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Azariah or Uzziah,  King

In Hebrew, the name Uzziah or Azariah means “Yahweh is my strength”. This man was noted as one of the Kingdom of Judah‘s finest kings. Although he ruled at a very young age, he showed great wisdom and character.  For this reason, he remained on the throne for 52 years. However, he was only his father’s co-regent during the initial 24 years that he ruled the kingdom.

According to some historians, King Azariah reigned from 783 to 742 BC, which is where he can be found on the Biblical  Timeline. In the Bible, he suffered from leprosy because of is disobedience to God. At this time, Jotham, his son, took his place. Another ruler named Pekah led the kingdom during the final year of King Azariah’s reign.

Life of Azariah

According to researchers, Azariah began his reign when he was only 16 years of age. Although he started as a young ruler, it was noted that his time was one of the most prosperous. He was also inspired and guided by Zechariah, a prophet, who helped him during the onset of his reign. Azariah remained faithful to God, and he did his best to always do what was pleasing to the Lord.

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‘The King successfully made great machines used for battles including ones that can hurl big stones or shoot arrows, in case they were under attack by invaders.’

The king successfully made great machines used for battles including ones that can hurl big stones or shoot arrows, in case they were under attack by invaders. In 2 Chronicles 26, Azariah was able to defeat the Arabians and the Philistines. He also reorganized the country, and his army was re-equipped with strong weapons to use for battles. Indeed, the king was a responsible and committed ruler. His contributions made him popular in various lands including Egypt, as stated in 2 Chronicles 26:8.

The Downfall of a Great King

Unfortunately, things fell to an end when he allowed his pride to get the best of him. He made a mistake by entering the Lord’s temple to burn incense on the altar. When the high priest discovered this, a group of 80 priests confronted the King to say that he was not supposed to do a thing as that. Burning incense at the altar of the temple was supposed to be reserved solely to the priests who were Aaron‘s descendants.

Afterwards, there was a strong earthquake that occurred, and a large hole appeared in the temple where brilliant rays radiated from it. The ray hit the king’s face, and he was instantly afflicted with leprosy. Immediately, he was asked to leave the temple, and he was forced to find himself a separate dwelling where he stayed until he died.

Thus, Jotham, son of Azariah, was on a co-regency where his reign lasted for 11 years. This period was the last 11 years of the king’s life. In his death, he was given a separate grave, which was described as lonely and isolated.

This was the life of a powerful ruler who started his reign being admired by many, yet his pride caused him to lose everything he had even at the time of his death.

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Arvad, Gebal, Phoenicia founded cities of

According to the Bible, Arvad was referred to as the city, which was the progenitor of the Canaanite group called the Arvadites. In 2nd BC, this island was occupied by the Phoenicians, who also ruled over the land. Arvad and Gebal can be found on the Bible Timeline Poster around 2200 BC. During the time of the Phoenician’s reign in this land, it was considered as an independent kingdom. It was either referred to as Jazirat or Arvad, yet the Phoenicians gave another name for it, which was believed to be Aynook.

Among the Greek, Arvad was popularly called Arados, and it also was mentioned as Arphad or Arpad in ancient sources. However, Antiochus I Soter decided to rename the land to Antiochia.

In terms of economy, Arvad was one of the thriving cities because it served as a base for commercial purposes. This base became functional when it comes to commercial trades in ancient times to Orontes Valley.

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The Island started out as nothing but rock.

Arvad was positioned about 50 kilometers in the northern part of Tripolis. Initially, the island was nothing but a barren rock, which was popular for its fortifications and residences that are high-rise in nature. As for the total area of the island, it measured about 800 meters in length and 500 meters in width. Arvad was protected by a strong wall, as well as a harbor that was artificial in nature. The harbor was made in Arvad’s east and up to the mainland. In the early parts of the island’s development, it has become a trading city that was just like the other cities populated by Phoenicians. Arvad also had a thriving city and navy, and some of the ships found in this island were stated in Assyrian and Egyptian monuments during ancient times. Arvad was noted for its coinage and successful local dynasty, and the island’s inhabitants were even stated in the Book of Genesis in 10:18. On the other hand, in Ezekiel 27:8-11, Arvad’s soldiers, and seamen were under the service of Type. Under the leadership of the island’s rulers, a few neighboring cities on Arvad’s mainlands were established including Simyra and Marathos. Other cities that were built including the ones on the south and opposite portion of the island.

Additional Facts about Arvad

‘ This land, which was known as Arados or Arado to Greeks, had a small fishing town that belonged to modern-day Syria.’

Arvad was first established by a group of Amorite settlers during 2nd BC. Initially, Canaanites settled on the land, but then a strong Phoenician kingdom soon took over. This land, which was known as Arados or Arado to Greeks, had a small fishing town that belonged to modern-day Syria. It is situated about 3 kilometers from Tartus, and it covers an area of about 700 meters in length.

