were regarded internationally.

History of Jerusalem

There were two occasions when Jerusalem was destroyed, and it was seized at least 44 times throughout its history. As early as 4 BC, there were already residents in the city’s oldest sections. By 1538, the walls around Jerusalem were completed, which was during the time of Suleiman the Magnificent. Presently, these walls became its defining icon, when Jerusalem was separated into four different quarters. These quarters that were built in the 19th century were intended for the Muslim, Jewish, Christian and Armenian.

Based on the Holy Scriptures, King David conquered Jerusalem after defeating the Jebusites. It became a significant part of Israel where King Solomon ordered the construction of the city’s” First Temple“. However, there were no archeological proofs that the temple existed other than the accounts from the Bible.

‘Panoramic View over the Old City (Jerusalem)’


The holy city’s sobriquet was believed to have been a part of Jerusalem during the post-exilic era. The Septuagint conserved Jerusalem’s holiness, based on the Christian religion. In fact, the Christians claimed this as true, and the belief that Jerusalem was indeed a holy city was strengthened by the accounts that Jesus was crucified there. As for the Islam religion, Jerusalem was also considered as a holy city, along with Medina and Mecca. For instance, Jerusalem became the site of the first Qibla, which was the center of the Muslim prayer. Muhammad also went to Jerusalem during the Night Journey, where he ascended to heaven while he talked to God.

Ever since Jerusalem was noted as Israel’s capital during the reign of King David several thousands of years ago, it served a significant role among the Jews. For instance, the Western or Wailing Wall are the last remains of the holiest site of Judaism. The ancient temple was the center of Jewish prayer and the focus of Jewish veneration. It was there that the Jews have prayed for salvation.

On the other hand, the Arabs never considered Jerusalem as their central city. It was not even a provincial capital during the rule of the Muslims. However, there is one site in Jerusalem that is revered by the Muslims, which is the Al-Aqsa. This mosque was regarded as holy in Islam.

These are all reasons why the city of Jerusalem was considered as holy by several religions, even if it was only a small area that measured 0.9 kilometers. Among the different important sites in Jerusalem are the Western Wall, al-Aqsa Mosque, and Holy Sepulchre’s Church.

At present, Jerusalem serves as the center of the conflict that exists between the Palestinians and Israelis. In fact, the War of 1948 that involved the Arabs and Israelis caused the conquer of West Jerusalem. East Jerusalem and the Old City were both captured by Jordan, and was eventually annexed. However, the international community was against the annexation, and it refuses to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s or Palestine’s capital.

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Jerusalem Middle Ages, Caliphates and Ottomans

In the Middle Ages, Jerusalem neared its decline until it reached its downfall. Although in the beginning, it was recognized by the Byzantine Empire as a major city, it continued its success under the control of the Muslim in the early centuries. However, it was during the reign of Fatimid Caliphate in the 10th century when the population of Jerusalem decreased in number. There was only half remaining from an estimate of 200,000 during the conquest of Christians in the year 1099.

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Christians massacred a number of the population, although the remaining people recovered rather quickly during the establishment of the kingdom of Jerusalem. However, in 244 AD, the city was back to having less people at about 2,000 when the Khwarezmi Turks took over once again. After this, Jerusalem never again regained having more than 10,000 people up to the 16th century.

In 638, Jerusalem became one of the very first nations conquered by the Caliphate. In historical sources, Umar came to the city to receive the key from Sophronius, who was an Orthodox patriarch of Greek origin. He also invited the Muslims to pray and show their reverence to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. As for Umar, he decided to pray at a distance from this Church, to prevent the temple from being endangered. About 55 years later, a new mosque credited to Umar was constructed to commemorate the place where he prayed.


Umar allowed the Jews to observe their religion and live a free life in Jerusalem after the fall of the holy city. At least 60 years after the dynasty of the Umayyad initiated the building of the Dome of Rock on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem. While there were no details about Jerusalem from the Qu’ran, there were accounts in the hadith that mentioned Muhammad’s ascension to heaven in Jerusalem during his Night Journey. A dome with an octagon figure was ordered to be built in the site where it was believed that Muhammad went up to heaven. Another construction was made in Jerusalem, and it was the Al-Aqsa, which was a mosque that also pays tribute to the “Night Journey” of Muhammad.

The history of Jerusalem continues to the time of the rule of the Ottoman in the land. In 1517, the Ottoman Turks arrived to Jerusalem and conquered it, and they maintained control of the land up to the 20th century. While there were no other controls by the Europeans in the Holy City, the presence of Christianity remained. In fact, there was an increase in the presence of Christians in Jerusalem during the restoration of the Orthodox Churches in the land, under the rule of the Turkish Sultan. Communities were also strengthened during the time of the Ottoman Era.

This era presented the expansion of Jerusalem outside the walls of the Old City. This was intended to address the overcrowding issue which was a significant problem during that time. Neighborhoods were formed, which included the Sha’ananim and the Russian Compound, in 1860.