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Decius Fights the Goths

Decius was one of the Roman Emperors who was a native of the Illyricum province located in the Danube. He was highly skilled and qualified to become a political leader, unlike Maximinus or Philip the Arab, who were his predecessors who had little understanding on how to rule the people. In fact, Decius gained experience in politics when he became a senator and served as a consul before he assumed the throne.Arab, who were his predecessors who had little understanding on how to rule the people. In fact, Decius gained experience in politics when he became a senator and served as a consul before he assumed the throne.

In addition, Decius was appointed as the governor of Germania and Moesia, and he also became Hispania Tarraconensis’ governor during 235 to 238 AD. where he is located on the Bible Timeline Chart. This brilliant politician was noted as Rome’s urban prefect when Emperor Philip the Arab reigned in the empire.

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Battles Against the Goths

During the reign of Decius, the barbarians remained as the most persistent opponent of the Roman Empire. These groups of people were known for their daring attempts to overthrow the empire, and their plagues against Rome came during that time when the entire kingdom was experiencing an economic crisis.

Although Decius briefly reigned the Roman Empire, he participated in one of the most significant operations where he fought against the Goths. It was at this period in time when the Goths were able to cross the Danube and began their devastating plans of raiding various districts of Thrace and Moesia. However, the Goths were defeated by the Emperor while they were in the act of causing chaos to Nicopolis, an area on the Danube. As a result, the Goths moved towards the Balkans as they plotted their next attempt to fight the Romans.

For their second attempt, they succeeded in sacking the Roman camp and defeated the troops in the modern-day Stara Zagora. Eventually, the Goths attacked Philippopolis that soon succumbed to their power. While this greatly discouraged Decius as he fled from the battle, along with some of his remaining army, he was more focused on rising back and regaining power over the Goths. He decided to devise a new scheme that would put the Goths into their place and end the battles, which have been causing much chaos and loss to the Roman Empire.

With a brilliant plan in mind, Decius reorganized his army and aimed to defeat the Goths once and for all. The Battle of Abrittus served as the “final engagement”, in which the Gothic Army fought against the Roman Empire under the rule of Decius in 251 AD. It took place in Ludogorie, which was a region located in the northeastern part of Bulgaria. It was in this swampy ground that Herennius Etruscus, son of Decius, died as he was shot by an arrow at the early part of the battle. Although Decius tried his best to keep up his army’s hope and spirit, he soon met his untimely death when he was also killed during that battle.

 Decius might have died from that fight, yet his courage and determination to uphold Rome’s peace and order, as well as his great sense of leadership, have made him one of the empire’s greatest rulers of all time.

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Rome Abandons Dacia, 270 AD –

In Dacia 106 AD, Dacia became a territory of the Roman Empire, and it included Transylvania’s eastern and south-eastern areas, as well as Oltenia and the Banat. When the Roman Empire claimed Dacia as one of its provinces, it was established to become its imperial province. According to historical research, about 650,000 to over a million people lived in Dacia before it was abandoned by Rome in 270 AD (where it is located on the Bible Timeline).

Threats to Dacia’s Security

A period in history called the 3rd Century Crises occurred between 235 and 270 AD, which was also the last phase of the Roman Empire’s hold in Dacia. This stage was a chaotic period in the imperial province as it was frequently under attack by the barbarians. In addition to the security threats by these strong forces, internal anarchy existed in Dacia, which contributed to its devastating downfall. Much of the challenges that Dacia faced came from the East, beginning with the Carps, which was a group of people that settled on the Moldavia. Eventually, the German Goths became a major threat to Dacia’s security, peace and order. Fortunately, Emperor Philip the Arabian was able to prevent the Carps from invading the province during the battle that occurred in 245 to 247. However, the years after that victorious fight, Dacia was left to encounter another difficult problem.

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Map of the Roman Empire during 116, the province Dacia highlighted.

Dacia’s Worsening Condition

By 260 AD, the incessant attacks of the barbarians caused serious threats to Dacia’s progress. To make things even more difficult, the province experienced problems in terms of monetary circulation as there were fewer penetrations of new coins from the Empire’s capital.

It was also during this period when Emperor Gallienus decided to relocate a number of Dacian legions to Pannonia, specifically in Poetovio. His purpose was to use these soldiers as the upper echelon troops in the Roman’s exercise army.

