The Bible directly refers to Egypt as the Land of Ham. The word Ham is believed to come from the word Khawm which means “black, hot, and burnt” in Hebrew and chamam, also a Hebrew word for “to be hot”.
Ham is the youngest of Noah’s three sons along with Japheth and Shem. Ham himself has four sons, namely: Cush (Ethiopia), Mizraim (Egypt), Put (Libya), and lastly, Canaan (Canaanites are believed to be the first people in Israel). The Bible stated that Ham and his sons, and their soon-to-be descendants lived and became the forefathers of the African continent and the Middle East.

Known as distant travellers and explorers, Ham and his family had discovered and extended their horizon in various unfamiliar countries. It has been said that whatsoever country the children of Ham happened to occupy, there began the ignorance of true godliness.
What does the Bible tell about Nations of Ham?
- Genesis 5:32. The name Ham was first mentioned in the Bible as one of Noah’s three sons.
- Genesis 9:18. Ham as the father of Canaan.
- Psalms 105:23, 78:51, 1Ch 4:40. Egypt referred to as the land of Ham.
- Genesis 10:6. The four sons of Ham.
- Genesis 9:20-27. The curse of Noah on Ham’s youngest son, Canaan after Ham “saw the nakedness of his father” and told his two brothers about it.
The Curse of Ham in Present Times
The Curse of Ham was used by some sectors to rationalize racism and slavery of Black African, who are believed to have descended from Ham. They were branded as Hamites whose forefathers are believed to be Canaan or his older brothers. This has changed in the 21st century.
I was curious when i l saw the name Shemaka in old Persia. Is that where Shem settled near Arrarat?
From what I have read through studying the scriptures that Persia is Shems son Elam
I agree that Persia came from the bloodlines of Shem’s sons ELAM and Arphaxad- EBER and Joktan, Arabic Saudi Arabia.
As a Christian we must be careful not to curse others
are you telling God to be a christian so that not to curse.
Reading comprehension is a must when reading a sentence.
It wasn’t God who cursed Ham. It was Noah.
Hello friend Noah curses Canaan not Ham
Noah is a prophet! Noah’s curse is Gods curse!
So was Jacob when he pronounced his curse upon Levi and Simeon, but that Curse to Levi became a blessing, Jacob curse was for them to have no Inheritance, indeed they both had no Inheritance but to Levi his portion was the Lord because of the act he did at Mt. Sinai, not worshipping the calf. And Christ himself took the curse of the cross that we may be blessed yet we count him not as cursed
Ham was not cursed Cannan was cursed it also was a curse brought upon him for stealing shems land inheritance
.Ham was not cursed, it was his son Canaan
I think she’s saying in my humble opinion that we need to be careful what we say out of angry and hurt. Words are very powerful and can change someone’s whole being
Ham was never cursed but his son Canaan.
Genesis 9:25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Jesus CHRIST is God whom came down to earth in the flesh, the ian in Christian means God with us, Jesus of Nazareth.
Ham slept with his fathers wife, that’s why he was cursed. It really makes no sense to curse your son because he saw you naked. The Catholics (general or broadly accepted. NB: as against the Narrow path we were told to follow), did edit the Bible and brought about all this misinterpretations
Which bible is the original bible that has not been polluted by the Catholic system?
I cannot answer your question, rather I would like to recommend an excellent study Bible from 1917, the Old Scofield Study Bible. The bible explains itself. Mr Scofield provides excellent understanding of Gods Word. God bless
Please do some digging on Cyrus Scofield and his heretical doctrines. Partnering up with Darby and bringing about new doctrines that polluted the Word, and have led Christians astray. Dispensationalism, tribulations, and Zionism did not exist until these two knuckleheads came along. Charles Spurgeon chastised Scofield as well.
hams younger son canaan saw his grand father naked, Ham is the second son of noah, it is impossible to say it was Ham who was cursed, and cod dealt with cannan when the children of israel went to take over canaan.
True Christian theologians who believe the zBible contrary to the false catholic church, accept that Noah was emasculated. Had Ham covered his father, he wouldn’t have been cursed. Rather, he chose to add to his father’s shame by revealing his shame to his 2 brothers. The catholic church wouldn’t be right if they said the sky was red and one could see that it was.
I thought Ham saw his father drunk naked while asleep and joked about it to his brothers. As a result Noah cursed Ham’s son caanan.
