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Rome and the Great Fire of 64 AD

On the night of July 18 64 AD (where it is listed on the Biblical Timeline Chart with World History) a fire erupted in the commercial section in Rome. The wind was strong then, and the blaze rapidly broadened all over the dried out, wooden buildings of the city. It grew increasingly more out of control and raged a devastating destruction for 6 days. By the time the fire was extinguished, 70% of the city was gone.

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‘The Torches of Nero, by Henryk Siemiradzki. According to Tacitus, Nero targeted Christians as those responsible for the fire.’

The historian Tacitus was present when the tragedy occurred. His has written about the occasion and is quoted as follows: “Now started the most terrible and destructive fire that Rome had ever experienced. It began in the Circus, where it adjoins the Palatine and Caelian hills. Breaking out in shops selling inflammable goods, and fanned by the wind, the conflagration instantly grew and swept the whole length of the Circus. There were no walled mansions or temples, or any other obstructions, which could arrest it. First the fire swept violently over the level spaces. Then it climbed the hills – but returned to ravage the lower ground again. It outstripped every counter-measure.

The ancient city’s narrow winding streets, and irregular blocks encouraged its progress. Terrified, shrieking women, helpless old and young, people intent on their own safety, people unselfishly supporting invalids or waiting for them, fugitives and lingerers alike – all heightened the confusion. When people looked back, menacing flames sprang up before t hem or outflanked them. When they escaped to a neighboring quarter, the fire followed – even districts believed remote proved to be involved. Finally, with no idea where or what to flee, they crowded on to the country roads or lay in the fields. Some who had lost everything – even their food for the day – could have escaped, but preferred to die. So did others, who had failed to rescue their loved ones. Nobody dared fight the flames. Attempts to do so were prevented by menacing gangs. Torches, too, were openly thrown in, by men crying that they acted under orders. Perhaps they had received orders. Or they may have just wanted to plunder unhampered.

Nero was at Antium. He returned to the city only when the fire was approaching the mansion he had built to link the Gardens of Maecenas to the Palatine. The flames could not be prevented from overwhelming the whole of the Palatine, including his palace. Nevertheless, for the relief of the homeless, fugitive masses he threw open the field of Mars, including Agrippa’s public buildings, and even his own Gardens. Nero also constructed emergency accommodation for the destitute multitude. The food was brought from Ostia and neighboring towns, and the price of corn was cut to less than ¼ sesterce a pound. These measures, for all their popular character, earned no gratitude. For a rumor had spread that, while the city was burning, Nero had gone on his private stage and, comparing modern calamities with ancient, had sung of the destruction of Troy.”


To quell those accusing Nero of the fire, the emperor turned on the Christians for blame to appease the devastated citizens. He took the people he could accuse and gave them to the lions at huge gatherings in what was left of Rome’s Arena.

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Roman Egypt

Egypt under Roman Control

Roman control in Egypt historically occurred after the coming of Octavian (Augustus) during 30 BC it is listed on the Biblical Timeline with World History under 1-250 AD with World History. This was after his victorious battle with Marc Antony and Cleopatra in Actium.

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‘Temple of Denderah. Back wall where can be seen: Cleopatra and her son, Cesarion Image taken by Alex Lbh in April 2005.’

Augustus then proclaimed himself to the Egyptians as successor and Pharaoh. He abolished the Ptolemaic monarchy and declared the realm as his own. Then he announced a temporary ‘prefect’ or ‘governor’ that efficiently took politics out of the area; thus neutralising competitions to take over amidst the influential citizens of Rome.

For nearly 12 years, Egypt was maintained by Rome’s armies till the country was stabilised. Everything was done in line with the laws and stages of Rome’s laws. The structure of the government was remade to acknowledge the rights linked with ‘Greek’ history. This was an incredible addition to the Roman Empire and proved a great asset to the country. There was an abundance of farming with shipments of grain to Rome. Egypt made papyrus, glass, and varied delicately made crafts. The deserts held many different kinds of raw materials such as ore, porphyry, and granite.  Business with central Africa, the Arabian Peninsular, and India thrived down the Nile, desert, and sea routes from the Red Sea port of Berenike. Valuables and cultural traditions spread from Egypt to Rome by Alexandria, a place Diodorus of Sicily spoke of as “the first city of the civilised world”. It’s amazing library and society of authors, philosophers, and scientists were recognised all over.

