Joel’s name means the “Lord is God” and when God used him to judge Israel. God sent Joel to get the people to turn from their sins so he could restore the nation. Israel was occupied by a foreign power when Joel was prophesying in the area. He appears on the Biblical Timeline during the Divided Kingdom around 930 BC.
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God Judges Israel‘s Sins Joel 1:4 – 2:11
God is declaring the judgment against Israel for their sins. He uses Joel to explain to the people that he will send a large and extremely powerful army to overtake the land and to rule over the people. Israel’s sins are great, and God decides that he must send a severe judgment to deal with their rebellion and sin.
Suffering of Man and Beast 2: 1 -11
Joel describes in great detail about the foreign army that God is going to use to punish Israel. This army will be ferocious, strong, swift and cruel. No man, beast, town or kingdom will stand against it once it attacks. There won’t be anything that will keep this army from advancing to destroy the places that God has chosen to wipe out. The nation of Israel was terrified of this judgment.
Call for Repentance 2: 12 – 27
Joel tells the people that God will drive the advancing army away from Israel if they repent and do right by him. He tells them they will get back the blessings that they had lost. God also planned on making them prosper once again if only they would turn from their sins and worship him once more.
The End Times 2: 28 – 32
Joel 2: 28 Is the well-known Biblical verse about how their children prophesy, see visions and dream dreams once the end time arrives. God is going to show great wonders and visions during the last days on Earth, and many people will see his power and know that he the Lord.
Judgment of Nations 3: 1 – 17
In the end times, God is going to gather the nations of Israel and Judah together once again and then he is going to judge the nations of the Earth. He is going to judge these nations for their treatment of his people. God declares that the nations have done some horrible things to his people, and he is going to pay them back for their sins. He also plans on doing it rather quickly. He tells the nations who have harmed his followers to get ready for war. He tells them to beat their plowshares into swords, their spears into pruning hooks and their weak men should say that they are strong so that they can receive judgment too. Joel goes on to say that in those days darkness will cover the sun. Stars were not going to shine on that day. God will roar with a loud cry from Zion and cause the Earth to tremble before him. In the last few verses of the book, God says that he will avenge his people while all of this is going on he will protect his people from any harm.