Bible World History Timeline 1 AD – 250 AD

254BC – 1AD  Online Timeline Index 250AD – 500AD


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1AD – 100AD
100AD – 200AD
200AD – 250AD
to 25
to 50
to 100
to 150
to 175
to 200
to 225
to 250
400 BC – 1500 AD: Zapotecs (Monte Alban, Mixtla)
400 BC – 1000 AD: Nazca coastal culture, Western South America
400 BC – 600 AC: Mochica culture North Peru
CHRIST BORN Matt. 2:1 Ministry and Crusifiction of CHRIST 30-33 Apostles slain except John
Flavius Josephus (Historian) Martyr worship introduced at Rome Classic Period of Maya
Civilization 250
Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico pop 40k The Apostolic Ministry begins 33 John banished to Patmos 90 Jews in great number exterminated 135 Jews scattered among all nations Deut. 28:64 First Period of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia 200-375
El Mirador (Guatemala) early Maya city Jerusalem taken by Titus 70 Hadrian takes Jerusalem Infant baptism. Sprinkling. Transubstantiation Mass.
Nazca in Peru large patterns in the desert 50 Mogollon culture SW US 100 Monte Alban in Oaxaca, Mexico 100-200
Stephen’s Lapidation 34 Saul’s Conversion Acts 7:8-10 Beginning of Apostasy 100
Hopewell Culture upper Mississippi 100
ARABS                                   Kingdom of Yemen- Himyarites Dynasty
Migration of Nations
Germans defeat Romans at Teutoburg Forest 9 Marcomanni (markmen) against Marcus Aurelius 166 Tartars and Turks 180 Westward drift of Hunnish peoples Saxons on the German ocean
Deceit vs. Romans 14
Alemanni and Franks on the Rhine
The Goths on the Black Sea
and Danube
Decius fights the Goths and kills the Danube 250
The Julians The Flavians Emperors of Adoption Rule of the Military Emperors
Tiberius 14 Caligula 37 Vespasian 69 Hadrian 117 (Spanish) Marcus Aurelius 161 Alexander Servius 222 Decius 249
Claudius 41 Titus 79 Antonius Pius 138 Commodus 180
Nero 54 Domitian 81
Trajan 98
                                                        Egypt under Roman Control
Pliny (Historian) 9BC Britain became a Roman province 41 Nero burns Rome Romania and Transylvania Subjected 101 Beginning of Rome’s decline 180 General persecution of Christians
Persecution of the
Christians and Jews
Pompeii destroyed 79 Parthians conquered 116
Scotland to Rome 81 Rome has greatest territorial possessions 117
Indo-German Tribes
Buddhism spreads in
China, Indo-China, Thibet, and Japan
Han Dynasty 202 BC – 220 AD
System of Tithing advocated Time of incessant warfare Tea first mentioned as a drink 222


254BC – 1AD  Online Timeline Index 250AD – 500AD

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