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Melchizedek and Shem

Are Melchizedek and Shem the same person?

This question is frequently asked and has caught the interest of many scholars. Let us examine first these two names and then the arguments for and against the two being the same person.

[This article continues after a message from the authors]
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Melchizedek means "King of righteousness" (Heb. 7:1-2). He was known as the great high priest, priest of the most high God (Gen. 14:18) ordained as priest after the order of the Son of God (Heb 7:3). He’s also known as Abram/ Abraham’s ecclesiastical leader (Gen. 14:19) (Gen. 14:20) (Heb. 7:4) and King of Salem (Gen. 14:18.)

Abraham and Melchizedek

Shem is the Son of Noah (Gen. 5:32), the progenitor of Abraham. (1 Chronicles 1:24-27.) It was assumed that he held the keys to the priesthood and was the great high priest of his day where he stands next to Noah during this time when patriarchs passed on the priesthood in the family.

Shem and Melchizedek are the same person:

  • The Great High Priest: There can’t be two high priests presiding at the same time. Shem was the great high priest of his day. Abraham honored the high priest Melchizedek by seeking a blessing at his hands and paying him tithes.
  • Order of Priesthood: Abraham stands next to Shem in the patriarchal order of the priesthood and would surely have received the priesthood from Shem, but Hebrews Teaching says Abraham received the priesthood from Melchizedek.
  • Reign over Salem: Shem inherited the land of Salem and Melchizedek is the king of Salem.
  • King of Righteousness: Shem reigned in righteousness (Melchizedek’s name means King of Righteousness), and the priesthood came through him. (Ginsberg, Legends of the Jews, p. 233.)
  • Name as Title: If Shem is indeed Melchizedek, the name is then used as a title, not an actual name. This title would seem to fit the biblical account of the Godliness and righteousness ascribed to Shem.
  • Hebrew Tradition: Shem, Noah’s Son that was still alive at the time of Abraham and that would make him the oldest man alive qualifying him as a candidate for the order of Melchizedek.

Shem and Melchizedek are two different people:

  • An account of Identity: Shem was born in 2448 B.C. and lived for 602 years. He was 100 years old at the time of the great flood. Abraham was born in 1948 B.C., and was 140 years old when Shem died. But the coincidence in Shem and Melchizedek living at the same time only makes their identity a possibility, not a reality.
  • Genealogy: We know Shem’s line and descendants. Abraham’s father was Terah, who was in the line of Shem. We do not know Melchizedek’s genealogy.
  • Melchizedek in the Bible: Genesis 14:18-20
    The Bible doesn't tell us much about Melchizedek beyond that he was a priest of God, and that his line of priesthood is an important one. Some Christians see Melchizedek as an early foreshadowing of Jesus himself.
  • Canaanite Priest: Jebusites were idolaters who worshiped Canaanite gods. Melchizedek could not have worshiped a heathen god because of the titles he used for the true God. Archaeological records reveal that the Jebusites were preceded by that of a Shemite group. Noah predicted that Canaan would serve under Shem (Gen.9:26).
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168 thoughts on “Melchizedek and Shem

  1. Check your calculations again. Abraham died before Shem.

    1. Shem was born 100 years (or 98 years) before the flood and lived for 600 years so that he lived for 500 years after the flood. Abraham was born 352 years after the flood so that Shem died when Abraham was about either 148 or 150.

      1. Shem was born 1558 (2370 BC), and died in 2158 (1770 BC) according to Genesis dating and the Hebrew calendar. Abraham was born 1948 and died at the age of 175, in the year 2123 (1795 BC) according to Genesis and the Hebrew calendar. At the time of Shem’s death, Isaac was 110, and Jacob was 50. This is why Jacob does not tithe to Melchizedek after returning to the land of Canaan with his great wealth.

        Shem outlived Abraham by 25 years.


        2. 1948-175=1773 not 1795 so according to your numbers Shem outlived Abraham by 3 years. You have an extra 22 years for some reason.

          1. You were so confused. He was saying in the 1,948 year from creation then 1795BC or 1,795 years Before Christ. You are trying to converge two different ways of measuring time.

      2. Wrong. The Book OK Jasher tells Shem was at Abraham’s funeral. It also states he lived another 33 years after Abraham died, and how old was Christ when he died on the cross?

        1. Gen 11:12-25 are Massorite corrupted text. Wicked scribes took out a generation and 880 years to make Shem contemporary with Abraham. This was done shortly after our Lord’s Crucifixion. If you can’t add it up correctly then you can’t rightly divide the scripture.

          1. Can I ask where you learned this information? I am not familiar with this and would love to read more about it.

          2. It was not in the mood to type much today, but you Mr. Bergh have saved me the trouble, thanks.

          3. Thanks Bergh, I had to look into this and found it in the nets, much different than the masoretic text. I’ll study from the nets from now on. Can I ask which version are you reading from?

      3. I have done the numbers more than once and my math concludes that Shem died 35 years after Abraham died at age 175. Also a better interpretation in Hebrews chapter 7:3 (Interlinear bible) would state that Melchizedek had unrecorded paternity and unknown maternity, and unregistered birth, and that he came from a different order, time, place, rank, (at the first estate), magistrate, power, principality, principal, rule. And in Jasher 16:11 it states Shem was also called Melchizedek/ Adonizedek King of Jerusalem (Smith’s Bible dictionary page 393)

        1. And so. with Shems parents known, he is disqualified as possibly being the same person spoken of in Hebrews.

    2. Shem died in the year of the world 2158,Adraham the year of the world 2187

    3. actually, our bible is a copy of a Hebrew text written 1000 ad. It differs slightly than earlier greek copies of the hebrew. These Greek copies date to 100 bc. These copies as well as Josephus add 100 years to each descendant of Shem. Shem died 500 years before Abraham was born. This older timeline makes Shem’s geneology look correct, it removes descrepencies in archeologic issues, it fulfills the writing of Paul who warned not to argue with the fabels of the scribes and geneology, and rebukes the Jews argument that Christ can’t be the new high priest if melckizedek is Shem as they know Shem’s geneology and Christ would have to be a descendent of Levi to be the new high priest, which Christ isnt.

      1. you are correct bro..

      2. I agree. The Masoretic texts are only one thousand years old, whereas, the Greek Septuagint is the oldest and closest to the original Hebrew text. Written in Greek but with a Hebraic mindset that gives way to readers experiencing life through the narrative of the diaspora. You know what else is only one thousand years old? The rabbinical interpretation of Isaiah 53 that states once believed the Messiah to be an actual prophecy about a person as the suffering servant. Now this one thousand year old doctrine about the suffering servant being Israel and not a person is widely received, though previous rabbinical interpretations point to the Messiah being a person and not a nation. My personal guess is that as the dispersion of Jews spread into Europe, in order to preserve their theology of Judaism, they had to receive interpretations that opposed the Christianity that surrounded them. Just a guess.

        1. Greek and Samaritan Septuagint are much older and closer to the original Hebrew texts. The Masoretic is only one thousand years old, and most Bible translations, such as the KJV, are based mostly from the Masoretic. Acts 7, where Stephen gives his account before the scribes on being accused of blasphemy, speaks from the tradition of the Samaritan Septuagint. His Greek name and use of that interpretation would’ve been an accusation against Judaism’s theological tradition and made him a dead man. Pure hatred for the Samaritan.
          So, who is our neighbor?….

          1. it was the same as the hebrew Bible of today , had it not been changed by the greeks as they changed the History writings of Flavious Josephus. the Ptolemy Greek General who Alexander made him leader of south and Egypt where the Septuagint was written in Alexandria Egypt. &) rabbi’s fromthe holy land wrote the bible , 70 different Rabbi’s in seperet private boots and all lettering was the same. that is the miricle. The torah even read a few times becomes stamped on the Jewish heart forever. To bad the Greeks changed it for their agenda, but no worries we still have the true and full Bible as written then.

