The Egyptians were a powerful civilization on Earth at one point in time, and this kingdom had even grown into an empire ruling other lands. Over the course of time, the Egyptian’s power began to decline and around 1000 B.C. they were no longer a major power.
The Egyptian kingdom became corrupt and started to go into decline. It was during Egypt’s demise that foreign rulers wanted to seize Egypt‘s power and greatness for their own. One such ruler was King PIY of Nubia or Kush. This appears on the Old Testament Timeline with World History around 740 BC. The Nubians were an African kingdom that lied south of Egypt in the modern day territory of Sudan. This kingdom had been in existence almost as long as the Egyptian’s have been in power.
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Egypt ruled Nubia at different points in their history and much of what went on inside of Egypt also affected the Nubians. Many Nubian rulers also reigned on the throne at various times in Egypt’s history. It was about 740 B.C. when Piye ruled Nubia and Upper Egypt. During his time in power, he wanted to rule the whole entire land, and this means that he had to capture Lower Egypt as well. He waited until the kingdom was engulfed in inner turmoil and strife before he made his move..While the Egyptian leaders were fighting among themselves, he quickly moved his armies into Lower Egypt.
He then persuaded an Egyptian ruler to take his side, and he started to attack key areas inside of Lower Egypt. He took key cities such as Memphis and Hermopolis and forced the kings in theNile Delta region area to surrender to his power. Pharoah Tefnakt was the head ruler of Lower Egypt, and he ultimately had to surrender to Piye from a far away location in the Delta region.
Once Piye conquered the region he went back to Nubia and allowed the defeated rulers to govern the territory as long as they paid homage and tribute to Nubia. Piye was also known as Painkhy, which was the way his name probably would have been written and pronounced in ancient times. His brief conquest of Egypt marked the first time that a Nubian was able to control the Egyptian kingdom. Piye made sure that his victory over Egypt would be well remembered by the people.
He made a steel or a statue made out of stone or wood that was used to record of his victory. Piye had a detailed inscription of the battle created on his stele. He wanted to make sure that future generations would know about his accomplishments. Another thing that should be noted about Piye’s conquest of Egypt is that the king only wanted to conquer Egypt and not rule this land. Some historians claim that he realized that the land of Egypt was in decline and that a lot of reform would have been needed to get it back in order.
Piye probably realized that this would have been probably more than he could handle. It also would have been hard for him to maintain control of the different regions and kings in each territory. Piye just left the Egyptians to deal with their own mess and as long as they paid him tribute and homage he obviously didn’t care who actually ran the kingdom.