Now i understand why Dr Ryan Cook said, reading the Bible in translation is like kissing the Bride on the veil, it’s not intimate enough.
Uncovering father’s Nakedness is a figure of speech meaning, sleeping with His mother. One example is below:
Leviticus 18:7 (NET)
You must not expose your father’s nakedness by having sexual intercourse with your mother. She is your mother; you must not have intercourse with her.
No he did not really Cannan was the one who saw Noah naked first and went unto his father ham and told him and people don’t know that ham tried to do a surgery on Noah in his sleep so he could not beget any more children the this is in other hidden scriptures
Do not add to scripture. No where does it say that and why does no one mention Cains Mark nor Gehazi gaining Cains Mark at 2 Kings 5:27
Gehazis curse is to be
“white” as a leper forever
along with his seed…
I have never heard of the thirty nations before, never ever. Yet I had a dream and looked it up and found it on this web site. At 9am.
When I was a boy some people who would talk to me about god and his son, would have facial features contort and look like demons with long pointy noses and ears .
I was confused most of my life and beloved god and didn’t understand Jesus.
Recently I have become fully aware of Jesus and fully understand the old testimate is the prophecy of Jesus to come or the foundation.
The New Testament reveals the project fofiled one thousand years later!
It was 70 Nations and became 72 with Esau and Jacob Abraham is 30 of those Nations by himself this is in scriptures that they kept hidden from us
Where does it does the Bible say Hams descendants settled in Africa and the East?
The lands that are named after their names show you where they have settled. Sometimes you need to read between the lines to understand.
Ham had 4 sons, Mizraim (Egypt), Phut (Lybians), Cush (Ethiopians) and Canaan (Original inhabitants of the land that we call Israel today)
People easily get confused today when they look at Egyptians for example. Egyptians are mostly of a mixed race today like all 3 countries of the sons of Ham. The reason why these countries now have mixed race populations is because Alexander the Greek, after conquering a nation or country, he would flood that country with his own people, the Romans in order to force down intermingling of races. Hence the mixed races that you see today.
But the original inhabitants of these four countries are Black people. We still have them today in those countries.
Even back in Biblical times, the descendants of the 3 sons of Noah, intermingled with each other. Plus, the Kings and Pharaohs would have many wives and concubines. Some of the wives would come from foreign royalty in foreign lands, to bind treaties of the powerful nations at that time. Egypt was a major trading center. Ordinary people also mingled together.
Excerpt from the Australian Navy report on ancient ships in Egypt,, Inter-regional trade did occur during the Egyptian Predynastic period if not before. The presence of Syrian pottery, imported stone tools and metals, and the remains of Lebanese cedar confirm the existence of maritime trade links between Egyptian and Syrian communities. However, the earliest depictions of seagoing ships that provide information on Ancient Egyptian ship technologies are dated to the beginning of the 5th Dynasty during the Old Kingdom, c. 2500 BCE. Fragmentary reliefs from King Sahura’s Temple depict a fleet of seagoing ships returning from an expedition, while the number of Syrians onboard suggests the ships had sailed the Mediterranean to Byblos or some other destination in Syria. There were at least four ships in the fleet and each ship was crewed by approximately 20 people made up of Egyptians, Syrians and perhaps other maritime peoples.
So, there was much race mixing even in biblical times. Remember when a tribe conquered another tribe, they took the strong men and women as slaves. Anyone else that was weak was killed. So the sex may have been consensual or not.
Example: The Jewish King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. The wives were described as foreign princesses, including Pharaoh’s daughter and women of Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon and of the Hittites.
Kings 11:18-20 18They arose from Midian and came to Paran; and they took men with them from Paran and came to Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, who gave him a house and assigned him food and gave him land.
Pharaoh Amenhotep III is known to have married several foreign princesses as part of treaties which balanced power between nations.:
• Gilukhepa, the daughter of Shuttarna II of Mitanni, in the tenth year of his reign.
• Tadukhepa, the daughter of his ally Tushratta of Mitanni, Around Year 36 of his reign
• A daughter of Kurigalzu, king of Babylon.
• A daughter of Kadashman-Enlil, king of Babylon.
• A daughter of Tarhundaradu, ruler of Arzawa.
• A daughter of the ruler of Ammia (in modern Syria).