One of the first major problems the Roman Empire came across was the contentions between the Greeks and Jews during the rule of Caligula ( reigned 34-41). There was also the Jewish rebellions under Trajan (reigned 98-117), and the people’s rebellions in Coptos during 293 AD. Christianity was brought to Egypt during the first century AD from Saint Mark, who was martyred afterwards by the Alexandrians in 67 AD. Ever After the Christian missionaries started working and the vast church of Alexandria was created and is still present today.


Surprisingly the Christian belief spread very quickly to the point that most of Egypt was converted by the end of the 3rd Century AD. They were categorised along with Jews as a cult. This lasted till the Christians grew in number and acquired a distinctive position. Their place was increased after they rejected the culture to offer sacrifices to the Romans’ pagan gods. In addition, they opposed Roman teachings, particularly towards those policies that counteracted their beliefs. This was thought of by the Romans as dangerous for the safety and unifications of the empire. Resulting in the great persecutions and intensifying towards the largest recorded maltreatment towards Christians at the time.

It was prepared and enacted in violent order especially by rulers Septimus Severus (193-211), Maximinus I (235-238), and Decius (249-251). The climax of these terrible events occurred under Diocletian (284-306). His reign was labelled ‘The Martyrdom Era’ by today’s Christian-Egyptians (Copts). Romans had displayed harsh actions towards them with well-developed tools intended for only that. Torture became a common violence towards Christians such as lashing, sloughing, stoning, tearing off organs, pulling out eyes and so forth.  At first, the Romans were attempting to persuade the Christians that the Roman faiths (especially the ones contrary to Christians) were right. If unsuccessful they would then implement torture and eventually killed them.

However, their actions had a reverse effect, spreading Christians and enacting more conversions. The standard Christian attitude was to stand their grand, proclaim their beliefs and ask to be martyred. This was an ideal that many were, in fact, hoping for. There was even a time in the Roman Empire that regular society was obligated to bear an official document proving that they believed in the Roman traditions and offered sacrifices on a regular basis to the pagan gods. This violent attitude against Christians was followed by harsh deconstructive standards against the Coptics. Religious books were burnt, along with sacred scripts, liturgies, and churches; really any item or place that had a connection to that faith. This continued until the open-minded rule of Constantine the Great (306-337); a ruler who at last acknowledged Christians as the official religion of the kingdom.


At the time of the Roman Rule, an altered language was adapting into the Egyptian manner called the Coptic language. “Copt” was from the Greek word “Aigyptos” which stands for Egyptian. The root of the language is not dated but looks to have started in the 2nd Century AD. It is taken from the historical Egyptian language and is thought of as its last phase. Coptic adds onto the Greek alphabet with 7 demotic letters taken from the writings basically a simpler take on hieroglyphics.

This manner of speaking lasted for a long time until the arrival of the Arab conquest during the 7th Century. Afterwards, the Arabic language slowly took over. Despite this, the Coptic language made it through until current time to be used by the Coptic Church in ‘liturgies’. The growth of the Coptic language added in literature into Egypt’s infamous past. Along with Egypt’s contributions to society’s culture, they also pioneered the world into Christianity.  They were the ones to start today’s ‘monasticism’. It began when Rome was discriminating any believer of the Christian way of life. The first to enter Monasticism was Saint Anthony (251-356). He abandoned his riches and left for the desert in search of religious freedom despite the threat of barbers who just like the Roman’s promised certain death. He pioneered the religion into ‘asceticism’ and created an order that provided monks with a self-governing culture. Saint Pachomious (292-346) created the cenobitic monasticism. He made the first policies for their gatherings and started many monasteries for both men and women. Along with the ascension of Constantine Pachomious, these events led to a period where the Mediterranean was labelled under the Byzantine Era, a branch of the Roman Rule but with varied qualities.

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Tartars and Turks

Turkics are a group of people that live in different cultures around northern, eastern, central and western Asia, northwestern China, and patches of Eastern Europe. They are listed on the Bible Timeline Chart with World History starting around 50-150 AD.