In 270 AD, the Roman Empire was restored when the state of Zenobia and Empire of the Gauls were reclaimed. All of these accomplishments were credited to the efforts of Aurelian, who was a notable Roman general. Since his main goal was to unify and form a stronger Roman state, he exhausted all of his efforts and made use of all his military forces. Thus, he had no choice left but to abandon Dacia, which was then situated on Danube’s northern shore. It was also in this province that there were significant garrisons by the Roman Empire.

In 271 AD, Aurelian assembled his remaining troops in Dacia, and they were intended to support the defensive line in the Danube. He also formed a new territory that is now a portion of Serbia, and this province was given the name “Dacia”, which was similar to the other province that was abandoned by the Romans.

Although Dacia was abandoned by Rome, that did not end the Roman Empire’s relationship with its other territories from Lower Danube’s northern shore. In fact, the empire still managed a strong military presence to the Danube, along with other areas in that territory including Barbosi, Sucidava, Drobeta and Dierna.

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Alemanni and Franks

Alemanni and Franks on the Rhine in 250 AD

In history, the period of 235 to 285 AD was considered as a time of severe crisis for the Roman Empire. It was during this time when various forces threatened peace and order in the empire, as more powerful groups rose into power. Among these enemies that had a serious impact to the Romans were the Alemanni and Franks that remained at the Rhine that is where they are located on the Biblical Timeline Poster with World History.

Threats of the Franks and Alemanni

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 In 250 AD, several Roman historians made mention of the raids that occurred in the Germania Superior, and this was made possible by the Alemanni and Franks. These forces invaded the country and burnt every single thing that was in sight, particularly the forts. According to researchers, the Franks considered themselves as the “wild ones”. This group included young individuals of Germanic ethnicity who came from various Germanic tribes such as the Sugambri, Tencteri, and Usipetes, among a few others. On the other hand, the Alemanni or “all men” was not primarily a tribe, but it was more of a larger unit of the group Germanics.

These raids were often successful as the Roman army was unable to stop these forces from causing harm to the people and their properties. Moreover, the Roman soldiers came quite late to prevent these groups from endangering numerous areas, particularly the Roman-Germanic provinces. Since a large number of Rome’s cities lacked a strong fortress or walls to protect them from these raids, a vast portion of these regions was damaged and deserted after the attack of the Franks and Alemanni.

In 256, the Franks successfully invaded Germania Inferior as they destroyed most garrisons situated along the Rhine. In addition, the group conquered Trier, although Emperor Gallienus was ale to regain its hold on Trier as Germania Superior and Gallia Belgica succumbed to his power. Postumus, the governor whom he appointed to reign in Germania Inferior, aimed to overthrow the Franks. Unfortunately, Gallienus was forced to halt his campaign because his father, who was also his co-emperor situated in the East, was defeated and imprisoned by the Sassanid Persians. Hence, he decided to withdraw his troops from the Rhine, and this paved the way for the Franks and Alemanni to reach the Rhine. This resulted to the brutal destruction of numerous Roman forts and civil settlements located at the Rhine and the Danube.

The Frankish and Alemanni army also gained success in invading Trier and Cologne as several forts that once stood along the Rhine were completely destroyed. A significant portion of France, Belgium and the Netherlands was also devastated and set in flames.

Area settled by the Alemanni, and sites of Roman-Alemannic battles, 3rd to 6th centuries

For a number of years, anarchy was the prevailing atmosphere in these parts of the world until the great Emperor Probus was able to put an end to these devastating actions by the Franks and Alemanni. He also decided to take back the Roman Empire’s border to the Danube and Rhine Rivers. Probus also gave up the Agri Decumates and Limes, and he turned the Franks and Alemanni into Roman allies. They were tasked to remain loyal to the Roman Empire and to show their support by defending it when necessary.

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Transubstantiation During Mass

 (History of the term and early beliefs) 

Based on the doctrines of the Catholic, transubstantiation refers to the transformation of the bread and wine present in the Eucharist into Christ’s body and blood. This is listed on the Biblical Timeline starting 250 AD. Thus, bread and wine no longer serve as a figure used in this sacrament as these have already obtained a different form. It is what the Catholic Church claims – that the bread becomes the body of Christ and wine is turned into his blood. While all of these changes happen, the external appearances of these figures remain the same. Moreover, the transformation is beyond anyone’s understanding, which maintains its mystery and sanctity.

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Christ with the Eucharist, Vicente Juan Masip, 16th century.