          2. You have no idea what you are talking about. None of you do. Rabbi tovia singer refutes all these claims with one single source. If you go to the temple on the mount and you go to the corridors all of the texts we consider sacred are available and “nothing has ever changed”. Mesorites were a group who preserved the ancient writings. They should be commended not condemned. You can see the exact same text near the temple mound that is older than any Greek translation. And furthermore there Greek Septuagint was only the first five books of moshe nothing more. The rest was added later and much older than the mesorites. Stop adding to or taking away from Torah it’s not only “illegal” (unlawful) it’s wrong. The Torah is a kabbalisitc book written by Kabbalist. To say you can add and take away is completely wrong. Then to tell me God fearing Jewish scribes changed something. I’ve never heard anything more absurd. The history we call the Bible is not history. Until about 500bce none of it was written and all of it stayed a debate. Many things in the Bible are actually taken from other cultures and became a type of folklore for the (Hebrews “the ones who crossed” during the exodus of moshe). They were not all Israelites some were feeling scared Hyksos (their captors) from Egypt. So until Judah established an order for them and the northern tribes none of the tinok was written and set in stone. 5 schools developed this book you call the “Old Testament” and none of it was probably ever written by the authors who are given credit.

            Throw out your commentaries and stop listening to your preachers. If you want real truth it will be given to you but it will never come if you keep being spoon fed by preachers who don’t know what they are talking about.

            The “ children of Yisarel” are the only ones who will inherit his promises. They are physical descendants of Jacob. End of story. It’s written there even in plain English. If you want to take it literal. Why did Christ go to the gentiles? Because some of jacobs defendants ended up gentiles and he wanted them to return to the father of Abraham issac and Jacob.

            I’ve seen a lot of this type of none sense and so called scholarship. Stop changing the Torah. It’s just not right. Stop calling something unclean that is clean. The Torah. Annoy be changed it cannot be altered therefore it hasn’t. To deny this very fact is to deny Jesus himself. John 1:1

            First there was the Torah…. The alpha and the omega does not change so just stop it ruins any other credentials you claim.

        2. we do not use the septuagint as was a long time ago. why, It was the greek leader of the south and egypt that wanted the septuagint done in Alexandriaand to see it done and to keep in his library but later the Christianized greeks changed it and lost it’s true Jewish way of their writing, therefore , no longer a true Jewish bible. The masoretic texts in text books only wrote syllable points which does not change sound or meaning. One who reads vowel text will easily read the non vowel written in the holy hebrew in the Synagague scrolls. Their was a time where only wealthy Jews were able to study(not a good thing) the Hasidim Jews who started it in the 18th century by the Baal shom Tov brought beside other good things but made Jewish Learning to anyone regardless of wealth

          1. ubove mistake, 70 rabbi’s in 70 different booths not boots, sorry

      3. Not true. Paul wrote that the priesthood changed. “For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.”
        ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭7:14‬ ‭KJV. This is how the priesthood changed the reason was that Christ would take on that office of the priesthood. This would change the sacrificial piece of the law. Due to his sacrifice, this eliminated a continuous reason for sacrificing animals which is why Christ is called (in a similitude) the “lamb of God”.

        1. There is no changing of the priesthood. “The righteous king” priesthood built the first temple after its order therefore Aaronic (Levite) and the righteous king order became one. Both priesthoods were done away with when caiphas rent his garments. End of priesthood. End of story.

          Paul wrote about the righteous king’s order as a reference not a literal lineage. He was saying that we saw righteousness in the righteous king ‘s ways even though he was not “Jewish”. Start reading what is there and stay out of commentaries please

          1. Caiaphas was corrupt and history is clear that the Aaronic priesthood was claimed from descendency and Melchizedek through righteousness.

      4. This is fascinating stuff. Where can I find more info especially about the Masoretic c orruption. I always thought these guys were purists when it came to the OT, counting the letters, etc.

        1. There was never a corruption don’t believe everything you read. This is an old kjv only argument to support there is only “one authorized version”. First of all the Dead Sea scrolls prove the Torah was never changed and there was no corruption. They are identical to the mesorite texts. Secondly we know for a fact no corruption exists because Jews don’t share all their literature. But you can see proof if you need to under the Temple Mount. They have sacred books for viewing that are much older than any Greek manuscript you can find. The Jews were secret people and Kabbalists. They won’t just share anything with anyone. And they don’t share the sacred secrets or writings with Christian’s. It’s that simple. But there is one Ravi who will tell you the truth and his name is Rabbi Tovia singer. I’m not saying he’s right but when it comes to the truth about the history of our texts he is.

      5. Facts, slight difference is actually a big deal. It moves the flood back to a time that actually ,actually makes sense. Egyptians were defendants of Ham and no break i Egyptian civilization occurred 4,350 years ago explainable by the flood. The Tower of Babel was older and its remains are in Iraq and after the flood. Altering the timeline to discredit Jesus created the discrepancy.

      6. I see the scholars are confused noah generation was before moses and aaron generation shem was a high priest also actually the first priest in the second coming of man after the flood shem inherited salem and melchizldeke was king which is a title do the math from there gentle men

      7. Let’s also not forget that the Masoretic geneology leaves out Cainan, which is included in the geneology of Christ in Luke 3.

      8. Good word I was thinking about the same thing.

    4. No Shem died before Abraham

      1. Not only was Shem the king of Salem, Isaac was the priest of On. Joseph married his daughter, Asenath, when Isaac, his grandfather, died. (Genesis 41:45)

        1. joseph married, pharaoh gave Joseph Asenath the daughter of poti-phera priest of On. you are so wrong it is sad, isaac was never a priest of on but a Worshipper of only one god and , were did you get this, you know telling Biblical falsehood as quoted from the Bible is a terrible sin

    5. Shem was never Melchizedek he was only ordained as a priesthood of the order of Aaron orAaronic Priesthood. Do to Noah as told in history was the 10th and last Patriarch of the seal of God.
      Noah truthfully as recorded in old testament and summarian writings placing Noah in the direct line of god thus he was immortal he is called Melchizedek was the last high priest and the last true Hebrew after him all were called Israelites after David the Jews after Judah when Noah accended God removed the keys from the earth for there were no honest and perfect man.
      The keys came again in Jesus time but again the keys were taken away at the death of Jesus who was a Melchizedek high priest of God. Peter-Simon was never ordained as a Melchizedek thus he did not have the keys he was not in the line of Jesus.
      Father to son is how it goes.
      The keys were restored to a 14 yr old who spoke and walked with god.

      1. Pure fecal matter from a cow that a lying occultist plagerizer ever saw plates….but he did bed a lot of women. ….that he was not married to. Oh but in the mormon Moron faith a linear adulterous scam artist is now exalted to do no wrong godhood. This is one reason Mormon is not Christian.

        1. Your comments do not contribute to this discussion at all, and show your ignorance and malicious intent. I fee sorry fir your close-mindedness. It is true that we all may come from difference religious backgrounds and/or education and have different perspectives on what may be truth. There is absolutely no reason to disparage anybody’s belief or religion. If you have something informative to contribute, do so… But keep your malicious attitudes to yourself.

          1. While I agree with you that Hinson’s statement is harshly worded, and that we all have different perspectives of truth, that does not mean that truth is subjective. We as followers of Christ should alter our beliefs to fit His Word, not twist Scripture to fit our beliefs.

      2. There’s so much baloney on here, it’s ridiculous!
        Study the Scriptures for yourselves – or get a good teacher who you can guarantee has studied the Truth, properly – for years!
        Do not be led astray, guys, by all this rubbish!
        Check out Lew White & his Natsarim stuff – facts, then make up your minds by looking at the Scripture! (Not man-made opinions and traditions, but the Word of the Creator, Himself. You can’t afford to get this wrong, can you?!) Yahusha came to save ‘many’ (not ALL), so ask Him and, seek, seek, seek – He WILL show you if you’re diligently listening!