Since there were limited resources on the island, the people relied mainly on the mainland for essential supplies necessary for survival. Nevertheless, Arvad still became an important point for commercial trades in the Orontes Valley. Interestingly, there was a small city that remained under the control of Arvad, including some of Northern Canaan’s regional cities.

Arvad was often referred to as a typical kingdom of the Phoenicians, although it was also regarded as the first republic ever established in the world. The citizens were also the ones who formed the island’s first government, and there were some kings who were recorded to have reigned during a certain period in Arvad.

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Shang Dynasty Care for Old and Polygamy

The Shang Dynasty was believed to have been established during 1766 to 1122 BC. However, some accounts claimed that the dynasty lasted for at least 500 years until it ended in mid-11 BC when the Zhou dynasty took over. It can be found on the Bible Timeline Chart starting around 1704 BC. Primarily, the dynasty remained in the Yellow River, although there have been 5 different occasions when the capital was moved. However, it was in modern-day Anyang when the capital remained for over 250 years. The move was made possible by Pan Geng, the dynasty’s great ruler in 1384 BC. The Shang was regarded for their sophisticated use of bronze materials, which they used in making bells, fish hooks, pins, and other valuable items that enabled the production of axes. It was also during this era that structures were made, and these had walls made of pounded earth reaching about 9 meters in height. Ceremonial centers were also built, and these areas were constructed around other sites such as animal pens, storage pits and shops.

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They relied mostly on agricultural products.

Lifestyle and Practices

Since ancient Chinese people relied mostly on agricultural products, they were able to raise cattle, chicken and pigs for consumption. Moreover, they cultivated hemp for clothing while hunting was also practiced to make fur coats that helped the people survive bitter cold winters. As for the religion of the people in this dynasty, they believed mainly on worshipping ancestral spirits. They also considered Shang Di as their supreme God, which they also praised and worshipped through various rituals and traditions. In fact, decisions were often made with the help of the divine, and there were ancestral temples where people verified whether the choice they were to make would be a wise one or not. During this era, the king was considered as the ruler of the feudal system. This means, he had the right to call on other members of nobility for help once there is a need to fight against invaders. The culture practiced was also quite traditional. The oldest people were regarded as the ones closest to the great ancestors. Although the culture practiced was patriarchal, women can only become a matriarch in case she was the last and oldest survivor in her family.

Kings in this dynasty had the right to marry several women.

Kings in this dynasty had the right to marry several women. Thus, polygamy was practiced by the nobles, although there were some kings who remained to be married to only one woman for the rest of their lives. Interestingly, there were oracle ones discovered that revealed a king who had 3 wives while 26 kings in the dynasty had just one wife until his death.

Care for the old was also practiced, as this was one way for the younger generation to show respect to their elderly. The people looked up to the oldest members of their family for guidance and wisdom, and the elderly people were offered deep respect and recognition as important members of the household and the society.

In the Shang, the culture and language of China developed immensely. There are also various pictograms and ideograms that showed the civilization of the people in this dynasty. Hence, the dynasty proved to be a great turning point in China’s history because of numerous contributions it made to the country’s unique culture.

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Judah, Son of Jacob 

In the Book of Genesis, Judah was considered the founder and leader of the Tribe of Judah of the Israelites and can be found on the Bible Timeline around 1704 BC. He was Jacob and Leah’s fourth son, whose name means “praise” or “thanksgiving”. As mentioned in Genesis 29:35, upon giving birth to Judah, Leah sang praises to the Lord for having been blessed with a son.

In the Scriptures, Judah had several brothers including Reuben, Levi, Simeon, Zebulun and Issachar. In the Bible, narrations on Judah’s birth was followed by stories about how he and his brothers were jealous of Joseph, who was the favorite son of their father. When they had the chance they took Joseph and threw him into a pit and debated about what should be done with him. In Genesis 37:26-28, it was Judah who saw an Ishmaelite caravan passing them at that moment. The said caravan was bound for Egypt, and Judah suggested that instead of killing Joseph, he should be sold as a slave to this group of people. He believed it was better to gain profit from selling Joseph, which the other brothers took as a wise suggestion.

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Judah and Tamar

Eventually, Judah was wed to a Canaanite, who was the daughter of Shua. He soon had three children named Er, Onan, and Shelah. When Er died after marrying Tamar, Onan took her in based on what was the custom that prevailed during that time. However, Onan died, and before his death, he refused to have any children with Tamar. Based on the custom, Tamar had a choice to marry Shelah, yet Judah was against it. However, Tamar decided to trick Judah by disguising herself as a prostitute. The two had intercourse, and this resulted in Tamar’s pregnancy. Upon discovering that he was tricked, Judah attempted to have Tamar killed, but what stopped him from doing so was the revelation that he was the father of the unborn child.

