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Ahab, the most wicked King of Israel

God stated that King Ahab did more evil in his eyes than any other king before him. When the Lord of heaven makes this kind of comment about a person’s life this clearly reveals that God was not pleased with Ahab’s rule. God said that Ahab didn’t think much was wrong with the evil things that he did while he ruled. He married a foreign woman named Jezebel who worshiped the god Baal and he built a temple to honor this god in Samaria. He also built altars and idols to another pagan deity named Asherah. He allowed Jezebel to kill godly priests and a godly man named Naboth. He also created problems for the prophet Elijah while he was alive. He appears on the Amazing Bible Timeline with World History starting in 932 BC.

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Ahab was the son of King Omri a former military commander who had taken over the throne after laying siege to Tirzah. Self-proclaimed king Zimri set fire to the palace around himself after seeing the city was taken. Omri was a wicked ruler and he taught his son his evil ways. After Omri had passed away Ahab took what he had learned from his father and put it into practice while he ruled Israel. Ahab name means ” father’s brother” or “uncle”.

Ahab, Obadiah, Elijah, and Jezebel

At one point during Ahab’s rule, his wife Jezebel was killing God’s prophets. King Ahab didn’t care about what she was doing because he was worshipping Baal. God sent a prophet named Elijah to resolve this situation. Before Elijah confronted the King Ahab, the king had one of his chief servants, named Obadiah, to find some grass or vegetation for the king’s animals. The land of Israel was experiencing a severe famine at the time. Obadiah did what the king had commanded him.


King Ahab

Obadiah began to search Israel for some green pastures and while he was out performing his duties, he met up with Elijah. Obadiah was a godly man who hid many prophets away from Jezebel. When Obadiah saw Elijah he bowed to him and they started to talk. Elijah told Obadiah to tell Ahab that he was going to pay him a visit. Obadiah was afraid to tell King Ahab because the king and Jezebel had wanted to capture Elijah since he was the leader of the prophets. Ultimately, Obadiah did as Elijah told him to and Ahab met up with him. So Elijah confronted Ahab and told him that him to summon the prophets of Baal. There was a showdown between the prophet of God and the false prophets. Elijah won this confrontation. This was a major blow that was dealt to his kingdom since Elijah proved that God was stronger than Baal.

Naboth Vineyards

Naboth was a Jezreelite who lived in Israel during the reign of Ahab. King Ahab wanted his vineyard because it was beautiful and it was located near his royal palace. King Ahab wanted to pay Naboth for his vineyard or exchange it for another vineyard. Naboth refused to part with it because it was a family plot. King Ahab became upset and was depressed about the situation. His wife Jezebel told him that she would get Naboth’s land. She devised a scheme where two men bore a false witness against Naboth claiming that he cursed God and the king. The people stoned Naboth for these sins. Jezebel then told King Ahab to take his land because he was dead. God once again used Elijah to inform King Ahab that dogs will lick up his blood in the same spot where Naboth died. Elijah also tells Ahab about Jezebel’s fate as well. Ultimately, King Ahab lost his life at the battle of Ramoth-Gilead. His blood that was washed off of his chariot was licked up by dogs in the city of Samaria in the same place where Naboth was unjustly killed.


  • 1 Kings 16: 29 – 33 Ahab becomes king of Israel.
  • 1 Kings 18 King Ahab and the prophets of Baal versus Elijah the Prophet on Mt. Carmel.
  • 1 Kings 21 Jezebel kills Naboth and takes his lands for King Ahab.
  • 1 Kings 22: 29 – 39 King Ahab dies and his blood is licked up by dogs.


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Omri Unrighteous King Of Israel

King Omri rose to the throne of Israel through a series of assassination plots. Once he was in power he didn’t bring God glory, by the way, he ruled the kingdom. God allowed Omri to rule Israel for a total of 12 years and during this period he continued the pagan practices that were started with Jeroboam the first king of Israel. King Omri’s name means “sheaf’ or “grain” or “king”. He appears on the Bible Timeline Chart starting in 939 BC.

