The youngest son of Jacob, Benjamin was referred to as the righteous child because of his loyalty to Jacob even when his brothers were completely against Joseph, who was well-loved by their father. Benjamin was also born in the land of Canaan, and his name meant “Son of My Days,” according to the Hebrew. He can be found on the Biblical Timeline Poster around 1754 BC.
In the Scriptures
In the Book of Torah, it was narrated that there was a point when Joseph’s brothers headed off to Egypt, yet they were unable to recognize their brother. Thus, Joseph planned to test his brothers’ character and wanted to determine if they have already turned away from their evil way. So, he ordered his men to place secretly a silver cup inside the bag of his youngest brother, Benjamin.
The next day, there was a great search that was conducted, with the intention of finding the “lost” silver cup. After a
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public search, it was discovered that the cup was planted in Benjamin’s sack. As a punishment for the alleged theft, Joseph commanded that the young boy should be left in the palace and held as his slave because of what he had done.
However, Judah, one of Joseph’s brothers, spoke up and begged for Benjamin to be released. Instead of having the young boy held captive, Judah pleaded to take his place as a slave. He explained that his father Jacob would be left heartbroken if he learned that Benjamin was left in Egypt.
Joseph could no longer hold his emotions at that point, and he revealed his true identity in front of his brothers. Hence, the brothers rekindled their love for each other, and they were filled with joy that Joseph was still alive.
It is also worth noting that Benjamin was also Joseph’s favorite brother. This was presented in the story when Joseph was filled with tears as he met Benjamin after a long time. He even ordered that Benjamin should receive five times more food than what his other brothers were served.
Other Accounts on Benjamin
In the Hebrew Scriptures, It was mentioned that Joshua divided the land into twelve, which were supposed to be managed and owned by the twelve tribes of Israel. Benjamin was assigned to the land between Ephraim, and extending to Judah, Jordan River, and other cities including Gibeah and Bethel. There were also several towns in the Book of Joshua that were all the possession of Benjamin.
As for Jerusalem, it was under the control of the tribe Jebusites, despite the fact that it was a part of the territory that was given to the tribe of Benjamin. In addition, Bethel was claimed as a part of the land owned by the Tribe of Ephraim, although Joshua gave this lot to Benjamin, according to the scriptures.
Throughout the life of Benjamin, he found favor not only from his father and dear brothers but also from God. He was blessed with many gifts, and he continued to become a great leader of his tribe until his death.
He was 500
His brothers are recorded as living to the ages of 110-137 (avg being around 126 years), so he likely lived to at least 120 years old
They just broke in and opened the grave of Benjamin to the public, yesterday! Previously he was thought to be near Yehuda. All this makes biblical sense.
Since Yehuda tunneled to Israel on his own. Since Benjamin was not responsible for breaking the oath and did not sell his brother into slavery. He may well have been buried next to Yehuda who died first. Josef died the youngest at 110. It makes sense that Benjamin could tunnel himself to an area in his territory as close as possible to Rachel his mother and the Temple.
Friday 27th October 2023
My question is, how old was Benjamin when he died.
Benjamine was indeed a blessing to his family. He gaind favour both in the sight of God and in the sight of man. May he be an example to all the Benjamin(s) on earth. To God be the glory.
Searched and searched but couldn’t find Benjamin’s age at his death? Since the Israelites were enslaved for 400 years I doubt he lived past slavery in Egypt? Thoughts?
Israel was only enslaved about 112 years and they were only in Egypt for 210 years. 430 years starts when Abraham was given the promise of children before leaving Haran.