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Turkic people have in common for the most part culture and ancient histories. The word ‘Turkic’ stands for a large range of ‘ethno-linguistic’ societies: Turkish people, Azerbaijanis, Chuvashes, Kazakhs, Tatars, Kyrgz, Turkmens, Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Bashkirs, Qashgai, Gagauz, Yakuts, Crimean, Karaites, Krymchaks, Karakalpaks, Karachays, Balkars, Nogais and ancient peoples like: Gokturks, Kumans, Kipchaks, AVars, Bulgars, Turgeshes, Khazars, Seljuk Turks, Ottoman Turks, Mamluks, Timurids, Khiljis, and maybe even Karasuks, Huns or the Xiongnu.

It is said that when they were first recorded there was only the Huns or the Tartars. If they had stayed this way, there is a high possibility that they would not be a very big part of the world’s past today. They began on Mount Altai, which was a tall city of Tartary and enclosed by hills full of valuable metals; bits of gold and an abundance of iron.

Around the time that the Huns attacked Rome (5th Century of the Christian period) the Turks were just slaves and workers for ore and blacksmiths. It wasn’t long after the Huns lost control of Europe the Tartars grew surprisingly fast, and Turks arose all over the country as lords in broad lands. They were all linked with treaties for peace with the Chinese, Persian and Romans. The Turks had extended to Kamchatka in the North, Caspian in the West and possibly the beginning of Indus in the South. It was there that history shows a transitional kingdom of Tartars, located in the middle of eras Attila and Zingis.

‘The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is an example of the most common form of a Turkish mosque with a central dome and cascading semi-and quarter-domes and minarets.’

When the Seljuk Turks introduced the Turkish language and Islam in Anatolia during the 11th Century, it began the ‘Turkification’ of many groups of people in the area. The Ottoman beylik joined with Anatolia (in the past it had been segregated into many small groups). With the ending of the 13th century, it became the Ottoman Empire. Turkish people spread with the growth of patriotism beneath the Ottoman Empire. Along with the movement of around 7-9 million Turkish Muslim refugees out of the taken lands of the Caucasus, Crimea, Balkans, and Mediterranean islands into Anatolia and Eastern Thrace.

Turkish loyalty banded together even more from the Turkish War of Independence and following the declaration of the Republic of Turkey. Turkey had a very broad range of traditions and customs that mold with different factors of the Oghuz Turkic, native Anatolian, Greek, Islamic, Ottoman, and Western ways of life. With the Ottoman history, the Turkish people are the 2nd biggest cultural collection in Bulgaria and Cyprus. Along with the later resettlement a Turkish Diaspora that began, especially in Western Europe.

Great gatherings were established in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and even North America. In Eastern Europe, Volga Bulgaria turned into an Islamic territory during 922 and had a hand in designating trade routes. In the 13th Century, the Mongols overran Europe and started the Golden Horde in Eastern Europe, Western and Northern Central Asia, and Western Siberia. The Cuman-Kipchak Confederation and Islamic Volga Bulgaria were taken.

In the 14th Century, Islam turned into the declared territory beneath Uzbeg Khan, a place that mostly Turks and Mongols started to communicate in the Kipchak speech. They were also largely called the ‘Tatars’ by Russia and Westerners. The area was also called Kipchak Khanate and encompassed the majority of modern day Ukraine, and all of today’s southern and eastern Russia (European segment).

The Golden Horde separated into many ‘khanates’ and ‘hordes’ during the 15th and 16th Centuries. This is also involved the Crimean Khanate, Khanate of Kazan, and Kazakh Khanate (along with others), that were taken over one at a time by the Russian Empire from the 16th to the 19th Centuries. The Ottoman Empire slowly became less of a force from inadequate governing, constant wars with Russia and Austro-Hungary. Along with the growth of independent actions in the Balkans that finally came apart after WW1 into today’s Republic of Turkey.

Cultural independence growing in the Ottoman Empire during the 19th Century became part of Pan – Turkism or Turanism. The Turkics of Central Asia was not gathered in ‘nation-states’ for most of the 20th Century following the fall of the Russian Empire that lived in the Soviet Unions or the Chinese Republic.

