In 363 AD where it can be found on the Biblical Timeline Chart, the Council of Laodicea officially forbade individuals from reading uncanonized books. Moreover, only canonical books of the Old and New Testament were supposed to be read in Church. This declaration was given out during the 59th canon, and it was followed by the 60th canon that included a list of the books that are not to be read.
There were Old Testament books that were found in the list, although the order in which they are listed was somewhat peculiar. The list involved the minor and major prophets, as well as Daniel. As for the New Testament, this included the seven recognized Catholic epistles, with 14 epistles by Paul, and letters to Hebrews.
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In the 59th canon of Laodicea, several books were mentioned to have been included. These included the books of Kings, Chronicles, Joshua, Judges, Moses, Solomon, Job, Psalms of David and the 16 prophets. In the New Testament, the list included the Acts, 4 Gospels, and the letters of Paul. However, the Catholic epistles were not stated. During the time of the Antiochian Church, letters from Cosmas, Theodore, and a few others were denied of their apostolicity.

In the Council of Laodicea, Cyril of Jerusalem provided a list of scriptures that were considered to be divine. In the list, the Old Testament contained 22 books, and these books were arranged in a manner that is similar to what can be found in the present English Bible. Furthermore, Jeremiah was considered to be associated with the terms “Baruch and the Epistle”. As for the New Testament, all the books were indicated, with the exception of the Apocalypse.
In 365 AD, Archbishop Athanasius required the list to be written in order and must indicate canonical books that are considered as divine. He came up with list of the books of the Old Testament that was nearly similar with what Cyril has made. Although Esther was not a part of it and the Book of Ruth was included separately to form all the 22 books in the list.
Athanasius also mentioned that there were other non-canonical books, which were written by the prophets and not to be read in the church. These books included the Wisdom of Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, Judith, Tobit, Esther, and the Apostles’ Doctrines. His list of the New Testament books included the Apocalypse, which was not on the list provided by Cyril. He also noted that there were numerous apocryphal books that were also considered as canonical such as Sirach, Baruch, Tobit and Daniel.

Basil of Caesarea formed a canon that agreed with the one prepared by Athanasius. There were some books that he believed belonged to a canon. These books included Baruch, Sirach, Wisdom, Daniel, Judith and Jeremiah.
As for the list by Gregory of Nazianzus, it was presented in a poetical structure. His list of the Old Testament books was similar with Athanasius, although he only mentioned all the canonical books. He also did not include the book of Esther. The New Testament list was also different since he failed to include Apocalypse, unlike what Athanasius did.
Overall, the Council of Laodicea banned several books including Barnabas, Nicodemus, Paul and Thecla, Paul and Seneca, Christ and Abgarus, 1 Clement, II Clement, The Apostles Creed, Mary, Magnesians, and Polycarp, to name a few.
Even Abraham lived with Noah for 60 years. Abraham was born in 1946 years from Adam.
Flood in 1656 years from Adam, Noah lived 350 after flood, 2006(1656+350), 2006-1946=60, 60 years.