Joseph and Judah

Joseph and his family reunite.

After Joseph had been sold as a slave, he experienced great fortunes in the land of Egypt. In fact, he soon was awarded a high position, and he became successful about 20 years after his brothers’ betrayal.

When the brothers came to Egypt, they did not recognize at first that it was Joseph whom they were speaking with. An incident happened during their visit, and Simeon was told to remain as a hostage. And would only be released as soon as Benjamin another of Jacob’s sons was brought to the palace upon the brothers’ next visit.

Judah spoke to Jacob and assured his father that Benjamin would be kept safe during their return to Egypt. However, another incident occurred, and Joseph ordered for Benjamin to stay in Egypt as his slave. Judah, who was responsible for Benjamin, decided to plead by taking the place of their youngest brother instead, until Joseph finally revealed his real identity upon discovering that his brothers have changed for the better.

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Exciting Biblical Discovery just North of Jerusalem

An intriguing excavation site has been discovered where many questions are being answered about the Bible and ancient times. There is some debate about the dating of et-Tel and its connection with the Exodus.

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This city Maqatir has promising signs suggesting that it was around all the way back to the Exodus. There is also a possible connection with Abraham and Jacob.
“Bryant Wood of Associates for Biblical Research began the excavation to search for evidence to support his belief that Maqatir, and not the nearby site of et-Tell, was the location of Ai, the city conquered by Joshua after the destruction of Jericho.” – Click here to read about it.

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Fun Foods and Activities for Bible Based Fall Festivals

There are many fun ways to celebrate fall and make it Christian centered. Below is a list of great ideas for fun activities and food that are about the Bible.

Noah's ark
Jonah and the Wale
fall fun
The Trinity
NO hiding from God
Be Wise
No fear with God

Here is a list of more ideas:

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Tarquin Family Name

The Tarquin name originated from the Etruscan family (translated to mean ‘Lord’) which governed Rome. It can be found on the Bible Timeline Poster with World History around 604 BC. According to a legend recorded by the historian Livy, a Corinthian Noble moved to Tarquinii, Etruria and wed into one of the head Etruscan families. He then had two sons Aruns and Lucumo. Lucumo wed Tanaquil, who was a daughter of the Etruscan nobility and considered a prophetess of high esteem. By her he was persuaded to go to Rome and seek a higher position. There he changed his name to Lucius Tarquinius Priscus.

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With the help of his wife and after some plotting Tarquinius Priscus became the ruler of Rome and began the influence of foreign reign. Some good did come from this in that it enhanced the society with power and strength which allowed for much growth. The Etruscans brought about the royal insignia that were the symbols of power meant to give the king more respect and renown. These symbols were a golden crown, ivory scepter, and chair call the ‘curule chair’, a white robe sewn with a purple lining and twelve ‘lictors’ (royal servants that held rods (‘faces’) around an ax). This was to show an unquestionable authority from the king.

‘Even the buildings and structures of Rome show the workings of Etruscan knowledge.’

In addition to this Etruria brought about the art of haruspices (soothsayers) who proclaimed the words of the Gods. These people had the duty of deciding the God’s influence by watching lightning, nature, studying the intestines of sacrificed creatures and going as far as to observing sacred chickens while they ate. These ‘soothsayers’ were meant to be more knowledgeable about such things than the Roman augurs, and it is thought that the Senate supported them.

Even the buildings and structures of Rome show the workings of Etruscan knowledge. The size and strength of their works mostly in the walls and sewers that were built during that time exhibit the hands of grand and well versed construction workers. The ‘Tuscan Street’ (‘vicus Tuscus’) that spread into the Forum kept the imprint of their part in the cities of Rome.

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Midianites Subdued Israel, The

This occurred around 1200 BC where it is listed on the Bible Timeline Chart. The children of Israel ‘did evil in the sight of the Lord’ (Judges 6:1) and from that God caused them to be taken over by Midian for seven years. During that time the Midianites, Amalekites and those from the East went against Israel and pillaged their lands; leaving nothing to salvage. From this, the children of Israel were sorely grieved and prayed to the Lord.

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In response, God sent a prophet who told them of God’s mercy in taking them out of Egypt and protecting them. Because they had not obeyed, they were not kept safe.  Then Gideon prayed and asked God for his miracles to return to be saved from the Midianites. The Lord then told Gideon to go and save Israel. Gideon was unsure of his strength and told God of his meek circumstances. God assured him that he would prevail. (Judges 6:16) After offering a sacrifice towards the Lord and seeing an angel Gideon felt comforted and knew he would not be killed (Judges 6:17-23).