In 1991 past the fall of the Soviet Union, five Turkic states acquired their freedom. They were: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Other Turkic areas like Tatarstan, Tuva, and Yakutia stayed in Russian Federation. Chinese Turkestan stayed as the People’s Republic of China. Right after the liberation of the Turkic states, Turkey started looking for non-violent interactions with those groups. As time passed, political gatherings grew and started the Turksoy in 1993 and afterwards the Turkic Council in 2009.

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Hadrian, Emperor

Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus was also known as Hadrian was born January 24 76 AD and died on July 10 183 AD. He was the emperor of Rome during 117 – 138 AD where he is listed on the Bible Timeline with World History. He is most recognized for the Pantheon, Temple of Venus and Roma. He also had Hadrian’s Wall built that set the northern borders of Roman Britain. Hadrian was thought of by many as a ‘humanist’ and a ‘philhellene’. He is thought well of as one of the Five Good Emperors.

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During his youth, Hadrian was soundly taught in Italica Hispania (today’s Seville, Spain) his native land. Then he departed for Rome only around the age of 14. Where began work in the military as Tribune for Emperor Nerva, ho soon died and was succeeded by Trajan. Who was recorded as the first Emperor of Rome to be of local descent. In time historians would try to locate the birthplace of Trajan and Hadrian to Rome however they were of Hispanic ethnicity which was popularly thought of to be a factor for Trajan’s actions in adopting Hadrian.

It is disputed that Trajan actually adopted Hadrian since it did not occur until right around his death. Trajan’s wife Plotina was in favor of Hadrian succeeding and had been the one to sign the documents. Despite this Trajan had held Hadrian in high esteem and had thought of him as a possible heir but with no paperwork to make it formal.


As soon as he ascended the throne Hadrian established loyalty with his armies and immediately sent away a Lusius Quietus, a possible threat. The Senate was aligned next despite an argument that Hadrian’s adoption papers were indeed Trajan’s doing. He was soon well esteemed by the people due to his continued absence from Rome to maintain order. He spent 12 years out of 21 going from province to province correcting management and ensuring the obedience of the legions. He was very well learned and involved with every part of ruling and enforcing justice. His dedication to the army was so much so that he was said to sleep and eat with the ordinary soldiers and often portrayed wearing military clothes despite his reign being comparatively calm.

Hadrian’s directions to new buildings are possibly the greatest part of his remembrance. He brought about cities all over the Balkan Peninsula, Egypt, Asia Minor, and Greece. He loved Greece and Greek Literature so much that he was called ‘Graeculus’ or ‘Greekling’ in his younger years but this enthusiasm did not diminish with time. He frequented Greece often and was part of the Eleusinian Mysteries very intimately. The Arch of Hadrian was built by the people of Athens during 131-132 AD in recognition as the originator of the city. He devoted many places in Greece towards youthful ‘lover’ Antinous who had drowned in the Nile River 130 AD. Hadrian had cared intesnly for him and his mourned his passing so much that he Hadrian had him defied (where originated the mystery cult in honor of Antinous). While in Egypt he started the city Antinopolis, in Rome he had the Pantheon rebuilt (had burnt down) and Trajan’s Forum along with financing the erection of more buildings, baths and villas. Several of these creations stayed together for a long period of time even as far as the 19th Century; the Pantheon still stands to this day.


In 130 AD Hadrian went to Jerusalem, a place that was in ruins from the First Roman-Jewish War in 66-73 AD. He had the city reconstructed with his own plans and had it named Aelia Capitolina Jupiter Capitolinus in honor of himself and the Ruler of the Roman Gods.

After he had a temple built to Jupiter on top of the remains of the Temple of Solomon (which was hallowed by the Jews), the people gathered in defiance under Simon bar Kokhbah in what was to turn into bar Kokhbah’s Revolt. The Roman lost an immense amount in this venture however the Jews fatalities were just as terrible. When the revolt was finally ended 580,000 Jews had been destroyed and more than 1000 cities demolished. Afterwards Hadrian exiled all the Jews that remained and named the area Syria Palaestina in honor of the foes of the Jewish people, the Philistines. Hadrian then had an open fire of the Torah, killed the Jewish scholars, and banned the religion altogether.