History of Transubstantiation

Archbishop Hildebert de Lavardin of Tours first used the word, “transubstantiation”, in the 11th century. He pertained to it as the best description and explanation of the transformation that occurred during the Eucharist, when the bread and wine are changed into Christ’s very own body and blood. However, it was not until the 12th century that this term was used extensively. It was on November 11, 1215, during the 4th Council of the Lateran, that the formal explanation of this mystery in the sacrament of the Eucharist was made. According to the Council, these changes are made possible because of God’s power.

However, this doctrine of the transubstantiation was criticized and viewed as pseudophilosophy during the rise of Protestant Reformation. Those who doubted this doctrine claimed that it was merely adopted into the Christian teaching to show support of Martin Luther’s philosophy of the sacramental union.

13th Session of the Council of Trent

In 1551, the Council of Trent pertained to transubstantiation as the conversion of the entire components of the bread into Christ’s body and the wine into his blood. As the conversion occurs, the physical characteristics of the wine and bread stay the same. Also, the Council gave its approval to use the term as the official means of expressing the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding this transformation that exist during the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Based on history, it was in the West where the Aristotelian philosophy remained quite strong. In fact, the reality and truth behind this change during the Eucharist also prevailed in various Churches of the East, as well as the Eastern Orthodox Church. With that in mind, this belief has spread wide in other ancient Churches and eliminated people’s doubts about this mystery.

The Catholic Church states that transubstantiation focuses more on the truth that something is changed, instead of the explanation about how that change takes place. This doctrine promotes the truth that the species or appearances are real, and that the Eucharist celebrates the actual presence of Christ.

The act of touching every portion of the bread and the a single drop of the wine allows one to have a close encounter with Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Christ’s presence in these figures is whole, and the breaking of the bread performed during the sacrament does not literally divide every aspect that makes up Christ.

This truth was best explained by Thomas Aquinas in his written work called Summa Theologica. According to him, Christ’s body is ever-present in the sacrament of the Eucharist. However, this presence is not similar as in its literal meaning since it cannot be perceived by the senses or one’s imagination. On the other hand, Christ’s presence is only perceptible to a person’s intellect and faith.

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China, Golden Age of Chang-An in

Chang-An, which is presently known as Xi’an, refers to the capital of ten dynasties in Ancient China. It was during the Neolithic Era that some people dwelled in this ancient capital, which also resulted to the establishment of the Yangshao Culture in Banpo. Moreover, the great ruler of the Qin Dynasty named Qin Shi Huang decided to construct a grand mausoleum that was protected by the Terracotta Army, which could still be found at present.

Information about the Chang-An

It was about 3 kilometers of the present-day Xi’an where the Han capital was historically found. According to historians, the capital served as China’s seat of culture, economy, and politics. Aside from being the center of trade and manufacturing, Chang-An also had a large population that supported its political strength. In fact, there were about 246,000 individuals residing in this area in 2 AD where it is listed on the Biblical Timeline. Most of the people who lived in Chang-An were classified as scholars who were supported financially by aristocrats and wealthy families, so they could sustain their education. Civil servants also resided in this city to protect and serve its people.

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A gilt-silver jar with a pattern of dancing horses found from a 1970 excavation in Xi’an.

Improvements in Chang-An

The great Emperor Liu Bang aimed to build a strong capital that is directly at the sun’s center, which is the current location of Luoyang. The site that Liu Bang was pertaining to was also the location of Changzhou, which was pertained as a holy place. Because the site was believed to be a holy and magical place, many people believed that it will become a strong and powerful dynasty to last for years. Thus, it was the kind of image that Han tried to emulate and project to the people.

According to history, Liu Bang decided to relocate a number of military aristocracy clans to this city. He had two intentions for doing so, which was to maintain the closeness of all his rivals to the emperor and to encourage them to defend this capital from the neighboring cities including Xiongnu. He decided to actualize his decision largely due to the guidance from his political adviser, Liu Jing.

Thus, three prefectures were set up to divide the city prior to the construction of various structures in the capital. When Chang-An was first founded, there were only 146,000 inhabitants in the city, but it soon grew as the place progressed.

When Emperor Wu ruled the capital, Zhang Qian, a scholarly diplomat was relocated into Central Asia. Ever since that period, the city served as the people’s gateway to Europe from Asia. It also became the departure point of Silk Road. When the Western Han period ended, the government of Eastern Han remained in Luoyang to make it its new capital. However, the court was eventually relocated to Chang-An, back to its original location, in 190 AD. This event was due to the orders of the Prime Minister Dong Zhuo, yet the capital was placed back to Luoyang after his death. During this era, several dynasties in the world considered Chang-An as the site of strong governance and power that reigned supreme throughout China.