But does that mean all blacks are from cush mezrian puth and Canaan? All those you mentioned in relation to intermarriage are from middle east.
Where is the so-called middle East? Africa. The name Middle East is a modern term. Look it up. In ancient times Isreal, Egypt and Middle East were all a part of one continent. If you take the time to study real history you will be amazed at all the lies that the gate keepers have told. The truth will come to light!
No because many of Shem were mixed day 1 since Nimrod a Hamite was the ruler of Shem lands.
This Nimrod, the “mighty hunter before YHWH” is never mentioned elsewhere in the Bible.[5] The anecdote then shifts from describing Nimrod as hunter to king.
Kushite Nimrod’s Kingdom Begins in Southern Mesopotamia
Verse 10 describes Nimrod establishing his kingdom in southern Mesopotamia:
בראשית י:י וַתְּהִי רֵאשִׁית מַמְלַכְתּוֹ בָּבֶל וְאֶרֶךְ וְאַכַּד וְכַלְנֵה בְּאֶרֶץ שִׁנְעָר. Gen 10:10 The beginning of his kingdom was Babylon and Erech and Accad and Calneh in the land of Shinʿar.
The land of Shinʿar is mentioned seven other times in the Bible. In Genesis, the tower of Babel was built in “a valley in the land of Shinʿar” (Gen 11:2), and Shinʿar is the home of King Amraphel in Genesis 14:1, 9. The name Shinʿar refers to southern Mesopotamia, more or less equivalent to the Mesopotamian “Sumer and Akkad,”[6] in which (almost) all the cities listed are found.
Babylon is the capital of the empire which would eventually destroy Judah; it is in southern Mesopotamia.
The curse of Ham is on Canaan his son….so it is also on Ham. The curse also states that Japheth will dwell in the tents of Shem…which is what you just described as the mixing.
Good read.
Wow thank you for breaking that down. You brought so much clarity to me. So if im understanding this right. Egyptians were also Israelites but they were inslaving another tribe who were Israelites. Moses came into free them from the Israelites who lost site of God. Which is why they were believing in which craft and what not.
Uhm no the flood happened before Jacob was born and Jacob who is Israel aka father of the Israelites is the descendant of Shem. So No and God made his covenant with Abraham who was a descendant of Shem so that is why no other nations are included.
God told Abram he would be the Father of MANY Nations, (Genesis 17) and the name Ham was added to his name renaming him Abraham, God knew Abram’s seed would intermingled with Ham’s descendants and Japheth’s descendants.
The Egyptians and Israelites are two different people. The Israelites were enslaved after Joseph died because the new Pharoah didn’t know Joseph and he was scared that the Israel would take over and mistreat his people.
I have long had the view that the people of the world came from three common ancestors, the sons of Noah. Shem Ham and Japhet. Ham the black negroid race and occupied the continent of Africa with remnants in the pacific called melenesians. Shem the mongoloid race and occupy the continent of Asia. Japhet the caucasoid race occupies the continent of Europe. Without the Asians and Europeans, the world would not be the one it is today.
The original egyptians and cananites were black. The descendants of Shem pushed them to the continent of africa and further south. Arabs are descendants of mixed marriages of the descendants of the 3 sons of Noah.
3500 years ago the chinese built the great wall of China.Europeans came up with inventions.
It was only 400 years ago, when people of all races migrated everywhere.
For black nations to progress in civilisation, the mongoloid and caucasoid races must be present in key areas and live side by side with them.
The Egyptians were the descendants of Ham, not the Israelites. The Israelites were named after Jacob when God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. Jacob was the son of Issac, the son of Abraham.
I became curious about this because of this verse..
“And destroyed all the firstborn in Egypt, The first of their strength in the tents of Ham.”
Psalms 78:51 NKJV
In this passage of scripture we see God being upset by the same people he had delivered from slavery turning away from him so soon to graven images.. Then refers the act as tgat of their forefathers.. [who’d be “the forefathers”] ofcourse not Abraham not Isaac not Jacob not Noah? I believe the fathers before Noah or between Noah & call of Abraham,.. What do you think brethren?
I believe it’s in the book of jubilees where it talks about Ham’s descendants are in the south where it is hot
Japheth descendants are in the North where it is cold
And shem it’s in the center of the Earth where it is neither hot Nor cold but blended this is scripture
interesting data
This article has cleared my doubt. I can see reasons to why things are the way they are now.
