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Jehoram, King of Judah

Jehoram’s life is outlined in 2 Kings 8, and his name means “God is exalted”. Jehoram’s fathers name was Jehoshaphat. King Jehoshaphat was regarded as one of the best rulers in the history of Israel. Jehoram didn’t follow the ways of his father. He appears on the Biblical Timeline starting in 905 BC.

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Jehoram was 32 years old when he became king. He ruled  Israel for 8 years, and he led the people in the false worship of pagan deities during his rule. He urged the people to worship Baal and to take part in the Golden Calf Cult. This particular religion was used started by Jeroboam who used it to help keep Israel and Judah divided.

Many of the Kings held on to this religion because they wanted to keep their power. He also married one of King Ahab’s daughters. Her name was Athalia, and she was a wicked woman like her father and her mother, Jezebel. She helped to encourage Jeroham to lead the people into false worship. Jeroham listened to his wife and made God angry. God was going to destroy Israel, but he doesn’t because of the promise that he made to King David. This former king was given the promise that at least one of his descendants would forever remain on the throne. During Jehoram’s reign, the Edomites had rebelled against him.

The Edomites were conquered by the Israeli’s during the reign of King David. After King David had conquered them, they didn’t try to rebel against Israel because they feared them. God was with Israel in the days of David, but the Edomites realized that God wasn’t with Jehoram and decided to rebel. So King Jehoram decided to stop their rebellion. King Jehoram then went to war against the Edomites.

The Edomites fought hard against Jeroham, and the Israeli’s were not able to completely defeat the Edomites. At one point in the battle, the Edomites were able to surround the Israeli king but they were not able to kill Jehoram. He managed to get back home before they could capture him. Even though the Edomites didn’t win the battle, the Israeli’s had no choice but to flee. Since that time, the Edomites continued to rebel against Judah. In 2 Kings 8: 24 King Jehoram dies and is succeeded by his son Ahaziah.

Biblical References:

  • 2 Kings 8 16: Jarom, the son of Jehoshaphat, become king Israel.
  • 2 Kings 8 17: 32 years old when he became King ruled for 8 years
  • 2 Kings Followed the ways of Ahab and Married Athalia
  • 2 Kings 8: 17: 19 God doesn’t destroy Judah because of the promise that he made to King David about his relatives always being on the throne.
  • 2 Kings 8: 20 – 21 Edom rebels against Judah and sets up their own king. Jeroham gathers his chariots and attacks the Edomites. The Edomites surround Jehoram, but he was able to break through their attack. His army had to flee all the way back home.
  • 2 Kings 8: 22 the Edomites had continued their rebellion ever since this event
  • 2 Kings 8: 23 The rest of Jeroham’s deeds are written in the Book of Kings.
  • 2 Kings 8: 24 Jeroham died and was succeeded by his son Ahaziah.
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3 thoughts on “Jehoram, King of Judah

  1. In 2 Chronicles 21 v 10 it says that Edom/ Edomites continued to rebel against Judah not against Israel ( as stated in your article) after their war with King Jehoram. Also, those of Judah are called Judahites in the Bible and those of Israel are called Israelites not Israelis – who are actually those who inhabit the State of Israel since its foundation in 1948. I hope these amendments are helpful!

    1. Agreed Claire, nice catch! We took your edit, thank you.

  2. Two weeks after I born in May 14 , 1965 , I was given the name Joram Agambila Nyaaba. I have never head of anyone bearing the name Joram .
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