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Is Job included on the Bible Timeline?

Job is not on the Amazing Bible Timeline with World History. Why not?

Job is not on the timeline because biblical scholars cannot agree on when he might have lived, and the Bible does not give enough direct clues to place him accurately.

Here are three suggested times Job might have lived by the reasoning of Biblical scholars:

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These Articles are Written by the Publishers of The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History

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1. After the flood and long before Moses (after 2350 BC and before 1750 BC)

a. Eliphaz refers to the flood as being in the past in Job 22:16
b. Job sacrifices to God as head of his family (a practice of patriarchal times that stopped with Moses) Job 1:5
c. Job's daughters received an inheritance along with his sons Job 42:15 a patriarchal practice that also stopped with Moses
d. Job's wealth is determined by flocks rather than money that is also consistent with patriarchal times Job 1:3, 42:12
e. The kesitah or piece of money mentioned belongs to patriarchal times
f. The musical instruments (organ, harp, and timbrel) are the instruments of early Genesis
g. Job lived long enough to birth two families of ten children and raise them to adulthood then lived another 140 years. He lived at least 200 years and possibly longer. This is consistent with the ages of patriarchs prior to Abraham.
(Read more on this at apologetics press)

2. Job lived after Joseph but before Moses (after 1650 BC and before 1500 BC)

The reasoning for this time placement is that he must have lived between truly righteous men but not when other righteous patriarchs were alive. Therefore, he is placed between Joseph and Moses. Job 1:8 ( Read more at wiki answers )

3. Job lived during Moses' lifetime.

Job is an associate of Moses' father-in-law. According to this opinion, Moses authored the Book of Job. Some say he was one of Pharaoh’s advisors, together with Jethro and Balaam. (More on this from Rabbi Buchwald )

There's our problem. Since better Biblical scholars than we are cannot agree we did not put Job on the timeline. (But you could pen him in on your copy!)

Please give us your opinion! When do you think Job lived, and how did you come to that conclusion?


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194 thoughts on “Is Job included on the Bible Timeline?

  1. I believe Job live after the flood and before Abraham was called.2200-1700BC. He was the only descendant of Ham who do good. Because Job was from Uz in Arab and the descendants of Ham built more of Arabian countries even Egypt,Hawila etc(Genesis 10:8-12)

    1. I believe jobs life takes place before the flood. The only place I can find the description of dinosaurs is in job 40&41. I believe the flood was the result of the extinction of the dinosaurs.

      Pre noah

      1. I believe that job came before Moses because job chapter meantions dinosaurs and I think the meteor every one is all talking about that killed the dinosaurs did happen BUT not what they think I think God saw the meteor heading towards earth and would use that to cause the flood I’m mean think about enough force of a big meteor could cause a weather change big time I hope I didn’t a fend anyone I’m a strong Christian and I strongly believe that’s what happen god bless you all thanks for your info and option and thanks for this site guys

        1. No offense. I also believe that the flood killed off the dinosaurs. I also believe that a mass of blood caused the creation of the Black Sea and I have been trying to figure out a theory on that and a meteor striking the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean would have caused a massive flood to break the land bridge and causing massive flooding of the Black Sea region where i belive noah lived. A meteorite was not one there yet you had even thought of so thank you for giving me that idea.

          1. You are right.

          2. God would surely be in control of meteorites. We do not live in a world left to run without God, no? God does not need natural methods devised by doubting modern scholars to cause a flood.

          3. There was an earth she before this one and when Jesus returns he will destroy this earth age and set up His Kingdom in the 3 rd, yes this is all.biblical, most ancient dinasoars were in the 1 rst earth age.milllions and billions of yrs between genesis 1:1 and 1:2 ??????

        2. years ago i saw a documentary on that show ed how the earth was flooded in the time of Noah there was scienticfic proof that deep in the earth’s crust that during that water came up from the cracks along with the rain help flood the earth and during the time of documentary there was evidence that are still there.

          1. Just like in the movie Noah with Russell Crowe.

          2. Genesis 7:11

        3. Dinosaurs lived post flood, they were called dragons. That’s why all cultures in the world believe in dragons. Job lists the Chaldeans and the sabeans. All post flood people.

          1. Agree.

          2. I believe the dinosaurs lived after the flood as well. And yes were called dragons. There are pics of them all over the world on pottery and structures not to mention scientists have found soft tissue in the bones of dinosaurs. Now as far as when Job lived…….I need to do a lot of research to give an opinion on that.

          3. Great point.

        4. Genesis explains the flood, nothing is mentioned of anything striking the earth to cause that flood. It’s explain in Genesis already

          1. Right Rashad, it is all stated clearly in the word, as much as God needed to reveal for our understanding. Seems some folks don’t read their bibles enough! Thanks

        5. That God saw a mediator coming.. No God created the mediator if there was one

      2. Some Dinosaurs were on the Ark. They were not carnivorous, but herbivorous, until after the the Flood, as part of the Rainbow Covenant. Hence, in the Antediluvian World, these reptiles were not a threat to the population, unless those animals who, according to the Book of Jasher, protected the Ark from the throngs of people storming it, when it began to rain, and the deeps were broken up. The Dinosaurs certainly were later, which is why that Nimrod gained such an immense reputation and following, by dispatching them.

        1. I think dinosaurs were died off in the first flood, between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. There is definitely a break between these two verses. 2Pet. 3:5-6 allude to a pre-Adamic flood and a pre-Adamic people and civilization. This is probably when dinosaurs lived.

          1. In the beginning[the clock starts ticking] God created the heavens and the earth. [next the result ]2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
            a watery mass trillions upon trillions of light years in diameter, surrounded by dark matter is the picture painted in the beginning of creation, next, all the energy of the ‘to be’ universe,THE SPIRITvibrates humming ommm?surrounds the watery mass[electricity surrounding water] God said or there was a big sound, there was instantaneous light in the universe, an instantaneous stretching out of the empty universe in light and a big noise at the creation;
            a black hole in reverse? light has since slowed down, but I fail to see logic in placing a billion years between verse one and two, makes good spooky scary demon-y stories, but why not play round with the incomprehensible truth, The full story is facinating incomprehensible and demands respect.

          2. I agree completely, the first flood, the earth was completely covered with water, this was the destruction of the dinosaurs. Today we still have enormous animals, but not like the dinosaurs, they were not on the Ark.

          3. Yes. Science says they lived millions of year back, that means they lived between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Man’s history is probably only 12 thousand years. Theory of evolution is wrong. If so, now man should have taken some other form.

          4. I must have missed that break. It seems to just flow as one unit. Modern science is not christian at all.

          5. No such thing. Sin brought death into the world. Death before sin is not biblical, and is a false teaching. It was hard for me to accept because I was always taught the gap theory, but it is not scriptural.

          6. only one flood

          7. There could not be a flood or death or anything like that between Gen. 1:1 & 1:2. Simply because death did not enter into the world till the sin of Adam & Eve. Death was a consequence of disobedience.

