Seti I: Father of Great Rulers in Egypt
Menmaatre Seti I (commonly referred to as Seti I) was one of the greatest rulers of ancient Egypt . He fathered the renowned Rameses II also known as Ramses the Great. Many of the great successors to the Egyptian throne were from Seti I’s lineage. His birth name was Menmaatre Seti I which means “He of Set” that connotes dedication to the god “Set” and Menmaatre means “Eternal is the Justice of Re”. As a Pharaoh, he had several titles which included: Sethi I, Sety, Sety Merenptah and what the Greeks refer to as Sethos I.
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Seti I: His Great Predicament
It is said that Seti I had a great predicament during his reign as a pharaoh of Egypt. This began when a prophecy came up which avowed that someone would grow up to take over his throne. This predicament alarmed him so much that he ordered his men to kill every male child born in Egypt.
Seti I: His Reign
Seti I was an infamous leader throughout the ancient Egyptian history. According to the Biblical Timeline, his reign began in the 19th Dynasty recorded between 1294 BC – 1279 BC and 1290 BC to 1279 BC. He was the second king since the start of the 19th dynasty. Among the most significant achievements of Seti, I was building the Great Temple of Abydos also known as the Osireion. He began the construction of this significant temple, and it was finished during the reign of his son, Ramses the Great.
The temple is an L-shaped structure made of limestone and was originally 550 feet wide. The temple is a tomb or tabernacle dedicated to the ancient Egyptian god Osiris. Located in one of this temple’s tunnels is another significant relic called “The Table of Abydos”. Many consider the Table of Abydos equal in importance to the Rosetta Stone in the Egyptian archeology. The Table of Abydos contains a rare sequential list of pictograph with names of most of the ancient dynastic pharaohs enlisting the details and periods of the reign of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs and dynasties. This piece of a relic is popularly known to this modern period as the “King’s List”.
Another significant event that happened in his time was the capturing of the place called “Kadesh”, a Syrian town. Throughout history, many pharaohs had attempted to recapture this land during their reign but to no avail. Seti I was the only recorded pharaoh to have successfully accomplished this goal. Together with his son, Ramses the Great, they triumphantly entered Kadesh and erected a victory monument at the site. Seti I spearheaded a series of battles to Western Asia, Canaan, Libya and Nubia. Many believe that he was a great king, a successful warrior and a great builder and these accounts have proved them correct.
Seti I: His Legacy
When Seti I died, he was buried in the lengthiest and deepest tomb yet found in the Valley of the Kings. Giovanni Battista Belzoni discovered the tomb in 1817. The tomb of Seti I was one of the finest examples of Egyptian funerary art ever found in history. Also during his reign, Egyptian Art flourished to a point that was undoubtedly never equaled, as is showed in the monuments and art left after his death.
Seti I: In the Bible
Exodus 1:8-22
According to the recent discoveries of some historians and Bible scholars, the passage of Exodus 1:8-22 “Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph” was originally associated with Aahmes I or Amosis but new research suggests that the passage rightfully refers to Seti I.
Exodus 2:1-10
When Moses was born, his mother decided to nurture him for three straight months. Eventually the time came when she could no longer hide him from the mandate of the current Pharaoh Seti I to kill all male babies in Egypt. Moses’ mother was forced to place him in a basket among the reeds along the Nile River. The pharaohs’ daughter discovered the basket and let her slave take care of him. When the child Moses grew older, the slave brought the child back to the pharaohs’ daughter and from then on she considered Moses her son.
i really enjoyed this i have an ancient egypt project due in 2 weeks and i will use this as 1 of my sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks! We’re glad we could help..
I found some interesting info about Seti I that I did not know before! I just wanted to let you know that there is a mistake in the paragraph under the biblical info you have under Exodus 2:1-10. Pharaoh’s daughter let Moses’ mother nurse him, and gave her wages for it.
Appreciate this article; but have a question. Were all the boys born in all of Egypt killed or just the Israelite baby boys. I believe the Bible only says the boys of the Israelites. Exodus 1:15-16.
Yass thank you this is just what I need for a source for my ancient Egypt project due in 2 weeks
What is the evidence it is Seti? It makes much more sense that the passage refers to Ahmose I. This is especially true if Joseph arose under the Hyksos. Ahmose I, founder of the 18th dynasty drove out the Hyksos and reunited Egypt. If Joseph came under Hyksos, Ahmose would have the right circumstances to fear the Hebrews and enslave them. Also, politically speaking, it doesn’t make sense to say Seti I arose over Egypt, he simply began reigning in Egypt. On the other hand, it makes sense for Ahmose I to have arose over Egypt since he recaptured lower Egypt from Hyksos and became king over the entire Egypt. The way the Bible says it, it doesn’t sound like a peaceful transfer of power, probably a violent uprising or so. This is much more fitting if the new king is Ahmose. I also heard that Ahmose began enslaving asiatics and semites after he came to power in Egypt. I can’t say for sure, of course, but I regard the new king as Ahmose I.