Shi Huang Ti is also known as Shi Huangdi or Qin Shi Huang and is considered the founder the Tsin or Qin dynasty. Shi Huang Ti birth name was Zhao Zheng or Chao Cheng. He changed his name after he became an emperor to Shi Huang Ti. The name means “first sovereign emperor of China.” The Tsin or Qin dynasty was established around 246 B.C. that is where it appears on the Bible Timeline Chart with world history. Shi Huang Ti became the first ruler of China.
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Historians and scholars regard the Tsin as the first Imperial Dynasty in Chinese history. Shi Huang Ti was the son of Chuang Hsiang. His mother who was a concubine of a rich merchant. The merchant’s name was Lu Pu-wei, and he used his financial skills to get Chuang Hsiang placed on the throne of Ch’in. Apparently Chuang Hsiang had a relationship with Lu Pu-wei’s concubine. Lu Pu-wei used this situation to gain access to the throne of Ch’in.
After Chuang Hsiang time had passed Shi Huang Ti took his place as ruler. Once he took over the kingdom everything was set up for him to take over the rest of China. He established the Qin Dynasty, which is known as the first Imperial Dynasty in Chinese history. When Shi Huang Ti was 13, he became emperor and one of the first things that he did while he ruled China was to eliminate all of his rivals to his throne. Once the competition had been eliminated, he strengthened his political and military power. The state of Ch’in was located in the central region of China. This position allowed Emperor Shi Huang Ti to develop a strong bureaucracy and an effective administration backed by a strong army.
Huang Ti then used his armies to enforce a totalitarian empire. Lu Pu-Wei controlled the emperor when he first took office, but he was eventually expelled from the state when the emperor came of age. He then began to send his armies out on missions of conquest and dominance. Shi Huang Ti also made it impossible for new states to arise by setting up an extensive administration that controlled every province within his kingdom. He also had a vast network of spies, informants and loyal subjects who were capable of revealing most plots that were created his empire.
However, even with such an extensive network of secret agents and informants Emperor Shi Huang Ti came very close to being assassinated at least three times during his rule. Wealthy people who lived in Chi’in were forced to live in the capital, and the emperor divided the country into 36 military districts. He did away with territorial and feudal systems that were in the land. Through his efforts, it was almost impossible for any person to challenge his power for many years. He also standardized the language, writing, and economic systems within his empire. Huang Ti’s efforts helped to organize China into a powerful empire that would rival those in the West.
Emperor Shi Huang Ti probably could have been a world conqueror if he had the desire to expand his armies outside of Asia. Like so many other powerful Asian rulers throughout history, Shi Huang Ti focused on conquering kingdoms and territories that were located near his empire. The emperor finally died in 210 B.C. while he was on an inspection tour of his country. He had established the Qin or Tsin Dynasty into one of the most important in all of the nation’s history. Shi Huang Ti will forever be remembered by the Chinese people for this contribution.