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The Golden Calf Cult was a religion that was started by Jeroboam for the purpose of keeping his control of Israel. Jeroboam realized that the people would turn back to God if they were allowed to continue to keep worshipping at the temple in Judah. So the Golden Calf Cult served the purpose of keeping the people of Israel divided against Judah and God.

God had to punish many Israeli rulers for their worship of the Golden Calf. King Baasha of Israel was a king who ruled the land before Omri came to the throne. King Baasha was a wicked king who forsook the worship of God. As a result of his actions, God told him through a prophet named Jehu that he was going to wipe out his line. God didn’t carry out this prophecy until King Baasha’s son Elah took the throne.

King Elah ruled Israel for only 2 years before one of his military commanders named Zimri schemed an assassination plot against him. While King Elah was getting drunk at his friend’s home, Zimri snuck in and killed him. Zimri then proceeded to kill the rest of Baasha’s family line so that God’s prophecy against Bashaa would come true. Then Zimri placed himself on the throne of Israel and continued the pagan practices of the kings that were before him.

About a week later Omri and his soldiers found out what was going on at the palace. Omri was one of Elah’s other military commanders. After they had heard that Elah was dead, they proclaimed Omri as their new ruler. Omri then took his men and started to siege the palace where Zimri was located. King Zimri became terrified and thought all hope was gone, so he burned the palace and died in the fire. Omri was about to become the king, but another challenger to his throne rose up against him. This challenger’s name was Tibni half of the people supported him. Omri ended up beating Tibni and became king.

Omri built a city called Samaria during the rest of his time in power, and he had a son named Ahab. He raised his child in an atmosphere of rebellion toward God. His son learned his lessons well and after Omri had passed away his son, King Ahab, became known as one of the most corrupt kings in the history of Israel.

Biblical References:

  • 1 Kings 16: 1 – 7 Baasha is an evil king who rules in Israel. Because of his evil ways God tells him his lineage will be wiped out.
  • 1 Kings 16: 8 – 10 King Elah is the son of Baasha and after he takes over the throne he is killed by one of his military commanders named Zimri. Zimri then kills the rest of Baasha’s lineage as prophesized by God. After slaughtering all of Baasha’s relatives, Zimri sets himself up as king.
  • 1 Kings 16: 15 -20 Another military commander in King Elah’s army was named Omri. Once he hears about the assignation of Elah, the soldiers underneath him make him king. He then leads them in a coup against Zimri. Omri and his forces defeat the king’s soldiers, and King Zimri kills himself in a palace fire.
  • 1 Kings 16: 21 – 23 Omri is about to become king when another contender to the throne named Tibni challenges him. He defeats Tibni and finally becomes the king.
  • 1 Kings 16: 24 He builds a city named Samaria.
  • 1 Kings 16: 25,26 God is angry with Omri for leading the people of Israel in false worship.
  • 1 Kings 16: 28 King Omri dies and his son Ahab takes over the throne.
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Jehoram, King of Judah

Jehoram’s life is outlined in 2 Kings 8, and his name means “God is exalted”. Jehoram’s fathers name was Jehoshaphat. King Jehoshaphat was regarded as one of the best rulers in the history of Israel. Jehoram didn’t follow the ways of his father. He appears on the Biblical Timeline starting in 905 BC.

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Jehoram was 32 years old when he became king. He ruled  Israel for 8 years, and he led the people in the false worship of pagan deities during his rule. He urged the people to worship Baal and to take part in the Golden Calf Cult. This particular religion was used started by Jeroboam who used it to help keep Israel and Judah divided.

Many of the Kings held on to this religion because they wanted to keep their power. He also married one of King Ahab’s daughters. Her name was Athalia, and she was a wicked woman like her father and her mother, Jezebel. She helped to encourage Jeroham to lead the people into false worship. Jeroham listened to his wife and made God angry. God was going to destroy Israel, but he doesn’t because of the promise that he made to King David. This former king was given the promise that at least one of his descendants would forever remain on the throne. During Jehoram’s reign, the Edomites had rebelled against him.