‘Gideon and His Men Destroying the Altar of Baal’

Following God’s instruction during the night Gideon tore down the altar of Baal and replaced it with an altar for the Lord. Upon seeing this in the morning, the men of the city were angry and asked Joash for his son so they could kill him. In response, Joash stood and requested Baal to defend himself because it was his altar. Then he named Gideon Jerubbaal for throwing down the altar.

The Midianites, Amalekites and the ‘children of the East’ came together and put up their tents in the valley of Jezreel. Gideon (Jerubbaal) and his people woke early that morning and traveled along the well of Harod to keep the Midianites on their Northside. God then spoke to Gideon and told him his army was too great and would boast of themselves and not the Lord if they were victorious. So Gideon asked for those who were afraid to return and was left with 10,000. This was still too many for the Lord. So only those who came by the water and drank by bringing their hands to their mouth instead of kneeling down were allowed to stay and fight; thus bringing the army down to only 300 men.

Before their attack, Gideon needed his fears comforted once more and so God sent him down before the attack with his servant Phurah to spy on the host. The army of his enemies was so vast it was innumerable. Upon closing in at hearing range, Gideon heard a man speaking of a dream he had received. “Behold I dreamed a dream, and, lo a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent, and smote it that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along.” (James 7:13) The comrade of the man who spoke his dream interpreted it to mean that Midian would fall into the hand of Gideon with God’s help. So Gideon felt assured of his victory and feared no more.

That night Gideon and his men surrounded the camp of the Midianites. They all carried trumpets and empty pitchers with lamps inside. So upon Gideon’s command blew the trumpets, broke the pitchers, held up the lamps and cried, “The sword of the Lord, and Gideon”. The men in the camp were frightened and turned upon each other and fled.

Gideon then gathered all his men to battle with the Midianites until victory and Israel were set free. He declined the offer to become King and upon his death Israel went back to idolatry.

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Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah
‘Shofar (by Alphonse Lévy) Caption says: “To a good year” – A shofar, symbol of the Rosh Hashanah holiday’

This holiday is the start of the ‘High Holy Days’ for the Jewish people. It is a celebration of Adam and Eve, and a time to plan for the new year based on lessons learned from the past.  This holiday starts a 10 day phase of repentance closing with ‘Yom Kippur’ which is through the evenings of Oct 3 & 4. This allotted time is referred to as the ‘Days of Awe’ when many will attempt to right wrongs towards those who had been insulted from the year before.  It is thought that God records names in books to decide who will live, die, enjoy a nice life or vise versa. This is done on Rosh Hashanah and finalized at Yom Kippur. What people have done (repented, prayed, good deeds) through this time period could change the outcome. Based on the depth of commitment many will take off work and avoid technology. This is the most valued Jewish celebration where they are expected to fast for 25 hours starting at the sunset the day before Yom Kippur and ending by nightfall the day of. During this time most will done white as a reflection of being clean.


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Elon, Bible Judge

Elon, which also appeared as Ahialon in other translations, was one of the judges in the land of Israel. His name was of Hebrew origin, which meant “strong” or “oak”. In Latin, he was referred to as Ahialon. This judge served in Israel after Ibzan, and his successor was Abdon. According to the Book of Judges 12:11, Elon came from the Tribe of Zebulun. He also became a judge for a period of ten years.

Accounts on Judge Elon

In the Bible, Elon was a Zebulunite. The length of time that he served as a judge in Israel was ten years, which was from 1073 to 1063 BC where  he is listed on the Bible Timeline Chart. When he died, he was burried in the land of Zebulunites, which was in Aijalon. Other than these details, there were not much mentioned about this man in the Bible. However, there were eight other men who also had the name Elon, based on the scriptures.

Beautiful and strong Oak tree the meaning behind Elon

According to the Bible, there were three great judges of Israel that helped shape the society during the time of their rule. Their goal was to maintain the society’s peaceful and happy state with their wisdom and ability to ensure justice in the lives of all the people in their land. Moreover, these judges aimed to live in harmony with others, as well as to be of service to the people around them. They also did their best to maintain a solid communion with God as they lived their life. This way, they could attain wisdom and all the right traits that would help them become of great assistance to the people.

One of the known judges in Israel was Jephthah, and he ruled for six years as a judge. He was a Gileadite, and he became notable for his wisdom in the tasks he performed. When he died, he was buried in Gilead, which was his hometown.

After the rule of Jephthah, Ibzan became the next judge of Israel. He was from Bethlehem, and he had several sons and daughters. He decided to send his daughters abroad, where they all got married to those who were outside the clan of Ibzan. The same fate happened to his sons who were also married abroad.

This great judge served Israel for seven years, and he was buried in his native land when he died.

Elon became the successor of Ibzan. This wise judge was a Zebulunite, and he became Israel’s judge for ten years. When he died, another judge took his place, and his name was Abdon, who was the son of Hillel. His successor was from Pirathon, and he became a wise and fair judge to the people of Israel.