        1. By the way – I like the article and the ‘baloney’ was SOME of the comments!

    6. YHWH and two angels came to Abraham and sara before the distruction of sodom and gommorra. Therefore Mecezzadech was high priest YESHUA. Who is the GREAT I AM that I AM. No man has seen YAWH the eternal spirit, and lived! But He can take on any form HE chooses to accomplish HIS will. Remember Abraham gave a 10th of his wealth to YESHUA, the most High priest! YESHUA, performed a miracle for Abraham and Sara in their old age. ONLY THE ONE TRUE GOD CAN DO THIS! Color of the skin means nothing to HIM… HE examines the hearts intentions of mankind.

      1. The Bible says Melchizadek had no mother or father and therefore could not be Shem as he has an earthly father and mother.

        1. Just because a father or mother is not mentioned or recorded does not mean he didn’t have them.

        2. The Bible does say he had no mother or father, but that is an expression and we don’t know what context it was given in. It can’t mean that literally. Come on! Even Christ had a mother and Father. If there was ever a reason to have none, that would be it.

          God is omnipotent and can do what He wants, but it is obvious he has set up things a certain way to accomplish something, and it unreasonable to think that He would violate His own rules. His methods and plans are perfect.

          Oh gee! here is a better way, why didn’t I think of it before?

        3. Melchizedek,is a title,a title do not have a mother or father,not a man but a title given by GOD to that ordained person…it is a title.

        4. Wrong. Geneolgy was documentated for Levites as El anointed them as priest. The Melkzedek genealogy was not documented as he was not a Levite. Plus Abraham knew who he was even though His name was not mentioned. U can follow the melkezedik line from Abraham.

          1. Sorry did. It explain to sell previously
            Noah was the 8th melkezedik. The mantle passed to eldest son- Shem. It then would have passé to elder son but he died prior to Shem in fact if you follow the line all elder son died before Shem until she’d who was #10. Then from peg leg through to Abraham all died prior to Shem. Yitshaq #11. lived longer than Shem and the mantle was passed to him.. if you keep going to will find melkezedek right through to the last melkzedek, Yahusha. The last King of righteousness. Genealogy was not mentioned as melkezedik is a title.
            As for “scribes” changing scripture. If they did that then how can u trust them. One more thing how can u have the Jewish people teach about Father Yahuah when they don’t know or accept the Son. Yahusha said “if you know me, u know the Father.”
            Going back. Look in the brit. It will tell you now is the 8th melkezedik.

    7. the ages of the post diluvian patriarchs are wrong in the masoretic text.

      1. It’s simply not possible. You base this on the LLXX being older but what you don’t know is that it was probably actually written in 250BCE which means it’s not very old at all. And was most likely written by Roman’s who were about to become Roman Catholics.

        Learn real history not church dogma.

        The righteous king was an order outside of the “Jewish law” he kept the laws of “Noah” because it’s in the Torah one can live as a righteous gentile. Jesus went to the gentiles because some of jacobs offspring became gentiles (think prodigal son). One cannot be a prodigal son unless one is actually literally and genetically family. The lost sheep. One cannot be a lost sheep unless they are originally part of the actual flock. The defendants of jacob receive the blessing no one else. But living as a righteous gentile particing tshuva merits mercy. This is why Jesus focused on the Jews only until Paul was sent to preach to gentiles.

    8. I thought I was wrong in my calculations. I think the author is mixing up the BC calendar with actuals years recorded in the Bible.

    9. Obviously, to me at least, Melchizedek was a Spirit that lived in whosever earthly body he chose. Jesus was a priest after the order of Melchizedek. In other words, God’s Spirit, without mother or father, lives forever in whom He chooses. Give up on timelines: eternity cannot be measured.

  2. Shem not only outlived Abraham, but he lived to see both Isaac and Jacob born.
    Shem lived to be 600 years old. According to the geneological data provided in Genesis, Shem was 395 years old when Abraham was born. Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born, making Shem 495. Abraham was 160 when Jacob was born, making Shem 555. Abraham died at 175 years old when time Shem was 570.

    1. It depends on which version of the Old Testament records you use and how the dates are calculated. We use Bishop Ussher’s calculations. You can read more about the different timelines here

    2. MOST IMPORTANT I have not read 1 crucial fact. Continually to this day the battle rages against YAHWEH and His anointed and YHWH is suppressed and hidden. YOD HEY WAW HEY. YAHWEH.
      To this day every issue in Hisstory depends on belief or disbelief of Yahweh!
      SHEM was known as children of the Name. WHAT NAME?
      Yahshua is our High Priest.
      All of Christianity has followed a rabbit trail.
      HALLELU YAH!!!

      1. Most important fact you know latinized English and Hebrew. There is no w in Hebrew. Modern Hebrew yes but not in ancient Hebrew. W was invented by a typeset machine using two v v vv. At the best explanation it would have been a U as in soon. W did not exist until mid to late 1450s and did not start sounding like waw until almost 1500 CE.

        That name you keep typing is whispered. It’s impossible to actually vocalize in anything but a whisper which is why nothing “unclean” can ever say it out loud. Flesh is unclean regardless of redemptive state and it’s a name no other person will ever have. The creator made sure of this by making it a whisper to pronounce. We know this because the high priest whispered it (in order to say it properly and because he feared of not being pure in the presences of YHUH.

        It’s also four vowels and cannot be feminine so there is no sound at the last he. It’s not Yawah anymore tha yahuah. It would have to be ye as in yess and simply hu as in who. yehu and there are no capitals in Hebrew. So please stop doing that as well. It shows your teacher is not teaching right or well (either one discredits him/her). In the expo did we see that the poetic form is yah and we see the psalmist use this as well. So we know that yehu is all four vowels. He can still be a vowel and stay silent. Also the creator awakens us we do nothing. We are in control of nothing. So sacred name preaching is pointless. The creator knows more words than any of us will ever know in a life time and the power of those words. We do not under any circumstances have to follow a recipe. None of us asked to be born. We are here because we exist. And because the creator willed we would exist. Whether or not we know his actual name is not nearly as important as if we love him more than mind heart souls body and spirit. And if we love even our enemies as ourselves. Against these two obedience there are no other laws. Capital letters don’t make you heard or right.

    3. Yours is the most accurate computation I’ve seen. It’s a shame that the other 30 years escaped you. In Genesis 41:45-46: the priest of On, Shem, died at age 600 when Joseph was 30 years old. The pharaoh Gave On’s daughter to Joseph to marry. You have to remember that half the names in Scripture are changed at one time or another and sometimes they aren’t mentioned at all. This was done on purpose by the prophets to keep unbelievers from finding both God and Christ.
      And people who shut out of the possibility of all outcomes but their own are already lost

  3. I have examining both respond. I have also learned through spiritual research that the majority of individual have error in scripture leaning on man word and not the true living word of God. People who said that they believe in God, FIGHT with God word… It’s like, hard for them to receive the truth. In the book of Matthew 22:29 Ye do err, not knowing he scriptures, nor the power of God. As for Mr. David….. your comment is on piont and line up with the word of the true living God. It is God calculation and not man. Remember.. Is not God greater than Satan, Is not God greater than Adam sin. Is not God greater than man. Shem did….. out lived Abraham. Go to Genesis 11:10
    Shem =100+35=135+30=165+34=199+30=229+32=261+30=291+29=320+70=390+
    175=565+35=600. Shem lived 35yrs after Abraham death. Shem was 390 yrs old when Terah…. Abraham dad had children, and Shem lived another 210 yrs and died at
    600 year old

    Thank you for listing.