The Edomites were conquered by the Israeli’s during the reign of King David. After King David had conquered them, they didn’t try to rebel against Israel because they feared them. God was with Israel in the days of David, but the Edomites realized that God wasn’t with Jehoram and decided to rebel. So King Jehoram decided to stop their rebellion. King Jehoram then went to war against the Edomites.

The Edomites fought hard against Jeroham, and the Israeli’s were not able to completely defeat the Edomites. At one point in the battle, the Edomites were able to surround the Israeli king but they were not able to kill Jehoram. He managed to get back home before they could capture him. Even though the Edomites didn’t win the battle, the Israeli’s had no choice but to flee. Since that time, the Edomites continued to rebel against Judah. In 2 Kings 8: 24 King Jehoram dies and is succeeded by his son Ahaziah.

Biblical References:

  • 2 Kings 8 16: Jarom, the son of Jehoshaphat, become king Israel.
  • 2 Kings 8 17: 32 years old when he became King ruled for 8 years
  • 2 Kings Followed the ways of Ahab and Married Athalia
  • 2 Kings 8: 17: 19 God doesn’t destroy Judah because of the promise that he made to King David about his relatives always being on the throne.
  • 2 Kings 8: 20 – 21 Edom rebels against Judah and sets up their own king. Jeroham gathers his chariots and attacks the Edomites. The Edomites surround Jehoram, but he was able to break through their attack. His army had to flee all the way back home.
  • 2 Kings 8: 22 the Edomites had continued their rebellion ever since this event
  • 2 Kings 8: 23 The rest of Jeroham’s deeds are written in the Book of Kings.
  • 2 Kings 8: 24 Jeroham died and was succeeded by his son Ahaziah.
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Jehoram or Joram King of Israel

Jehoram or Joram was a son of King Ahab and ruler of Isreal. His name means “Jehovah is exalted” and he is also known as Jarom. According to God, Jehoram didn’t rule the kingdom of Israel well because he led the people to worship false gods. He also endorsed the Golden Calf Cult religion that was first started by King Jeroboam the first ruler of Israel after the kingdom had split apart. He appears on the Bible Timeline starting in 910 BC.

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Early Years

King Jehoram was influenced by his father Ahab and his mother Jezebel in his youth. Once he became an adult he learned how to rule the kingdom of Isreal according to his father and mother. He did manage to remove the idols of Baal, but he continued the religion of the Golden Calf Cult. The people were led in the wrong direction away from God during his reign, and God was removing his blessings from Israel as a result.

Moabite Rebellion

The Moabites were subjected to Israel since the time that King David had conquered them. Though the Bible doesn’t say it directly, God probably was causing the Moabites to rebel against Judah because of their sin. So King Jeroham had to get these people back under control. He prepared for war and wanted the aid of King Jehoshaphat of Judah. The king of Israel agreed to march to battle with him. King Jeroham also had the help of the king of Edom. The three kings and their armies marched against Moab. While on their way to Moab the three armies had to pass through a barren desert. They almost had to turn back around because there wasn’t any water for the men or their animals. King Jehoshaphat was a godly man, unlike King Jeroham. This particular Israeli king never made a move without obtaining counsel from God. He usually sought the Lord’s counsel through a godly prophet. King Jeroham decided to call on Elijah to get a word from the Lord.

Elijah’s Prophecy

Elijah tells King Jeroham that he is a poor ruler, and he informs the three kings that the only reason he is speaking to them at all is because of his respect for the godly King Jehoshaphat. Elijah has a harpist play in the background while he prophesies to the kings. He tells the kings what they will do once they attack the Moabites, and he also tells them they will have the water they need. The kings thank Elijah and continue to Moab.

The Moabites are Deceived

God provide a lot of water for the three kings and their armies. When the Moabites saw the water in the early morning hours, they thought it was a river of blood. They assumed that the Israeli’s, Judeans and Edomites turned on each other during the night. So they went down to investigate the matter and when they did they were caught off guard. King Jehoram’s army and his allies drove the Moabites back, and they did everything that Elijah had prophesied. They covered fields with stones and destroyed all of the good trees in Moab, but they were not able to completely overcome the Moabites.

