The Bible provides a reliable understanding and the history of the universe. In the early chapters of Genesis, one can find events that can help co-relate science and history in a logical manner. These occurrences are recorded in these Bible Genealogy Timeline charts that are based on the Hebrew text of the book of Jesus.
Download Now (right mouse click and choose save file or save link as. Or just click, open and then use file/save)(this 8.7 MB file takes 2 minutes or less with DSL/Cable or 20 minutes with 56K dialup) | Download Now (right mouse click and choose save file or save link as. Or just click, open and then use file/save)(this 1.25 MB file takes a few seconds with DSL/cable or 3 minutes with 56K dialup.) |
You can download either or both of the FREE Genealogy of Jesus Christ e-charts.
You will need Adobe Reader to view and save these charts. It’s probably already on your computer so try it first without downloading it. If it doesn’t open, you can hit the back button to return to this page and download Adobe Reader. You can now read both the charts at leisure.
Get The Timeline
Print Bible Genealogy Timeline
You can print either chart on 8×10 photo paper suitable for framing – with your home printer or at the local photoprint shop.
(If you’d like a larger version of the timeline to print on 18×24 poster paper at your local photo or print shop contact us by email and we’ll send you the link.)
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From The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History