The original year calculated by Dionysius Exiguus was incorrect although close. Matthew and Luke both place Christ’s birth just before the death of Herod the Great. Herod’s death occurred shortly after a lunar eclipse. Scholars assume this is the eclipse in March of 4BC putting Christ’s birth that year.
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However, Christ’s birth could have been up to two years earlier since Herod also ordered the death of the innocents aged two and under based on information he received from the Magi. Ussher was aware of the information regarding Herod. He placed Christ’s birth 4 years earlier than the Christian calendar of 1 AD (Anno Domini or year of our Lord) making it 4 BC.
does Jesus Christ really exist? which years? in which Continent?
I promise he does. We are in Satan’s reality rn . Please talk to God. We don’t have long Hun
I have searched the Bible Timeline hanging on my wall (mine indicates a copyright date of 2018) but cannot see where it shows that Christ was born in 4 BC. Can someone direct me to the spot where it shows this? Thank you.
Hi Rex – It is at the bottom middle of the tool, just to the right of the cross graphic between 100 A.D. and 0. Hopefully that helps. Have a great one!