The Moabites Fight Back

The Moabite King tried to break through the Edomite lines and slaughter their king, but it didn’t work. He then sacrificed his oldest son to his pagan god. This act apparently worked because once he did this his people fought back against Jehoram and the other kings so ferociously that they had to retreat. The Moabites were defeated, but the invading armies of Israel and her allies could not claim a total victory.

Biblical References:

  • 2 Kings 3: 1 – 3 Outlines King Joram’s rule.
  • 2 Kings 3: 4 – 5 The Moabites rebel against Israel.
  • 2 Kings 3: 6 – 8 King Joram asks King Jehoshaphat of Judah to aid him in the battle against Moab. They also get the king of Edom to join them.
  • 2 Kings 3: 9 – 12 The Kings almost die on their march against Moab because there isn’t any water for their troops or animals. They then seek the help of Elisha to let them know if God wants them to be victorious.
  • 2 Kings 3: 13 – 14 Elisha rebukes Joram, but he gives them an answer because he respects the godly king Jehoshaphat.
  • 2 Kings 3: 15 – 19 While a harpist is playing a tune in the background Elisha tells the kings that they will defeat Moab and have the water that they need to complete their mission.
  • 2 Kings 3: 20 God provides water to the three kings armies.
  • 2 Kings 3: 21 – 24 The Moabite army saw the sun rising on the water and thought it was blood. They believed that the three armies had slaughtered each other. They then went to the camp to verify what they saw but were slaughtered.
  • 2 Kings 3: 25 The Israelites destroyed the towns, covered the fields with stones and uprooted all of the good trees.
  • 2 Kings 3: 26, 27 The King of Moab tried to break through Edom’s forces to slaughter their king, but he failed. He then sacrifices his firstborn son to one of his god’s to turn the tide of battle but this seems to have worked since the battle against Israel was great. Eventually, the three Kings won the battle but they had to withdraw back to their territories.
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Amaziah, Wicked King of Judah

King Amaziah was the son of King Joash of Judah and his  name means “strengthened by God”. He appears on the Biblical Timeline around 852 BC.  His father, King Joash was a bad ruler who led the people in false worship and he was also guilty of slaughtering the son of a godly man named Jehoiada. After the king had killed Jehoiada’s son his advisor’s plotted to kill him because he took a righteous man’s life. Jehoiada was King Joash’s mentor and he was a godly priest who helped to people of Judah to prosper under God. When he had died Joash started to listen to the advice of counselors who wanted the people to go back to idol worship. So God sent Jehoiada’s son to warn him about his sins but the king had him stoned. Shortly after this had happened Joash was assassinated by his people.

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Slaughters the Advisers who assassinate his Father

King Amaziah loved his father Joash even though he was not a godly man. Once King Amaziah became king he immediately found the people who plotted the coup against his father and killed them. He did this to avenge his father’s death and to protect himself from being assassinated as well.

King Amaziah
King Amaziah 

War against Edom and Rebellious Israelite Mercenaries

The nation of Edom began to rebel as they had done in the past. King Amaziah then gathered his forces so that he could control the Edomites. King Amaziah used most able body young men from Judah, but he hired some mercenaries from Israel to fight as well. God sent a prophet to tell Amaziah that he must not take the Israeli mercenaries into battle because if he does they will lose. The king listens to the prophet and sends the Israeli mercenaries away with pay. Even though they were paid before they were sent away the mercenaries were outraged that they wouldn’t be allowed to fight. So they decided to attack some towns inside of Judah while King Amaziah’s forces were fighting the Edomites. After they killed many people they carried back a lot of plunder and treasure back to Israel.

King Amaziah’s Victory Leads to False Worship

King Amaziah defeats the Edomites and after the battle is over he brings back Edomite gods and had the people worship them. God sends an unknown prophet to warn him to repent, but the king doesn’t listen. King Amaziah threatens to kill the prophet if he doesn’t leave. The prophet walks away, but he tells the king that God will destroy him.

