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End Times, Last Days, Latter Days, End of the Age

What is a Biblical explanation of the difference between these phrases?

Quick summary: They all mean the same thing.

End times (as that phrase) is not found in either The Authorized King James or the New International Version of the Bible. It is found in Daniel as “time of the end.” The Hebrew word translated as time (transliterated Hebrew word: ayth) can mean either time of an event or an occurrence while the word translated as end (transliterated Hebrew word: Qets) refers to end of time or the end of a space (i.e., end of the hall).

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End of the Age is found in The New International Version of the Bible. The same text is translated as End of the World in the King James Bible. It is used only in the New Testament. The Greek words (transliterated Greek words: aion suntevleia) consistently translated as end of the world or age can mean “completion or consummation of” the following: eternity, the worlds/universe, or period of time/age.

Latter Days (found only in the Old Testament) and Last Days (found in both Old and New Testaments). In the Old Testament, the same Hebrew words are translated as either last days or latter days. The word for latter or last means “end, latter time for prophetic future time, or last/ hindermost. (tyrxa)The word for days is the common word for the day found throughout the Old Testament including Genesis where God creates the world in a period of days (yowm). It can mean day as opposed to night, a 24 hour period, a division of time, a working day, plural days can mean a lifetime, a time period (general) or a year.


How it is translated depends on the context. In the Greek New Testament again the King James translators are consistent. The word translated as last (eschatos) means the end of or last in a series or the end of space. The Greek word for days (hemera) is similar to the Hebrew in that it can refer to a particular day or days as in a lifetime or period of time. The next step is a bit of a comparison. The words translated as last or end are similar to our English last or end. We might say “He’s at the end of the line.” Or we might say, “He’s last in line.” The meaning is essentially the same. The words translated as day/days/age/or the world can all mean a period of time or in some cases space. We can assume then that that all the phrases are different ways of saying the same thing.

Associated article:

Signs of the end times

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5 thoughts on “End Times, Last Days, Latter Days, End of the Age

  1. These phrases: the end times and latter times are synonymous, but the last days and the end of the world (age) are different from one another, even as they are not synonymous with the end times/latter times. To confuse these phrases is one reason why most fail to understand where we stand on His timeline. Wake up!

  2. Christ, in Matthew 24 and 25 was describing two “end times”. First, he was helping his disciples to understand Israel, as a kingdom, was slated for destruction, beginning “the great tribulation”. Israel was destroyed in 70AD by Rome, but few understand “the great tribulation” also began, marking the beginning of another “time of the end” that would culminate in the destruction of this wicked system of things or “world”. So, there are two “end times” that need to be comprehended by those desiring accurate knowledge. However, this increase in “knowledge” of God’s Word would only be exposed to a very special group of people – God’s prophets, all Israelites. (Amos 3:7) These “prophets” are now being “called out of darkness into his marvelous light” and the true “knowledge” is being increased to those seeking it. Seek and you will find. Peace.

  3. Like the light coming from the East to the West and the ArchAngel will blow the Great Trumpet and Jesus will come for his Church. May all be blessed today and forever for the Glory of the Lord is about to appear and His Love will be complete to those who love him,His name,and have given their lives to him! Apostle Gary Munger(Revelation 1:8).

    1. Apostles were chosen by Jesus not by our own desire to be what we’re not! You are a false teacher and everything you utter is the words of lucifer

  4. A lot of times we get hung up on words and phrases. Yes it’s important to know the times in which we are in today. But in order to know that, we must know the Word of God. The Bible has given us signs, and prophecy to let us know the time of the end or the last days or latter days are upon us. The most important thing is have you surrounded your all to God. Are you obedient to His will and way. Are you hiding the word of God in your heart. Are you daily taking up your cross and following Christ. Have you crucified that carnal nature and feeding your spiritual nature. Let’s not allow ourselves to get tripped up by words or phrases. Especially if they don’t point us to God.

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