    God Bless

    1. The Amazing Bible Timeline is based on Ussher’s Chronology, considered the standard for the King James Bible. Ussher took into account all the verses of the Bible related to a person’s life. For example in Genesis 11:32, Terah lived a total of 205 years, and Genesis 12:1 may be taken to mean that Abram set out at age 75 after Terah’s death (Gen. 12:4), in which case Abram was born when Terah was age 130 instead of 70. Thus there would be a discrepancy of 60 years. Thus Ussher calculation would be in 2008 B.C.
      Also see our article titled Are There Triplets in the Bible

      1. Note that Gn 11:26 says that Terah begat three sons, not only Abram, so it doesn’t give exact date for Abram’s date of birth, it could be that in that space of 60 years Terah begat 3 sons, and Abraham at last at the age of 130.

  4. Was Yeshua in fact what we would call “black” or “African American” today? In Revelation Yeshua was described as having hair white like wool or wooly textured hair, and his feet the color of burnt copper. Also if you read Josephus he describes Yeshua as being a short black man.

    1. Yeshua or Jesus which is the Greek translation of Yeshua , was a Jew. Jews are NOT black. His hair is described as white ( curly ) as wool. Yabba dabba doo , Jesus is a Jew , not black or white , they had olivine colored skin back then. Now-a-days they’re are only a handful of true Jews but most are inter-bred with other peoples. The truly orthodox ones have brownish olive color skin , not black , white , yellow , red , or even purple.

      1. You don’t know what you are talking about. If you don’t know, the best thing to do is to keep quiet so you will not confuse the situation.

        THE LEMBA TRIBE OF SOUTH AFRICA ARE “BLACK” JEWS. This has already been well documented and confirmed. Not only are these “BLACK” people confirmed to be Jews, but they also hit the highest percentage of the Cohen markers found in the male y-chromosones. This means they are closer to the authentic original Jews than all other people, since in science we know over time things become diluted. Do more research and you will discover that your argument has been destroyed by science.

        1. the igbo are also hebrews

          1. I, too, have read of the black Jews. It makes no difference to me what color skin Christ has. He died for all: colors, nationalities, tribes ….

        2. After reading much of the scripture The RUACH HA QODEDH do show you the mystery so therefore as the the Subject about Shem outlived please like Avraham Yitzhak And Jacobs now history will prove it’s self also about him being Melechzadik” now it prove that Shem had own Salem# therefore he is Melechzadik —-”’no doubt on this if all his ancestry had died of course he will be without geological lineage. Now about the Yahudim’ being only black let me explain! !! Did you remember this same Shem was a Yahudi’ and he produced 5 sons and those sons was scattered throughout the earth so it will have a mixture of race please – think before you write and allow the RUACH to speak and not flesh Ahmein. Shalom

        3. Science would have you believe in evolution, too.

        4. There is no Lemba Tribe in South Africa! Do your research. South Africa is about as far from Ethiopia as ierra Del Fuego is from Washington DC.

          1. At least research this before you make such a statement. All we must agree to want is truth

        5. Your almost true,however, Nashua did not came from Africa, he was born in Israel, the African (Ethiopian jews) came from that line of order, king Solomon is there for father through emelich; his mother was the queen of ethiopia,and his father king Solomon directed him into the order of priesthood and the after completing his training he went back to ethiopia as a priest. Emelich was the high priest for Ethiopian jews,the most high priest is Yeshua HaMessiach for ever,are is no wrong or who is right when it comes to actual word from truth.


      2. Jesus was a black man>>
        Rev 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
        Rev 1:15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

        (Wooly hair is black man hair)
        Fine brass burn in a furnace come out black)

        1. First of all, what does it matter what the color of his skin was in earthly form? God transcends race. Race is earthly adaptation to environment. It is completely irrelevant and pointless.

          Secondly, that scripture refers to his HEAVENLY appearance. Feet unto fine brass is repeatedly used to describe angels and the Lord in a glorified state where the skin literally shines and glows. White as wool is a similitude to describe the COLOR of hair.

          You are using a divine description of the Lord in his glorified state as evidence he was black?

          The fact you would even want to prove his races black just goes to show that you are probably black and you want to glean superiority I somehow linking your race with the race of our Lord and Savior.

          Understand that Jesus was a Jew of the middle east and the Jews of the middle east were not black or white or anything else. I don’t care if there’s some sect of Jews in Africa that’s black- that is not where Jesus was living. It only goes to show that skin color adapts to wherever you move to and live, which makes it even more of a pointless argument because it proves that it doesn’t matter- it’s a product of your earthly environment.

          1. “The fact you would even want to prove his races black just goes to show that you are probably black and you want to glean superiority I somehow linking your race with the race of our Lord and Savior.”

            Please sit and read this until you realize what is wrong with this line of logic, the aggressive tone, why that aggressive tone might’ve come about, how the tone and your acceptance of your flawed logic are connected (I’ll assume you know better than this), and what it says about your character.

            Your comment started out promising, man, what happened…

          2. BRILLIANT! Thank you Jaxon!

        2. I really don’t care what colour Yeshua was. All I care about is “is He the Messiah?” The answer is yes and I believe in Him as the son of God that was raised from the dead.

      3. Rodney, olives only have two colors green or black I don’t see any green people on the planet.

      4. Yes, I agree

      5. Abraham & Issac were taught the ways of the most high by Noah & Shem,Jacob was taught by Shem & Eber,read slow ,pray for enderstanding.

    2. We need not argue about what Jesus looked like. God left us a photograph of Jesus entire body, front and back, in the image on the Shroud of Turin, which is in fact reliably genuine, when all the truth is earnestly sought, including its perfect match with the Sudarium of Oviedo kept totally separate in Spain since the 7th century. The image on the shroud is a photographic negative, which was first discovered around 1900 when the first photos were taken of it. The resulting picture is stunningly real. Thus we know he was not black, his hair was wavy, we know how tall he was and his physique in every detail, since he was naked on the cross and buried that way too. FYI, His hands are discreetly folded across his manhood. Jesus carried a set of genes that perfectly matched Adam’s so He could perfectly satisfy the penalty for Adam’s sin in every way. He in fact genetically WAS Adam, even called the second Adam in Corinthians. Hence the near obsession of God that the Jews not intermix with the pagan tribes around them. He chose Abraham because he still carried the cleanest set of Adam’s genes with the least corruption from the mixing with Cain’s descendants before the Flood. Suitable mates to preserve the purest gene line from Adam to Noah would have disappeared with the next generation, hence God’s urgency to bring the Flood when He did was not just because man’s thoughts were only evil continually, but because of the impact of that on the corruption of His once perfect gene pool . He waited patiently until Methuselah, the last living ancestor of Noah died, before bringing the Flood that same year. Had the Flood not done a reset on the gene pool, the beauty of the genetic miracle He had wrought in Adam would have been lost forever. As it is, once God’s purpose was achieved in Jesus as the second Adam, which is why He preserved the Jew’s as His people set apart from the rest of mankind all those millennia, He unleashed His pent up anger against them and they were nearly wiped out and Jerusalem totally destroyed within a generation of Jesus ascension. Yet He has compassion on them as His once chosen people, and is bringing about a restoration of a remnant in our own life-times. They still carry the purest set of Adam’s genes within their ranks which might explain why they display an above normal collective genius, as evident in their likewise disproportionate number of Nobel prizes and their dominance in every field of endeavor, and I say this not being a Jew but a descendant of Japheth, but standing in awe of them.

      1. Funny, the grave clothes were two parts or more, and one part covered the face? Turin is all one piece.

      2. Oh my. I can’t believe all this.
        It’s not what colour he is, it’s not what he looks like what matters is TRUTH. when u look in the mirror who do u see?
        Yahusha prayed that we be one as he is one with Father. Ask ur self what does that mean? While ur there the name
        Je sus comes from Latin. look up and see what that word means and start asking urself questions and then pray and hope u will be answered.

      3. Just a couple of interesting notes:
        1. Jesus was the Second Adam because he died so that we could live. Adam experienced the Fall (death) so that we could be born. (no procreation before the Fall.