        2. “animals who, according to the Book of Jasher, protected the Ark from the throngs of people storming it, when it began to rain”? According to the word, the animals and all eight souls were already aboard and closed in the Ark, 7 days before it began to rain. (Genesis 7:7-10).
          The original work of the Book of Jasher is apparently lost and is now only known through its two references in the Bible.
          Because the Book of Jasher no longer exists, it clearly cannot be part of the Bible. The published book of Jasher that is alleged to be a translation of the Book of Jasher now is inaccurate, as the earliest writings are from the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries. Way to late to be authentic! Better off reading the 66 books we have been given by the early fathers of our faith. Thanks

          1. Also, science does not say millions of years for the world’s existence. This, of course, was something invented by humans who all had to go on guesswork of time and age based on what they knew. However, there are many new discoveries that point to a young earth reality, such as how Mt. St. Helens created the same effect as the Grand Canyon in one day, which had been theorized to take millions of years. So now we have proof that the Grand Canyon did not need millions of years to form. Also, science is not, in and of itself, an intelligence. There are scientists who believe in an old earth and those who believe in a new earth. One of the things that some scientists have not done is throw out certain things proven wrong, such as the fossil records. Darwin said if the fossil records don’t match up with his theory of evolution to throw them out. Well, they didn’t match up, but nobody threw them out. And yet there has still not been presented a single shred of evidence of a change of kinds.

        3. No where in the Bible did God say the animals brought onto the Ark had to be full grown adults. From what I understand a new born T-Rex is not much larger than a full grown house cat. Reptiles continue to grow their entire life so there was more than enough room for infant dinosaurs on the Ark.

        4. Please sir, where is it written that nimrod dispatched dragons?

      3. Not possible, Job speaks of Iron and Brass. Iron has been being used since Mesopotamia ( 5000 BC) but also Brass Which was said to have been in use since about 1400BC, Therefore it stands to reason that since its altogether possible that Job and moses lived in the same era, Jobs life took place in about 1300-1350 BC ish…. If we are looking at the evidence that Daughters stopped having an inheritance after Moses, and that Moses was supposedly born in 1398 and was 80 years old when God called him to lead his people out of Egypt. 🙂

        1. Why would the daughters’ inheritance be spoken of at all if it were a normal thing? The fact that it is specified gives me the impression it wasn’t something that was normally done. I wonder if maybe Job chose to, remembering the old way, because he was treasuring all of the children God gave him post suffering. As it is said “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone”. Job lost all, realized how much he loved them, and chose to give his blessings to his daughters as well.

        2. Job speaks of mining iron. Prior to iron age technology the only iron known was meteoric. Iron age puts him around Moses time.

        3. YHWH told Moses “to” give the ‘daughters’ their inheritance…

        4. I would like to mention this would also be after the fall of Jericho because Job’s knowledge of the prostitute Rahab in Job26:12 meaning this is at least after the book of the law was established. Which would also explain Job’s friends simplistic and legalistic view of how God works.

          1. Rahab mentioned in Job is not the Rahab of jericho

          2. The only translation I’ve found that used the name Rahab in that verse is NIV. Every other version refers to storms and sea monsters. Also, if you read the verse in NIV, it says, “By his power he churned up the sea; by his wisdom he cut Rahab to pieces.” Rahab was not slain. She became the mother of Boaz, who was the grandfather of King David. I’m sure if she did something to betray God like that, it wouldn’t be mentioned in an obscure verse in Job. It would have been mentioned in her story in Joshua. Also, for anyone who wants to refer to Job 9:13, it’s still only used in the NIV. KJV says, “If God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers do stoop under him.” I suggest you thoroughly research these verses to find out what they might have actually been saying in that particular translation.

        5. Brass and Iron are spoken of before the Flood.

          “And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.” Genesis 4:22

          This is the era of the building of the Great Pyramid. That was a scientifically advanced age.

        6. where did you find information that iron dates back to mesptamia (4000) years ago. my research denotes the iron age started around the 12th century?> is this incorrect

      4. And the sons of Issachar; Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron. Genesis 46:13
        This means Job lived after the sons of Jacob.
        he sons of Esau; Eliphaz, Reuel, and Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. The sons of Eliphaz; Teman, and Omar, Zephi, and Gatam, Kenaz, and Timna, and Amalek. 1 Chronicles 1:35
        And here is his good friend Eliphaz son of Esau son of Jacob.

        1. 17 And Job died, an old man and full of days: and it is written that he will rise again with those whom the Lord raises up. This man is described in the Syriac book as living in the land of Ausis, on the borders of Idumea and Arabia: and his name before was Jobab; and having taken an Arabian wife, he begot a son whose name was Ennon. And he himself was the son of his father Zare, one of the sons of Esau, and of his mother Bosorrha, so that he was the fifth from Abraam. And these were the kings who reigned in Edom, which country he also ruled over: first, Balac, the son of Beor, and the name of his city was Dennaba: but after Balac, Jobab, who is called Job, and after him Asom, who was governor out of the country of Thaeman: and after him Adad, the son of Barad, who destroyed Madiam in the plain of Moab; and the name of his city was Gethaim. And his friends who came to him were Eliphaz, of the children of Esau, king of the Thaemanites, Baldad sovereign the Sauchaeans, Sophar king of the Minaeans. JOB 42:17 LXX

          1. Where does this information come from? It is not found in Job.

      5. Try genesis 46:13

      6. That couldn’t be. God asked Job in chapter 38:22 “Have you entered the treasury of snow?” It had never rained nor snowed prior to the flood.

        1. The Book of Enoch, a book that itself attests to a pre-flood origin, speaks of snow and the treasure-houses of snow.

          Enoch 5 – “And here I looked down and saw the treasure-houses of the snow, and the angels who keep their terrible store-houses, and the clouds whence they come out and into which they go.”

          Enoch was the grandfather of Noah, and was taken to heaven alive by God before the flood.

          There was a lack of precipitation in the populated areas of Earth, but there was also a snowy land that held special significance. I think the verse you quote actually supports Job being pre-flood, because only another pre-flood book mentions the “treasury of snow.”

          1. Can we really equate the books of Jasher, Enoch and Jubilees with the Bible? Why did God not preserve his word and keep them along with the bible? I find it suspicious. I do trust God, not man to keep His Words.

        2. The Book of Job chapter 6 verse 16 also mentions snow

        3. Quite frankly, that has never been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt either scientifically or by a consensus of Biblical scholarship.

          1. “Have you entered the treasury of snow?”
            That was a question. I wonder what the answer was. Was God saying that Job had NOT entered the treasury of snow, meaning that he hadn’t seen snow before? We know that God foreknew all things, including snow, so maybe God was telling Job that there are things he hasn’t seen, things that haven’t happened yet. I’m not saying that’s what was meant, I’m just wondering.