Defeated by Israel

King Amaziah found out what the mercenaries had done and he issued a challenge to King Jehoash of Israel. King Jehoash told King Amaziah to let the situation go because if he doesn’t he is going to lose and lose badly. King Amaziah didn’t listen to the Israeli king’s wisdom and they went to war. During the battle, King Amaziah was captured by King Jehoash. The king made him watch while he plundered the temple of God and broke down a section of Jerusalem’s wall. He then released King Amaziah and returned home.

King Amaziah’s Death

Even though King Amaziah lived through this ordeal he was later assassinated by his people. He tried to avoid the same fate as his father, but it didn’t work. The people were angry with King Ahaziah because he allowed pagan gods to fill the land which angered the Lord. King Amaziah was 25 years old when he took the throne and he reigned for 29 years.


  • 2 Chronicles 24: 17 – 27 Joash’s evil deed leads to his assassination by a group of advisors.
  • 2 Chronicles 25: 3 – 4 Assassinates the advisors who killed his father.
  • 2 Chronicles 25: 5 -13 King Amaziah goes to war with Edom and dismisses Israeli mercenaries who become angry and they go attack some Judean towns. King Amaziah challenges the Israeli King because of this act.
  • 2 Chronicles 25: 14 – 16 King Amaziah carries back Edom’s false gods and is warned by a prophet to repent.
  • 2 Chronicles 25: 17 – 24 King Amaziah issues a challenge to the King Jehoash of Israel but is defeated.
  • 2 Chronicles 25: 27 -28 King Amaziah is killed by the people


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Athaliah, Wicked Queen of Judah

Athaliah was the daughter of King Ahab of Israel and her name means “the Lord is exalted”. King Ahab was a corrupt ruler who led the people of Israel into the false worship of Baal and other idolatrous practices. He married a foreign woman named Jezebel and supported her while she promoted pagan religions in the nation of Israel. Athaliah learned a lot from both of her parents, but the ruthlessness that she displayed during her life could probably be attributed to her mother, Jezebel. Queen Athaliah forced her way on the throne of Judah and ruled the land for six years. She is on the Bible Timeline starting in 897 BC.

The Queen of Judah was a Wicked Ruler

King Jehoram married Queen Athaliah and  became associated with the family of Ahab. Jeroham was apparently impressed and influenced by Ahab because he became a part of his lineage through his marriage to Athaliah. He also governed his people in the same way as Ahab. Once Athaliah became his wife she encouraged Jeroham to continue in the ways of her parents. Jeroham followed her advice and tempted God to destroy the kingdom of Judah. God didn’t wipe out the people because of the promise that he made to King David about keeping one of his descendants from each generation ruling from the throne.

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Queen Athalia

The Ruthless Queen Athalia

A military commander by the name of Jehu was sent by God to kill off the royal line of Ahab. Jehu had carried out God’s orders and destroyed most of Ahab’s family including Athaliah’s husband Jeroham and her son King Ahaziah. Once her son had passed away Athaliah decided to kill off the rest of the royal line so that no one could claim any right to rule. Apparently, it didn’t matter if the people she was killing was her children, grandchildren and relatives. After she carried out this deed she became the undisputed Queen of Judah.

Jehoiada Assassinates the Queen

While Queen Athaliah was wiping out her royal line her sister Jehosheba hid one of Ahaziah’s children named Joash and hid him in Solomon’s Temple under the watch of her husband Jehoiada who made sure that he would remain safe until the right time. Jehoiada was a godly man and the head priest in the temple. While Athaliah ruled the kingdom he plotted her assassination in order to place the young king Joash back on the throne. In the sixth year of Athaliah’s rule, Jehoiada carried out his plot. He took the young king to the temple and declared him king before the people. Athaliah heard the commotion and tried to figure out what was going on. When she went down to observe what was happening, Jehoiada ordered his soldiers to assassinate her and anyone who followed her. Once Athaliah was slain young Joash was finally free to rule the kingdom.