When Hadiran’s health began to weaken he went back to Rome and spent his time writing poetry and governing the country. He adopted and had Antoninus Pius heir with the directions for Antoninus to name Marcus Aurelius as the following successor. Hadrian passed away in 138 AD supposedly from a heart attack at 62 years old.

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Goths Invade Rome 

The Roman Empire, during its glorious period, extended to various parts of the world including Mesopotamia, North Africa, Britain and the Atlantic. However, the Romans’ power and victory soon came to an end when the Germanic tribes reached the Danube and the Rhine. Among these people who invaded some of the Roman provinces were the Visigoths. In 395, Alaric led several revolts that caused great problems to the Roman empire. The situation was also aggravated by the death of Theodosius the Great, a Roman emperor. Since then, the empire was divided into east and west, and its capital was moved to Ravenna.

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Goths Invade Rome
Goths Invade Rome

Worsening Condition in the Roman Empire

Alaric’s main purpose was to secure an area where his people could live comfortably. He also wished for this land to be recognized by the empire, yet authorities in Ravenna refused to give him what he wanted. With his strong desire to obtain this piece of land for his followers, he decided to head off to Rome and claimed what he wanted.

In 409 AD (where it is listed on the Biblical Timeline Chart with World History), Alaric and his followers invaded and appointed Priscus Attalus as a temporary emperor. However, his reign did not last for a long time. A year after, he came to Rome once again because Ravenna failed to give in to his demands. Along with his warriors, they waited outside the city as the Senate attempted to resist the invasion of the Visigoths. However, several rebellious slaves prompted the attack when they opened the Salarian Gate. This gave the invaders a chance to enter freely and set fire to houses within the area.

Attack of the Visigoths

Once the Visigoths found their way into the city, the palaces were quickly looted. Those who resisted were murdered, yet not many inhabitants were slaughtered during the invasion of Rome. Moreover, several monuments and buildings were spared.

With the Arian Christian background of the Visigoths, numerous Christian treasures and sites were left untouched. They also refused to steal silver and gold vessels that once belonged to St. Peter. Alaric ordered his men to secure sacred objects that were brought to St. Peter’s Church.

The Visigoths Left Rome

Three days after Rome was sacked, the Visigoths withdrew their armies and left the city. They took with them some money and treasures looted from the palace and houses of aristocrats. They also took some prisoners for ransom, while others were taken as slaves. One of their prisoners was Galla Placidia, who was the 20-year-old half-sister of Honorius. Although she was held captive by the Visigoths, she was treated in a decent and respectful manner.

After the invasion, Alaric, and his followers headed off Campania. The invaders also went to the Roman province of Africa, and he intended to leave his army there for a secure place to stay. However, his ships were destroyed by a storm, which prolonged the journey.

When Alaric died, Athaulf took his place. He was Alaric’s brother-in-law, and he was chosen by the Goths to rule over them. Instead of going to Africa, which was the original plan, Athaulf led the people away from Rome and across the Alps. They also attacked Tuscany before they headed north.

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Aztec Calendar Similar to Asiatic 

The Aztecs and several other groups of people during the Pre-Columbian era in Central Mexico devised and used a calendar system called the Aztec calendar. It is part of the Biblical Timeline with World History. This served as a guide to the people, which also has some similarities with the Mesoamerican calendars that were used during that period.

Features of the Aztec Calendar

The Aztec calendar features the xiuhpohualli, or a calendar cycle that includes 365 days. Another component of the calendar is the tonalpohualli, or the ritual cycle that involves 260 days. Together, these cycles form a calendar round that includes 52 years. Since the xiuhpohualli is based on the sun, it is used for agricultural purposes. On the other hand, the tonalpohualli is made up of 20 periods that include 13 days. These periods have a specific name, which is represented by a symbol such as a rabbit or water, among a few others. As days passed, a dot was added next to the hieroglyph or symbol for each period.

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Aztec Calendar Stone

The 365-year calendar used by the Aztecs represents the solar year or the length of time that the earth takes before it completes one revolution. The calendar was helpful in guiding the Aztecs in determining the right time for performing agricultural tasks and religious rites. They also regarded the last 5-day period as an unlucky or dangerous time.