      7. Job refers to the flood so it had to have taken place afterwards. Dinosaurs probably lived through the flood but died out for the most part shortly afterwards due to the vastly different environment post flood.

      8. Absolutely true… I have been on this stuff for TWO days now..
        Search and research..
        Read The Entire book of ENOCH last night also in trying to connect the Authenticity of The book to bible history and have decided that is a FACTUAL book and was omitted from the Christian bibles today for reasons of “political correctness”
        In other words I think it was felt that the Christian just couldn’t handle it.

        1. Really??
          The Bible was compiled and agreed upon over1600 years ago, when things like you find in the Book of Enoch were much more readily believed than today.

      9. The flood may be the cause of the Dinosaurs eventual extinction with the climate changes, but Noah put all every kind of animal on the ark which would include dinosaurs. Also as mentioned above Job has a reference to the flood so it must be after.

        1. The book of Job mentions “A” flood, but it doesn’t say “THE” Flood. And I believe it was Homer who said that there had been floods before the Great Flood of Noah.

          1. Homer is not God. He was not there and therefore could not know. There was no reason for a flood before the Great Flood. Not until the fall was there reason for the flood.

      10. That’s interesting but God had commanded EVERY beast with breath in it was to be on the ark. that would include dinosaurs. The fact that a few dinosaurs survived here or there until hunted into extinction is why we have artwork depicting dinosaurs all over the world as well as the myth of dragons.

        1. The fact that it mentions with the breath of life or of God is explaining that some would not?

      11. Since every animal species was saved ( they went into the ark in two’s, male and female of same species), then the dinosaur must have survived the great deluge.

        1. some by two’s and some by 7
          giving diversity for our modern animals.

        2. All animals including dinosaurs were on the ARK. But they were all babies. That’s is how Noah had room, food, and time to care for them as year inside the Ark
          A brontosaurus and Trex are pictured on Peruvian ancient art. The Amazon jungle held many dinosaurs. Also the Cambodia jungle had Stegosaurus too as carved on a Cambodian temple door jamb. Rock art in caves also show dinosaurs. English dragons were dynosaurs. All these animals were hunted to extinction.

      12. Dinosaurs had to be on the ark. All the land animals were. Some dino’s lived for a time after the flood, before dying out.

        1. yhvh said he destroyed the leviathans, meaning all of the dinosaur’s. but he referenced to Noah, as had at least seen the dinosaur’s, pre flood. and Job spoke to his friends which were descendants of Post flood men, around the same time as moses. I believe Moses in his traveling in the wilderness, heard the story of Job, and wrote it down. Job was righteous, and we know all the wicked died in the flood and only Noah and his family were saved, because they listened to God.

        2. All animals including dinosaurs were on the ARK. But they were all babies. That’s is how Noah had room, food, and time to care for them as year inside the Ark
          A brontosaurus and Trex are pictured on Peruvian ancient art. The Amazon jungle held many dinosaurs. Also the Cambodia jungle had Stegosaurus too as carved on a Cambodian temple door jamb. Rock art in caves also show dinosaurs. English dragons were dynosaurs. All these animals were hunted to extinction.

      13. I’m not a scholar but rain is talked about in Job 5:10 and I thought that there was no rain on the earth until the flood. So wouldn’t that put Job after the flood?

      14. This is not possible as before the flood took place the people had not seen rain whereas in job there are many places in which rain is mentioned.

      15. There was no rain before the flood . Job talks about rain . The dinosaurs Job describes could have been amphibians that lived through the flood

        1. You are correct. Elephaz a friend of Job/Jobab, was the son of Esau. Job married Dinah, daughter of Israel Jacob.

          1. That would mean that Job lived in the time of Joseph. How then could Job be the only righteous man around?

      16. On the contrary. It is believed that Noah brought young non meat eating dinosaurs on the Ark. The behemeth may have been what we now know as the brontosaurus. Since the flood is mentioned in this book and we know that live spans were shortened, it is of my opinion that Job lived in the land of Uz that was in Edom and possibly a descendent of Esau during the time of Israels 400 years in Egypt.

        1. You are correct. Elephaz a friend of Job/Jobab, was the son of Esau. Job married Dinah, daughter of Israel Jacob.

          1. Huh?
            Esau, Dinah and Jacob/Isreal ALL lived AFTER the flood

      17. Yeah. And God killed him with the flood altogether with his sons and daughters. Good point. So much light into the charachter of God our Tyrant.

        1. God destroyed people for things like the statement you just made. You can take it, or you can reject it, but you can’t escape it.

          1. God our tyrant question? Have you forgotten the Serpent’s Seed planted and groweth not on this Earth? Did you call God our tyrant does he not hold this that thing in his hand to throw into the pit of Fire? Death itself block some on this Earth we feel it we live it every second we are here on this Earth. Death himself shall be no more our tyrant. God our tyrant Nae Nae for he shall raise his right hand and it shall be no more.

      18. Job, or any person other than the eight people who were on the ark would not be alive after the flood, so Job did not live before the flood.

      19. Scripture literally says that Noah had animals from EVERY land species on the Ark so thus would include the dinosaurs (albeit baby/small ones). They would have eventually died out due to environmental changes caused by the flood.

    2. So you gone sit up here and say Ham’s descendants did No Good..are you serious right now…This is the type of stuff that they teach you to make you feel privileged and superior…It is a LIE!!!

      Know your History and who you really are then you will know that is not true….

      1. What good did they do then?

      2. No need for that comment, my friend! Always good to clarify what a person means than to first jump off the bat.

    3. Job lived in east of Egypt. He was the son of Ishmael. When he heard of Joseph being auctioned in Egypt, he purchased him and freed him. The he adopted him and became like a second father for him.

      1. I think thats reaching a bit…

      2. Hey Sammy, where is it biblically that Job lived in Egypt and that he adopted Joseph, prove it!

      3. Please tell us how you came to this opinion.

      4. Then, why was Joseph in prison for all of those years if he was set free?

    4. Why did Job live longer than Moses?

      1. Because God ordered Moses to die before Joshua took Israel into the promised land for disobeying God in front of Israel by striking the rock twice instead of just speaking to the rock. Moses broke a type of Christ, because He is The Rock, and that type could not be broken.

    5. Job was NOT the descendant of HAM. JOB was the oldest Son of ISSACHAR, one of the 12 sons of JACOB !!! AndJOB was a contemporary of MOSES for the LAST 25 years of his life , as he died at age 210 in 1705 B.C !!
      Morgan Sorensen ( Theologian/Bible Prophecy Teacher/Author )

      1. I don’t understand your logic Morgan. If Job was from the 12 tribes of Israel, why didn’t he then reference God as the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob? Isn’t that how they referenced God in the Isrealite era?