Biblical References:

  • 2 Kings 8: 16 – 29 Outlines the history of King Ahaziah’s life and the life of his parents.
  • 2 Chronicles 22: 10 – 12 Queen Athalia murders and kills to claim the throne
  • 2 Chronicles 23: 1 – 15 Jehoiada the righteous priest of God slays Queen Athaliah.
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Ahaziah, Wicked King of Judah

The kingdom of Israel was divided in half during the reign of King Rehoboam and since then, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah  experienced problems. The Israelite kings were cursed by Jeroboam who started a false religion so he could retain his power. The kings of Judah usually kept the true worship of God, but many of the rulers tolerated the worship of pagan deities and built foreign altars in their territory. King Ahaziah of Judah was one of those kings that had deliberately led the people away from God while he was in power. He ruled Judah for a very short amount of time. He is found on the Bible World History Timeline starting around 898 BC.

King Ahaziah Early Years

King Ahaziah was the son of King Jehoram and his name means “God holds firm”. King Ahab of Israel was Jehoram’s father in law because he married his daughter Athalia. God considered King Ahab to be one of the wickedest kings in the history of Israel. After King Jehoram had claimed the throne he killed all of his brothers so they would not challenge his right to rule. King Jehoram’s father was a godly king named Jehoshaphat who led the people in the ways of God. King Jehoram grew up observing his father as he ruled the kingdom of Judah, but he just didn’t follow Jehoshaphat’s example. After he married Ahab’s daughter Athalia he became increasingly wicked. He led the people to worship false gods such as Baal and the Golden Calf Cult.

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This is important to King Ahaziah’s story because the young king was influenced by the same behaviors of his father and mother. Apparently, he had grown up believing in false gods and he listened to evil advisors who helped him to lead the people to worship pagan deities instead of God.

King Ahaziah’s Short Reign

King Ahaziah was young when he took the throne. He was only 22 years-old when he became king. He had other siblings, but all of his brothers were killed by raiders while they were away from the palace. As soon as he was in power he immediately began to lead the people in the wrong direction. He was greatly influenced by his mother Athalia and advisors from King Ahab’s house. God only allowed King Ahaziah to rule Judah for one year before he took his life.


King Jehu: God’s Servant of Judgment

Jehu was a military commander used by God to carry out his judgment against King Ahab for his previous sins. Jehu was given the task to eliminate King Ahab’s family and he was successful at this task. He killed many people who were a part of Ahab’s lineage. He also killed the advisors, friends, distant relatives and associates of Ahab. During the short year that King Ahaziah was in power, the young ruler had aided the Israeli King Joram against the land of Aram. King Joram lost this fight and was wounded. After the wounded monarch returned home, King Ahaziah went to visit him. Once when he did God led him into a surprise attack by Jehu. King Ahaziah ended up escaping but was later found dead in another land. He was given a proper burial by Jehu because out of respect for his godly grandfather, King Jehoshaphat. This was the only thing good that the people of Israel said about Ahaziah after his death.


  • 2 Kings 8: 16 – 29 The history of King Ahaziah’s life and the life of his parents.
  • 2 Chronicles 22: 1 King Ahaziah is made a ruler of his people since he was the only son of King Jeroham that wasn’t killed by raiders.
  • 2 Chronicles 22: 3 – 5 Outlines how poorly King Ahaziah ruled the land of Judah.
  • 2 Chronicles 22: 7 – 9 Jehu slays King Ahaziah and gives him a proper burial.


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Joel Old Testament Prophet

Joel’s name means the “Lord is God” and when God used him to judge Israel. God sent Joel to get the people to turn from their sins so he could restore the nation. Israel was occupied by a foreign power when Joel was prophesying in the area.  He appears on the Biblical Timeline during the Divided Kingdom around 930 BC.

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God Judges Israel‘s Sins Joel 1:4 – 2:11
God is declaring the judgment against Israel for their sins. He uses Joel to explain to the people that he will send a large and extremely powerful army to overtake the land and to rule over the people. Israel’s sins are great, and God decides that he must send a severe judgment to deal with their rebellion and sin.

Suffering of Man and Beast 2: 1 -11
Joel describes in great detail about the foreign army that God is going to use to punish Israel. This army will be ferocious, strong, swift and cruel. No man, beast, town or kingdom will stand against it once it attacks. There won’t be anything that will keep this army from advancing to destroy the places that God has chosen to wipe out. The nation of Israel was terrified of this judgment.