The periods included in the calendar come with their own unique festivals that are linked to the agricultural cycle. Moreover, the end of the 52-year cycles was considered as the time for celebrating religious rituals to renew the sun. It is during this time that the people extinguished the hearth fires, destroyed their household goods, fasted, and waited patiently for signs that show the sun’s renewal.

Analysis of the Similarities Between the Aztec Calendar and the Asiatic Calendar

The Asiatic calendar helps people to learn more about the order in which the world started. Scholars devised this type of calendar, and these people have the ability to analyze every composition of the planet. They also referred to the calendar to determine possible occurrences in the future. Furthermore, the Asiatic calendar gives people an idea that the universe is entering a new period, which also signifies a renewal in the world and man’s state of consciousness.

If taken into consideration the features and purposes of both calendars, it is safe to say that the Asiatic calendar has some similarities with the Aztec calendar. Both of these are intended to guide the people about the history and chronology of the world’s existence. In the Aztec calendar, the number 13 is referred to as the original 13 Tribes, a concept that is also presented in the Asiatic calendar. Moreover, both calendars are based on the science of astronomy and mathematics, which help determine how spiritual prophecies and histories are recorded in continual periods as civilizations advance in this planet. It is also depicted in both calendars that the world has reached a period in the repetitive cycle, and, as a result, renewals are expected to take place.

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Shrouds of Mystery Surround the Early History of Japan

Japan’s historical origin was believed to be narrated in the Shinto literature. Most of the records concerning Japan are hard to claim as fact and full of mystery since they were derived from oral traditions and Chinese writings.  Based on the story of creation that was found in the Kojiki or Record of Ancient Matters written in 712 AD, the islands of Japan were created by two gods who were sent from heaven. They also created various deities who ruled over the wind, mountains, woods, rivers and seas. Among these deities were Amaterasu Omikami (Sun Goddess) and Susano-o (Storm God) who fought against each other. Eventually, Amaterasu won the battle. Then, Amaterasu assigned Ninigi, her grandson, to rule over the islands.

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Japanese Flag

Ancient Japanese Cultures

According to archaeologists, hominid activities in Japan may have begun by 200,000 BC, during the time when the islands were still connected to mainland Asia. However, there was archaeological evidence that prove the existence of Homo Sapiens in Japan between 35,000 and 30,000 BC. These are believed to have come from the eastern and southeastern part of Asia, and they are notable for their established tool-making, gathering and hunting techniques. Traces of stone tools and human fossils were discovered to have existed in Japan during this period.

During 10,000 BC, stable lifestyles have existed in Japan, and this was referred to as the Neolithic era. Researchers believe that the Ainu people who were members of the Jomon culture left more evidence of residing in the islands. The Jomon people also began making vessels and clay figures by 3,000 BC, and they made use of chipped stone tools, bows and traps for hunting.

The Yayoi was the following cultural period in Japan, and it occurred between 300 BC and 250 AD, which originated from the southern part of Kyushu to northern Honshu. Scientists discovered evidence that the earliest groups of these people were originally from Korea and relocated to northern Kyushu.

While Yayoi pottery was more advanced than Jomon ware, the latter was more appealing because of the intricate designs. The Yayoi also created ceremonial objects made of bronze, as well as weapons and mirrors, and they improved their weaponry and agricultural tools by the 1st century.

Written Records about Japan’s Earliest History

According to scholars who studied the origin of Japan, the earliest records about the country’s history came from Chinese sources. Wa, which was Japan’s early Chinese name, was initially mentioned in texts in 57 AD. This is where the history of Japan and it’s mysteries is listed on the Bible Timeline Chart with World History. Historians in China referred to Wa as the land made up of scattered tribal groups instead of being a unified land that was established in 660 BC, based in the Nihongi. Chinese sources from the 3rd century further reported that the people of Wa lived on fish, rice and vegetable served on wooden trays and bamboo. They also clapped their hands to express their reverence to their gods, and they observed mourning rituals.

Also, Himiko, the head of the Yamatai political federation, was quite active in performing her responsibilities during the 3rd century. As Himiko delivered her tasks as a spiritual leader, her brother was appointed to undertake state affairs such as the diplomatic relations with the Chinese Wei Dynasty in 220 to 265 AD.

