- Please make sure you know which they want – most will want the timeline –
- ask “Are you calling about the timeline that’s in a big circle?”
Order Link:
Amazing Bible Timeline Get a second one for $10 (the system automatically does the discount)
New product order link:Holy Land Maps Past and Present
Holy Land Maps Volume pricing for Holy Land Maps (the system automatically calculates the discount)
2-10 for 25% discount or $11.22 per map
11-15 for 30% discount or $10.49 per map
16+ for 40% discount or $8.98 per map
Lamination for the maps is only $5.00
Special Situations:
Adding a second Timeline to an existing order.
Confirm they only want to add one. [If they want to order more than one additional, please explain that each additional timeline is $14.97. The $10 off is what happens when you get two at once – the total is now $29.97 or $14.97 each. Which is the same discount they will get if they add more than one to the order.]
Find out from Krista whether or not it has shipped
If it has already shipped,
- Tell them they will have to pay for shipping but the timeline will be $10 plus any lamination charge
- Take the order as usual
- Use coupon code IFS10ship so they will get the $10 off
If it has not yet shipped –
- tell Krista you are adding to the order
- Place the order as usual (if overseas, you will need to put in a fake US shipping address for this to work)
- Choose media mail as the shipping (the order will go with whatever shipping they chose. This is just how the cart works)
- Use coupon code IFS10noship to take off $10 for the timeline and $4.95 for the shipping
NOTES AND CAUTIONS: The $10 off is actually a discount off of ordering two.
Do not use the coupon if they want to order more than one additional chart.
Adding Lamination to an existing order
- Check to see if it has shipped yet
- If not shipped, cancel the order
- Have them reorder
- If it has shipped, it’s really too late. They could gift it to someone and get the second one for $10 (plus lamination)
Christmas special with free shipping (Only for people on the list who mention they are supposed to get free shipping) Use this link