Reasons for boundaries, continents, races and developmental growths in the world.
Thank God for those who take the time to research Old Testament history that we might know the truth. When you know the truth, the truth will make you free.
Does it mean that blacks in africa fall in the same curse
No. Out of 4 sons of Ham, Canaan was cursed not Cush, Mizraim or Phut
Every curse has an expiry date. Accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and persnal saviour free u of any curse because he has nailed it on the cross of calvary over 2000 yrs ago
Its great that all or seeking out more truth. Now why don’t you take it all the way. The words you use are pagan the religion you claim is also. Look up the word God and see who it was given to first . Also the name Jesus is not the Son name and has No power. Its a lot that we have been told that was not true. The blacks in the European nations are from Sham we are the lost tribe.
Please continue to Read also, about pagans, and Read more about sham and descendants
And it would also mean Jesus would be cursed and we know that would not be the case. Jesus had a ancestor by the name of Rahab who was a Canaanite. (Matthew 1:5) and Canaan was Ham’s seed.
Ruth, the Moabite, married Boaz too. This is about heart condition though – not complexion.
Yes. I am glad that someone knows that God made all of us equally and it has never been about color until man brought it up which is a tool of Satan to divide and conquer.
“Cursed is The One who hangs on a tree.”
(Deuteronomy 21:22-23; Galatians 3:13)
“No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him.”
(Revelation 22:3)
Thank you. Many people look for comfort in a curse being on someone else and not them. BUT JESUS DIED FOR ALL OF US TO LIVE AND NOT DIE AND NO LONGWR BE UNDER THE CURSE OF THIS WORLD.
The scripture Genesis 9:18-29 tells where Ham told his brothers of seeing their father naked. It goes on to say: “Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his son had done to him.” He cursed Canaan (his grandson) for whatever it was his son, Ham had done! When you realize that the land of Canaan was the land God gave to Israel, I get confused by all of this!
Why did Canaan get the curse if Ham was the one who “did something” to Noah? Why did Noah curse Canaan when this was the promised land of Israel?
I have exactly the same question, could anyone explain this please I am so curious.
Yes, to uncover ones nakedness implies a sexual act. “What Ham had done to him.” This was more than just seeing. Thus the severity of the curse.
Genesis 9:22 Ham, the father of Canaan saw his father’s nakedness. The word saw in the Hebrew language is RAW-aw and it means to enjoy or have experience. I believe it indicates a sexual act.
Leviticus 18:6-19 in the KJ version reads: None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to uncover their nakedness. Thus the
Severity of the punishment. I also believe that the curse covered Ham and all his four sons. Canaan is the four and last son. It is possible that Ham and the four sons were involved in whatever happened.
We must be careful about inferring what is not in the Bible. Some people may take it as truth. Revelation tells us not to add or subtract from God’s word. If He didn’t say it then we should not say it. We would place ourselves in danger as scripture states. Many are mislead because we try to think like God and the Bible tells us that His thoughts are higher than ours. Also, we must study the root of the words in order to understand it. Many words don’t have the same meaning as ours.
It is possible that Canaan himself had been involved directly in the incident and that his father ham had failed to correct him.Or Noah,speaking prophetically by inspiration,foresaw that the bad tendency in Ham,perhaps already manifest in his son Canaan,would be inherited by Canaan’s offspring. The curse was partly fulfilled when the Semitic Israelite’s subjugated the Canaanites. Those who were not destroyed (for example, the Gibeonites (Jos 9) were made slaves to Israel. Centuries later, the curse was further fulfilled when descendants of the Japhetic world powers of Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
The book of Jubilee is not an authentic book of the Bible. Jesus never recognized such a book. One cannot get truth from a lie. Remember, in the history of man, many lies have been propagated to support prejudices and to cover the evils done to blacks for wealth and to lay the foundation to continue exploiting them. Finally, translations of the scripture were at the prejudices of the translators. If they held negative views of the subject, they were free to slant as they saw fit. We are just now learning the true nature of the damage white men have done to distort African History. Hiding that science, art, commerce started first in Africa among Africans. Because Africa is a wealthy nation in natural resources, greedy white men would destroy the entire civilization and then make up lies to cover their tracks.