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Persecution in Rome, Christian

Christians faced harsh treatment from non-believers beginning 200 to 323 AD. where it is listed on the Bible Timeline Poster. In fact, the start of the third century signaled the beginning of severe persecutions that Christians experienced during that period in history. Roman authorities viewed Christians as a threat to the society because of their prominence. For instance, more and more people decided to convert into this religion. Conversions were held in various parts of the nation, which led to the increasing presence of Christians throughout the empire. Lastly, this group of people who was bound by their faith became zealous and expressive with their beliefs. As a result, the Roman leaders were worried that these people would eventually jeopardize the state’s security and power.

Persecutions Under the Roman Leander Septimius Severus

During 193 to 211 AD, a fearless Roman ruler took the throne and aimed to monitor the progress of Christians in the empire. Septimius Severus then issued a law that was intended for the converts. He proclaimed that conversions to Christianity was considered as illegal, and those who disobeyed the law will be persecuted. At that time, more converts were persecuted in Egypt and several parts of Africa. In Alexandria, Leonidas was beheaded and most of the followers of Origen were eliminated. In Carthage, new converts were persecuted and punished by harsh tortures. A number of them were thrown to be devoured by wild animals while others were burned publicly at stake.

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‘A number of them were thrown to be devoured by wild animals while others were burned publicly at stake.’

Threats to the Life of Christians During the Roman Empire There were some isolated incidents when Christians experienced harsh treatments from the Romans. Aside from being persecuted because they refused to show the highest reverence to the emperor out of their great love for God, they were also punished because of the Romans’ general dislike for Christians. These people refused to participate in any activities such as the worshipping of Gods or taking part in forms of sacrifices that the Romans were tasked to perform. Christians were also believed to follow certain rites that made the Romans assume that they were introducing a dangerous sect to non-believers. Persecution was largely accusatory, and those who were believed to be partaking in these rituals were punished immediately. Governors were responsible for the accusation and prosecution, and most trials failed to allow Christians to explain themselves.

‘Helen and Constantine’

The persecution and suffering of Christians continued for a period of three centuries. However, these threats to converts and believers resulted to the increase of cults and saints, and this has fueled the spread of Christianity instead of putting an end to its progress.

It was not until Licinius and Constantine the Great issued the 313 Edict of Milan that Christianity was considered as legal. They gave Christians the right to live and practice their faith, and they were no longer persecuted for believing in their God. Although this group of people suffered tremendously in the past centuries, a number of them did not succumb to their fear and continued to remain strong in their faith amidst the intense suffering that other believers experienced.

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Roman Empire at its Greatest

Rome Has Greatest Territorial Possessions in 117 AD

According to historians, Rome reached the peak of its territorial expansion in 117 AD where it is listed on the Bible Timeline with World History when Trajan succeeded in conquering Dacia. It was during that time that Rome gained the reputation of being the most powerful empire in history, as well as the third largest because of its extensive territories. In fact, research shows that there were at least 60 million individuals in Rome during the time of Jesus.

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The Roman Empire (red) and its clients (pink) in 117 AD during the reign of Emperor Trajan.

Trajan’s Goals of Expanding Rome’s Territories

Emperor Trajan had a primary objective of extending the territories of Rome to increase the empire’s power over other nations. Thus, he aimed to reign supreme over another thriving kingdom during that period, which was Parthia. The mighty ruler was able to take over Mesopotamia and Armenia, in 113 AD. His victories fueled his desire to conquer Parthia’s capital, and he succeeded in his attempts to do so. It was in 115 to 116 AD when Trajan captured Ctesiphon, the heart of the kingdom of Parthia.

Upon the conquest of Dacia, numerous revolts were organized in various provinces of Parthia. Eventually, these revolts by the Jewish people resulted to Trajan and his army’s withdrawal from Antioch’s Syrian capital. Being a fearless and wise ruler that he was, Trajan was able to put an end to these Jewish revolts. He also decided to go back to Rome, so he could devise a more effective plan to conquer Parthia once and for all.

Rome’s Territorial Possessions in 117 AD

The Roman Empire expanded greatly under Trajan’s reign. At that time, Rome covered a total area of 5 million square kilometers. As for its inhabitants, there were between 55 and 60 million residents in Rome, and they accounted for about 1/6 to 1/4 of the population throughout the world. Moreover, Antioch, Alexandria and Rome, which were the empire’s three major cities, were double the size of most European cities during that period in history.

