So, the best way to really study the Bible is treat it like you would any other text that you are going to be studying…get serious about it! In today’s busy world with lots of expectations to adhere by, it can be difficult to just sit down and read. I know, boring as it may sound but the benefits truly outweigh the bore. Here are five tips on learning to study the Bible, in other words, the precursor or the ways to get motivated!
- Pray first and ask the Lord to teach you His truth through the Holy Spirit.
- Grab a notebook and highlighters. Don’t be afraid to write in your Bible, either. Underline, circle, and dissect Scripture in a way that helps you understand.
- Grab other tools or apps that can help you understand what you are reading – many can be accessed online (concordances, study guides, Bible dictionaries, blueletterbible.org, etc.).
- Don’t just read a verse and walk away! Ask questions about that verse (the 5 w’s are a good start – who, what, when, where, why). These questions help you understand the context.
- Find a Bible study method that really works for YOU! Verse mapping could be a great way to get organized for beginners and map out your topics and goals each day and/or week.
These may seem like “no-brainers” but it’s easier to come up with excuses to not study rather than start. We hope this little bit helps get you motivated and make the process easier for you to reach your spiritual goals.