Every one was cursed under Adam. God is of no respect of person, but just to all who call on him. No man can claim righteousness, if they could Jesus would not have had to come and redeem us with his blood. No man can claim moral high ground but Jesus Christ. Thank God for Jesus. It is He who has saved the human race. God gave us all talent, skill, and the ability to call on him. We need to repent of how we think of ourselves as better than others based on nothing but pride and arrogance. Most of the inventions in existence were created by those who wanted to make their work easier. Workers, black, white, red, or yellow. But workers are never rewarded for their invention. Guess who always get that benefit. You got, those at the top of chain. Let’s turn to Jesus and not to lies and fables. The real truth is God was us to strive to love Him and our fellow man. We can do that only by the love of God. Neither Ham, Sham, nor Jephath will spend eternity with God without loving one another other. Love you can see. God so loved the world he gave us Jesus.
Prophecy is at the root of Noah’s curse. I believe, Noah saw into the future, by the Spirit and cursed the people, the Canaanites who would be wicked and idolatrous not yet born. Everyone who ever lived in Canaan in Canaan were not evil. Do you remember a wonderful high priest, Melchisedec, a type of Christ was call a canaanite and was priest of Jerusalem long before the time the cures was fulfilled. And a another point God said of that same people, “their sins had not reached a ripe point to bring destruction on it.” God does not arbitrarily destroy people or hate people for something as trite as the color of their skin. The whole nation must have violated agregious fundermendal principles for him to do that. God is gracious, merciful, forgiving, and long-suffering. If he were not so neither you nor I would be alive today because of the sins we have committed.
Let us not be quick to destroy other when, we ourselves are ready for the chopping block, but for the mercy of God.
Noah curse Canaan because he could not curse Ham directly,because they all(Noah and his 3 sons) were blesed by God when they came out of the Arch
When the Bible says he uncovered his father’s nakedness the book of Deuteronomy explains that means he slept with his father’s wife. Could have been a step mom. Canaan was the child of that illicit pairing
That is wrong teaching sir,
The Bible said he saw and not uncovered.
Secondly, if Ham has slept with his step mother, how come Japheth and Shem went backward to cover their father. Check the text used when the daughter’s of Lot slept with their father and see if they are the same.
What Ham saw was his father’s nakedness and made fun of it to his brothers.
Chris, Fred is correct. If you will read Leviticus 18, this phrase is used several times. Uncover the nakedness has to do with sexual relations with a spouse. Ham had a sexual relationship with his mother therefore the offspring of that illicit act was cursed. Please consult the use of Hebrew idioms. Blessings.
I believe you would have to find out what “saw the nakedness of his father “ means from the original language. I was told it had something to do with Ham sleeping with someone in Noah’s household, I’m sure it wasn’t his mother, but it could have been one of his brothers descendants, find out who Canaan’s mother was. Ham was a married man, maybe Ham committed adultery and Canaan was the result. Maybe the brothers kept it a secret “covered it up” . But the important thing is God didn’t curse Canaan, Noah did, I have never heard that God was in agreement or rebuke him for saying it. Plus Noah said Canaan would be a servant of servants , not the seed of Canaan.
Noah could not curse what God had already blessed..hope this helps
Hey guys, *nakedness in scripture means TRUTH*, Christ cursed the figtree for *covering up TRUTH!!!*
No it does not!!! To uncover your fathers’ nakedness means to sleep with his concubines making his seed line yours instead. Also Christ cursed the fig tree because- NOT bearing fruit is a sin, for people its (spiritual fruit). Fruit Trees that don’t bear food were just taking up ground.
Okay, so what does the Bible mean by the brothers walking backwords so as noto see his nakedness and covering up Noah’s nakedness?
Canaan was curse cause he was the son produced by Ham uncovering Noah’s nakedness, he put his seed in the woman that Noah was to but Noah got drunk that night. That is a sin that has curses tied to it. So Ham was cursed too.
Wrong. Ham did not uncover his father’s nakedness. The Bible says Noah was drunk and uncovered in his tent then Ham came in and saw his father’s nakedness.
Canaan was squatting,the land wasn’t really his. He refused to go to the land that was allocated to his father.
Diana, thanks for this response. It clearer now to me.
Really encouraging & edifying historical theological content,good for your effort.