      2. Leave it up to theologians to get it wrong.

    6. I believe Job predates the creation of adam and eve. This would explain the dinosaurs as well as the nephillim and the notorious “lilith”. I believe job falls somewhere in the time frame after god cast satan to the earth but before the creation of adam and eve. Satan had rule on the earth long before adam and eve were created. I think a lot longer than most of us like to think. God created the universe and everything in it initially but when he came to assess the earth it was void and without form. Void meaning hollow/missing something. The answer to me would be the holy spirit and a way to transmit it throughout the earth in order to form it in gods likeness (god fearing humans) without breaking his pact with satan and his time to reign on earth. God does not go back on his word when he speaks his word is. Void and without form does not mean the earth wasnt there. This void was fulfilled by the holy spirit and the form is ever molding until we reach the point of the kingdom being restored here on earth. Then we pick up the timeline at Adam was created from the dirt and formed in gods image and likeness and i believe he was the first human created by god in that specific way. I believe this is also good ammo if anybody tries to question the inbreeding aspect of adam and eve though ive heard believers say inbreeding wasnt possible because god wouldnt have let it be so. I believe cain once cast out went to the areas of the nephillim(from jobs timeline/devils works on human species) procreated and is another reason the world was so full of sinners from the get go and thus came the flood. This is all speculation but when i look at biblical timelines and see biblical scholars have done a pretty wonderful job of deciphering the timeline its just missing job i feel this lines up. God also said all mysteries will be revealed and this is something id love to ask him once the kingdom is restored here on earth if i am ever so graciously approved by our lord and savior. Hopefully this is a theory that we could all maybe come to an agreement on someday because i feel it has some strong points and some especially strong points to non believers who use things like dinosaurs and inbreeding to try to knock your holy train off its tracks. God bless you all and have a wonderful evening.

      1. i believe in first couple god created man and female gen 1:26 day 7 god rest so no rain.. fast forward in the land of nod some survivor in job descendant cain found his wife serpent seeds.. im filipino not goon in english good evening..

        1. Job was not the seed of the serpent, that was Cain and his descendants. They were Serpent seed.

      2. Tyler J Frank, Job mentions Adam, so he didn’t live before Adam.

    7. Job couldn’t have lived after Joseph or during his time, because in Job’s time, the Egyptians were not yet a force or nation to wrecken with. Archaeological finds/studies have pointed to Job as the builder of the first pyramid ‘Giza’, & the Egyptians copied from this. Job was also the ‘greatest man in all the east’ placing him before Abram, & the Sabeans were still a marauding group.

      1. God speaks with Job rhetorically, meaning God knows Job knows the answer. He discusses astronomical entities, earth & geographical measurements & dimensions. He speaks about dinosaurs. The angelic reaction when earth was created. Remember Job is a man like no other on the face of the earth, in uprightness, so says God Himself. Where would he get all this knowledge from? He wasn’t far from the survivors of the pre-flood world who passed down this knowledge. A man of his nature and standing in Gods eyes, would definitely warrant God’s dialoge with him. This was a man whom God even boasted to Satan that ‘there is none like him’. He would have all this knowledge and endowment from God at that time.

    8. Scholars are idiot’s. The apocrypha gives us more information about Job. His real name is Jobab!!! He is probably the 13th son of Joktan, brother of Peleg 3 gg father of Abraham . His friend, Eliphaz, was the son of Esau. Job married Jacob’s raped daughter Dinah that gave birth to Aseneth by prince Shechem, and was sold to Egyptian High Priest Of On, Potiphera. Aseneth “the Egyptian” married Joseph. Job raised a 2nd family with Dinah. Job lived in the land of Esau, not Cannan. Job was a weathly shepherd, like Jacob and Esau, and friends to both. Teman, another of Job’s friends was the son of Eliphaz, built a city after his name hence the people of his city were TEMANITES. Job found a pagan temple on his land, and told his servents to distroy it. Satan warned he would destroy Job and his family if his temple got destroyed, and Job said bring it on, hence the Book of Job. BTW, about long life–Shem lived to the age of 600, 500 years after the Flood of Noah his father who died 950 years old. Shem “Melchezadic” died 35 years after Abraham died!!!!

      1. I do not believe Shem to Melchezadic. They are not the same people. There is a fragment called the book Melchezadic. Although only a fragment, it’s compelling and leads me to believe that Melchezadic is Jesus. King of Salem…Means King of Peace. Also, there is evidence that the biblical lifespans are corrupted and are too long and should be shortened. Some accuse haters of Jesus’ time for the corruption. Making Shem as Melchezadic when he was actually Jesus. Trying blot Jesus’ claims about who he was. Jesus himself tells us that he is Alpha and Omega. He existed before his Earthly birth.

        1. Jesus said he is a priest after after or of the order of Melchezedek. Too many people put equal signs into scripture without taking into account symbolism & delegation & authority.

    9. Why do we not believe Esau’s son was Eliphaz in Job, whose son was Teman?

    10. Jasher links Job with the Edomites or at least a counsel to them. It appears that Job was one of the righteous people living among the Edomites who warned them not to go up and fight against their neighbors who had done them no wrong. Eliphaz appears in Job and in Jasher. This would put Job’s timeline after Abraham but before David.

  2. Maybe the reference to the land of Uz and Eliphaz the Temanite can give some hint, at least about where Job lived.

    Job 1:1
    There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name [was] Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.
    Job 2:11
    Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him, they came every one from his own place; Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite: for they had made an appointment together to come to mourn with him and to comfort him.

    Uz: son of Aram, son of Shem ?
    And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. (Genesis 10, 23)
    Tema: son of Dishan, son of Seir (son of Esau) ?
    Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah: (Genesis 25, 15)
    Tema, son of Ishmael, son of Abraham ?
    Mishma, and Dumah, Massa, Hadad, and Tema, (1 Chronicles 1, 30)

    1. According to Jose’s references the timeline of Job lies between Noah and Abraham before the birth of Isaac, Abraham’s second son.

  3. Uz may refer to the guy in Genesis, which would place it in northern Canaan. However, Uz is also used in Jeremiah to refer to the regions near Edom (which Esau founded) to the southeast. Job is referred to as “the greatest of the men of the east” or some such thing. As the language in Job is closer to that written toward the Babylonian period, I tend to think the Uz is the one in Jeremiah, and not the one in Genesis.

  4. Based on answer 1 and 3, #2 is nonsense and not viable. Job 42:16.

    1. 1. After the flood and long before Moses (after 2350 BC and before 1750 BC)
      This could fit with the Chaldeans, Sabeans, the wind, the origins of Job’s three friends, and one of the more likely places for Uz. This seems plausible.

      2. Job lived after Joseph but before Moses (after 1650 BC and before 1500 BC)
      After Joseph, would have meant the land of Goshen. Goshen doesn’t fit with the Chaldeans and Sabeans, where the 3 friends were from, nor with the wind from the desert, so it doesn’t seem likely we could equate that with Uz. I don’t see how his he could have been robbed of everything, and not have it replaced immediately with retribution on those who robbed him. He would have been a poor risk for anyone to plunder. One could not be that useful to Pharaoh from afar. This does not seem plausible.

