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Are there any scientific proofs of the Bible?

What do we mean by scientific proof of the Bible?  For this issue, we are going to look at the creation only.  The creation is covered in 31 verses in the first chapter of Genesis.  It is obvious we aren’t looking at a detailed step by step instructions on how to create a universe, but rather a broad overview of how the universe was created.

Moses wrote Genesis 3500 years ago.  He either saw in vision or was taught by tradition the creation of the universe and wrote what he learned.  Since then scientists have found his description and their findings to be in complete agreement.  Moses wrote 3500 years ago about events that scientists have not fully understood until just recently.

One example is the first event, the separation of light from the darkness. This is an excellent description of an event astronomers refers to as the photon decoupling event.  Prior to that event, say, modern astronomers, the universe was opaque.

Light could not stream, helium atoms could not form.  There was no material for building worlds; there was no light and darkness.  After this event, light formed and streamed creating light and dark places in the universe. Helium atoms could form, and thus worlds were able to be formed.  The photon decoupling event as described by astronomers matches Moses description of the separation of light from the darkness. From there, the following takes place:

  • The creation of the earth itself
  • The separation of the dry land from the seas
  • The creation of plants in a particular order – grasses, shrubs and trees
  • The placing of the heavenly bodies in relationship to the earth
  • The creation of animal life in a particular order – fish, birds, land animals
  • The creation of man
[This article continues after a message from the authors]
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As scientists study the creation of the universe and life on earth, they have found that it happened in exactly that order. David Attenborough’s book “Life on Earth” gives a good description of the order of the creation of life on earth.  His listing of the order of appearance of various types of life and the sequence given in Genesis agree.  While Moses does not mention every item, those he does mention are in the correct order. The placing of heavenly bodies is also in agreement.  The moon is of particular interest.  Genesis 1:17 says “God set them [the moon and the sun] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth”.


What is interesting is the size of the moon in relationship to the earth. It is much larger in comparison to the earth than any other moon is compared to the planet it circles. Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial “planet” along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Scientists still have not decided exactly how the moon came to be in orbit around the earth or even how it was formed.  What is interesting to us, is that the moon is so large that it could easily destroy the earth.  A shorter distance away and the moon would not circle the earth. If it were any closer, it would impact the earth creating massive destruction.  Our moon is unique in the Universe and is precisely placed to accomplish it’s purpose.

Science itself proves the Bible to be correct in it’s description of the creation.


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14 thoughts on “Are there any scientific proofs of the Bible?

  1. How great that Gods Word goes on and on, and doesn’t change. Our understanding of it does, praise Him, but He states that His Word that goes out will not return to Him void. In other words, it will always accomplish His purpose. And it will always exist in an ever-increasing impactful growth.
    In Isaiah 40:22, there’s a ton of science. Long before mankinds geniuses figured it out, the writer is inspired to write that the Lord God YHWH “sits upon the circle of the earth”, and later that He “spreads the heavens out as a curtain.” in another verse of another writer it even mentions that “He reaches to the North”, thus magnetic north, “and hangs the earth on nothing.” Job 26:7. Again, centuries before any man was willing to so boldly state these facts.
    Also, in Job 28, the writer is awed by all he is being taught and records the details,
    asking, where is wisdom found and where is it we find understanding? Vs. 12.
    Considering the creation account, world history, archaeology, DNA, prophetic scripture fulfilled, and knowing mankind cannot govern himself properly and certainly cannot argue that God has a better way, wisdom and understanding can only be found in Him. And He shares it all with us if we ask, then shut up and listen.

    1. “And He shares it all with us if we ask, then shut up and listen.”

      Love that!

    2. Thank you Margaret. Can I ask your understanding of light even before God created the sun and moon, and separated night and day

  2. During the creation God said let there be light .How is it possible for the light to exist when the heavenly bodies were not yet created.