The scope of Rome’s territories stretched from the infamous Hadrian’s Wall in northern England up to the banks of the Euphrates, situated in Syria. Also, it also covered the Rhine-Danube river system, the North African plains, Egypt’s Nile Valley, Europe’s flat lands, the Black Sea, and virtually surrounding the Mediterranean. That was how large and rich the Roman Empire was in 117 AD. All of these accomplishments were the outcomes of Trajan’s brilliant schemes and successful attempts at expanding the Roman Empire. Indeed, his remarkable sense of leadership and commitment to his responsibility has helped the empire become one of the most envied during that century.

Continuing Efforts After Trajan’s Rule

When Trajan died near the latter part of 117 AD, Hadrian took his place and aimed to maintain the empire’s power instead of expanding it. During his rule, frontiers were heavily guarded, and borders were firmly defined. To protect the Roman Empire from the threats of invaders, the Hadrian’s Wall was built. It also serves as a visible proof and surviving legacy of the emperor’s success in safeguarding the empire from the barbarians and other potential threats to its safety.

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Commodus, Lucius Aurelius

Lucius Aurelius Commodus was conceived August 31, 161 AD in Lanuvium (about 14 miles from Rome) where he is listed on the Biblical Timeline Poster with World History. His parents were Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger. He was the tenth child with 13 other siblings. Commodus was born as a twin to his brother who died when he was just 4 years of age. Commodus’ name was bestowed upon him to honor Marcus Aurelius’ joint ruler and brother by adoption Lucius Verus. Unfortunately, no other son of Marcus besides Commodus lived past their youth. Commodus’ father was the last of the “5 good emperors,” however he didn’t follow in his footsteps.

            When he became emperor it was the very first time a biological son had inherited his parent’s throne since Titus inherited the kingdom from his father Vespasian in 79 AD. The Emperors since then had only been able to succeed the throne through prestige and valor. Commodus was watched by his father’s doctor Galen to maintain his health and keep him alive. He also had a thorough education directed from his father. The focus appeared to be towards military skills and the knowledge he would need to govern the kingdom when his time came. At the early age of 5 years old in 166 AD, Commodus was proclaimed Caesar (‘junior emperor’).

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In 177 AD following Cassius’ rebellion, Emperor Aurelius announced Commodus as Augustus and co-emperor. Up until then he was the youngest consul in the history of Rome being around the age of 15. Afterward, he wed Bruttia Crispina; he then traveled with his father to the Danube to protect the country in 178 AD till 180 AD when Marcus passed away.

Unsatisfactory Rule

Even though Marcus Aurelius’ reign was filled with constant war and Commodus’ was relatively calm as far as battles go it was noted by political contention. His actions became increasingly illogical and unpredictable which was the cause for much strife and discontent. This was recorded by many as the start to the weakening of Rome. Commodus had a tendency for weakness and influenced by those around him. He was also known as brutal and extreme conduct. His actions were somewhat tempered when Marcus ruled but even during that time it was said he exhibited actions close to Nero even while he was young.

Commodus didn’t stay in the Danube for very long, just enough time to work out a treaty of peace in order to return to Rome for an easier life. Shortly after his ascension Commodus altered his name to Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus. In 182 AD, his sibling Lucilla plotted along with a gathering of senators to kill him. When it failed the emperor responded in kind and all he found involved were eventually put to death. In 186 AD, he ordered his chief killed to please his army; three years following he let the minister’s heir get killed by a mob.

Uncommon to the past few rulers Commodus didn’t show very much concern in the management and care needed to govern a kingdom. He was content to let more important work go to his chosen associates. At the top of his list was his chamberlain Saoterus; a freedman originating in Nicomedia. He was eventually put to death as well along with many more people trying to scheme for power and attain the government. Discontent in the politics led to a sequence of plots and attempted rebellions that brought Commodus to return to his responsibilities. A task he handled with a growing tyrannical approach.

Despite the Senate’s fear and loathing of him, he looked to have been well liked among the army and the public for most of his rule. Most likely in the event of his extravagant demonstrations of generosity and his dramatic plays as a gladiator. For the people of Rome, it was surprising to see their Emperor appear as a gladiator for at that time only slaves and prostitutes were put in the stadium. They were considered one of the lowest people of the community.