      3. Job lived during Moses’ lifetime.
      Like 1, the land of Midian fits better with the Chaldeans, Sabeans, the wind, the origins of Job’s three friends, and one of the more likely places for Uz.

      – I would agree with Wally that number 2 has many problems. In my mind, that leaves only 1 and 3.
      – To me, it seems Genesis uses more of a historical style that appears to be compiled from writings over time, which included the important details that shaped history. Except for the very beginning of the book, it could not have been simply passed down by word of mouth. As the book progresses, so does the level of detail. This history must have had some value to them to be preserved.
      – The author of Job writes with great detail of the conversations, as one with first-hand knowledge or experience with Job and his trials. There is little summarization, and God spoke directly into that situation. It might have been Moses’s father-in-law, a book received from him, or Moses himself. His father-in-law was a valuable guide to Moses even during the Exodus. It is certainly possible that he brought the book back with him.
      – I am not a Biblical scholar, but I do not currently ascribe to the position that the earliest recorded scriptures were compiled during the time of Moses. I’m inclined to believe that Genesis was compiled during Joseph’s watch. Exodus begins with a summarization of the time between Joseph and Moses. I’m suggesting that the people had Genesis, and Moses learned it before he turned 12. I’m suggesting that he knew, and felt a sense of destiny from that point forward. This is evident not only from when he killed the Egyptian, but how he responded at the burning bush. He knew full well that Israel’s deliverance was to happen. The record of Genesis was likely the basis of the Israelites accepting him. The time of Moses was one of amazing miracles and deliverance. The scriptures from the time of Abraham would have had heightened value to them because their generation witnessed prophecy being fulfilled. It would make sense that there would be renewed interest in preserving the scriptures, as had not been the case since the time of Joseph. Many people had witnessed the prophecy being fulfilled. This would have engendered the value of the scriptures as trustworthy, a guide for living, and a certainty of their authenticity that everything written in them would be fulfilled. With that would come the desire to formalize their preservation. It is written in Romans 3, “Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? Much in every way. To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. “
      – It is plausible that Moses brought the book back from Midian with him. However, what is more certain is that Job seems to have been written by an author who was very close to his circumstances, and not something passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. It seems Job did not have access to the book of Genesis, and thus has origins outside of the formed people of Israel. Somehow it ended up being accepted by Israel, and is referenced elsewhere in Ezekiel and James.

      This is about as far as my thoughts can take me base on what I know. My adding anything more would detract from the discussion.

      1. I was reading and saw that Job mentions Silver, Iron, and Brass. I looked up the years that those were discovered and I am guessing that your # 3 is probably the most accurate as Brass wasnt “Officially” discovered until around 1300BC, and Moses was supposedly born around 1398 BC, and was 80 when he was called to lead his people out of Egypt.

        1. The same “Official” dates you’re using are based on secular historians and archaeologists that don’t believe in the flood, and do believe in linear evolution over hundreds of thousands of years.

          What we do know from the Biblical tradition is that metalworking was taught to man by a fallen angel, Asael, toward the beginning of the incursion (En. 8).

          The incursion occurred in the days of Jared, around 3500BC, a thousand years before Noah’s flood, and two thousand years before Moses. We have no reason to believe the technology taught by the Fallen Angels was less advanced than the technology that emerged post-flood. In fact, pre-flood structures like the Great Pyramid display vastly superior engineering when compared to post-flood architecture.

          We have no reason to believe they did not have access to metal alloys that were also superior.

        2. Genesis 4:22 Tubal-cain was the grandson of Cain (Adams son).
          He made things from bronze and iron. This was before the flood.

    2. – I would think that the mention about giving his daughters an inheritance would more likely be included only if it were NOT the norm. I would say the same for the span of Job’s life. Everything else was doubled, Maybe the Lord restored to him the years “that the locust hath eaten” (Joel 2:25)
      – Sacrifices by the patriarch I would refer to a very broad range of time. I don’t see mention of a designated place of worship until after the exodus, and may have gone on a long time after that by believers that were not members of the formed nation of Israel.

      I’m going to go with 1, “After the flood and long before Moses” I’ll go so far as to say Job is from closer to the time of Abraham, and probably earlier. This is my reasoning:
      – There is a widespread belief that Abraham was unique in that he believed in the one true God. I cannot come up with a basis for that from the scriptures. It sounds like is dad moved them away from that. Abraham may have lived around idol-worshiping, polytheistic people, but the belief in one God predates that. I find no reason to believe that the belief in one true God was not widespread. Job’s friends believed in one God. From the scrape Abraham had with the king of Egypt over Sarah, it seems there was a good concept of God in Egypt at that time too.
      – It’s natural to think off Abraham and Sarah traveling together along with a servant Hagar. However, there is something wrong with that picture. Poor people don’t have servants. Notice that Abraham didn’t move until after his father died. Abraham was the oldest boy, and the decisions were not his to make until after his father died. I’m suggesting the Abraham was the leader/king of a tribe, and when the Bible talks about Abraham wanting son, Abraham is thinking about leadership of the tribe. I’m saying it was a lot more than him, Sarah, and Hagar that went to Egypt. When Lot was kidnapped, Abraham went after the king that did it with 700 guys from this tribe, and defeated the king, and freed Lot. 700 guys that can fight means a lot of women and children besides. They must have been bound together by language, beliefs, protection, and their own private economy. So while technically all of those possessions were attributed to Abraham, those “possessions” were supporting a tribe, and determined its growth and size.
      – Chaldeans are definitely a Babylonian tribe. They were one of the groups to sack Nineveh after the death of Ashurbanipal, and the Chaldeans were around for quite a while before that. Genesis 11:28, 11:31 has “Ur of the Chaldees” In that case it would not make sense to place the Job story before the Flood.
      – As with Abraham, Job must have led quite an organization/tribe to take care of that much livestock. Gen 13:2 says, “And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.” Egypt was already a nation by the time of Abraham. Thus, in Abraham’s time, sliver and gold must have been used as portable wealth in trade. Silver and gold are not mentioned as a measure of Job’s wealth. Perhaps gold and silver had no usefulness to Job.
      – From reading Genesis, it is obvious that there had been a growing dearth of personal relationships with God between the fall and the flood. This pattern repeated after the flood, and we have little outside of begats until the time of Abraham about a relationship between God and a man. Romans 3:1&2 say, “What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God” Perhaps the book of Job was from the time of Abraham’s ancestors, and the earliest, written, first-hand account.The Chaldean language was a Semitic language. Perhaps what is meant by the text is a lot simpler than we make it out to be. God used Abraham and the Jews to maintain the scriptures and knowledge of the one true God. Through Abraham would all of the nations of the earth be blessed, not only through Jesus, but also with a book that teaches how to get the most out of life.

      This is all just a theory of course, but to me option 1 is the only one that fits geographically, and possibly linguistically, where Job and his friends lived.

