The End of an Empire
Despite the power that it amassed within its territories over the centuries, Egyptian power eventually fell to decline in between 1,000 to 600 BC which is where it appears on the Biblical Timeline with World History. Before that period, Ancient Egypt was considered a successful kingdom on its own, amassing great power with an empire that greatly reaches Nubia in the south and Palestine and Syria in the north. During 1, 500 BC, famous pharaohs such as the boy-king Tutankhamun and Ramesses II began their reign during this period. It was during the start of 1,000 BC that Egypt, one of the most enduring civilizations of the ancient world started slipping into the brink of a historical standstill. During this period, its neighbors Palestine and Nubia started cutting the country into pieces, conducting invasions across Egypt’s borders. Political weakness right at home also worsened the country’s condition even further.
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The Rise of a the United Kingdom
But outside the borders of decaying Egypt, a new kingdom has begun to rise in the land of Israel. After the Israelites had settled in Canaan, or the Promised Land, over the past centuries, they eventually formed a kingdom by uniting all of the nomadic Twelve Tribes of Israel. During this time, Saul, whose name meant “asked for or prayed for” was chosen as the first king of the United Kingdom of Israel. Saul was the son of Kish of the Tribe of Benjamin and came to become Israel’s first king after the Prophet Samuel anointed him by God’s command. Saul became an effective leader, particularly in defending Israel from its enemies, except for the Philistines. But Saul eventually failed on his reign as king, particularly on following orders given to him by God, through his prophet Samuel. Due to his failures to follow God’s command, Saul was eventually rejected as King and Samuel were suddenly ordered to search for someone worthy of Israel’s kingship.
The Finding of David
Samuel’s search for Israel’s next king took him to the town of Bethlehem. There he would meet David, a young shepherd boy. David was the youngest son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the grandson of Ruth and Boaz and a member of the Tribe of Judah. When Jesse had presented his seven sons to Samuel, the prophet commented that God’s chosen was not amongst them. But he later discovered that Jesse’s youngest son, David, was not there with his brothers and was currently tending to his flock. Samuel immediately asked Jesse to search for him. When David was presented to Samuel, the prophet immediately declared that he had found the next king and anointed him.
David’s Rise and Saul’s Fall
According to the Book of Samuel, Saul was tormented by a malevolent spirit sent by God. During his fits, Saul would request soothing music, in which a servant would recommend that David, a renowned as a harpist, would play for him. Heeding to that advice, David was immediately brought to Saul’s court and was appointed as his armor-bearer and official harpist. But David’s popularity with the Israelites started when he defeated the Philistine champion Goliath with the use of a slingshot. It was in David’s victory that Saul’s decline as king started.
Biblical Reference
1 Book of Samuel