Commodus clearly didn’t have a single thought to what others thought about him or his actions. He would show up to such events playing the part of Hercules the son of Jupiter and wearing a lion’s skin. It was clear that his reasoning was getting worse as he became increasingly narcissistic and acted outrageously. Nothing that faced Commodus in the ring hardly had a chance, all combatants were very poorly armed and the animals pathetically chained to a wall. Unlike the popular gladiator fights which portrayed experience and talent, many had a hard time not laughing as they watched the Emperor act so juvenile.

Selfish Acts            

In the year 191 AD, a major part of Rome was destroyed by a devastating fire that lasted for many days. Public buildings were lost and even parts of the royal palace were burnt. While rebuilding in 192 AD, Commodus saw occasion to announce himself as Romulus and renamed the city after himself Colonia Lucia Annia Commodiana. Also altering the names of the month in honor of his rule, he even renamed the legions, the fleet that brought in grain form Africa, the Senate, his palace and the Roman public after him. In effect, he declared himself as the source of the Empire, Roman existence and religion. Quintus Aemilius Laetus was the one to finally initiate the termination of Commodus. The court chamberlain Eclectus and Commodus’ choice concubine Marcia joined this undertaking. After a failed attempt to poison and some careful planning, they had Narcissus his wrestling partner strangle him. He died December 31 192 AD. Septimus Severus and Clodius Albinus (African associates of Laetus) were made governors of Upper Pannonia and Britain. Pescennius Niger (also an ally to Laetus) was set over Syria. The next emperor was Publius Hevlius Pertinax, Rome’s city prefect. The Senate announced Commodus a ‘public enemy’ and righted the names the conceited emperor had altered after himself. His statues were also torn down.

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Marcus Aurelius

The biggest references for Aurelius are few, far between and most often undependable. Deciphering the facts from fiction has been a cause for much study and debate for many of the ancient emperors. Although there have been found several manuscripts of his story that are largely reliable. Aurelius was born as M Annius Verus April 26 121 AD where he is located on the Biblical Timeline Chart with World History. He was part of a notable family with Spanish ancestry. His parents were Annius Verus and Domitia Lucilla. Marcus’ grandfather worked as a consulate that year for the second time and on to a third time in 126 AD. This was an extraordinary occurrence that set their family with high honor. His grandfather then worked for Emperor Hadrian as city prefect.           

            Aurelius was well educated and had a particular interest in rhetoric and philosophy. His interest and drive towards knowledge was so notable that Emperor Hadrian noticed him and referred to him as “Verissimus,” which means, “Most truthful”. He earned many honors from a young age and looked to have been thought of as a possible ruler from Hadrian. The Emperor had originally named L. Ceionius Commodus but he died unexpectedly. Hadrian then adopted a well-known senator named T. Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus who originated from Cisalpine Gual. As part of the charge that was put upon Antoninus as heir, he was to adopt the youthful Verus (later to be called M. Aelius Aurelius Verus) along with Commodus’ son L. Aelius Aurelius Commodus. Their ages were 17 and 8.  Aurelius labored next to his new father and learned the systems of the government and public policies.

During 140 AD, Aurelius was named consul (head of the senate) a job that he would have twice more before he died. As time went by he acquired more duties and official abilities thus becoming a reliable resource of help and advice to Emperor Antoninus. Despite all these responsibilities, Aurelius still found time to continue his learning in philosophy and law.

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Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Emperor Antoninus

             Following a series of unsuccessful tries to kill himself (all stopped by Antoninus) Hadrian departed for Baiae which was a coastal resort by the Campanian shore. While there Hadrian’s health got worse and he forsook the instructions given him by his doctor, eating and drinking whatever he wanted. He asked for Antoninus who was there when he died July 10 138 AD. Antoninus’ ascension to the throne was smooth and unchallenged. He maintained the previous emperor’s people in office and pacified the senate by acknowledging their part and carrying the orders of death sentenced to men who had been convicted during Hadrian’s reign. After such acts, Antoninus was awarded the honorable title of “Pius”.

Right after Hadrian passed away Antoninus asked Marcus to cancel his betrothal to Ceionia Fabia and marry his daughter Faustina. In turn Faustina’s fiancé Ceionia’s brother would have to be declined as well. Marcus agreed and arrangements were made. They were married in 145 AD and had several children although sadly a few did not survive for very long. The most recognized ones were his daughter Lucilla and his son Commodus.

Antoninus Pius was a ruler of Rome for an extended period of time. During this era relations were mostly peaceful and there was significant growth in the country. Antoninus was not as interested in military campaigns, and never departed Italy as ruler. There were only a scattering of instability on the borders of the country which were maintained quickly and victoriously. As a result neither heir of Antoninus’ acquired a bit of familiarity towards war and negotiations; a shortfall that contributed to serious problems and events in years to come.