Ham is the father of all the black people on the earth.Shem the father of the semites ( Jews and Arabs) while Japheth is the Father off all the blonde haired European nations (Russia ,east Germany etc)….who was the father of the Hindu, Japanese, Chinese Eskimos and all the nations ending in …stan ( Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan,tukmenistan etc)
your question is very important
in truth many explanations and conceptions we are giving to the biblical personage and landscapes are not carying the exact data of some human historical facts.
many of us we are searching the scrptures with today landscaprs image or illusion .
bible a selection of some 66books and they rejected many books too called apocryphal manuscript .
somehow there a rewritting involvement of human history.
Ham IS NOT the father of ALL the black people of the earth. Ham IS the father of the black races, EXCEPT the Negroes. Blacks of Southwestern and Western Africa were the tribes of Jacobs sons. Different from Ham’s decenendents, who were eastern africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, northern Africa as well). Please Read again all chapter 10. Japhet nation’s are isles of the sea (all Europe); Ham is North to Northeastern Africa and Shem is West and Southwest Africa. Shem’s son Ashur, which means black, (he was black). Elam is the father of Elomites, who are black. Shems decendents were discribed as “Ruddy” which means Redish Brown or Brown complexion. When Moses was at the well, everyone thought he was Egyption; the children of Shem looked so much like Egypt that they couldn’t be told apart. So they were both a black race.
I can’t seem to find proof of anything you have mentioned here.
Why would God have favorite peoples, like Israel over Egypt?
Surely it is the political structure of Egypt that was a problem for the Israelites, not all Egyptians. Didn’t God create all of us ?
God had to have a covenant people to bring the Messiah into the world who was going to die for the whole world!
My belief is the creator choose pure and untainted blood to bring our savior into the world. As it happened through one particular people. It was his way which is perfect. The important thing was the pure blood. Not one people over another.
That’s a wrong believe, it’s not scriptural. If they were of pure blood there wouldn’t be a need for Jesus to be conceived by the Holy Spirit. It was precisely because they were unclean through the seed of Adam that Joseph couldn’t be the biological father of Jesus.
Let draw this line, if Noah had three sons then the world was divided into three. Secondly what did Noah meant when he his sons these names because a name means a lot in helping us knowing our history. Do not be fooled God does thing to confuse people. How did they slept according to the Bible. These are some of clue to you and me.all names in the Bible had purpose even up to date.
Everyone is spending to much time on what is right or wrong with Noah and his sons. Everyone needs to read the book of Enoch and they would really get an eye opener. There was other forces and being on this planet at work during their time, such as giants created by fallen angels matting with humans. David killed Goliath and his brothers. Also, if everyone would do more research they would realize that Israel is the center of the earth. This is where the Garden of Eden had 4 rivers flowing from it, one going north, one south, one east and one west. Read Genesis 2:10-14. Not only that when God created Adam the Israelites did not exists. The point is when we are in born again, we are all one in Christ. There is no color or race. We all come from the same place Heaven, created by the Father. We have the Holy Spirit living within us and we are to live the kingdom life as Jesus does. We are to be like Him. God Bless you, Shalom
Still I can’t understand why there are differences between the negroid blacks and cush or Canaan?
I am a decendant of pwnt and In Tanzania we learn our history the old method, basically if we use the modern urban analogy Kush (Cush) are light skinned blacks with less carbon atoms than negroid who were blacker or we can correctly saw they had the darkest shade of brown
May the immutable creative force force of love bless you
Diana thank you, you cleared one of my unanswered questions
How did the ham get to reside in kaduna state in Nigeria
The father of Chinese Japanese and others is Abraham and his 3rd wife keturah
Much of this is speculation, but Mizraim did not have the most powerful empire of these sons. Cush’s son Nimrod came close to having a one world government. Although Cush is based near Ethiopia and straddled out to Yemen, Babel was more centrally located, especially considering the trade routes to India, Indies, Australia and the Pacific. This prefigures the British Empire, but somehow they figured out the technology to extend like this. In addition to trade and conquest, those of Shem and Japheth were involved in the empire, and there seems to be contact with the ancient Sin, Han, or Dzong culture as well as the nomads who fled from him eastward, so every language group was represented. Based on this supposition, this was an impressive empire.
But why did Jesus fake his death, let his brother take his place on the cross and move to Japan to be a rice farmer?
Where did you get this nonsense?
