Amraphael or Amraphel

Amraphael or Amraphel was a king of Sennaar or Shinar, situated at the southern part of the kingdom of Babylonia. Oftentimes, he is associated with the legendary King Hammurabi who reigned in ancient Babylon. He is located on the Amazing Bible Timeline  with World History around 1954 B.C.

He was one of the four kings of the east who allied together to invade the five kingdoms in the west or the kingdoms of the Jordan plain during the time of Abram (Abraham). The three other kings were; the head of alliance King Chedorlaomer of Elam, King Arioch of Pontus (Ellasar), and the king of the Nations (Goyim) King Tedal.

The war that happened at Valley of Siddim was called the Battle of Siddim. The battle was won by the four kings.

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King Hammurabi of Babylonia

King Hammurabi was the great ruler of Babylonia credited with the famous law code named Code of Laws. He was the sixth king of the first Babylonian dynasty. It is thought that he ruled for 55 years but the period of time he reigned as king is still debatable. But he supposedly reigned during the time the nations of Sumer and Akkad were ruled by the kingdom of Elam.

Hammurabi was credited with the Code of Laws which was thought to be the first and oldest code of law. It was found in the old capital city of Elam, Susa.

He was also credited for establishing the Babylonia as a united kingdom and built its capital city at Babylon.

King Amraphel associated with other names

King Amraphel of Shinar was usually connected to King Hammurabi of Babylonia. Babylonia was a divided kingdom. It was ruled by two kings. Aside from King Amraphel ruling Shinar, there was King Arioch heading Ellasar. The two leaders recognized the dominance of the King of Elam.

It is presently acknowledged by the majority of the Biblical scholars and theologians that King Hammurabi and King Amraphel was one person. This assumption was first asserted by Schrader. Though the names of the two matched phonetically, this assumption is still subject for further clarifications.

There were also speculations that King Amraphel is Khammu-rabi who united the two kingdoms of Babylonia under his leadership after he won the battle against Arioch. He founded his capital at the city of Babylon.

Amraphael,_Biblical_Figure revised
Battle of Siddom

Shinar and Babylonia

Shinar was also a nation associated with Babylonia. It is written a number of times in the Bible under the Old Testament. It was the spot where the shrine for a woman named Wickedness was constructed. The infamous Tower of Babel was also constructed from the bitumen gotten from the sea of Shinar. And after the Great Flood, it was where the survivor families of Shem, Ham, and Japheth went after they first settled in uplands of Armenia. Shinar was an area situated in Mesopotamia with no definite boundaries.

Babylonia was an old kingdom located at the central-southern of Mesopotamia where the modern day Iraq is presently found. Its capital city was Babylon founded by King Hammurabi after he defeated the Akkadian Empire. The oldest account relating to Babylon was written in a tablet during the time of the Akkadian Sargon. It is thought to be dated from the 13th century BC.

The official written language of the new empire was Semitic Akkadian while its religious written language was Sumerian.

It is situated in the middle of the two famous rivers, namely; Euphrates and Tigris that’s why its land was largely made out of the alluvial deposits from these two rivers. A complex canal system of this ancient empire was a result of the combined effort of both man and nature. Its soil was rich enough to nurture agricultural products such as wheat, barley, sesame, dates, corns, palm tree, among other fruits and cereals.

King Amraphel in the Bible

Genesis 10:9-10. Nimrod, the mighty hunter started his kingdom in Shinar which included the lands of Babylon, Uruk, Akkad, and Kalneh.

Genesis 11:1-3. Shinar is Babylonia a kingdom situated at the plain in the east.

Genesis 14:1. Amraphel as the king of Shinar.

Genesis 14:8-10. King Amraphel as one of the four kings allied together to fight against the five kingdoms of the plain at the Valley of Siddim.

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9 thoughts on “Amraphael or Amraphel

  1. It should be understood that the land of shinar (sennar) was located on the nile river in the land of cush.

    1. No. Shinar is modern day Iraq and Syria and Southern Turkey. Nimrod was from the land of Cush (Ethiopia, Sudan.) He establishes his empire in Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq) and southeast.

  2. Shinar is the Hebrew name for the land of southern Babylon. Tigris and Euphrates rivers are nearby not the Nile. After the flood Noah and his sons and families came from the East to the plain of Shinar where they began to build the tower of Babel. See Gen 9. The tower of Babel and the cities there about were not near the River Nile but the Euphrates.

  3. What should be understood here is that, no one travels in the east unless they’re traveling toward it. Thus you need to travel due west to find the ancient saharan home/land of cush in the tibesti mountian range of southern chad. If you try and obtain images of the drawings on the cave walls, you’ll see the cushite priest there. This is exactly where I would expect to find this evidence, which is directly do east of the ancient cushite city of Kerma, which may be the site of Babel and the surrounding area the land of Sennar(shinar).

  4. Does the Scripture references here mean that Nimrod is the same as Amraphel?

    1. The Book of Jasher says that they are one in the same. That’s the question that brought me to this site.

  5. I speculate that Nimrod and Gilgamesh the same person both have their kingdoms established in the same cities.

  6. What descendants Amraphel from

  7. The Bible has been lied upon. If all of the families or people followed Nimrod, then he was the only emperor of the entire world! Also, where is this temple? The Bible states: YAHWEH came down to see the city. Was it a tower or something else? I felt it was something else because it was never mentioned again. The city was not destroyed. They left the city incomplete because this was the beginning of confusing the languages! Read for yourself and realize today you can see what was added or removed from the Bible. It is called the KJV+. They did not need to Lantinize the language. They did this because of how to define specific words and add and remove them to keep the truth and knowledge hidden. They couldn’t because Yahweh’s Word would be revealed, and they could not rewrite the Bible.

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