Cain is the eldest son of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4:1 KJV)1. It is said that God gave Adam a son – Cain, In Hebrew, the name Cain means “something that is produced” or “spear”.
Cain Commits Crime because of Jealousy
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Time came when Cain and Abel presented their offerings before the Lord. Cain offered fruits from the ground, while Abel offered selected fat firstlings from his sheep. The Lord God respected Abel’s offering but did not accept Cain’s. This made Cain’s countenance fall and his jealousy grew as time passed. One day, Cain invited Abel over to his field and slew him there thinking that his crime would be concealed (Genesis 4:3-8 KJV).3
Due to his actions, Cain was banished and fled to the land of Nod, east of Eden. Though he was cast out from the land where he shed his brother’s blood, God’s mercy was still with Cain. God gave Cain a mark for protection saying that who ever slays him, vengeance will be sevenfold (Genesis 4:9-16 KJV).4
Cain, father of Enoch
It is written that Cain had a wife and begat Enoch. He then built a city naming it after his son, Enoch. Enoch begat Irad; who begat Mehujael; who begat Methusael; Lamech (Genesis 4:17 KJV) The Bible does not explicitly state when Cain was born so he is placed on the Biblical Timeline Chart between the creation of Adam (4004 BC) and the birth of Seth (3874 BC)
How do we know Cain was the eldest son of Adam and Eve? It does not state that in the Bible. It simply says Eve bore Cain. No children before are mentioned so we assume Cain is the eldest–but we really don’t know.
When looking at how this represents Christ and the Jewish leaders. The jews came first, but the younger christian lamb was accepted. Jacob was younger than Esau but Jacob was preferred. Ishmael came from Abram first then came Isaac (who is also a type of christ, he was going to be sacrificed by Abram on the same mountain the cross stood on.) So when we see the patterns of brothers its always the eldest whos offering is looked ober for the younger.
Jesus was the oldest of four…. Was James the Just the youngest
This may sound like a ‘generic’ answer but consider Deuteronomy 29:29 that the things we are given to know are what we should use as proof and the rest is left to “Faith”. Peter says the whole word of God is ‘inspired’ by the Holy Spirit, so we have to believe that what is written is to be believed. It doesn’t matter if others were before or when ‘In the beginning’ really was. What matters is ‘Belief” in the Word. The Enemy looks for weakness to attack the believer and these questions are part of his arsenal.
Actually how do we even know that Kane is even Adam’s child because Eve was beguiled by the devil …by the serpent in the garden… Did you ever think that Kane was possibly the stepchild of Adam and the son of the serpent and was destroyed in the flood
Interesting question to think about
Actually how do we even know that Cain is even Adam’s child, because Eve was beguiled by the devil …by the serpent in the garden… Did you ever think that Cain was possibly the stepchild of Adam and the son of the serpent… Just a thought
Where did Cain’s wife come from? Do we assume Adam and Eve had daughters also?
Yes and no, yes they had other children. No we do not assume there were other children born to Adam and Eve. The Bible says as much in Gen 5:4, that Adam had sons and daughters throughout his life.
In Genesis chapter 1 God created first couple ,Genesis chapter 2 God created Adam and Eve,the offspring of the first couple is where Cain wife came from! Watch Gods culture creation series,so you can know the truth behind ,the first couple
Gen1 and Gen2 is one event, the same event told from two perspectives. Gen1 is God telling us how He Created. Gen2 is the same Creation week described from man’s perspective. We read in Gen2 that the man was Created AFTER the land and waters were seperated ,but BEFORE there was any greenery. The man then, was Created on Day3. Then God Created the fish, birds and animals (Days 5 and 6). That is why the Word says Adam named them. Also, it is to the man that God explained the times set for man, on Day4. On Day6, sleep comes over the man, who is in the Garden, and God forms the woman from him. But, Gen1 tells us God Created them male and female, on the 6th Day. Thus, as the man was Created on Day3, it must mean males was Created on Day6 as well. Which means Adam was Created on Day3, Eve on Day6 from him, in the Garden, where he and Eve lived seperately from the rest of humanity, who was Created on Day6 too. This also explains where Cain got his wife from.
Cain married his sister Awan. He also had three other sons and two daughters there names were Olad,Lizpha,Fosal and the daughters were Citha & Maac
Jesus was the oldest of four…. Was James the Just the youngest