    1. According to science light (photons) existed before any heavenly bodies. This is from wikipedia on the photon epoch – if you read it carefully you will notice that light and darkness were mixed up and only after a period of time did light separate from darkness and the universe become transparent. This article does refer to the big bang but it also makes it clear that it is possible for light to exist without a “source”

      In physical cosmology, the photon epoch was the period in the evolution of the early universe in which photons dominated the energy of the universe. The photon epoch started after most leptons and anti-leptons were annihilated at the end of the lepton epoch, about 10 seconds after the Big Bang.[1] Atomic nuclei were created in the process of nucleosynthesis which occurred during the first few minutes of the photon epoch. For the remainder of the photon epoch the universe contained a hot dense plasma of nuclei, electrons and photons. 379,000 years after the Big Bang the temperature of the universe fell to the point where nuclei could combine with electrons to create neutral atoms. As a result, photons no longer interacted frequently with matter, the universe became transparent and the cosmic microwave background radiation was created and then structure formation took place.

      1. Wouldn’t this be a lot easier to just say read your bible and That GOD separated light from dark. Science and wiki-pedia is behind. God is in control. All this says to me is the bible is true and correct. Science to me only proves the bible is right

        1. I agree on just read your Bible.

        2. A lot more people “read” the Bible than do a “Study” of It! That is one of the problems withing the “Christian Community”. Now add in those that are skeptics or non-believers. It is often better to point out “In The Bible” or in science itself how the Bible is true. Archeology continues to “prove” the accuracy of Biblical Places and Events. Science is foud in multiple places in the Bible. Tell them of Psalm 8:8 and the “paths of the sea”! Matthew Maury – a Navy Cadet – heard that passage and said If God says they are there I will prove. He did and is considered the Father of Oceanography! There are other examples from different books of the Bible with the same Truth: Leviticus, Job, & others. Our very DNA is one of the Prime Proofs as to the Existence of God. You can find documents and Video’s where folks talk of protein development and the statistical odds of it happening by random chance(Spoiler: It is absurd!) Or look up why God instructed baby boys were to be circumsized on the 8th day! Vitamin K is important here! Often times the Bible itself(The Word!) is the best offense to employ! Blessings

    2. Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 
      That means that everything in the universe was created even the earth.
      Heaven with all it’s stars and planets were created already in that verse.
      Gen 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 
      From here onward, the Bible describes what could be observed from a person standing on earth.
      And that scientist have confirmed. After the earth had solidified, the condition described in the Bible is a perfect match. While the earth was cooling down, the atmosphere was filled with so many things that sun light could not penetrate but gradually illuminate the planet till in what is called the 4th day it finally broke through and shone on earth.

      1. I believe the Bible to be the true inerrant Word of God!
        About God making the light before he created the earth is not biblical. Gen.1:1-2 said the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. In Gen. 3 God made light.
        In the biblical record the earth and darkness were before the light. The scientific light before creation is in opposition to the Bible in this point!

    3. The heavenly bodies are obviously not THE source of light then correct?

  3. “As scientists study the creation of the universe and life on earth, they have found that it happened in exactly that order.”

    No. Absolutely not. Scientists have not found that vegetation came into existence on Earth before the Sun or Moon were in place. That’s just laughable.

    Now, you may decide scientists are wrong (they’re not), but you cannot say that scientists found the Biblical creation of the universe and life on earth match what scientists say happened “in exactly that order.”

    Your statement about what scientists have found is so mind-bogglingly and obviously untrue that it wrecks your credibility on this topic.

  4. I need to know how the Bible came to be in existence and when it came to be.

    1. The bible is a group of people decided that the dead sea scrolls, which they are hundreds of them. The bible only contains 66 of them. but they all match and they all line up. it is scriptures of prophets of God in the old testament. telling us what God says and wants from us. And the new testament is scriptures written by Jesus’ apostles. And of course they all match together and line up. They line up with the old testament, Jesus fulling the law and they line up with one another. Can you just imagine the time of Jesus. The torture these men endured to get The word out to the world. NO ONE would go through all of that just for a lie. It is all the truth. and they all match.

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