        2. There is no way for us to conclude what Jesus looked like. Remember he is the Only Begotten of the Father, therefore his dna is part God and part of man (through Mary.) Any supposition that he looked 100% neareastern usually forgets this fact.

    3. Revelation was a vision. It was not a real life event taking place. All visions were not literal in any sense of the word. There is interpretation that is literal inside all visions. Some cases were indeed given. Lamp stands (menorah) were churches. Olive branches and lamp stands were witnesses. But concerning ha mashiach nothing was literal. Molten bronze does not incline black skin. The molten bronze would be on fire like melting metal. What he looked like is not known. Rome kept that very clear this man would be erased because of his actual claim during his trial. “King of the Jews” Pilate made an example of what happens to new kings that time doesn’t. Recognize. And he made the Jews beg for his power to do it because they would not surrender prior to this meeting. He made them grovel for his approval to kill a man he always wanted to kill. He even made a friend in Herod. If you want to be 100% literal Tiberius was sent a very well documented letter from Pilate prior to killing him. He did he had golden locks (like the chassidic Jews of today). The truth is if not for Josephus, Pilates letter, or the fact that the gospels mentioned Nazareth no manuscript would even prove he ever existed as the threat he was to both Rome and the Judaic powers of his day.

      But just to be clear he was a Nazarene not black. Look up the people of Nazareth. Also why does it matter? Because cults need money and simple people to believe lies.

      Take a pitman square or any family tree. Watch how fast a generation gets lighter. The truth is abram was from ur. Modern day Iraq. What do all those people look like? Not black. So Jesus was a descendant of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Therefore he looked just like an Iraqi today.

      Who was black. Ham bred with people outside of the small circle of Shem and Japheth. Why? Because he couldn’t breed with his family he was to serve them. They would not surrender power by letting his offspring mingle. Ham became the father of kush. kyanites were black after. Breeding with other black humans. So we know all blacks are descendants of at least ham. Which became pagan Egyptian pharaohs

      What race Jesus was is not important. What is important is to love your enemy. White or black people are not the enemy. Edomites are but they are also the brothers of Jacob so we are to love them too.

      You are welcome.

  5. In Hebrew 7:3 says something about Melchizedek “Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

    1. Melchizedek is a title, not a name. It means “My King” (Melchi) is Righteous (Zedek). The high priests were called Zedekites because of the High Priest under David and Solomon was named Zedek.

      Melchizedek was the King of Salem/Jerusalem … as was David and Solomon. Zedek (Righteous) was appointed by the King (David) as all Zedekites (High Priests) were appointed by the King of Jerusalem. For example, Caiphus was appointed by Herod. Herod was a fraud – appointed by Rome. Yeshua was the true king of Jerusalem (as stated on the cross “King of the Jews”) and direct from the line of David (Judah). Therefore He and ONLY He was to appoint the High Priest … to which He appointed himself after Caiphus disqualified himself by tearing his tunic (Matthew 26). Melchizedek is greater than Aaronic because it holds the title of both King AND Priest rather than just one or the other.

      Melchizedek is said to have no father or mother because his genealogy is not not given. He is used as an example because of his authority over the father of nations (Abraham). The focus of the verse is not about who Melchizedek was but on the title of authority that Yeshua bears.

      Now, according to Jewish Talmudic tradition, Melchizedek in Gen 14 was Shem. Melchizedek was an order (Psalm 110) so he died, he was replaced. Noah was the “Eighth Preacher of Righteousness” (2 Peter) making Shem the 9th and Eber the 10th. It ended there until the Israelites returned from bondage and claimed Jerusalem.

      1. I don’t put not 1 iota of stock in that wicked book called the Talmud n altho I have read it other then the inside I gained about how wicked n low down a ppl can go I wish I had not wasted my x with such junk. I however agree with u on just about every single thing u have said n in particular about melchezidek being a title n not a name pretty much like God being a title or Satan , ….etc,etc melchezidek means ,” the king of righteousness

        1. *My King IS Righteousness”. Zedek is a noun describing a state of being.

          1. and Melchi means “my king”.

            מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶֿק‎ malkī-ṣeḏeq, “my king is righteousness”

            Tzadik צדיק‎‎, “righteous one”, pl. tzadikim [tsadiˈkim] צדיקים ṣadiqim) is a title in Judaism given to people considered righteous, such as Biblical figures and later spiritual masters.

      2. Adam was the first Melchizedek. He had neither mother or father. He passed the title on and Christ Yashaya came from that line and not Aaron’s.

      3. I stand correct. Thanku. U are correct

    2. EXACTLY. He’s still alive but I’m sure he doesn’t want to be bothered.

    3. Elohim does not have children. A “son of Elohim” was a reference to those obedient of his laws. It gave them blessings beyond that of just sons of men (a son of Adam) to say Jesus was a son of god just simply implies he was a righteous man according to the law. He claimed his father was the only one to worship also. And Paul tells us also that when all has been subdued the son will then relinquish all authority that the father may be all in all. Why did Jesus come? Because hamashiak’s only job was to unite the tribes of Israel and to ensure the promises are kept and being peace to “the land” promised to Jacob. He did not have to perform miracles, he did not have to be special he just had to do these two things to be who was prophesied from the line of Daud. And he now has righteous rule over the earth until death is subdued according to Paul which means he is not equal to the father and never was but rather a servant just like he claimed.

      Get rid of dogma and learn real scripture not scripture hopping missionary, seminary none sense.

      Throw out your commentaries and pray for real truth and I promise YHUH will send revelation without measure. Nothing will become more clear than all truth.

  6. Per epistle to the Hebrew his has no father and mother, no beginning or end of live. Cannot be Shem his father is Noah? Any comment?

    1. From what I am understanding, Melchizedek was a title – a ‘title’ would have no biological lineage. In the strictest sense there would be a first appearance of the title, as far as mans interpretation of time is concerned, however I do not believe that the Hebrew epistle excludes Shem as being Melchizedek.

      True, Shem had a father and mother.
      True too that Melchizedek – if it were simply a title describing a role and an attribute would have been assigned at some point in time.

      I believe the following – based on the above assumptions could also be true:

      Melchizedek Shem. (read in the same way we would read “Eternal Yeshua” or “King David”

      My Question is this:

      If the ideas pointed out in this fascinating article are to be take as true – what is the Significance of realizing that Shem, carried the torch to Abraham?

      1. This is the same view, I get. Hatred, and wars come from battling over skin color. YAH e heart, not the flesh

      2. The tinok was the “Old Testament” we know it’s spelled this way because rabbis who received them had it written this way in a wooden crate and their prayer shawl was rapped around it after it was “veiled” with a covering.

        The torah was the first 5 books of moshe. Both books were written with gamatria Hebrew. Elohim equals the same number as nature (or rather force of nature) and kli or vessel is equal to both. “Hear o yisrael the Elohim is echad (one)”.

        That being said it was very well hidden in a good story albeit not completely factual one. These people probably did exist and play very important roles in Kabbalah but they are not to be taken as literal as you see here. The Christian books were written by non Kabbalist and they had to justify this “new religion” that was not Natsrim (what the followers of Jesus taught as the first true doctrine). Which is why Jesus although a very good Kabbalist himself was never credited as such (it’s clearly in the way he was recorded to speak).

        So in answer to your question it is not important. The Bible is a tool much like the Zohar os a tool and the Torah are tools that Kabbalist use to unlock the gamatria which reveals the meaning of life through the study of the tree of life “(commanded in genesis one must eat form the tree of life in order to not die but again this is not literal).

        So what we have are 2,000 x an unknown number of New Testament texts that have been revised so much it’s hard to say what is real and what is not.

        But, our creator through the examples of Jesus woke up the world and showed us we can learn directly from the source (the abba or father). All no man father for you have the only one in heaven”.

        So we don’t need to know, but we do know. We just don’t argue about things not super important.