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Has King David’s Palace been found?

Khirbet Qeiyafa (Elah Fortress) is where there was a discovery of an early city looking out over the Elah Valley. The remains of the fortifications had been found in 2007 by the Israeli city in Beit Shemesh (20 miles out of Jerusalem). The fortress spreads out over almost 6 acres and is bordered by a 2300 ft wall.  The wall was made from stones that weighed around 8 tons each. Many archeologists have claimed that it might be the biblical city of Sha’arayim or Neta’im and possibly have the remains of King David’s palace. There are those who are doubtful and advocate the possibility it could have been a Judahite or Canaanite castle.

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Khirbet Qeiyafa

Has Been Found

  • The Elah Valley in the Judean Hills is located from the Bible as the place where David and Goliath fought their historic standoff.
  • This city is identified as the city Sha’arayim from the Bible where David had his palace.
  • It has been dated back to around his time in the 10th century BC.
  • Nadav Na’aman has said that King David’s Palace was at the height of the city’s northeastern hill, barely over the Stepped Stone Structure that gave a way up to the peak in the East. The place, time and vastness of Khirbet Oeiyafa, he has said matched the Biblical Palace of King David.
  • Following David’s victory over the Jebusites (‘stronghold of Zion,’) he is read to have given it the new name of the City of David. Then strengthened it ‘from Millo inward’ (2 Samuel 5:7-9). The Hebrew word “millo” could be taken from the verb ml (fill up). Nadav believes the ‘Stepped Stone Structure’ that follows the incline from the ‘Large Stone Structure’ which is built from filling it with stones and dirt could be the ‘millo’ spoken of from Samuel in the Bible.
  • 2 ‘bullae’ or ‘seal impressions’ of Judahite executives were discovered in the ruins by the Large Stone Structure. One has Gedaliah son of Pashhur engraved on it, the other Jehucal son of Shelemiah, son of Shobai. The men were spoken of as officials for King Zedekiah (Jeremiah 37:3, 38:1). This is interpreted to mean that this is where the 2 men managed and that the area was still populated during the 6th Century BC.

Has Not Been Found

  • Yossi Garfinkel claims it was a Judahite City because of its proximity to Jerusalem and that it is located in an area that was part of Judah.
  • Finkelstein strongly proclaims that it has the same characteristics and pottery types that are found in close by Canaanite finds in Bet Shemesh.
  • The basis of this claim as King David’s Castle come from the Bible; Finkelstein doubts that the writer Joshua 15 a figure who resided in the 7th Century BC had enough knowledge of the ancient city which had existed 3 centuries before his birth.
  • Many argue that proclaimed discoveries of King David’s castle or any artifact concerning him are solely due to the desire for popularity and fame.
  • Yehuda Dagan of the Israel Antiquities Authority advocates it as the early Philistine withdraw course following their loss at the Valley of Elah (1 Samuel 17:52). Thus, it is more likely to be what is left of Khirbet esh-Shari’a and that it should be labeled as Adithaim from the Bible.
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Buddhism Spreads in China, IndoChina, Japan and Tibet

The teachings of Buddha reached to various locations including the Indian subcontinent and several parts of Asia. It is listed on the Bible Timeline Chart between 1AD and 150AD. Upon spreading to new cultures, the different styles and methods of Buddhism were modified and aligned to the mentality of the locals. However, these modifications did not compromise nor go against the essential teaching of Buddha.

Buddhism in China and Indochina

It was during the Han Dynasty in China when the cultural ties and trade between Central Asia and China increased. It was because of the strong relationship that existed among these cultures that the Chinese learned more about Buddhism. By the middle part of the 1st Century, there was already a small community of Buddhists in China.

However, early translators failed to find the accurate words to explain further significant Buddhist concepts in the Chinese language. Thus, they decided to use Taoist terms as they translated these concepts to the locals. Since then, believers associated Buddhism with the Taoist tradition that was already practiced that time.

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In the 3rd century, the Han Dynasty came to an end, and this also started a period of political issues in China. Despite this difficult period in China, the Buddhist texts still remained and the religion became more popular with the Chinese people. This also gave rise to a number of Chinese monks, particularly Dao-an, who was responsible for revising and improving the earlier Chinese translations of Buddhist texts. Eventually, Buddhism spread to Indochina including Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, all because of the dedication of Buddhist monks who intended to tell the world about the wise teachings of Buddha.

