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Assyrian Power Beginning 1700 BC, Rise of

Assyria was centered primarily in northern Mesopotamia, specifically on the Upper Tigris river. It can be found on the Bible Timeline Poster starting at 1704 BC. There were several instances when the Assyrians were able to rule a number of powerful empires throughout history. Thus, it has become the largest empire in the world.

The cradle of civilization in history included several empires such as Sumer, Babylonia, and Akkad. While other empires continued to rise in power, Assyria also made its contributions to the world with its success in the fields of science, technology and culture. During the peak of its progress, the empire extended from Cyprus to Persia, as well as from the Caucasus Mountains that covered present-day Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia up to Egypt and the entire Arabian Peninsula.

Under the Rule of Babylonians

During the years 1750 to 1732 BC, Assyria was dominated by the Babylonians. Hammurabi’s rule prevailed in the empire after his success in conquering Eshnunna, Larsa, and Mari. During his reign, several trade activities in Anatolia’s karum colonies came to a halt. Nevertheless, the monarchy of Assyria survived, despite the fact that three Amorite kings after Ishme-Dagan were completely dependent on the powerful Babylonian Empire.

Rise of the Adaside Dynasty

When Hammurabi died, the Babylonians slowly lost power over the Assyrians. This continued when Samsu-iluna, the successor of Hammurabi, rose in power during 1750 to 1712 BC. Then, a civil war broke off following the deposition of Asinum, who was the Amorite king of Assyria. According to Puzur-Sin, a native Akkadian, Asinum was not only a foreigner but also a lackey of Babylon. This led to the rule of Ashur-dugul (a native king) in 1732 BC, which was possibly supported by Puzur-Sin. Unfortunately, he lost control of the empire, and Ashur-apla-idi took his place.

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‘The modern discovery of Babylonia and Assyria begins with excavations in Nineveh in 1845’

After being under rule by four other kings, Babylonia appeared to have no capabilities to take control of the situation in Assyria. In 1726 BC, when King Adasi ruled the empire in Assyria, he was able to drive away the Amorites and Babylonians while stabilizing the political conditions in Assyria. Eventually, the Babylonian control over the entire Mesopotamia weakened.

Assyria continued to rise in power during the rule of Bel-bani, which was during the years 1700 to 1691 BC. He is the one responsible for further defeating the Amorites and Babylonians while enhancing the power of the kingdom. He was the very first king who ruled during the Adasides Dynasty. Moreover, his rule marked the start of another historical phase in Assyria after the conflicts caused by several rulers before him. Bel-bani remained as Assyria’s ruler for a period of 10 years.

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