        Jesus said love your “enemy” as you love yourself or you will not be forgiven. He also said love the father (of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob our creator not Jesus) with all you heart mind body and soul. Against these two types of obedience there is no laws broken.

        Those of you that still believe Jesus is the father need to understand the creator can’t lie and does not lie. “My spirit cannot strive with man for he is exceedingly wicked”. What was this wickedness. Those he had blessed that became sons of the “sons of god” hams progeny who lost their way (pious patriarchs humans not angels obedient servants of the one true creator of all like Noah and Shem and Japheth) raped the daughters of men after they found them pretty and desirable. This was wicked and it made Elohim repent he had made man. Therefore Elohim no longer swelled among them in spirit. Plain and simple. So he only talked to man in the spiritual worlds. It’s not hard to understand when you start reading what was written not grasping for what was not

  7. there is no scripture dat support Shem to b Melchizedek.d priesthood came only after moses xtablished d law,Abraham lived under grace cos there was no law he lived under,so d priesthood was no where in dat era of time.come to think of it,,taking apostle Paul’s teachng ,Melchizedek had no father, mother or any descent,,so hw can one look at dis n say Shem was Melchizedek?Melchizedek was God in a theophany body foreshadowing or projecting Christ high priestly office.

    1. if there is no priesthood before Moses, then why does Psalms 110 say, “You will be a priest in the ORDER of Melchizedek?” You are forgetting the Father is the priest of the home and after the father dies, the firstborn becomes practically king and priest of all of his father’s household. This has been the norm since Creation. Therefore, if Shem is still alive when Abraham lived (which he was, as a matter of fact he lived through isaac’s time and died during Jacob’s time), and he (Shem) had received the blessing, and add the fact that 2 Peter says that Noah was the 8th preacher of righteousness, that would make Shem the nineth and would make him Melchizedek. Remember that the whole world joined in on Nimrodian rebellion at Babel. That rebellion was against God. [the following is speculation] Shem would not have participated in that rebellion because he saw the flood firsthand. but the rebellion of Nimrod was farspread to the point that the religion that was started there (in Babel) spread all over the world. The only living patriarch, Shem would have been the king of Righteousness.

      1. First born may not be the First Born. The meaning back then was the child that was most righteousness holy.

      2. Melchizedek is a title, not a name. It means “My King” (Melchi) is Righteous (Zedek). The high priests were called Zedekites because of the High Priest under David and Solomon was named Zedek. What exist and always has as Jesus Christ has, is the The King or Priest of Righteous. This spirit carries from human to human as tis did in David, Shem etc…even carriers to this day. The respect given to this spirit is Melchizedek. The order is the names of the blood line to Jesus and the blood line after death of the gentiles. (2) names, (2) Blood Lines or kinds. (2) is the common denominator for reoccurring spiritual value in the future of the gentiles. Two refers back as a relative reference as a diety or if Jesus and Melchizedek are the same. 2 meaning right or accountable. 2 meaning bear witness etc….

      3. 2 Peter 2:5 does NOT say Noah was the 8th preacher of righteousness. It says he was the 8th person on the ark.

      4. I agree with u. THE Bible Also Gives INDICATION That THE PRIESTHOOD Was Established FROM Adam On Down As THERE Were Altars Lifted 2 THE MOST HIGH in Adams day. Think Of Adam N Eve Also ABEL So THE PRIESTHOOD Was Established FROM THE BEGINING Of CREATION Along With THE Sabbath 4 Man

      5. You make the most sense here.

    2. I strongly believe ur line of argument. It’s crystal clear. It doesn’t need to be added to nor subtracted from.

  8. Melchizedek met Abraham after he had gained victory in d war,,n Melchizedek brought bread n wine to him..Christ b4 his crucifixion broke bread n wine to his,Melchizedek projects wat Christ was to accomplish for us Adam’s fallen race n dat was God doing dat,not can never be Shem.

    1. “d,” “n,” “dat?” Your abbreviations are terribly confusing, Mark.

  9. Just trying to learn understanding with what I read in the Bible

  10. Shem died in 1868 BCE, Abraham died in 1843 BCE therefore Abraham outlived Shem by 25 years.

  11. We can work out from Shem’s age at the birth of Arpachshad that Shem was 98 at the flood as he fathered Arpachshad 2 years after the flood. (Gen 11:10,11) and lived 500 years more.

  12. Could of Melchizedek been Noah????

    Since Noah was 892 years when Abram was born?

    Abraham was 58 yrs old when Noah died.

  13. If Hebrews was written after the death and resurrection of Jesus, and it was, then Jesus was probably not Melchidizek since He had a mother and geneology, although divine she was.And Joseph was his earthly father, so how could he have been Melchidizek? Melchidizek had to be Shem

    1. She was just a woman. Read Isaiah very closely when he talks about “a vorgin”. He’s referring. To The whole progeny of yisrael. Yisrael the nation is the virgin. Not an actual woman. He refers to his bride (the one he made the covenant with). Covenant is a pre marriage. He took yisrael the nation into his tent (the whole reason to have a traveling tabernacle or tent). We have to see what is there not what we want to be. No actual virgin was necessary. The messiah came to bring eyes back the the father of Abraham isaac and joacob. That is exactly what hamashiach did. If not for hamashiach the Judaism (not quite Jewish) religion we see during the time of Jesus would have died out. The only physical aspect of Jesus that had to be was that he was born “of” a tribe of Israel and he was both from the tribe of Judah and he was a direct descendant of daud. That is all. No actual miraculous birth had to take place. This is a catholic dogma that was invented from the myth of Horus (what was also called Chrysler). He did have to have certain things happen to be hamashiach but being impregnated by Elohim was not one. Elohim has no children, when he spoke to the prophets (nevee) he was very clear “I am Elohim; there is none beside me. When it says Elohim manifested in the flesh it does. Ot mean Jesus is the father “and furthermore he never claimed to be). It says he and the father are echad (one). This simply means he’s reached a level of actual wisdom (that cannot be attained in the land of the living Job 28) which means the years he was not recorded after during his training to become a rav something happened. And he left a brand new rav changed forever and slowly accepted by people as a prophet when he meets John. (Only John saw the dove descend). It was a sign that he was who was being sent and who he was preaching about. No one else saw that it was a vision. Only John heard the voice of Elohim (in a vision because that is how the creator talked to man; furthermore name one time where the creator gave an entire vision or an entire prophecy to a huge crowd in the form of a vision. It’s never happened in the history of man. Peripheral get visions and interpret them for the masses that’s how it worked). So John was the only credible witness that Jesus was indeed hamashiach since l prophets can’t be wrong.

      This virgin birth stuff has gotten way out of hand. Tshuva (true repentance is needed). Jesus said worship the father and the father alone when the “force that is inside us all (behold you have become like us knowing good and evil; you have become Gods-not to be confused with Elohim Gods in the words of a pagan or heathen god). That force is not capable to defy Elohim it’s just a natural part of the world to keep us tempted so we fail and feel guilt and shame which defines us like broken pottery.
      But Jesus was tempted by his carnal ways. He knew the prophecy so this force inside him tempted him. But he also knew he was who he was and that choice to revel was not in him. So he argued inside his own mind (like many of us would do if we were starving, struggling with a prophetic vision or knew we were going to be attacked and killed and die a horrific death to “wake “ up the nation of how evil it has become. Killing Jesus converted over 3000 natsrim (followers of the Nazarene) because they saw how evil the world had gotten by watching time burger hamashiach

      A virgin birth was not necessary and it makes Mary an impure person who did not keep the first commandment given to all creatures “be fruitful and multiply”. Plus and this is most important; “why include Joseph’s lineage? Because hamashiach had to be ben yoseph a son of joseph meaning this was indeed his actual son. We can’t take this away if we do we lose who hamashiach actually was and we lose our messiah.