As time went by and Antoninus got older, Aurelius would do more and more work for the kingdom. Especially when he was named praetorian prefect, in 160 AD Aurelius and Lucius were appointed shared consuls the next year. March 7 161 AD Antoninus called for the imperial council and handed his authority to his daughter and her husband Aurelius. He died that night which ended the longest reign since Augustus, even overlapping Tiberius by several months.

There was no conflict or opposition to Aurelius’ ascension to the throne. He elected his brother as shared emperor just like Hadrian had designated.

A Troubled Rule

            Not at all like the peace and prosperity that was seen at the time of Antoninus’ reign the joint leadership of the siblings were followed with war and illness. In 160 AD, the Parthian’s sought to take over the East. Lucius Verus fronted the battles while Aurelius maintained Rome. They had much-needed help from several generals including Avidius Cassius the future governor of Syria. The soldiers that came back to Rome carried some sort of disease with them that took several years to abate and killed an entire segment of the people. With most historical plagues, it was nearly impossible to conclude which one it was. However, it is probable that the affliction was smallpox. The depth of the impact is still up for debate.

Another difficulty occurred in early 162 AD when the Tiber overflowed it banks and flooded many parts of Rome. Animals drowned and the city was left with very little or no food. The two rulers focused on this with as much attention as they could muster. Other such disastrous events noted that the emperors had helped the Italian people with Roman stores.

As the war with Parthia came to an end Aurelius and Verus came to another confrontation, this time with the German tribes in the later 160s. They had overcome the DanubeRiver and battled against a Roman city. Aurelius and Verus had to come up with the finances before they could face the Germans with a sufficient number of soldiers. When Verus died in 169 AD Aurelius was forced to maintain the country and battles against the Germans by himself.

Aurelius’ agendas were first to drive out his enemies from Italy and place them back into their own land past the Danube. He worked to cut off the tribes one at a time and beat them in order to accomplish this. This was worked well as a single tribe at a time was beaten and reunited to Roman rule. Unfortunately this took a long time and had a hefty toll on finances. This work was disrupted in 175 AD from general Avidius Cassius (governor of Syria) who had announced the kingdom under his rule. It is not known if he either he acted from a report that Auerlius had died or was scheming with the emperor’s wife but Aurelius had to take action quickly.

Before Auerlius could get there the challenger was killed. The emperor took a bit to fix matters and re-establish his reign among his people before traveling back to the North in order to deal with the Germans once more. This time he brought his son Commodus who was only 16 at the time. Their strategies were victorious but in the early 180 AD Auerlius passed away, one year prior to ending the conflict. Commodus succeeded his father and quickly accepted an agreement of peace in order to return to Rome with a desire for a life of simplicity and comfort. Rome never had the ‘upper hand’ ever again with their correspondence towards the Germanic Tribes past the set borders of the country.

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Antonius Pius

Antonius (Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionius Arrius Antoninus) was born as an only child from Titus Aurelius Fulvus in 89 AD where he is listed on the Biblical Timeline with World History. His family was originally from Nemausus (called today Nimes). His mother was Arria Fadilla, his father (also his paternal grandfather) passed away when he was little. In consequence, he was brought up by Gnaeus Arrius Antoninus, his maternal grandfather. He was known to be a man of honor, traditions and an associate with Pliny the Younger. His mother wed Publius Julius Lupus where she bore two daughters: Arria Lupula and Julia Fadilla.

Not very much is recorded concerning Antonius in his younger years. There is a small biography in ‘Scriptores Historiae Augustae’ to Julius Capitolinus that mentions his work as quaestor, praetor, and consul. P. von Rohden’s writing in Pauly-Wissowa marks Antonius’ work in these fields around 112 AD, 117 and 120. Sometime through 110 AD – 115 he wed Annia Galeria Faustina (daughter of M Annius Verus). She conceived four children namely: Marcus Aurelius Fulvius Antoninus (passed away previous to 138 AD), Marcus Galerius Aurelius Antoninus (also passed away previous to 138), Aurelia Fadilla (passed away 135 AD) and Anna Galeria Faustina Minor (Faustina the Younger), she lived around 125,130-175 AD (the upcoming Roman Empress married to her ‘maternal’ cousin, Emperor Marcus Aurelius).