Call for Repentance 2: 12 – 27
Joel tells the people that God will drive the advancing army away from Israel if they repent and do right by him. He tells them they will get back the blessings that they had lost. God also planned on making them prosper once again if only they would turn from their sins and worship him once more.

The End Times 2: 28 – 32
Joel 2: 28 Is the well-known Biblical verse about how their children prophesy, see visions and dream dreams once the end time arrives. God is going to show great wonders and visions during the last days on Earth, and many people will see his power and know that he the Lord.

Judgment of Nations 3: 1 – 17
In the end times, God is going to gather the nations of Israel and Judah together once again and then he is going to judge the nations of the Earth. He is going to judge these nations for their treatment of his people. God declares that the nations have done some horrible things to his people, and he is going to pay them back for their sins. He also plans on doing it rather quickly. He tells the nations who have harmed his followers to get ready for war. He tells them to beat their plowshares into swords, their spears into pruning hooks and their weak men should say that they are strong so that they can receive judgment too. Joel goes on to say that in those days darkness will cover the sun. Stars were not going to shine on that day. God will roar with a loud cry from Zion and cause the Earth to tremble before him. In the last few verses of the book, God says that he will avenge his people while all of this is going on he will protect his people from any harm.

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Isaiah, Prophet of the Old Testament

Isaiah’s name means salvation of the Lord and some of his prophecies told of the coming Messiah, who is Jesus Christ. He appears on the Biblical Timeline poster with World History during the time of divided Israel. Isaiah’s prophecies were given during a turbulent period in the history of Judah and Israel. God’s judgment had finally come to a breaking point, and he sent the Assyrian army to take the people into captivity. Judah remained in peace, but it no longer was as powerful as it had been in the past.

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Isaiah spent close to 70 years prophesying for God. His prophecies are so extensive that he is considered one of the Major Prophets in the Bible. He is ranked with other leading prophets such as Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Isaiah also had a wife, and she was referred to as “the prophetess”.

Isaiah’s Prophecies against Judah (Chapters 1 -39)

Judah had abandoned God, and God had finally had enough of their rebellion and sin. Most of the messages that Isaiah tells between chapters 1 and 39 explain why God is mad at Judah and what is going to happen to the people for their disobedience. In Isaiah Chapter 1: 2 – 4 God explains in great detail that he is fed up with Israel not following after his ways and worshipping him as Lord. In the rest of chapter 1 of Isaiah God pretty much has given up on Israel turning on their sins and coming back to him anytime soon.

He hasn’t completely abandoned his people, but he no longer wants them to represent his name on the Earth. This is one reason he dispersed them among the nations. Chapters 2 – 6 go into further details about God’s judgments against his people. In Chapters 7 – 12 Isaiah gives the people of Israel and Judah hope and speaks about the coming Messiah. Even though God is going to punish his people his mercy is ultimately going to win out over their sins. He ultimately understands their condition, and this is why he has Isaiah tell them he is going to send Jesus Christ so they can have a way from their broken condition. The nations of the Earth during this period are judged, and God proclaims judgment on the whole entire world. The rest of the books from Chapters 13 – 39 goes back and forth between God’s judgments and his mercy.

Isaiah 40 – 66

Isaiah tells the people in Chapters 40 – 53 that they will return from captivity because of the mercy of God. In many of the chapters that lie between 40 and 53 God constantly has Isaiah speak about Jesus’ role as savior. The remaining chapters from 54 to 66, Isaiah speaks about God’s plans for Israel and the rest of the world. God uses this prophet to explain how he will ultimately do away with sin and evil. God also said that he would lead the people back to holiness and righteousness.

Bible References Here are some verses and facts from the life and times of the prophet Isaiah.

  • Isaiah is quoted 66 times in the NT.
  • Amoz is the father of Isaiah. Isaiah 37: 21
  • He was privileged to see angelic beings Isaiah 6:2
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Jehoash, King of Divided Israel

King Jehoash’s ascension to the throne of Israel was filled with intrigue, deception, and suspense. His name describes the events of his life and the kingdom of Israel during his reign. His name literally means “God has given” and it is sometimes referred to as Joash. His reign appears on the Bible Timeline Poster with World History from 891 BC.