      Look closely in Isaiah where it talks about the virgin. She’s not acting like a harlot yet (a woman who did or is about to cheat on her betrothed) she’s still a chaste and acceptable virgin (they children have not killed the prophets yet Isaiah was not sawn in half yet while hiding from an evil Judaism king in a tree). Sikh is saying Israel will bear fruit that is one day hamashiach. Not that an actual virgin birth a woman raped and impregnated by a powerful supernatural being (the actual story of Osiris and isis and how Horus was born). We need to stay biblical and stop stepping out of our own material to explain what is in them. Throw out your commentaries and stick to the facts. We are living in an amazing time where true scholarship can be achieved by the common folk. We need to respect that and read what it says not regurgitate the filth of dogmas that cannot be remotely true.

      Remember Rome wanted to abolish Christianity Pilate hated Christ and Jews. They called it magic in their actual documents and cult activity. So before Constantine had a vision of conquering in the symbol of a sin (his god) and a cross (how they cursed kings of Jews there were many). The story had to be more “Roman”. Also Jesus told us that we are to love our enemy, therefore he would not say “go start wars and co quote under this idol “symbol”. We are to make no heaven images that’s anything hewn. Remember books are hewn out of trees, nothing sculpted, nothing in heaven or earth is to ever be worshipped “not even a man”.

  14. The book of Yasher (Jasher), mentioned by name a few time in Scripture, points out that Shem was the Malkitsedeq of Abraham’s day. It was the priesthood before the levitical/Aharonic (tutor; permissive will) priesthood. This is the covenant of promise that Yahushua (Jesus) brings us back into, making a us a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6/ I Peter 2:9; His origin perfect will) with Him as High Priest forever, in the order of Malkitsedeq!! HalleluYah!

    1. U are correct masher does state Shem as Melchizedek priest . If you read gen love and numbers, closely, u will find that only Aaron and his sons through their generations could be priests. The levitical lineage of the tribe of Levi was chosen god himself and given as a gift to. Aaron a s his sons for upkeep of the tabernacle of meeting they could not perform in the holy of holies where Only Aaron and his sons could ,so don’t lump the levitical priesthood with the true priests , which is only Aaron and his sons . He had 4 sons ,two of whom god burned up for burning incense wrongly,and that left . Noah was shem,s father ,and it was from shems son araphaxad,the geneology comes downward to Terah, Abraham’s father and eventually Abraham himself. Read num 6:27 and num 8:11-19. I would also suggest reading num

    2. U are correct masher does state Shem as Melchizedek priest . If you read gen love and numbers, closely, u will find that only Aaron and his sons through their generations could be priests. The levitical lineage of the tribe of Levi was chosen god himself and given as a gift to. Aaron a s his sons for upkeep of the tabernacle of meeting they could not perform in the holy of holies where Only Aaron and his sons could ,so don’t lump the levitical priesthood with the true priests , which is only Aaron and his sons . He had 4 sons ,two of whom god burned up for burning incense wrongly,and that left . Noah was shem,s father ,and it was from shems son araphaxad,the geneology comes downward to Terah, Abraham’s father and eventually Abraham himself. Read num 6:27 and num 8:11-19. I would also suggest reading num

      Read um 25:7-13 there was no everlasting priesthood, the levites priesthood was given to Aaron for working in the temple nd only lasts. This covenant of an everlasting priesthhod,started here. God states it was give to him because of his zealousness for god, and for atonement for the children of. Israel………sounds like a protuberance of Christ and what he comes to do

      1. I approach things from a simpler standpoint. Shem lived 500 years after the birth of Arphaxad. (Genesis 11:11) And if you follow the genealogy of Shem, Abram/Abraham was born 290 years after Shem. Not only did Shem know Abraham, he outlived him.

      2. Correction to the last post: Abram/Abraham was born 290 years after Arphaxad.

  15. I happen to agree with Margaret… If you read carefully, it says that Shem was 102 when Arphaxad was born and that he lived another 500 years FROM THAT POINT. If one continues and adds from there it puts Shem ALIVE AT THE TIME OF ISSAC, but not outliving either Issac or Abraham.

  16. Andrea,add again and you will find that Abraham dies while Shem is still alive.

  17. Since Shem has a beginning and and end but the tithe of Melchizedek has no beginning nor end nor father nor mother ect. It may seem reasonable that this whole thing is based upon the title given to Shem. A levi could not be both priest and king but a gentile could be both. Jesus Christ was both king and priest.
    He is the chief corner stone. A corner stone holds two walls, Jews and Gentiles.
    He is both priest and king. Just a thought!

    1. I would think the cornerstone would hold 2 walls. One being King and the other being Priest? I just started researching Melchizedek as I feel there is something important we need to understand about him. I think we need to understand what does it mean to be a King and what does it mean to be a High Priest. What are their function? For example I am a Mother, Wife and farmer. Each title has somewhat assigned duties. As a mother I am to look after my child.. So as a King and Priest what are my duties as God would see them to be? Does anyone know what they are defined by God? Is it to go before God and ask for Peace, mercy, and grace to be ministered over a chaos(sin) situation?

  18. Bear witness is referred as a third person, meaning Melchizedek and Jesus have God as their Bear Witness. If no one believed and if all believed. The spirit of Melchizedek is alive in someone today due to the atonement. The tenth that is relative to Pie or 10%, cycle is the jubilee year. They last for 50 years. The tenth cycle started in 1967 and ends in 2017. 500 years and who lived 500 years after the great flood. This all relates to the dead sea scrolls in cave 11 will be part of this atonement that will be acknowledged by the Pope on July 10, 2017.

    Mehl – Bezdicek – Meaning Government Law and God Law. It spells Melchizedek so let it B. Mehl – County worker, Bezdicek – Gentile God Law and blood line sacrifice worker. MORE TO COME I was born July 10, 1967

  19. When Queen Sheba journey and visit Solomon after hearing the merchant brag and boast about all of his wisdom she journeyed across the desert packed up with all the records and all precious diamonds and spices and all of the good stuff and brought it to Solomon just to sit and hear his wisdom after hearing Solomon’s wisdom, knowledge they together had a son menelik of Ethiopia ham and Israel is Shem when Queen Sheba visited Solomon she took the promise of God and brought it back to Ethiopia to fulfill Noah’s word that ham shall served under Shem soon as Imperial Majesty who’s the fruit of Eber and the seed of David sits on the throne then ham serve under Shem, remember out of all the brothers Shem was the only one with his son and Abraham and Noah who didn’t help Nimrod build the Tower of Babel so in return their language never changed so they kept the original tongue in the same knowledge that Noah built the ark with the knowledge of the Ancient of Days

  20. When the Hebrews entered the holy land after the exodus, either Aaron or his son’s married the Jebusite daughters of the Zadok (or the priests of Zadok), who was either a high priest or the title given to a high priest, thus preserving priesthoods (that the of the Hebrews, the Egyptians and the Jebusites). A Zadok chose King David and was instrumental in the construction of Solomon’s temple. I think it’s best to view Melchizedek as an ascended master. I wonder if Melchizedek is Mikl Zadok and if St Michael is one in the same. Salem is a very very old sacred city. There are megalithic foundations to the temple mount that defy description as to how they were constructed. the story is older than the bible.

  21. James 1:5 (KJV)
    5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    Amos 3:7 (KJV).
    7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

  22. Shem is not a priest. That assertion in this article is wrong.
    Melchizedek could be a name.
    Melchizedek has no known genealogy so he can’t be someone we have a genealogy for.

  23. Whoever he is it’s badass that he gave abram bread and wine to take communion

  24. How is it the Ex 19: proclaims that Israel will be a nation of priest and end up as a nation with a priest. Might be something to with at golden calf thing and the master was about to slaughter us to one man (Moses).John tells that death rain from Adam to Moses. What does that mean? We know that is not true. So what is the significance of Adam to Moses? Was this referring to the order of Melchisedic and those High Priest in that order. Abel made a worthy sacrifice. Who was the Priest. It the Nasserite was the second Adam and is the Melchisedic , does it not infer Adam was the first.