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Rise to Power

Antonius Pius
Antonius Pius

Antonius was then presently made one of Emperor Hadrian’s ‘consular administrators’ in Italy. Then from 130 AD – 135 became ‘proconsul’ of Asia. While serving Hadrian he became renowned for his work and had the opportunity to retire with immense honor but in 138 AD circumstances changed his prospects quickly. The start of that year Emperor Hadrian’s adopted son Aelius Verus died. Hadrian then went before the Senate and proclaimed Antoninus his son and successor as ‘proconsular’ and ‘tribunician’. Unfortunately at that time only one of Antonius’ children lived (Anna Galeria Faustina Minor). She married M. Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius) whom Antoninus had adopted with L. Verus (son of Aelius Verus). After Antoninus came to rule he demanded the unwilling Senate provide traditional religious respects towards Hadrian. Because of this and perhaps more similar deeds he was bestowed the last name of Pius.

Death of Faustina

            When his wife passed away in 141 AD, Antoninus was immensely grieved. In tribute to her life, he requested the Senate to exalt her as a ‘goddess’ and built a temple in her name. Also adding to the memory of her an ‘alimentary program’ that joined loans to Italian farmers with money; producing interest that was sent for the help of orphaned girls. This program was called Puellae Faustinianae.

Actions as Emperor

            Antoninus was careful with funds and did not toss it around in luxury. He uplifted public services that were practical for the people. His ‘procurators’ were informed to hold tribute sensible and kept them responsible for staying within set limits. For the most part, the country flourished with his rule and application of ‘informers’ came to a stop. Julius Capitolinus mentioned the greatness of Antoninus’ rule with this statement: “With such care did he govern all peoples under him that he looked after all things and all men as if they were his own.”

Despite his conservation in growing ‘imperial revenues’, Antoninus supplied timed grants of the fund to the civilians and soldiers; also giving community events and an immense diversity of animals for show. Along with that he gave his personal finances to allocate oil, grain, and wine with no charge at a period of famine. This helped lessen the destruction rooted in Rome from fires, floods, and earthquakes.

He had temples, theaters, and mausoleums built. He supported arts and sciences and gave honors with funds rewarded to the teachers of rhetoric and philosophy. Antoninus created some small alterations at first when he came to power, but kept as much as he could the standards left by Emperor Hadrian. The many years with Antoninus as Emperor were mostly acclaimed as peaceful; or as many would say “The quiet before the Storm” which came with the next ruler Marcus Aurelius.

There are however records from Capitolinus stating he was involved with wars, “through legates”, with Britain, Moor, Germany, Dacia, and Alan. He also had to stop a revolt in Achaea, Egypt, along with the Jewish people. War with the British was during 142 AD towards the Brigantes. This carved the way for the building of the Antonine Wall around the isle to serve as another line of defense following North from Hadrian’s Wall. With that in mind, communications towards surrounding countries had a great deal of respect for him. He was involved in approving the Kings over Armenia, Lazi, and the Quadi. He also victoriously stopped a Parthian battle against Armenia simply by messaging the King of Parthia a note of caution against such maneuvers. Antoninus was very different from other emperors with the surprising record that he managed such events while in Italy. He handled such things with letters; an example would be Ephesus where the notices were displayed for all to see. His manner of action was very complimented from those of his time and future ages.

Change in Laws

             Emperor Antoninus had focused much of his time towards changing laws and their practices all over the country. He was not a trendsetter, but he did not keep to the ‘letter of the law’. Instead, his passions were for the people, fairness and bringing into the Roman laws several significant, innovative values with this idea. Many lawyers worked with Antoninus and most likely counseled the emperor on lawful agendas. This involved defending slaves, freedmen, and unclaimed children. In turn altering the family, such as inheritances, as well as contemplation for what the daughter’s desires were towards arranged marriages.

Death and Legacy

        When Atnoninus became 70 in 156 AD he had a hard time sitting straight without ‘stays’. He began taking small bites of dry bread in order to have the endurance to stay alert during his early meetings. As Antoninus aged he gave Marcus Aurelius and L. Verus consulship to ready them for succession. He was very careful to have the country in order with strong finances set and his sons he had adopted acquired a large inheritance in the Treasury. He didn’t live much longer after that. 2 days prior to passing away it is said Antoninus visited his ancestral land in Lorium, Etruria. He clearly wasn’t feeling well and on March 7 161 he called for his royal council to hand the kingdom to Marcus and his daughter and died soon after.

Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius were listed as part of the five Good Emperors. Antoninus cared about his responsibilities and had a great concern for the well being of his people.