      1. God has always had a Remnant people that believed in a God that started with Adam and Eve.

        1. Actually the remnant starts with Abel, great start, Enoch walked with God and…. but God found Noah, everyone else according to dogma is suffering in hell.
          Lot and his two incestuous daughters escaped Sodom, the rest suffer in hell, today we are worse than both, its a small remnant, probably Gandhi will be lonely

    3. Finally somebody posted a clever comment, here. Thank you.

  5. The mention of animals resembling dinosaurs makes me think Job’s experience must have occurred not very long after the flood. What really is convincing is Job’s long life and even the ability to have children at that age.

    1. Dina-soar??? the big sea monster sounds reptilian, it likely was figurative if not, it is certainly extinct.
      Behemoth means cow, probably the holy cow now extinct due to hungry and sacrilegious Hindus hunting them to extinction. The Auroch a massive cow, its hinder parts is likely the huge ceder like tale or possibly there was a creature with a huge tree like tail, probably a giant kangaroo like creature fits the description, but its definitely not a reptile and it is vegetarian.

  6. I think the clues are there. Definitely after the flood and concurrent with Moses. There are clues in the texts that can be read in papyri in Egypt relating to the type of life a man has led and Egyptian pharoahs were referred to as lords in the the way they were addressed. Also in the death texts and also tomb and temple walls ppl always present themselves at the death saying ..”I have done the right thing, lived a righteous life etc…”

    When Moses was asking pharoah to release the Hebrews the local (tectonic plates location) earthquakes/volcanic activity had already started. All the plagues had hit and at the point of the plague of boils many were sick. It would not be unreasonable to think that Job contracted this and the text was a record of this. This fits in with Moses before the laws were introduced and after Joseph when they were all in Egypt. Job felt as though he was going to die and was following the tradition of saying “I have done this, and not done this, and asking how he had offended God. As they would have been in Egypt his friends would have been taken to task about not following the tradition, and told that Job had done the right thing. This seems to me to be a meeting of history and tradition of two cultures that had grown together.

  7. I am sondering if Eliphaz the Temanite was a son of Esau. Gen 36:31

  8. Many nice and insightful comments about Job. The last one is hitting onto something.
    Bear with me while I give my ideas on this very interesting topic. I am being brief.

    When the Arabs invaded Egypt in the 7th c. they found the Pyramids forgotten about. In Christ’s time, the Pyramids were a tourist destination. It was from the 1st c. to the 7th c. when they fell under disrepair, so to speak. Al’ Ma’mun, an Arab caliph, in the 9th c., uncovered the entrance to the Pyramid hoping to find treasure, but he only re-opened the entrance; Strabo, the early Roman historian during the 1st c. said it was a tourist destination in his time.
    At the entrance to the Great Pyramid, the builder’s name is written: Khufu in Egyptian or Cheops in Greek.
    It is common knowledge that the Egyptians did not build the Pyramid. The famous Egyptian Manetho, who lived several hundred years before Christ, wrote that “Khufu was of a different race” 1.
    Herodotus wrote the builders were shepherds….the Egyptians were NOT shepherds (Gen. 46:31-34). We know who were at this time, though, don’t we?.
    Yet, this Khufu/Cheops was a shepherd.
    Josephus wrote that the Egyptians set the Israelites “to build pyramids”2
    But, the pyramids built during the enslavement of the Israelites were shoddy by comparison to the Great Pyramid.
    Also, Cheops was a monotheist. Herodotus wrote that he closed the temples and prohibited the Egyptians from sacrificing to their pagan gods and idols. 3
    Cheop’s god was ‘Amen’. Note the Revelation 3:14 reference.
    As we know, many Egyptian pharaohs at this time had ‘amen’ in their names.
    Now, the pharaoh Joseph was under was Amenemhet III. And in Gen. 41:45 we read that this pharaoh gave Joseph a wife (Ephraim and Manasseh’s mom) whose father was a ‘priest of On’. The Septuagint (LXX) renders this verse as a ‘priest of Heliopolis’. Thus, some say this On refers to the sun god Ra, yet others say it refers to the One True God in Revelation 1:8 because the Greek word used for ‘One’ is ‘On’.
    Rev 1:8 states, “I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord God, ‘the One Who is, the One Who was, and the One Who is coming—the Omnipotent” (Emphatic Diaglott). The original Greek here uses the word ων, which, according to Strong’s Greek 5607 and 1510 refers to “I Am” and with 1473 is “I was”.
    Anyway, the Egyptians knew of the One True God in Joseph’s day. It was not until Moses that idolatry spread. In the time from Joseph till Moses when we read there was a pharaoh that ‘forgot Joseph’. But, this is another matter.
    So, when was the Pyramid built then?.
    Modern scholars are usually too narrow-minded and heathenistic to use the Bible as an historical guide, but not all of them. When researching such things, try to find reputable, yet open-minded, sources. Running to Wikipedia won’t do it.

    Cheops was a contemporary of Zoser, who built the ‘step’ pyramids shortly before Cheops built the Great Pyramid 4
    Zoser ruled lower Egypt at the same time Joseph was prime minister under Amenemhet III. Zoser also recorded the 7 years drought 5
    Cheops must have built the GP during the Israelite time in Egypt directly after the seven years famine we read of in the Bible. Amenemhet III was pharaoh of all Egypt and Zoser was under him; Cheops was a foreign king whose domain extended into Egypt.
    Now, a famous man that helped Cheops build the Pyramid was Souf (spellings may be different) who was the “chief of the works of Khufu”6.
    This Souf had 12 brothers who built the Labyrinth for Amenemhet III. This same man is today called Yousouf in Egypt and was named Zaphnathpaaneah by pharaoh Amenemhet III. Yes, it is Joseph!!!
    Joseph helped build the Pyramids right around the time of the famous seven year famine.
    According to Manetho, this Cheops also wrote scripture. Manetho says, “he was arrogant toward the gods, but repented and wrote the Sacred Book” 1.
    Khufu/Cheops was from Mt. Seir, which was also called the “Land of Uz” 7.
    Uz was a descendant of Seir the Horite (Gen. 36:28)
    So, who lived in Uz, was arrogant and repented, and wrote a Sacred book?. Sound familiar?.
    Yes, JOB!!!.
    See Job 3:11-15; 29:21-25.
    This is why Job was so wealthy. In Job 38:4-6, when God is scolding Job for being swelled up, it is as if He is saying, “Oh yeah, you think you’re big because you built the Pyramids, but where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?”.
    Job was the son of Issachar (Gen. 46:13), Joseph’s brother, and lived in the generation after Esau, Jacob’s brother.
    His friend Eliphaz, the father of the Temanites and son of Esau, was Job’s cousin.
    Yet, Job lived before Moses, so only Levites were allowed to sacrifice (Job 1:5, 42:8); the Flood is still in the peoples memory (Job 22:16).
    Pharaoh gave the Israelites the Land of Goshen (Gen. 47:11), which extends from Palestine west to the Nile (Gen. 15:18). Funny how the Arabs claim it all now.
    On another note, some think that Isa. 19:19-20 may refer to the Pyramid. It is interesting that they have stood the test of time and the only one of the Seven Ancient Wonders still standing. In recent years, the crazy Muslim extremist nut jobs now ruling Egypt have threatened to destroy them, but have not as yet; despite destroying many other ancient sites in their fanaticism. Is Providence preventing this?.
    Herodotus said the GP was built over a 20 year span in three months per year when the Nile overflowed and the people were idle, and also during the seven years famine when labor was available 8. But, thanks to Joseph, they prepared for the famine. The loss of record after 23 years corresponds to when Job lost his sons. The deaths of the sons of Cheops are recorded at the tombs near Giza. Not sure which one, though. But, this appears to be when Job lost his sons. The Turin Canon and Palermo stone date Cheops (Job) rule from 1726 BC to 1703 BC.
    Manetho then records Cheops reign from 1726 BC to 1663 BC and Joseph from 1734 BC to 1668 BC.

