

  • Please make sure you know which they want – most will want the timeline –
  • ask “Are you calling about the timeline that’s in a big circle?”

Order Link:

Amazing Bible Timeline  Get a second one for $10 (the system automatically does the discount)

New product order link:Holy Land Maps Past and Present

Holy Land Maps Volume pricing for Holy Land Maps (the system automatically calculates the discount)
2-10 for 25% discount or $11.22 per map
11-15 for 30% discount or $10.49 per map
16+ for 40% discount or $8.98 per map

Lamination for the maps is only $5.00

Special Situations:

Adding a second Timeline to an existing order.

Confirm they only want to add one.  [If they want to order more than one additional, please explain that each additional timeline is $14.97.  The $10 off is what happens when you get two at once – the total is now $29.97 or $14.97 each.  Which is the same discount they will get if they add more than one to the order.]

Find out from Krista whether or not it has shipped

If it has already shipped,

  • Tell them they will have to pay for shipping but the timeline will be $10 plus any lamination charge
  • Take the order as usual
  • Use coupon code IFS10ship so they will get the $10 off

If it has not yet shipped –

  • tell Krista you are adding to the order
  • Place the order as usual (if overseas, you will need to put in a fake US shipping address for this to work)
  • Choose media mail as the shipping (the order will go with whatever shipping they chose.  This is just how the cart works)
  • Use coupon code IFS10noship to take off $10 for the timeline and $4.95 for the shipping

NOTES AND CAUTIONS:  The $10 off is actually a discount off of ordering two.

Do not use the coupon if they want to order more than one additional chart.

Adding Lamination to an existing order

  •  Check to see if it has shipped yet
  • If not shipped, cancel the order
  • Have them reorder
  • If it has shipped, it’s really too late.  They could gift it to someone and get the second one for $10 (plus lamination)

Christmas special with free shipping (Only for people on the list who mention they are supposed to get free shipping)  Use this link


These Articles are Written by the Publishers of The Amazing Bible Timeline with World History. Quickly See Over 6000 Years of Bible and World History Togetherbible timeline
  • Unique circular format - over 1,000 references at your fingertips on this wonderful study companion
  • Discover interesting facts - Biblical events with scripture references plotted alongside world history showcase fun chronological relationships
  • Attractive, easy to use design - People will stop to look at and talk about this beautifully laid out Jesus history timeline poster ideal for your home, office, church ...
  • Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool!

Gift yourself, your family and Bible studying friends this amazing study companion for an exciting journey of discovery.