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Jotham of Judah, King

King Jotham ruled Judah around 742 B.C., which is where he appears on the Bible Timeline Chart and was the son of King Uzziah. Jotham’s name means “God is perfect” or “God is complete”.

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He was 25 years old when he took the throne and ruled Judah for 16 years. His mother was named Jerusha and she was queen to Uzziah. The Lord considered Jotham a good king because he did what was right according to his expectations.

King Jotham influenced his son in the ways of God. Throughout the course of Uzziah’s life he continuously sought the Lord. God had blessed him tremendously for faithfulness to him. Jotham recognized the importance of serving God from observing his father. Uzziah almost had a perfect life with the Lord but toward the end of his reign he became proud. He entered the temple and burned incense on the altar. The priest told him that he should not be doing such a thing but the king didn’t listen to them and became outraged. God then struck him with leprosy and he had to live outside of his kingdom until the day he died. This event was very significant to King Jotham because he never entered into Solomon’s Temple during his time in power.


While Uzziah was still alive and living outside of kingdom with leprosy he still ruled the land but he did so with the aide Jotham. They were co-regents that ruled together. Jotham rebuilt the upper gates of Solomon’s Temple and he was careful to live in obedience to the Lord. Even though he personally served God he could not influence his subjects to follow in his ways. King Jotham didn’t destroy the pagan shrines. The people still offered sacrifices and burned incense to foreign gods. This is probably one reason why God sent the Arameans, Rezin and King Pekah of Israel against Judah as punishment for their sins.

King Jotham lived during the time of the prophets Isaiah, Hosea, Amos and Micah. Since he was a god fearing man he apparently listened intently to these messages from the Lord. He not only listened but he obeyed them as well. The fact still remains is that the people did not obey the messages from these prophets nor were they influenced by this king no matter how much he tried to do what was right according to God. God faulted the people and not the king for this situation.

The king waged war against the Ammonites and defeated them. He received a three year tribute of silver, wheat and barely from the Ammonites. Throughout the years of his rule, King Jotham was careful to obey all the commands of God. The Lord blessed King Jotham with power since he was personally obedient to his commands. Though the Bible doesn’t go into specific details about how God expanded the power of King Jotham, it’s safe to assume that the Lord built up his military forces and treasury in the same way that he did for his father Uzziah. King Jotham eventually died and was buried in the City of David. His son Ahaz took over the throne after he passed away.

Biblical References:

  •  2 Chronicles 27: 1, 2 Background information about King Jotham.
  • 2 Chronicles 27: 3 – 5 Outlines King Jotham’s building projects and some of his battles.
  • 2 Chronicles 27: 6 King Jotham becomes powerful because he obeys the Lord.
  • 2 Chronciles 27: 8, 9 Gives information about the death of King Jotham.
  • 2 Kings 15: 34, 35 King Jotham pleased the Lord but he did not completely destroy the pagan places of worship in Judah.
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13 thoughts on “Jotham of Judah, King

  1. hi I was wondering where Jotham lived and during what period of time. ex(2013-2014) thanks a lot for this information though it was very good and easy to understand

    1. Thanks James. We aim to serve!

  2. I am using this chart to teach a Women’s Bible Study at my church. It has been a valuable instrument in our study.

  3. I emulate the role played by King Jotham and his leadership.

  4. The meaning of the name Jotham is God is honest, perfect and complete is a big topic in life. Depicts somebody’a life. Mind the name you give your child.

  5. Yes a name has no accident it plays part in the character of the person and shapes the behavior too so be careful in giving names to your children.They are names that are good and names that are bad.

  6. I have named my two sons Jotham & Hezekiah, now i want to know the relationship between the two kings.

    1. Both Kings were righteous.

  7. I’m seriously impressed by the lifestyle of jotham. I love him and his father uzziah, but I was pissed off at the end of his life (uzziah). I can’t wait to name my first son Jotham.

  8. 11 chronicles 27 says Jotham son Ahaz reigned after him but in chapter 29 it said ahaaz was David’s son– not sure is that a mistake in the bible

  9. I assume that you are referring to 2 Chronicles 29:2 that is actually a reference to Hezekiah’s father being ‘David’. It is not uncommon in scripture to state the name of a prominent forefather several generations back, just as today someone might claim to be a descendant of Abraham Lincoln etc. The line of the kings of Judah was uninterrupted, except by Queen Attila, down to Hezekiah. See: and 2 Chron 21:12 and concerning Asa coming through David then Solomon 1 Kings 15:11 and 1 Chron 3:10

  10. I love hearing the meaning of jotham

  11. Was King Jotham only 41 years old when he died, or did Ahaz take over before Jotham died? 2 Chronicles 27: 8-9 summarizes that Jotham’s reign began at age 25 and lasted 16 years.

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