    Other sources put Joseph being sold into slavery c. 1723 BC and being 37 years old when the famine hit circa 1703 BC. Job is around this time.

    I, personally, believe the Pyramid is more than just a pyramid. It has major significance. I believe Job was indeed Cheops and he and Joseph played a large part in the construction of the Great Pyramids. They received the gratitude of the Egyptian people.
    As many may also know, the Pyramid and the two smaller ones with it align with Orion’s belt and are a mirror image of Orion’s belt on the ground. This cannot be disputed. Look it up. It’s fascinating. Graham Hancock has written books on this.
    Where does this play in if Job and Joseph did have such a large part to play in the building of the Pyramids?.
    Well, we read in Job 9:9, “Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.” ; In Job 38:31, we also read, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?”; A coincidence?. I think not!!.
    The so-called ‘mainstream’ archaeologists or Egyptologists will accept extraterrestrials traveled light years across the Universe and built the Pyramids, but mention Job, Joseph, or God Almighty and you’re crazy!. Those are the small minds that decide what’s true and what’s not.

    In Amos 5:8, we find it is He who makes the seven stars (SHD #3598, Kiymah, Pleiades) and Orion (SHD #3685, Keiyl) who is to be sought out and worshipped. The symbolism of the seven stars relates to the seven spirits of God. The seven stars are also seen as the angels of the seven Churches, which were clustered like Pleiades.
    The above info is circumstantial, but very compelling. I have only written a small part in brief.
    Albeit circumstantial, and would be disputed by many, there is historical record that points to Job being Cheops/Khufu. The Orion connection is also cool. There may be a significance that has been lost.

    The timeline I gave for Job is not too far off. I believe it is prety close to the time he lived. The Exodus was around

    1. Wathens Arts and Antiquities of Egypt, pg. 54
    2. Antiquities of the Jews, book II, pg. 9
    3. History, book II
    4. Budge, A History of Egypt, book2, pg. 9
    5. Cambridge Ancient History, pg. 309-310
    6. Rawlinson’s Egypt, ch. 14
    7. Clarkes Commentary, vol. III, preface to Book of Job
    8. Antiquities of the Jews, II, ch. 7

    1. No, Job lived before the Flood. And the Pyramids were built before the Flood, but not by Job. The step pyramid might have been built by Joseph, but not the Great Pyramid.

      If Job lived immediately after the Flood, then he would have been around at the same time as Noah, and Job was the only righteous man of his day.

    2. Nice piece Cody Thomsen

  9. Job was the great grandson of Abrahams brother, Nahor. Nahor’s grandson was the elder UZ. You can fill in the rest from there. It’s not science and playing the guessing game with the Bible is no different than being a pagan.

    1. sorry, Nahor’s son was the elder UZ, not grandson. 1chron

    2. Both Abraham and Job were Horites.

  10. This is ALL so fascinating! Thanks everyone! I see that Issachar is Job’s father making Joseph Job’s Uncle. Is that right? I really think that they should have put that on the timeline. Seems pretty clear in the Bible. Thanks again, all who commented. Really something to think about.

  11. Job lived after the flood, because it was after the flood that uz was born, Uz was one of the decendant of Ham son of Noah, so most likely he was born by uz and dwelt there and became great and God fearing than His I think from history and proper scrutiny of the book of job it almost clear that job was before Abraham, not to talk of Moses.Dont forget in the world today the Arabs are in the east, and Job was tagged the wealthiest in the east during his time. Thanks

  12. I did not see this in the comment section, but May have missed it. But I believe the answer to when Job lived is how old Job was when He Died. He already had 10 Sons and daughters before His trial, and after his trial (possibly several months or more) he lived another 140 Years. That means at the very least he was at least 200 years of age before he died. Look at the ages of the patriarchs. Starting with Adam to Jacob. You will see that no one lived longer than 200 Years of age after Terah (Abraham’s Father). So most likely The reason there is no reference to either Israel (Jacob) or to the Hebrew people (During Abraham’s time), is because Job Preceded them both. He most likely was born before Abraham. I can not see how either #2 or #3 is a valid option in light of Jobs advanced age.

    1. Job lived before the Flood.

  13. Hmm. If you consider/compare the age of Terah with Job. Maybe you should also remember his lost were restored.

  14. You make a lot of sense with your views. Very convincing. Thanx

  15. You’ll recall that Jacob and Esau couldn’t dwell in the same land because of the abundance of their cattle. So Esau ended up in the land that was named after him, Edom. Is there a connection here with Job’s great wealth of cattle?

    Also, Eliphaz, the eldest son of Esau, was Job’s friend. And Eliphaz told Job that they (the three friends) were the grey headed and very aged men, much elder than thy father (Job’s father). So, if Job was Jobab, king of Edom, this would seem to fit, because Eliphaz was a great uncle of Jabab (His grandfather’s brother). Also, Elihu calls the three friends “very old.”

    I think Job being the grandson of Jacob is less likely, because that Job probably would have been about the same age as Joseph, and by the time he was an adult, would no doubt have been in Egypt.

    1. Job was a man of High standing with his people. He was a councilor, and he seems to have been a judge of the people. He might have even been a king. Speaking of God, Job said, “He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head. Was this symbolic?
      Job also said, concerning his days before his trials, “I chose out their way, and sat chief, and dwelt as a king in the army, as one that comforteth the mourners.”

      Jobab is the second in the king’s list of Edom, and, as the Bible says, this was before any king reigned in Israel. The first kings of Israel was Saul and David.

      I’m not saying Jobab was Job, but this possibility sure is interesting.

  16. Disregard my posts above. I found better information.

  17. I believe Job happened shortly after the flood and before Abraham’s time, because Job mentions the dinosaurs and back then every story was handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth retelling these stories until they could be finally written down on clay tablets, and written language was created between the time period of Noah and Abraham. Parchment was used after Abraham. And we know the first recorded story of Noah’s flood was on Clay tablet, the story of Gilgamesh is the story of Noah just a different name for Noah. The description of the money is before Moses time the wealth being measured in flocks was before Moses time and women could inherit part of the family’s wealth was before Moses time.

