According to the Greek Myth, the famous Trojan War took place in Troy. So, what sparked the war? It was caused by the Greeks or the Achaeans when Paris who lived in Troy had taken Helen away from Menelaus who was her husband and also Sparta’s King. The Trojan War is probably the most significant event that ever occurred in Greek Myth. Its story has been narrated in various ways in a lot of Greek literary works such as “Iliad and Odyssey” by Homer, which contained fragments of the actual war. It is placed on the Biblical Timeline with World History at 1184 BC
Trojan War Around 1184 BC: Truth or Legend?
1184 BC sparked the beginning of the Trojan War. During this phase, the Greeks departed in various ships and left behind an enormous wooden horse that was a form of victory offering. The truth is that it was actually heaved within Troy’s walls, and the Greek soldiers would then come down from the belly of the horse after dark just to slay each and every guard. That way, they were able to successfully destroy the city.
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Throughout the generations, a lot of questions about the war have been commonly asked. Did it really happen? Was it really during the 1184 BC? The answer to the first question would be a yes based on various archaeological evidence. According to studies, it didn’t really happen during the traditional date that’s told, but rather just around the 1200 BC. Where? The answer would be Asia Minor.
So, there is actually a conflict of info between the works of Homer about the Trojan War legends and the various archaeological studies conducted. However, it can’t just be a truly made up story. The said war and the folklores it comes with are firm parts of the Western Culture, especially in language enrichment.
Significant Details about the Trojan War
The war lasted for over 10 consecutive years until such time that the Greeks were able to send the wooden horse loaded with soldiers who were aimed to bring destruction to the city of Troy. Achilles, who was one of the major characters to have fought in the said war, was speared through his heel to death. Due to the invasion of the Greek soldiers, all the major structures within Troy were totally burnt. In the end, Troy lost the battle that seems to be pretty tragic if you really think about it.
Now, why did Paris have to take away Helen from Menelaus, the King of Sparta? As you may know, Paris is actually one of the gods in the said legend. The main reason Helen had been such a big interest to him was the goddess beauty that she had possessed. Aphrodite whom Paris sent along with the soldiers was actually the one who did the abduction for him.
Menelaus’s Broken Vow
Due to Menelaus’s love for Helen, he had made a vow to do whatever it took to rescue Helen. With the help of his brother, Agamemnon, he was able to win the companionship of the Achaean soldiers towards the retrieval of Helen. There are actually different versions about how it ended. There’s one where Menelaus ended it all by killing Helen. On the other hand, there was a version where he dies and reunites with his beloved Helen in a so-called “Island of the Blessed.”
I want to know more about this. Homer claims the gods took part in the squirimish. Soooo… if the gods were still active in 1189 bc and took parts in the affairs of men it may mean that they people were far more advanced in 1189 BC than we give them credit for in our modernday arrogance.
i believe it is true
“As you may know, Paris is actually one of the gods in the said legend.” – Really? How so? Maybe ~7generations back…not sure that really counts.. GW
Who from Ismanus aided the Trojans in the war?
Do you mean Ismenus? And is the right answer
I’m better at Bible history. If anyone knows please reply, thanks.
Good article, although Paris was not a god in the story; he was a Prince of Troy, son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, brother of Hector and Cassandra. At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis (parents of Achilles), Paris was asked to choose between Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite and say which was the fairest. In return for choosing Aphrodite, he was promised the most beautiful woman in the world–Helen, daughter of Zeus, who possessed supernatural beauty. So, Paris was associated with the gods and had dealings with them, but he himself was not a god.
Can anyone tell me how the Iliad inspired Alexander the Great. I’m thinking the Iliad didn’t but I know achillies did because he wanted to be exactly like him. But he had to read the Iliad to be inspired in the first place
If you believe in this nonsense you have too much time on your hands. There were no gods or demigods. Only soldiers, slaves and wealthy people. Kings were kings because they could fight well and survive but many were infected with all kinds of STDs. There was no Ambrosia, no centaurs, no minotaurs and no dinosaurs. People were smelly, dirty and defecated and urinated where ever they wanted. It was not a good time to be alive. There was nothing romantic about this time in history. There are no UFOs or extra-terrestrials either.
You are right..what is real is real np hidden mystery
There’s Only one God..and that devine been don’t dwell on earth anymore just the essence