  25. The ‘Hebrew” calendar claims this year to be 5778 (2018 adjusted). This can be seen on any News site out of ‘ISRAEL”.. (log onto JERUSALEM POST OR HAARETZ) and check it out. Check with the HEBREW UNIVERSITY or Univ at TEL AVIV.. as well. This is the ‘official’ date used for centuries. Since the ‘Jews’ are the authors of the TORAH its claim holds. This equates to 3761 BCE marking the creation week (when the heavens and earth were created). As of Rosh Hashanah (Sept 21st, 2017 began the year 5778). The ‘Bible” lineage from Creation week to the Flood is approx 1656 years. Of course there are hundreds of differing OPINIONS and methods. Thus using the official ‘JEWISH” calendar which can be verified in 5 minutes of research one can determine the ‘FLOOD” year was approx. 2104 BCE. No matter the variations, all of genuine irrefutable World History (and every field of Science) stands as a testament to the FACTS that NOAH and SHEM were not historical figures but fictional characters. For example EGYPTIAN history is established with 10s of millions of facts and artifacts that can be seen in the museums of the world. The GENESIS account is impossible. It is a fiction. No person was living hundreds of years in the 2nd and 3rd centuries BCE. Likewise a study ANTHROPOLOGY and LANGUAGE will reveal irrefutable EVIDENCE that the story of the TOWER OF BABEL account is pure fiction. It is refuted by every field of science from ANTHROPOLOGY to ZOOLOGY.. Stand for TRUTH or LIE with FABLES…The terms SEMITE and SEMITIC may be utilized to define the AFRO-ASIATIC language groups of which ‘hebrew’ is a very minor factor. Noah and Shem were NOT historical figures. This is irrefutable with FACTS , which all reality is based upon. Truth MUST be factual or it isn’t..

    1. You were doing good until you started with science and the Flood and Tower of Babel were fiction. There are a lot of scientific evidences of both events, and granted that there are a lot of debates in science about the reality of the biblical descriptions, it cannot be otherwise explained. We have to remember that science is not fact, but our understanding at the time. “The world is flat” was a fact. “The sun revolves around the earth” was a fact. The commonly accepted theories of science are constantly changing as we learn and understand more. Science states a “fact” that is true today, but is changed tomorrow, and that new understanding become “fact”…until the next day.
      We have the biblical accounts of the Flood, the Creation, the Tower of Babel, and they have been given to us by prophets and revelations from God. We can believe in the entirety of those events, although our limited understanding of how it happened may be questioned, and the exact accuracy of the writings we have may result in some questioning. But the truth is, they actually happened.

  26. “Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. ” refers to the Priesthood not the person. It is the Priesthood which is conferred by God not passed on from father to son. There are in fact two priesthoods: The one Melchizedek held and later on the one given to Aaron because the nation of Israel would not accept the Melchizedek.

  27. We know from scripture that melchizadek was Jehovah presenting himself before Abram, in which Abram gave him a tenth. Described as ( without father without mother…witbout beginning or ending of days. How old she was makes no difference he was not melchizadek . The name melchizadek can mean= king of peace or king of righteousness. Both of these are attributed of God and his laws..tbis title is also given to messiah in( isa 9
    Wonderful councelor, Prince of peace, everlasting father!. Many forget that Pre incarnate Christ made many appearances here before man…the story of Sodom and the saving of Lot and his family..the writing of the tablets on Sinai with his finger as I AM. Hebrews is known as ” the book of the preisthood” and is full of information on just who this melchizadek is. None other than out messiah. <3

    1. Melchi = King
      Zedek = Ancient City named after Sedeqtelebab
      The wife of Shem
      Jerusalem = Tel Aviv ( telebab )
      Melchizedek = King of Zedek
      = Shem
      = Peace

  28. We know from scripture that melchizadek was Jehovah presenting himself before Abram, in which Abram gave him a tenth. Described as ( without father without mother…witbout beginning or ending of days. How old shem was makes no difference, he was not melchizadek . The name melchizadek can mean= king of peace or king of righteousness. Both of these are attributes of God and his law..this title is also given to messiah in ( Isa 9
    Wonderful councelor, Prince of peace, everlasting father!. Many forget that Pre incarnate Christ made many appearances here before man…the story of Sodom and the saving of Lot and his family..jacob wrestling with God and prevailing and having his name changed to israel…the writing of the tablets on Sinai with his finger as I AM. Hebrews is known as ” the book of the preisthood” and is full of information on just who this melchizadek is. None other than our messiah. <3

  29. Yod Hey Waw Hey YHWH Tetragrammaton Ezekiel 39:7 I will reveal my holy name to my people Israel; I will no longer let my holy name be profaned; and the nations will know I am Yahweh the Holy One of Israel
    Eve the mother of all living said I have conceived a man child with the help of Yahweh. Her son Enosh began to call on Yahweh.Noah’s father Lamech could have known Adam for 60 years. Noah built an alter to Yahweh. Noah said blessed be Yahweh the Elohim of Shem. Shem is known as children of the name. Noah for 60 years with Abraham, Shem and Eber lived during life of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Abraham built 4 altars to Yahweh. Moses was told my name is Yahweh forever. King David and King Solomon worshiped Yahweh.
    Mary was told you shall bring forth a Son and you shall give Him the name Yahshua. Yahshua said Father protect them by the power of your name the name you gave me. Yahshua said I have revealed your name to those you given me so the love you have for me will be in them.
    The Jewish leaders changed Yahweh to THE LORD. Changed Yahshua to Yeshua or Y,shua. Greek Eisous Christos and English Jesus (1638 KJV).

    In these last days there are Assemblies all over the world proclaiming: Yahweh-Father, Yahshua Ha Mashiyah-Son. HALLELU YAH (Yah is Hebrew abbreviated name for Yahweh) also Yahrusalem.
    Many bible translations with correct names also musical groups praising Yahweh in Yahshua’s name with the love of Ruach haKodesh.

    There is no other name by which we must be saved.
    (Aramaic) 1Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11 Yahshua is Yahweh. 2Cor 3:17,18 Yahweh is Ruach haKodesh. Deut 6:4, Gal 3:20 God (Elohim) is one!

    1Cor 15:1-4 Mashiyah died for our sins according to the scriptures, He was buried, He arose on the third day according to the scriptures.
    There is a New Yahrusalem coming down from Heaven. HALLELU YAH

  30. YHWH IS YESHUA. FATHER/YHWH and SON/YESHUA and HOLY SPIRIT are ONE! THE ALPHA and OMEGA, The BEGINNING and the END, the EVERLASTING FATHER OF ALL CREATION! HE IS AND REIGNS TODAY OVER all kings and priests of this world!! And we all… shall see HIS POWER OVER us and bow and confess that HE IS THE ONE AND “ ONLY TRUE KING OF THE UNIVERSE!!! And that’s not looking to far away from what I can tell. Just look at all that’s happening today. Racism, hatred, rebellion, all kinds of wars and rumors of wars! Not counting the change in the currency. Humans are calling bad, good. And good, bad! And we are killing our children in many way. It’s very, very, very sad!!! We will wake up to these evils when HE decides that enough is enough!!!!!

    1. Terah was 70 years old when he begat Abram Nahor Ann Haran. (Genesis 11:26) Abram left Haran when he was 75 years old. (Genesis 12:4) That’s a 105 years. Abram’s father Terah, lived another 100 years after Abram left Haran. In fact, Terah was 129 years old when God changed Abram’s name to Abraham. And Terah was a 130 years old when his Grandson, Isaac was born. And he was on hand to celebrate Abraham’a first birthday.
      This is how you translate the Bible exactly how it’s written.
      Terah died at age 205, 75 years after the Birth of Isaac.

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