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Hittites Take Nineveh

Hittites, which means “Heth ” means “sons of terror”. Heth is the great grandson of Noah. These people existed during the Bronze Age and settled in Anatolia specifically on the lands nearby Hattusa and Nesa. They are one of the nations of Ham found on the Bible Timeline around 1400 BC. They were known for their military exploits using chariots in war. In fact, some Hittites were part of king David‘s army as top military leaders. In fact, Uriah, the general of king David and Bathsheba’s husband, was a Hittite. The reason for such is their skills in creating iron artifacts that help them develop tools. During the days of Abraham, they have lived among the Israelites. Abraham himself transacted with the Hittites when he purchased a burial plot from Ephron.

Hittite rhyton

There are many archeological expeditions that recovered many artifacts from the Hittites. One such is the Hittite rhyton displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art. Most of the archives recovered in cuneiform tablets were written using the Akkadian language. Scholars like Archibald Henry Sayce believed that Hittites were as powerful as the “divided kingdom of Egypt”. Likewise, he also suggested that the relationship between Judah and this group of people was rather friendly.

Hittites take Nineveh (around 1400 BC)

A little background about the Assyrian empire helps people understand the events that preceded the fall of Nineveh. The capital of the Assyrian empire was Nineveh . Assyria was a powerful empire complete with engineering and architectural feats. However, its history is marked by extreme cruelty and oppression as it continuously oppressed Mesopotamians and Babylonians. Resisting Assyria could mean death to a whole town as the population is decimated by its known siege engines. The Assyrian empire was responsible for dispersing people from Israel by taking them as captives. Nonetheless, the fall of Nineveh was already forecasted by the Hebrew prophet Zepheniah. The wrath of God fell upon Nineveh as attested by the research made by David Stronach. The research was partly funded by the National Geographic Society. The remains witnessed by Stronach manifested the gruesome death met by warriors of Nineveh. Allied forces of Babylonians included the military might of Hittites.

What Part of the Bible Mention Hittites?

  • Deuteronomy 20:17- Completely destroy them- the Hittites,Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivittes, and Jebusites. God wanted this tribes to be destroyed by Israel.
  • Genesis 23:5- The Hittites replied to Abraham,
  • Genesis 10: 15 – This indicated that Canaan was the father of Sidon and the Hittites
  • Judges 3:5- This passage states that children of Israel also dwelled among different groups of people including the Hittites
  • Judges 1:26 – The passage tells of a man who built a city in the land of Hittites named Luz
  • Genesis 36:2- Esau’s wives came from different groups including Adah (a Hittite)
  • 1 Kings 11:1-2- The passage narrates the hundreds of women that King Solomon loves. Hittite women were part of his harem. God forbids the king to take part with such alien nations since they will eventually corrupt his heart.
  • Genesis 15: 20- Hittites was one of the lands promised by God to his nation Israel


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Ark of the Covenant Erected

The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred object in Jewish and Christian tradition. The Ark of the Covenant was a physical representation of God among the Jewish nation. The Jews are considered God’s chosen people and when Moses led them to the Promise Land, God had given them the Ark while they made the journey.  The erection of the Ark of the Covenant is placed on the Bible Timeline around 1445 BC.

The Ark of the Covenant is more than just a material object that represents God, his power and his deity. The Israelites carried the Ark ahead of their group as they trekked through the wilderness for over 40 years. Since the Israelites did not have any permanent structures they didn’t have a temple to worship God. One of the reasons why God sent them the ark was so that they could be reminded that it was God who was constantly providing for and taking care of them. The ark was carried when they went into battle and it was used to house the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God.

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‘”Almighty God the Father”, by Antoine Coypel, detail of the ceiling of the chapel of the Palace of Versailles, Yvelines, France.’

God had given Moses certain instructions for building the Ark. God told Moses that the Jewish people were supposed to construct the ark out of wood. Once the wooden part of the ark was erected they would then cover the inside with gold as well as the outside. The Ark was also to have a crown of gold and rings of gold as well. The staves were supposed to be made from wood and covered with gold. These staves were used to carry the Ark.

In the book of Revelation, readers are given a snapshot of the ark as it is seen in heaven. In this particular book of the Bible, heaven opens up during end time events and the Ark of the Covenant can be seen in heaven. This is important to know because the Ark of the Covenant is patterned after God’s temple in heaven. This is an important point as to why God gave the Israelites specific instructions about how to build the ark.

The Ark of the Covenant was used by the Israelites during their many battles. When Joshua was in charge of the Israelites, the ark was used in the process of defeating Israel’s enemies at Jericho. When the ark was used by the Israelites God’s power had manifested through it as a sign that he would fight for them or give them the ability to overcome their enemies.

Israel’s most famous king, David, wanted to build God a temple, but God didn’t allow him. Even though the Lord was pleased with David’s request. The king had shed too much blood for God to allow him to complete the task. This is why King Solomon was left with the task of building the temple to house the ark.

Once Solomon had constructed the ark it rested there up until the time the Babylonians destroyed the temple in 586 B.C. After this point, no one on Earth is absolutely sure about the whereabouts of the ark. What actually happened to this religious relic is the subject of debate, mystery and controversy.


  • Exodus 25 outlines the instructions that God gives to Moses for building and decorating the ark.
  • Exodus 26:33 Gives specific instructions for keeping the ark contained in the Holy of Holies
  • Exodus 30:6 the ark is called the Ark of Testimony.
  • Exodus 30:26 the ark is anointed with sacred oil.
  • Numbers 10:33 the ark is supposed to be carried by the Israelites on their journeys.
  • Numbers 14:43 the ark is called a symbol of God’s presence and glory.
  • Deuteronomy 10:8 the ark is only supposed to be carried by the Levite Priests.
  • Deuteronomy 31:26 is the verse in the Bible that God commands Moses to place the two broken tablets that contain a copy of the law inside of the ark.
  • Joshua 4:7 the ark divides the Jordan River.
  • Joshua 6: 6-20 used in the process of destroying the walls of Jericho.
  • 1 King 8: 1-6 the ark is brought to Solomon’s Temple.
  • Psalms 40:8 the ark is considered a type of Christ.
  • Revelation 11:19 the ark is patterned after God’s temple in heaven.