Cursed or no curse, I am still alive and i have the power to change that. All it means is we are all descendant from Noah and his 3 children and they were blessed by God. So i am blessed as well. (Rom 8:38-39)
There were Was the mighty warriors The Nephlim they where on the earth before and after Noahic flood , plus another haplogroupA DNA , group could of been the Black kings from the Land of Nod , Noddy was told did mean Black Royalty or Black king from nod , being a Noddy O was named Noddy Alan Hamer my original Achient PreAdamite goes back to the 3rd mentioned land Ethiopia they do have all 88 books the worlds oldest bible , before the Ham Black King James and his Bible
how can i order from Australia. you don’t recognise as a country.
Please send information how to order.
Hi Leonard – We used to ship to Australia, but have paused in doing so. We are U.S. based and the cost to ship the large 3 ft. tube the tool is rolled into is so expensive at this point. We apologize.
I agree. She could have been his mother. There have been times children born to parents of close blood would have mental impairments. Thus, the curse. No sane person would curse his lineage.
The son introduced physical and or mental deficiency into his lineage. I believe Noah was explaining the consequence of his
son’s behavior. Ham uncovered his father’s nakedness which would result in offspring that would be weak in some aspect, causing Japeth and Shem to have an edge over them. This led to Canaan enslavement.
The Holy Spirit, which will lead and guide you to all truth. The Lord that created all will let you know what is real, what has been altered, what to take heed to and what not. You must be filled with His Spirit to partake in the inheritance, the fullness of God
There is something we should all know. God said let’s create human being in our own image and likeness. No master will reason something with his servant. That means God was not talking to his angels but with other gods. He kept telling the Israelites to worship no other god except him, which means there are other powerful gods existing who are being worshiped by other people. If Cain would go away and found wife it means there were other people created elsewhere maybe by other gods. So in my opinion let’s not limit all race to only the 3 sons of Noah.
Hi Phara, yes there were but they were Cain’s siblings. The answer is in the timelines. Remember in those times these guys lived to 900 and somethings years. Also, keep in mind the Bible has a tendency of omiting the names of women due to the hebrew culture,only few prominent women are mentioned in the Bible. okay, so Genesis 5:16-17 talks about Cain going to Nod and his wife giving birth. We are not told at what age cain killed Abel; remember Yahweh already warned cain about his jealousy at 4:7.It could be that Cain already wifed one of his sisters before his jealousy finally took hold of him and killing Abel, Or many years later after his sisters were old enough to be wifed, And in chapter 5:3-5 we do learn that Adam had daughters too ,and the guy lived for 930 years. What about his son Cain?
You might wonder who then was cain refering to when he told God that those who see him will kim?
Well,who else would know his crime if not his own family?
Also, if all who see him will kill him , then why would any woman want to be his wife? Unless she was already his wife before the fateful incident. To which we can safely say ,years of love prevailed.
Hello I am always asking myself where did Cain find his wife?
From his mother Eve
God is so displeased with the human race still trying to figure out its origins. We must also acknowledge that throughout history, through ancient history there are intentional motives from Bible Scholars to annihilate (meaning to bring to nothing) any significant references pertaining to Blackness, dark skin, Ethiopians, Pharaohs, etc. from the Word of God. One example that has historically been taught and believed is the curse of Ham and/or Cush who were Canaanites, darker skinned people. Let’s be clear, the curse that God inflicted upon the ancient people had nothing whatsoever to do with color or race. The intermarriages that occurred where God was displeased had to do with marrying foreigners due to the practices of worshipping and serving other Gods, Baal, statues etc. “Thou shall have no others Gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3 The Bible says nothing about do not marry other races. If it does, cite the scripture where it actually shows the word “race”. I’m not talking about an interpretation of what someone believes it states. I’m talking about facts. Ask this question and really reflect on the answer. What does it matter, when God has already decided that the matter is fact?
We are the human race. Another example, is where there is this universal belief that Jesus was white. Again, based on what? This only perpetuates a superiority/inferiority relationship among the human race. No one on this planet in today’s time period lived back then when Jesus was here on Earth. That being the case, this teaching/belief needs to stop. It only draws one farther from the Grace of God.
And, for those who really desire to go to Heaven, they will immediately be educated to see that there are no racial differences. Heavenly bodies shine with light and the Glory of God illuminating through them. We are all one family and were all created from one blood, and will be delivered by and through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
May The Countenance of the Lord be upon You
My question is Ham connected to the Hebrews that Moses led out of Egypt. Are they Israelites or are they the true Israelites?