Buddhism in Japan

During the 6th century, the king of Packche came to Japan to send images of the Buddha and several copies of Buddhist texts, with the hopes of establishing a strong and peaceful relationship with the country. He also recommended the religion as a way of providing further benefits to Japan. Eventually, the people of Japan incorporated Buddhist philosophies with their Shinto beliefs as both of these aimed to cultivate harmony and peace.

Although several rulers in Japan were responsible for the support and protection of Buddhism throughout time, it was Prince Shotoku who had the greatest contribution in the growth and expansion of this religion in the country. It was him who wrote the first Japanese constitution that promoted the social and moral values presented in Buddhism. During his time, several Buddhist temples were built, and he also encouraged more Japanese monks to study and read the scriptures of Buddhism.

Buddhism in Tibet

According to historians, Buddhism in Tibet all started with the Bon religion, which was shamanistic and animistic in nature. While Buddhist texts already existed in Tibet several centuries ago, the history of Buddhism in the region only started in 641. It was during that year when King Songsten Gampo succeeded in unifying Tibet because of his victorious military conquests. He also built the very first Buddhist temples in the region, as well as the Changzhug (Nedong) and Jokhang (Lhasa). Tibetan translators were also assigned to work on the study and incorporation of Buddhism on the Sanskrit scriptures. When King Trisong Detsen ruled Tibet in 755, Buddhism was proclaimed as the official religion of all the people in the region.

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Decius 249 AD

Decius was a Roman Emperor born in 201 A.D. and who died in 251 A.D. where he is listed on the Bible Timeline with World History. While he ruled he focused on strengthening the Roman Empire. During his reign, many European and Asian barbarian tribes were pushing themselves deeper into Roman territory. He not only fought the various Germanic tribes that were old enemies of Rome, he also had to hold back the encroaching Goths who were beginning to threaten the stability of the empire.

Highly Respected Soldier Decius was a very capable leader and soldier. He was so effective on the battlefield that his men wanted him to become emperor. Decius served under a Roman ruler named Philip the Arab. This particular Roman Emperor ruled Rome for five years between 244 A.D. and 249 A.D. While he was in power he received word from a confidant who informed him about what was taking place along the Danube. After he figured out what was happening he gathered his forces to put an end to this mutiny. Decius tried to work out some type of negotiation, but it failed. In 249 A.D. Emperor Philip the Arab and General Decius fought a great battle in Northern Italy. The emperor was slain and Decius became the new ruler.

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Persecution of the Christian Believers Shortly after Decius came to power he passed a law that demanded all people within the Roman Empire to make a sacrifice to the emperor. The Christian citizens naturally disagreed with this law and, as a result, many were imprisoned or killed. Historical evidence indicates that many prominent Christian members within Roman society were slain for not obeying this order. A plague had also broken out within the empire and it supposedly had corresponded with the outbreak of the persecutions that had taken place. Many people of the day blamed the Christians for the plague. This motivated Decius and the immediate emperors who followed his rule, to further persecute Christians if they did not worship the emperor. Decius reign was far different from many of his predecessors who made an effort to help Christians.

Decius wasn’t emperor for very long and most of his time was spent fighting wars and battles. He did his best to try and improve the moral climate within Rome and the empire. He was moderately successful with this effort. He also initiated some building projects and he regulated religious worship. 

The Warrior Emperor

Emperor Decius eventually had to spend a great deal of time confronting enemies on the battlefield. In 250 he had given power to a senator named Valerianus so that he could personally drive out the invading Goths under the leadership of a king named Kniva. He also proclaimed that his son Herrinius Etrucus Caesar to be the next ruler in case he died while in battle. He fought the Goths in 250 and lost. He fought once again in 251 but won during that campaign. 

While Decius was away, a usurper to his power had arisen and his name was Valens. Julius Licinius Valerianus had put down the rebellion. Emperor Decius had met his demise in 251 A.D. when he confronted the Goth King Kniva. He and his son both died while fighting him on the battlefield.