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Goths on the Black Sea and the Danube

The Goths were groups of Germanic ethnicity, which are made up of the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths. These people were instrumental in the decline of the Roman Empire as they gave rise to the Medieval period in Europe. According to history, the Goths migrated from Scandza and settled in Gothiscandza, which was situated in the lower portion of the Vistula region. In fact, archaeologists have noted evidence of the truth behind the migration of Goths. It was also noted that in the 3rd century, they crossed the Black Sea or Lower Danube and destroyed several areas along the way including the Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia, Byzantium, Sparta and Athens. A century later, the Goths invaded Dacia and dominated a massive area that spanned towards the Danube and the Black Sea.

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The battle between Goths and Romans.

The Goths Rose Into Power

The Goths were among the most powerful groups of people that succeeded in finding their way into the Classical World. In fact, this tribe was able to break out of north-central Europe during the latter part of the second century. In half a century after leaving their homeland, the Goth arrived at the Black Sea, which was at the northern portion of the Danube River. It was not long after that they reached the Danube frontier and conquered the Roman Empire after raiding and destroying the coast of Bulgaria.

In 250 AD, Kniva, the fearless Gothic commander, obtained three different armies and set them on the field. While one of these armies was defeated by the Dacians, the other two successfully reached the Danube. On the sea, these tribes were also the primary forces that initiated sea raids, which impacted negatively a large part of towns in the Black Sea. Although they were able to raid various places including Asia Minor and Greece, their ships were destroyed by strong winds during the tribe’s return to their homeland.

The Goths During the 4th Century

In the earlier parts of the 4th century, the Goths were divided into two groups – the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths. The Ostrogoths settled in the north of the Black Sea, which was in the Ukraine while the Visigoths remained along the Danube River.

These groups took part in various battles, yet they remained victorious after the strong invasion of the Huns in Europe. When the Gothic Army succeeded in the battle in 372, the Roman Empire decided to give the Goths a land that was situated between the Danube and the Balkan Range. However, this was not enough to satisfy the Goths who wanted to claim more areas as their homeland.

Alaric, a powerful Gothic leader, decided to violate the treaty made with the Romans as he penetrated the southern part of the Balkan Range. He also entered Rome when the Emperor failed to give him a title or some recognition for his past services. Although he caused minimal chaos to Rome, he attempted to go to Sicily and step foot into North Africa’s rich grain fields. However, he failed with his attempts when a massive storm destroyed his fleet, and until he died before putting his plans into actions. Soon after, the Visigoths remained in Southern Gaul before settling into the Iberian Peninsula.

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