  18. I don’t believe that Job was a Jew because he did not belong to one of the Jewish tribes. If he had belonged to a tribe of the Hebrews, the book of Job would have said so. This book shows that God had a personal relationship with a gentile.

  19. Job lived before the time of the patriarchs, and therefore before their were tribes.
    Job lived in the time before the Flood, and is the oldest book in the Bible.

  20. I love the comments and opinions. Thank you all.

    I think Job was after the flood and before the Abraham. Dragons/dinosaurs, the stars, the land of Uz, and other considerations from the book of Job are compelling to me that this great man worshipped a single god, the Creator, before God called Abraham. Job had a relationship with him.

    I also think Job is a great book for evangelism because of the keen reporting of the conversations of the men and of how God revealed his wisdom as so much greater than a man.

    There is evidence to my mind of the coming salvation through Christ all over the pages of Job. It’s a marvelous book in our Bibles.

  21. Job 42:17 in the LXX

  22. I believe Job was 2-3 generations b4 Abraham. I believe he was more than likely a son of Shem’s other sons. He knew and feared The God of Shem, like all Shem’s progeny did.

  23. He was born February 32? He cursed February 29-31 as well just to be sure.

    “May the day of my birth perish, and the night that said, ‘A boy is conceived!’ That day—may it turn to darkness; may God above not care about it; may no light shine on it. May gloom and utter darkness claim it once more; may a cloud settle over it; may blackness overwhelm it. That night—may thick darkness seize it; may it not be included among the days of the year nor be entered in any of the months.
    Job 3:3‭-‬6

  24. Think about this; In the days of Job satan and the sons of God were going to and fro of the earth and were called before God in the Heavens. It is written. If satan and the fallen ones had been kicked out of heaven at this time they would not be called back up. Perhaps Jobs time was before the great war in Heaven, and there were two floods one before Noe and one during check out “two floods in the bible.” I believe after digging in scripture this to be true. The bible shows that satan was kicked out of the mountain of God first, this is not the whole Heavens only the mountain of God.

  25. It seems there’s more to support the post-flood Job. The book also describes rain, which we know didn’t come about until the flood because there was never a rainbow until after. Genesis 2:4 says that God had not yet sent rain on the earth. This could mean that it simply hadn’t been rainy yet, but the very next verse says that the earth was watered by mist instead of rain.
    Another simple thing to look at is Job’s friends. They are each from tribes of man. The one that stands out is Eliphaz the Temanite. Who was Teman? Esau’s descendant.

  26. The Bible says in Genesis 22:21 that Abraham’s brother Nahor begat sons including Huz and Bus, and we learn that Job lived in Uz (clearly a city founded by Huz) (Job 1:1) and one of his friends was Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite (Job 32:2). This shows that Job came long after Abraham.

  27. – noah 950 yr.”very good old age”
    -No one like him on earth
    – lived to appox. 210 yr. “Good old “age
    – Abraham 180 yr.”good old age”
    Moses 140 yr.”good old age”
    Progressively less years so I put Job just before abram

    1. Job couldn’t have been “post flood” AND “pre Abraham”.

      The book of Jasher tells us that Abraham lived with Noah and Shem for awhile after going into hiding from king Nimrod, who wanted to kill Abraham. If were told that Job was “the most richeous man” of his time, then he couldn’t have lived during the life of Noah or Abraham.

      Therefore, Job was either pre flood (I currently do not believe this), or Job was post Abraham.

      1. Noah and Shem did indeed overlap with Abraham, and you can find this in the Biblical timelines. You don’t need a false book of Jasher to tell you this. And yes, it does mean that Job could not have been anytime after the flood, because God had a righteous man all the way down through those times. Job was before the Flood, either sometime between Enoch and Noah, or maybe before Enoch.

  28. Just an odd thought, but it has been suggested that Job may have been one of the concubinical (non-recognized) sons of Abraham, sent away with wealth to avoid conflict with Isaac… therefore he would know of the one God and the various peoples spoken of would have been also in the corresponding time line… Gen_25:6  But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country.

    1. yhvh said he destroyed the leviathans, meaning all of the dinosaur’s. but he referenced to Noah, as had at least seen the dinosaur’s, pre flood. and Job spoke to his friends which were descendants of Post flood men, around the same time as moses. I believe Moses in his traveling in the wilderness, heard the story of Job, and wrote it down. Job was righteous, and we know all the wicked died in the flood and only Noah and his family were saved, because they listened to God. gen 25:6 is a new one to me, I missed that somehow. but Yes if Ishmael kept in touch and he and Isaac burried Abraham, then the other sons and grandsons May have also, thus giving the story of Job to Moses.

  29. Rahab is mentioned in the book of Job, would that not then mean that he lived during or after Joshua. Which then means that Moses did not write the book.

    1. Jobe doesn’t refer to a person by the name of Rahab, he is saying “proud” which the word Rahab means proud. That’s why the JKV Bible translates it as “proud.”

  30. Some facts that might help:
    – Job intimately knew about Adam’s sin (Job 31:33).
    – Rain was normal in his day (multiple references in Job including 5:10); but before the flood it’s understood that it didn’t rain but a mist rose up from the ground to water the earth (Gen 2:6).
    – Seems to be mystical-like sea creature alive and known about; much like a fire breathing dragon (Job 41:20-21).
    – Mention of a flood (Job 22: 16).
    – No mention, by Job or God, of any great feats by any old testament prophet.

    So I’d say soon after Noah’s time, before Abraham.

    1. Noah and Abrahams lives overlapped. The book of Jasher tells us that Abraham actually lived with Noah and Shem while in hiding, due to the fact that King Nimrod wanted him dead. The book of Jasher also gives Abrahams grandson Esau credit for hunting down and cutting off Nimrods head, at the order of Shem. The book of Job lists an elder to Job, who was Jobs friend. His name was Elipaz the Temanite. Who was Teman? One of Esaus descendants. So this proves that Job lived sometime after Noah, Abraham, Nimrod, and Esau.

      Since were told Job was the most richeous man of his time, this means he had to be post flood, and post Noah and Abraham.

      If I had to guess, It seems very logical that after Abraham died, and then after Isaac his son died, Job would have then lived and was probably considered the most richeous man still on earth, until Abrahams grandson Jacob had his dream and started being richeous. Jacob had Joseph, and Job and Joseph probably were two powerful figures during the same time period. It sounds possible that Job was the historical figure called “Khufu in Egyptian, or Cheops in the Greek”. The great builder of the pyramid, in which he boasted about and YHWY corrected him. Remember, it was written by an ancient Egyptian historian that Khufu was not of the same race as the Egyptians. The pyramid was made to show the orian star alignment, and coincidently the book of Job also discusses this.

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