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Salah: biblical figure, son of Arphaxad

Salah or Sala (Luke 3:35 KJV) is the only son of Arphaxad mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 11:13 KJV). Salah may mean send out, branch or javelin. He was born when Arphaxad was thirty five years old (Genesis 11:12 KJV).

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Salah begat Eber when he was thirty years old and begat other sons and daughters. He lived four hundred and three years after he begat Eber (Genesis 11:14-15 KJV).

Looking at the Biblical Timeline, Salah was born 2313 BC and rested in 1880 BC.

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2 thoughts on “Salah: biblical figure, son of Arphaxad

  1. Seriously need to change the title and read the Bible.
    Genesis 11:13 After he begotten Salah, Arphaxad lived four hundred and three years, and begot sons and daughters.

    Wait what was that Salah is the only Son we need to focus on as this is God’s testimony about His only Begotten or Messiah Jesus the Christ.

    1. Thank you, we made the change.

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