According to God, King Ahab was one of the worst kings in the history of Israel. He caused the people to worship false gods, and he didn’t obey the Lord. He also allowed his wife Jezebel to kill God’s people and set up Baal worship all over the land. Eventually, God judged King Ahab and Jezebel for their actions. God used a man named Jehu to wipe out Ahab’s family line and he succeeded in killing just about every member of Ahab’s family including their relatives. Jehu eventually became king of Israel after he wiped out many of Ahab’s kinsmen. When he became king, he continued this extermination program against the king of Judah.

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This particular king’s name was Ahaziah, and he was the grandson of Ahab. Ahaziah’s mother name was Athalia and when she found out that her son was dead, she decided to kill all of his children so she could be the ruler of Judah. She was successful in eliminating all of her grandchildren except for one. His name was Jehoash, and he was an infant when he was rescued from Athalia’s treachery.

Athalia Kills the Last Remaining Relative of Ahab

God used a princess named Jehosheba to hide Jehoash in Solomon’s Temple with his nurse. The young king remained inside of this place for six years before he could claim the throne. While Jehoash was in hiding a Levite priest by the name of Jehoiada made sure he was never found. He guarded the boy until it was time for him to claim the throne.

Jehoida led a secret plot to assassinate Queen Athalia, and his assassination attempt proved to be successful. Right before the Queen was killed, he had crowned the boy Jehoash as king. Once Athalia saw this happen, she yelled “treason” and Jehoiada had the guards slay her.

Jehoiada guided the little king from his infancy into adulthood. He taught him the ways of God, and the land of Israel prospered greatly during the early part of his reign. Jehoiada helped the king to get the people to worship God once again, and he had the king to destroy all of the idols that kept being rebuilt in the land. Many people in Israel prospered during the early part of Jehoash’s reign.

King Jehoash’s Decline

Time had passed, and Jehoiada was old and full years. The Bible says that he was 130 years old when he died. While he was alive Israel had enjoyed great peace and prosperity but once he died the kingdom went into decline. As soon as Jehoiada had died King Jehoash listened to false advisors who managed to get him to stop worshipping God. They also influenced the king to start Baal worship once again and when he did this God had to judge the nation. Before he carried out any type of judgment against King Jehoash he sent prophets to warn him to repent but he didn’t listen. Eventually, God sent Zechariah the son of Jehoiada, to warn Jehoash to turn back. He didn’t listen to him and stoned him death. 2 Chronicles 24: 19 – 22. God then sent a small force from the kingdom of Aram against Judah and Jerusalem. God judged Jehoash for his evil deeds. 2 Chronicles 24: 24, 25 He was killed by his officials for slaying Jehoiada’s son. Jehoash ruled Judah for forty years. The last years of Jehoash’s rule caused the people to go back into sin against God. Jehoash was succeeded by his son Amaziah.

Bible References

  • 2 Kings 11: 1 – 3 Athaliah kills off her grandchildren so that she can become the ruler of Israel except for Jehoash, who is hidden in the temple by his aunt, Jehosheba.
  • 2 Kings 11: 4 – 21 Jehoash remains in hiding for six years and is protected by a high priest named Jehoiada. This priest eventually assassinates the Athalia so that Jehoash can return to the throne.
  • 2 Chronicles 23: 16 – 18 Jehoiada guides the young king in the ways of God, and he helps him to govern the kingdom. God blesses the land of Judah because he is directing King Jehoash in the ways of the Lord. Israel prospers during this period.
  • 2 Chronicles 24: 15 Jehoiada dies and things change for King Jehoash.
  • 2 Chronicles 24: 17 – 18 Jehoash stops putting God first and causes the people stop worshiping God.
  • 2 Chronicles 24: 19 – 22 God sends Jehoiada son Zechariah to warn the king about his evil actions. The king has him stoned to death.
  • 2 Chronicles 24: 19 – 22 King Jehoash was killed by his officials for killing Jehoiada’s son.